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Haunts and Business: The Soul Seekers' Paranormal Journey

Haunts and Business: The Soul Seekers' Paranormal Journey

Released Friday, 26th April 2024
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Haunts and Business: The Soul Seekers' Paranormal Journey

Haunts and Business: The Soul Seekers' Paranormal Journey

Haunts and Business: The Soul Seekers' Paranormal Journey

Haunts and Business: The Soul Seekers' Paranormal Journey

Friday, 26th April 2024
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Shaun: So Today's episode, I have two of probably the most, uh, intriguing and interesting guests that I've ever had on the show, uh, in over 140 episodes. Uh, Amy's been on the show before, but, but Tanya has not. You guys are here representing Soul Seekers Paranormal, uh, not a common type of, of guests that I would have on a, on a business marketing show. Uh, but we're going to talk about the business side of what you're doing. But first of all, tell our listeners, What is Soul seekers' paranormal and and how did you two come together to do this? Amy: do you want to start? Tonya: So Soul Seekers Paranormal is, it's a play on words. So there's two things that go on with Soul Seekers Paranormal. One is like the main thing is that we love paranormal investigating. We love putting ourselves in situations that are paranormal. Going to scare us and challenge us. And we were seeking, you know, all that unknown stuff, you know, like what happens after death? Do we stick around or they're ghosts like there's all those things. And the other part is. We tend to find people that are like us that are fascinated with this, like, we'll go to a restaurant next thing you know, we're taking the waitress to a graveyard with us. Like, that's just how we roll. That's Soul Seekers Paranormal. Yeah, Amy: we started doing this about five years ago. It actually started off, we were doing wellness events and, you know, it ended up that the wellness event that we were at, it was a, unbeknownst to us, it was a haunted location and all of us felt paranormal activity and we never really talked about paranormal activity amongst each other at the time, but something happened that night that all of us just jumped in and had this, you know, innate response on how to deal with the spirits that were in this house, and we never captured it on camera because we didn't expect it to happen. But we said, imagine if we had caught that on camera, like no one would believe what just happened to us tonight. And so when we started doing more events, we started purposely booking places and pressing record on our cameras because we were noticing that when we get together, crazy things would happen. So it kind of built from there over the years and we've landed now here. Uh, we were a couple different names in the past. We changed our names and some people came and went from the group, but now we've landed on the two of us and we are Soul Seekers Paranormal and we do the paranormal investigating. But we also do a lot of people ask us for house clearing or spiritual clearing if they have an attachment to them or their building and they want it cleared or, and we can clear the building or themselves. Uh, and if some people will say, I have a haunted house, can you come in and check it out? I don't know what it is. I'm not sure. Can you just, is it bad? Is it good? So they want us to come in and investigate their house. So sure. Yeah, we can do that. And then another thing that we offer is that. Tanya is a psychic medium and I'm a sensitive empath and we both connect to spirits on different levels and paired with our equipment where we have been able to get the most amazing connections to people on the other side. We have a video of one of our most astounding experiences doing this. I got goosebumps talking about it. It's just amazing. We can talk about that. If you want that story, um, if you like, but it's on our YouTube channel. It was amazing. And so we offer that as well. We offer, uh, ghost tours. We do group ghost tours as well. And then we do our private, if you want a private tour, you can book us for a private tour event. We are a one stop paranormal shop pretty much. Shaun: So, I mean, the, these, these, I don't know, use superpowers or powers or that you have, that you've, you've learned that you've, you've had. Tell me a bit about like discovering that, um, you know, Tanya being a psychic medium, obviously, like, it's something that you you've become aware of and things like that. But, you know, Amy yourself, you know, tell us a bit about that journey and how you've kind of taken this, this awareness to, to this business model or this experience based business model that you have. Amy: I'll start and then I'll let Tanya take over. Um, so I had an experience over a decade ago. Uh, I've always been sensitive and open to things, and I've always been intrigued with the paranormal. Uh, about 10 or so, maybe 15 years ago, um, I had an experience with a girlfriend of mine. We were out to lunch, and I happened to, uh, Kind of connect with what we figured out was her grandfather, her grandmother and her past cousin. Like there was a bunch of stuff happening in that little lunchtime scenario that we, we just went out to lunch and all this stuff came at me and it was, is really interesting, uh, what happened, but it was very clear, very vivid, very concise. And I told my mom about it and my mom validated my feelings because I thought I was crazy. But my mom was like, no, that's like, Like, that kind of stuff is like, I think about your aunt and then she'll