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Spill the tea sisters: unfiltered and unhinged with a side of Lucinda from MAFS love!

Spill the tea sisters: unfiltered and unhinged with a side of Lucinda from MAFS love!

Released Saturday, 13th April 2024
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Spill the tea sisters: unfiltered and unhinged with a side of Lucinda from MAFS love!

Spill the tea sisters: unfiltered and unhinged with a side of Lucinda from MAFS love!

Spill the tea sisters: unfiltered and unhinged with a side of Lucinda from MAFS love!

Spill the tea sisters: unfiltered and unhinged with a side of Lucinda from MAFS love!

Saturday, 13th April 2024
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Hi everyone, welcome back to another episode of Confessions of the Mindset Sisters.


We are your hosts, amy and Katie, and this is a spill the tea edition, yeah.


We forgot to do it last week. Spill the tea.


Unhinged edition. Yeah, unhinged, I like that.


I'm unhinged at the moment. Actually, I'm not, I'm hinged, but I was unhinged last week.


Yeah, we were unhinged and now we're rehinged.


Do you know, what also just cemented everything for me is like it's hilarious when you've had a really like unhinged week, yeah, and then you get to something and you come on your period and you're like it makes sense now.


Fantastic news literally all makes sense, yeah, and then you just feel like sorry for yourself but I didn't come on my period because mine was not due.


So mine, I was just literally unhinged you should have been in your real thriving area era actually at that stage well, I wasn't.


I was absolutely chaos I was, but, to be fair, it's like Easter holidays and I just feel like I don't even know.


I'm not going to make excuses for the fact that I was just a psycho and that's all there is to it.


Was anyone else like this, though? Because we've said before we started this that, honestly, everyone I've spoken to I've either had an argument with, not a full on argument, so I don't argue literally like I have had more heated conversations in the last week than I've had in the last probably five years.


Yeah, but that is what they say about a lot around mercury retrograde and it's only in the window for a short amount of time, this this time.


So it's only for a month of April, 25th of April, and obviously, when you say those things actually start kicking off, we're from the 1st of April, 25th of April, and obviously, when you say those things actually started kicking off were from the 1st of April for you.


So April, fucking fools bitch literally came in and something was not aligning for you in the old moon and stars and all that stuff it was it's been gorgeous actually since Monday.


I feel like I needed to have this like full-on almost.


Like I literally said to Scott on Sunday night, I think think I'm going to have a mental breakdown, like and I sorry I shouldn't joke about that, but like genuinely, I was like so full of anger and he actually did laugh at me last week and he was like what would the mindset sisters do?


And I looked at him and I was like well, the first step to getting out of a spiral is admitting that you're in one, and I'm telling you that I'm in one.


So what do you want from me?


Yeah, but that is actually like such a key part of it is understanding and knowing and admitting to yourself that you are spiraling.


It's just self-awareness, isn't it? Catching yourself in it?


Yeah, because then, not that I continue to listen to myself and take advice from myself, and because if I had, maybe I wouldn't have had some of the conversations.


But Mercury retrograde. One of the biggest things is like miscommunication, and me and my sister never argue and we ended up not in an argument, but she put the phone down on me because something I said she took the complete wrong way.


But then what she then said back to me was actually quite cruel.


I was like huh, and we both just and because she was feeling like I was coming at her right, so then she kind of attacked back and we both ended up feeling wounded.


But it was all down to miscommunication.


So I have really learned my lesson to not have these conversations, because I had a conversation with a friend last week as well about oh god, it's a really long story, but it's about a friend who was supposed to be coming to the wedding, then RSVP'd no, then changed her RSVP to yes, by which point like it was a bit late and whatever, and it just caused a bit of a frostiness.


I then tried to have a conversation with a different friend who was best friends with said friend and it just like immediately started again like miscommunication.


So multiple times last week that was is my microphone on?


yeah, that would be funny yes that would be so much, you retrograde sorry, I think I just off at you because I felt like mine was hanging off of me yeah, no, you're fine.


