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Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

A daily Music podcast featuring Tom McNeil

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Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

Bombshell Radio

A daily Music podcast featuring Tom McNeil
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Indie / Classic Rock/ Synthpop/World Music 24-7 I've been lucky to host Addictions and Other Vices Podcast for a few different Internet radio stations. Through a few acts of faith and blind courage I've started my own 24-7 Internet radio station. Added some amazing shows from Scotland, USA, Australia, Canada and the UK and it's off and running. The primary drive is to expose some great up and coming indie artists mix it up with some other music inspirations add some of my love of film and have a good time. I hope you enjoy. Love Your Indie Addictions and Other Vices Podcast is a weekly show featuring a mix of Indie,Synth Pop, and Synth Rock, alongside any other music that fits the current shows theme. Put together and hosted by Tom McNeil of the Toronto band parker Bombshell. The show features submitted material from musicians around the world. Plus selected artists and other goodies that serve to enhance the show. The audio podcast is typically an hour or more in length and come with a parental advisory warning. With over 400 episodes produced , Tom McNeil easily demonstrates his commitment to the Indie music scene and why the show is aptly named "Addictions ."Love Your Indie - I'm proud to bring you some of the best music from around the globe. Indie to me doesn't mean unsigned musicians, it's a state of independence. Artists that beat their own path. Thanks to all the musicians who sent in your tracks to the show and the ones who didn't. It's great discovering new Indie finds. A toast - love Your Indie!

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Podcast Details

Created by
Bombshell Radio
Podcast Status
Mar 30th, 2013
Latest Episode
Jul 20th, 2020
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
About 1 hour

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