call me, like, this stuff happens all the time. So she didn't make me feel crazy. My mom embraced kind of, you know, what this is. And then, I didn't do anything for five or so years or more. And it wasn't until I met up with these girls, like my, you know, the Spirit Girls and Tonya. that, um, it reopened things because that I didn't really read, like I had that experience, but it was kind of like a one off kind of shut it down, still open and aware, but didn't really explore it. And then when I was with Tanya, we started actually, you know, working on things and Tanya's very experienced with this. So she would always call me baby woo, because I was so just bright eyed and like, what is happening? What's all this? And I would say, Soak it all in and all these things would happen to me. And I'm like, this is so amazing. Like, I didn't know I could do all this stuff. So she's really been mentoring me and training me and you know, like I feel blessed to be able to say that like, I'm trained and mentored by this woman. If you knew her credentials and you look her up, she's. Amazing. And so I'm lucky that I've been trained and mentored by her. Um, and so just, you know, I've been growing through it and, um, it's been really amazing to see that grow. And she gives me, you know, confidence. Cause sometimes I feel like, I feel like I'm seeking validation that what I'm doing is real. Like, you know, and then Tanya's like, why do you keep doing that? Like, you, you're a real deal here, you know, but sometimes you just, you know, you just doubt yourself, you know, but it's, everything's, you know, happens as it should. It's really cool. Shaun: Yeah, no way. Amy: go ahead, Tonya. Tonya: so, um, I, I was born with, like, I came in, Being able to do a lot of the things that I do now as far as like sensing energy and healing work, and I'd have dreams that would come true. There's just like a lot of things that I've always had in my life. And, um, And then I had children. I have three daughters and it seemed like when I had my children, they're also very open and gifted. So all of a sudden there was all this energy around like every place we lived was very haunted, right? So, um, at that point it was something I kind of ignored or I just, I didn't ignore but I didn't want to deal with it, you know? Like things, toys would move in the closet. I'd hear my daughter say, Mommy, they're playing with my toys in the closet. I'm trying to sleep, like crazy stuff would happen. And that was just kind of like, I normalized it because it was just happened all the time. And so I've always had an interest in the paranormal with that. I also like I'm a race Reiki master. I do healing work. I studied the occult and you know, all the esoteric knowledge. Like I'm fascinated with all that. So I do that as a living, like I'm I'm a healer. I'm a naturopath. I do, you know, I work with energy on people. I help them, you know, heal that way. And so that with the paranormal, it just kind of goes hand in hand, right? Cause you're dealing with. All of that energy, you're dealing with different things that we can't see. And so same with Amy, about five years ago when we were together, all this stuff happened and it's like, you know what, let's do this because this has always been in my life. Right? Like I've always had it there, but I never investigated. I never like intentionally went, okay, like, who are you? What do you want from me? Why are you doing this? What are you trying to communicate? And so it was just awesome when we came together because, and Amy, you know, like Amy was saying baby woo, she, she just grew and her gifts, like she just soaks it up. She just takes it and she runs with it and she, It's just things she already had, but, but I think by me being there and saying, yes, that is, yes, you are experiencing that. I see that too. I'm experiencing that too. It gives her like that confidence, right? So we're a really good team and she's my best friend and my soul sister. And we're just so blessed to have found each other. Shaun: Yeah, and the connection definitely comes across in the videos that I've seen that you guys put together and you use the word many times their experience and, you know, these are all experiences for you and, you know, you take people along with you. There's, there's a part of your, your business model where you're doing, you know, events and people can hire you for events and things like that. Um, and, and these are, these are real experiences that, you know, You go on, right? It's not like, um, you know, you're, you know, fabricating these experiences to make people feel like there's a spirit there. Like this is legit stuff. And, um, do you find that you get people that are still very skeptical and they want to like utilize going on an experience to be like, is it ghost real? Or is it not right? Like, uh, they want to be scared, but they don't want to be scared. Like, I don't know. Um, talk about, about that and why you chose to kind of bring people along with you. Amy: So, my personal favorite thing is when we bring someone new that has never ghost hunted before. That's my favorite. I love popping people's ghost hunting cherries. Love it. Um, we just had an experience actually with, uh, the guys from Afternoon Pint. We took Matt and Mike out and it was so much fun. because Mike is a skeptic, but Matt is a believer and obsessed. Loves all this. And it was funny because there was things that happened that Mike, even after the fact was like, Well, I tried to debunk it. I, okay, maybe. I'm still skeptical, but, like, it was still, like, you could see it shifting a little bit. So