Yeah, it was a wild time and I think, coming back from the long weekend as well, I just offered you because I felt like mine was hanging off of me.


Yeah no, you're fine. Yeah, it was a wild time and I think coming back from the long weekend as well, like that four-day week.


I know that you worked four or five. Your brain just ticked over and you were like oh shit, yeah, katie worked four or five days a week.


Five-day week I worked on Good Friday and.


Easter Monday, oh God, and like Five day week.


I worked on Good Friday and Easter Monday, oh God, and like just coming back into that, plus I had had holiday the week before and it was just like.


God was Amsterdam, not last week.


No, how was that not last week?


I don't know. It feels like 50 years ago. At this point, honestly, I don't know where the time's gone and I feel like I came back in and like a bomb had just exploded.


And I feel like I came back in and like a bomb had just exploded and I just walked in and I had to like pick up the residue like on it.


That's honestly how it felt walking back into work that Tuesday.


And then, um, and then, yeah, friday got here and I can't remember what I did, but Gavin was really good actually, and he got me out the house.


That's what you need sometimes.


Yeah, yeah, he was like we need to get out, like we've had a really busy week.


So, saturday, I'm desperately trying to remember what I did on Friday now, but anyway, it doesn't matter.


Went to go see June.


You went to the didn't you go to with Mel and Megan.


You went for dinner with Mel and Megan.


No, no, that was Sunday. That was Sunday.


I don't know what I did Friday. It doesn't matter now, but Saturday we went to watch June 2.


So good, if you haven't watched it, are you into June?


well, I haven't watched it. Is it really good?


yeah, okay, but I really loved the first one as well, so I feel like it's an acquired taste if you like the first one, you'll not even try to watch the first one, but Molly's okay, so I think I'll probably go and see it this week in the cinema because she wants to do that.


Okay, it's a long old film, but it's very, very good and you've just got like your attention's got to be with it 24 7, okay, but it was, so that was a lovely date night.


It's still in the cinema then, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


I mean it's been out for like a month now, so you probably got a couple of weeks left, I reckon, okay, until it comes off, but we I then had sunday at the spa- that was it.


Oh my god, we've not caught up about that, yeah, so went to have a little spa evening afternoon and this was for my two maid of honors to say thank this.


This was my thank you to them. This how long it's taken me like eight months to give them their thank you gift for organising the hen and just everything that they did, and so that was lovely.


Oh, that's so nice.


Yeah, we had a gorgeous time. I've now signed up as a member to Nirvana just for those six times a year.


It makes sense. Gorgeous, it makes sense.


I actually tried to then book in that evening for not for that evening, but tried to book in for this week.


So I was like I actually just need to go to the spot. This was during my mental breakdown, yeah, this was during it.


So you were on there on Sunday and I was like I need, I need that in my soul.


Yeah, they don't actually have any openings until may.


So really, everyone's feeling it right.


Wow, surely that tells you.


Yeah, that's crazy.


Do you know what? It's coming up to? The summer months as well. I think people are like getting back into it because they obviously now have an outdoor pool.


Yeah, and I actually looked at the most gorgeous hotel in Newquay as well, actually, instead, which, oh my god that I just feel like my my body is craving just like sunshine.


Yeah, I need. I don't personally need sleep like that is not me.


I don't need to lie down and sleep, because I actually get really opposite reaction from that, because I feel like I have procrastinated and not done anything.


Yeah, I need a change of friggin scenery.


That's what I need. I need to go and get outdoors and and actually I'm going to Dubrovnik in a week and a half, so I'm gonna get exactly that and that's what I need.


Yeah, oh my god, I've got another update for you, actually what we've booked Japan for our honeymoon, oh my, gosh, I've got a customer going to japan today, so I talked all about that yesterday.


God no stop gorgeous weeks of june and we're doing like the mainland.


So all of the cities well, I say all of the cities, a few of the cities, which is where mount fuji is're going- to do some hikes there.


