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A Society and Culture podcast
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Aug 22nd, 2019
Katrina Srigley is associate professor in the Department of History at Nipissing University in North Bay, Canada. Author of the award-winning monograph Breadwinning Daughters: Young Working-Women in a Depression Era City (University of Toronto, 2010), Srigley’s scholarship forefronts women’s collective and individual e...


Jul 25th, 2019
Nally Weetaluktuk is a Montreal based Inuk from Inukjuak, Nunavik. He is the Project Manager and Producer for Nipivut. He has been working within the Montreal Inuit community since getting M.Sc. in Physics.Sara Breitkreutz is a doctoral student in Social and Cultural Analysis whose research interests include theories...


May 23rd, 2019
Shahrzad Arshadi, a Montreal-based multidisciplinary artist and human rights activist, came to Canada as a political refugee on December 24, 1983. In the past two decades, Shahrzad has ventured into different fields, such as photography, film, sound and performance, enabling her to focus on issues of memory, culture an...


May 9th, 2019
naakita feldman-kiss is a queer artist of mixed roots currently working between Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto. Her practice examines intergenerational memory, liminal identities and the importance of oral tradition. feldman-kiss’s aesthetic explorations manifest in transmedia with a focus on text-based, performative, t...


Apr 25th, 2019
Leyla Neyzi is a Turkish academician (Anthropologist, Sociologist, and Historian), who is currently a professor at Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. After graduating from Robert College of Istanbul, she studied anthropology at Stanford University, and earned her M.A. in Cultural...


Apr 11th, 2019
Dr. Kathleen Vaughan is Co-Director and Core Member of the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling and Associate Professor in the Department of Art Education at Concordia University. She is also Concordia University Research Chair in Socially Engaged Art and Public Pedagogies.Kathleen Vaughan is a visual art...


Mar 28th, 2019
Dr Marie Lavorel est titulaire d'un doctorat en muséologie, médiation, patrimoine de l'Université du Québec à Montréal et en Sciences de l'information et de la communication de l'Université d'Avignon et des pays de Vaucluse. Ses recherches portent sur la patrimonialisation des mémoires sensibles et traumatiques, l'écri...


Mar 14th, 2019
Ursula Neuerburg-Denzer, Ph.D., born in Cologne, Germany, is an Associate Professor of Theatre at Concordia University (Canada), where she teaches acting, directing, history, and dramaturgy. With a strong background in performing and directing, her research centers on the performance of extreme emotion. After a decade ...


Feb 21st, 2019
Born in Cordoba, Argentina, Carolina is an artist/writer/educator at Concordia University, Montreal in Quebec, Canada. Her current project, “Nomadic Pedagogies: Collective visuality in a school run by and for the homeless”, explores the case of School #70 Isauro Arancibia, the only known Argentine self-managed school f...


Feb 7th, 2019
Marlene Edoyan is a Montreal-based documentary filmmaker and producer. Marlene is of Armenian descent and grew up in Lebanon. With a background in Media studies, Marlene started her career as a production director and an artistic director for internationally co-produced animated films and TV series for children. With a...


Jan 22nd, 2019
The Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling co-hosted the Oral History Association Annual Meeting (http://www.oralhistory.org/) from October 10 to 14, 2018. With 140 sessions, 800 delegates, and 25 parallel research-creation projects, this was an unprecedented showcase for oral history research, and research-c...


Jun 18th, 2018
Steven High is an interdisciplinary oral and public historian with a strong interest in transnational approaches to working-class studies, forced migration, community-engaged research, oral history methodology and ethics, and Montreal. He is a founding member of COHDS. Steven led the prize-winning Montreal Life Stori...


Jun 12th, 2018
Jason Edward Lewis is a digital media artist, poet, and software designer. He founded Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media where he directs research/creation projects devising new means of creating and reading digital texts, developing systems for creative use of mobile technology, and using virtual environments to as...


Jun 4th, 2018
Shira Avni is an animation filmmaker and associate professor of film animation and cinema at Concordia University. She has been creating animated shorts with the National Film Board of Canada since 1997. Her films address questions of difference and social justice in ways that gently break down the viewer's habitual b...


May 21st, 2018
Écrivaine, peintre et chercheure, Stephane Martelly est née à Port-au-Prince. Stephane Martelly est aujourd’hui professeure affiliée en recherche-création au Département de Theâtre de l’Université Concordia. Elle travaille sur un projet intitulé: Penser et créer depuis le lieu de ce silence. Élaborations de l’oeuvre a...


May 14th, 2018
Emma Haraké is a visual artist and educator who also collaborates on curatorial projects and events. She holds a BFA from Lebanese University and is pursuing her graduate studies in Concordia University’s Art Education Department. Her research interests include autobiographical and arts-based inquiries, memory work, an...


May 3rd, 2018
Luis C. Sotelo Castro is Canada Research Chair in Oral History Performance and Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre at Concordia University. Luis is a dual national Colombian/British artist-researcher. His practice is performance-based. He creates live environments of memory in collaboration with other arti...


Apr 17th, 2018
Khadija Baker is a Montreal-based, multi-disciplinary artist of Kurdish-Syrian descent. Her installations investigate social and political themes centered on the uncertainty of home as it relates to persecution, identity, displacement, and memory. As a witness to traumatic events, unsettled feelings of home are a part ...


Apr 10th, 2018
This week's episode is a conversation with Désirée Rochat, a community worker, educator, and PhD candidate in the Department of Education at McGill University._____________________________________L'épisode de cette semaine est une conversation avec Désirée Rochat, une travailleuse sociale, éducatrice et candidate au ...


Mar 20th, 2018
This week, COHDScast features a conversation with Tim Schwab, a documentary filmmaker and an Associate Professor in Communication Studies at Concordia University. Tim's work can be seen at http://www.imaginingndg.org/, and https://vimeo.com/23631650_____________________________________Cette semaine, COHDScast dévoile...


Mar 13th, 2018
A conversation with COHDS affiliate and artist, Pohanna Pyne Feinberg, who discusses her PhD thesis project on walking as a method for artistic inquiry._____________________________________Une conversation avec Pohanna Pyne Feinberg, affiliée du CHORN et artiste, qui aborde son projet de thèse de doctorat sur la marc...


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