We're going to go down to either Kyoto or Osaka and then they've got like loads of surrounding islands.


Yes, I didn't know really too much about that, but they've got a place called okinawa, I think is how you pronounce it.


Yeah, and it's like their version of like it looks like maldives.


Oh, gorgeous.


Yeah, laura actually is gonna do her honeymoon also in japan.


I know I feel like it's the new place.


Yeah, everyone's going to japan we obviously looked at a safari and then like, yeah, we just thought a bit better of it for this year.


Yeah, we've left it a little bit too late and japan's much easier to organize gorgeous in like an eight week turnaround which are we crazy.


But hey, here we go yeah, yeah, perfect.


Honestly think that's gorgeous. I think the whole, the whole also, like the pink trees in japan, the streets of japan, yeah, all the blossoms blossoms are supposed to be like.


The whole thing is gorgeous yeah, it'll be a really fun time of year.


We'll be getting in just before like the rainy months of summer, and so hopefully we get some gorgeous days and they do lots of summer festivals, oh yeah, so it's just gonna be literally my customers taking off to japan right now.


How fun this is what I discussed yesterday and I was like oh my gosh, and they were telling me all about their itinerary and, yeah, amazing, how fun if any listeners have any good suggestions on Japan?


I'd love to hear. Yeah, like write us on Instagram or wherever.


I'm all up for that, but yeah, so I'm just chuffed that we've actually got something in now.


Yeah, because if we hadn't done that in June, I don't know when you would have done it.


No, I think it would have been in five, ten years.


Yeah, it really would have had to be, because we will have so much going on next year.


We've already got a holiday booked for next year for Rosie's wedding.


Yeah, so it's like before you know it ie's due on the 14th.


Oh, rosie's not due today.


Rosie's due next week.


Yeah, oh my god this week one of our friends.


She is having her first baby and she is due on sunday.


I'm like desperate for it to come early.


I cannot wait to meet this baby I know same.


I predicted the 24th, which I think is going to be quite late.




I said that. I said it was going to be.


I think she'll be early, but I predicted quite late at her baby shower but that'll be really good.


And another thing we've been really getting into at the moment is, of course, married at First Sight Australia oh, my gosh, we must talk about this.


Well, by the way, like I actually hadn't watched any of it until Amy and Gav actually said to me are you watching it?


And I've watched all of the other series, but I had got so into Dragon's Den and I'd watched Dragon's Den circa 1999.


It felt like I went so far back.


I was like I swear to God, this is going to be in black and white in a hot second, because it's like so old and I figure I'll be like 15.


Honestly Sugar.


Dragon's's den. You idiot, that's the apprentice.


I don't know any of their names, departments deborah meaden, steven bartlett, yeah, anyway, I actually um, yeah, I do.


I love sarah as well. She's just.


Sarah is actually one of my like.


I just think she's incredible because she's just such a powerhouse and also she's all about like creating community.


She's super like into being ethically correct and everything has to be.


Yeah, I just love her. I think what she stands for is amazing and I find them all quite fascinating.


But anyway, I got into Married at First Sight because I've watched I'd finished watching pretty much all of Dragon's Den and, oh my god, I literally watched about 24 episodes in about a week and a half yes gorgeous, since you went to Amsterdam that's all I did.


Yeah, I watched all of them. Give any spoilers, sorry, this is just a highlight that there are going to be spoilers of Married at First Sight, but they have paired her up with Timothy, who is a really, you know, sad and pretty damaged soul.


You know, he's had a lot of death in his life, which is just tragic.


His both of his parents have passed away.


His brother passed away at the same time as his mum and then, to just put the knife in and twist it even more, his dad on his deathbed said that he didn't like him as a person that's crazy.


I hate that like that, that's that that will do something to your soul, a hundred percent, that will cut you deep and anyway it's as if, like the universe really has led lucinda to timothy, maybe not for romantic reasons, but absolutely is like a guide, a coach, a something, a bff, like honestly she's, do we think?


it's romantic.


I it not at the moment. It's not.


No, they both openly said that, but I don't know, but do we think it ever will be?


I mean, can you see?


that I personally said to Gavin last like I was like I don't think it's ever gonna go that direction.


I really want it to, but I just don't think it will either.


I think if, if he is honest about it, he just doesn't fancy her, I think is this he loves her as a person and as a human and as a soul, and like I think that they're going to be literally the best of friends for the rest of their life.


I don't doubt that for a second. But you, you would know by now, they've been in that experiment for like seven weeks.


Yeah, he doesn't even want to kiss her.


No, it's so true you just know.


Yeah, it's so true, yeah, yeah.


I hate that, though, because I've literally rooted for them but I know I do hope it happens.


I really do hope.


No, but I think you're right. Sorry, you just shattered my soul for a second yes sorry, sorry, everybody.


You are correct. I have been thinking it for so long.


I've been hoping and praying, but she is incredible.


She is like she's so gifted, she's like a golden orb, basically, and she just has the most amazing way of speaking to people and you.


She's super spiritual. I think she even spoke about manifestation, didn't she?


Yeah, and she, he actually said I don't want some crystal wearing or whatever, like crazy spiritual person.


And he was presented with the most crystal wearing spiritual woo-woo woman.


But she is incredible, but she doesn't feel weird and woo-woo does she Like she just feels pretty normal.


I think she's just really aligned. She's so freaking aligned with, like that, her surroundings, humans in general, like she is so patient I've never.


And you know, what it actually has really showcased to me is that she's in a pretty toxic situation with how these programs are situated and placed right, like they have these dinner parties, where it gets really pretty toxic in terms of the arguments that are had sometimes and she can just have this magical power to get involved, but just enough to say, okay, what you just did was not okay, you need to know that and own that and that's the feedback for you.


And then she will just like step back and then be really proud of you when you manage the situation in a different way the next time and it's like how do you?


She's just incredible.


She's like a, like a mother, a mothering figure, and so nurturing.


She is very nurturing.


Yeah, she's incredible and that's our love for lucinda, wrapped up into one really yeah, what a woman.


There is a quote that we will remember at some stage that she said which is just incredible.


We loved but I can't fucking remember our bodies and it's left our souls and I cannot you, if you even put a gun to my head right now.


I couldn't tell you what she said no same, but we talked about it last week, didn't we?


Yeah, weird. I've written it down in my notebook my notebook, I think, is in the car, so next week we may come at you with her incredible inspirational quote.


It probably wasn't even that inspirational.


Oh god, I need a rest.


So this weekend I am literally other than Amy and I getting together on Saturday morning to do some stuff.


I'm dedicating this weekend to me myself and I I'm doing nothing.


I feel like you really need that yeah, it's come at a great time.


It really has. This weekend, next weekend I'm away, so, um, that is going to be busy, and our flight is at six o'clock in the morning, six am, first flight out.


Wow, six am. So that's been retiring the week after.


So this weekend, oh goodness me, excuse me, I'm yawning.


This weekend I am going to literally just do loads of self-care rituals yeah, as many as possible all in one weekend.


I wonder how many I can fit into one whole day.


Like a bath and going to get a pedicure oh, darling a lot, yeah, yeah.


And like, just like, putting fresh sheets on the bed, going for a walk, meditating, writing a gratitude list, reading a chapter of my book, honestly, sitting under my heated blanket whilst listening to some music.


Yeah, do you know what was the nicest thing about going to the spa?


I have not picked up my kindle for weeks.


Mine's dead and it made me do it, yeah, because mel and megan really love going in the pool and like having a little swim.


I was like I'm just gonna sit here and I'm just gonna read my kindle and it was absolute perfection.


It really got me back in like good spirits do you know?


what I want in my house is a tepidarium.


You know those mosaic hotbeds? Oh, yes, I, literally.


But everyone I go with gets too hot on them, whereas I'm like quite a cold person.


I'm in there forever same. Yeah, we've never been there together.


No, we haven't. We must go, we must go.


Yeah, yeah, we must go, absolutely we must.


Yeah, we'll arrange that. Yeah, because I honestly that's what I need.


So, yeah, that's my, that's, that's my week.


In a nutshell, I was a psychopath.


Now I'm very calm, quite tired, I'm having a chilled weekend yeah, we had a big week with also astrology, this week again with the solar eclipse and the new moon.


So, even though we are now at the end of the week, if you are listening to this it's still a really great time to put together like new intentions what you're moving forward with for this month yeah, until the the new new moon, and so I think really just take some time to maybe have a little contemplation, you know, like look back, have a little think about what worked really well and what you want to move forward with.


I think something that, with all this crazy energy that's been going on, I've really been like lax on the gratitude, the journaling, the reading.


So my intention for this month is to really just give myself some time back and, like Katie said, katie's issue is that she doesn't do enough rest.


My issue is that I do too much rest we just have a fun old time though, don't we?


it's somewhere in the middle of you and I that is like the absolute, which is why I feel like we, we, we do our very best to find the balance in between.


We do, and actually we're not here to tell you that we have the most perfect lives that consist of 75 days hard and reading seven books a month and drinking enough water because, quite frankly, I'm dehydrated.


I haven't finished a book yet in the last two months, every book I've read so far I've got halfway through.


I'm not finished, I need to do that, but that's because I'm not giving myself enough time.


So we're not here to tell you we're perfect, but we are, in fact, on our way to perfection.


And we want you to join us Trying. We want you to join us.


You also can be, and I think it's just yeah, making one percent progress a day, which is what we're here to do 100.


You know what is really funny, though? I spoke to my PT today and I was like she was telling me like right, you need to really start getting your steps in, girly, because I do truly one to two thousand steps a day, because some days I don't leave the house.


Okay, don't judge me. And she was like, yeah, we've got to change that.


I was like, okay, and then she was like are you drinking enough water?


I was like no, she's like you eating enough?


I was like, no, starving myself. That's my whole plot in life is just starvation, and then super feed over the winter, like.


And then she I said to her do you seriously do this every day?


I'm like look me in the eye and tell me you stick to this every single day, because I don't believe it.


And she goes no, I do. Yeah, fuck's sake.


Yeah, oh. So there are some people out there doing it there really, really are.


I salute you, I really do salute you.


I have this coach now and she makes me do a weekly check-in and I had my first proper weekly check-in this week with her and like shit you know, she's now making me check in every single day, daily.


I have to text her and tell her and answer a string of questions which are what do I weigh today?


Did I hit seven to eight thousand steps today?


Did I train? Did I eat within my calories today?


What was my protein? Was there anything I didn't track or cooked by someone else?


List the details. How am I feeling Every single day?


Right, that would make me Girly whirly.


This is a lot. Yeah, I'm already up to here with the stress level and overwhelm.


That's too much, oh my goodness.


But you know what I mean. You're getting married and you're you're going to be thriving, yeah you're going to be absolutely thriving it becomes second nature and it's actually.


Do you know what I think? Because it's been. I've started a while ago.


It's now habit easy, so it's fine.


It's just making that now a habit is my next thing.


So in 22 days time I'll be normal and I'll be totally fine with it we'll catch up in the next spill the tea and we'll see how Katie's getting on.


I'm gonna be see-through by the time.


I do that every day, I'm gonna be like the size one good group.


Honestly, I'm just getting to the point where I'm like you know what I'm just gonna be.


I miss crispy creams, I'm gonna admit it.


I miss chris. I miss just christmas time.


I miss christmas time where I was able to eat and drink whatever I wanted whole box of crispy creams right now yeah, no, you don't, you'd actually hate it I would hate it, you would yeah it's all good, okay, guys, we will leave it there.


We hope you have enjoyed today's unhinged spill the tea seriously blow the doors off.


We're coming at you, we're psychopaths, but actually now we're normal again yeah, do you know what?

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