now we've kind of made it our mission to, like, I want to keep working on Mike and be like, come out again, come out again, see what happens, and try to, like, get him, like, to turn him to the other side. He's there. Uh, but people, there is skeptics, and some people Like, for example, my husband is probably the biggest skeptic of life. He thinks I'm crazy half the time. When we're talking about ghost stuff, he just walks away. But, you know, he's being more supportive lately, I noticed. But, you know, because I think he realizes this isn't going anywhere. It's been five years now that I've been, like, ghost hunting and passionate about it. I think he realizes, okay, like, this is not going anywhere. Like, she's going to keep doing this. But, um I just, I love the, I love a challenge. Like I'm a person that loves a challenge and I love the challenge of the people that are skeptical because when you get real hard evidence that you cannot deny, it's neat to watch their faces go. Hmm. Like, yeah, you keep thinking about that. It's, it's Tonya: you can see the wheels go and you can feel like the cognitive dissonance like what? And I love like I actually I'm I'm a bit of a skeptic like I I'm not gonna believe every little thing that comes I'm gonna try to go like what's irrational is it old wiring? Was it there a breeze there? Was there some kind of magnetic thing that was like I I? I'm very analytical, right? So I don't go into this just believing everything. So I understand the skeptic's viewpoint and I love healthy skeptic. I do. I love it. I just want you to be open. That's it. I just want you to entertain the possibility that there might be something else and then we'll take you along for the ride. You don't do not have to be a believer, but like Amy said, it is our mission. To take you and maybe change your perspective, like your perception on all this by experiencing something. Shaun: All fascinating. Let's, let's, before we talk about upcoming events that you guys are doing, walk me through, um, and our listeners through how you approach, like, a new place that you're going to, whether you're just going to do it for, um, you guys in your core group or when you're bringing people in. What, like, what do you do? Is there a process or you just go in and kind of, like, whatever happens, happens? Amy: Well, definitely whatever happens happens because we cannot plan what the spirits are going to do, but there is things that we do. We always, you know, call on the spirits that are, that are around and we make sure we tell, you know, any bad spirits that don't have any, you know, interest in being good to us. Like, we don't invite them. We, we tell them to stay away. Uh, we only want to talk to people who want to share with us and who want to, to be there with us and for the good, right? Like, because As like there's good and bad people. There's good and bad spirits. So we don't, it's like when you meet someone on the street, like if you sense their energy is not good, you probably don't approach them, right? Like you kind of stay away because you don't like their energy, you know? So it's the same type of thing. We, we call on the spirits that want to come with us to communicate. And we ask the others to stay away. But we also have other things that we do to protect in case, you know, one spirit doesn't want to listen. It's a little bit more malevolent than others and the things they're trying to push through. But we have protection oils and we have all kinds of different things that we do, um, like that. Um, sprays and crystals and, you know. You know, kind of things like that, uh, Tanya, you can expand more on that stuff if you like. Tonya: Yeah, like it's, it's really important just like we have physical hygiene, we have to have spiritual hygiene, right? So when we go in, we make sure that we call it like locked and loaded. Like we're really aware of our energy. We're really aware of how we feel. Because that's, those are clues as to if something is trying to kind of mess with you, you know, get into your energy field. You'll start to feel like nauseous. You could just start to act strange. Yeah. You could feel really drained. So when you go in, you're okay. Here's how I feel. Yeah, I'm feeling good. This is, you know, like, okay. And then if that changes during the night, then we, we really watch each other too. Um, it's really important to have each other's back. So like, if Amy starts acting a little strange, I'll be like, okay, wait. And then we'll explore that and then we'll kind of kick, like we said, we're not interested in demon hunting. That is not our gig. Other, other paranormal, they can do it. Cool. Everybody has their thing that they're attracted to. Yeah. We like the lighter stuff. That's why we're the Feel Good Paranormal Investigators. Shaun: I love it. I love it. Now you guys can be found on YouTube. You've got a Facebook page as well. Let's talk about, you know, how you promote what you're doing. Um, you know, what were the decisions made to, to choose YouTube for that and go with a video format and, and actually, you know, make those, those different videos. And, um, you know, are there some challenges that you faced with that? Um, you know, is it, is it hard to, to document these, um, you know, or do you have a crew that does that? Mm Amy: Well, we do everything ourselves right now, and we do have a little bit of help from some friends, um, here and there, but me and Tanya are the driving forces. of this blood, sweat and tears for five years. Lots of blood, lots of sweat, lots of tears, blood metaphorically, not real blood. Um, but you know, we've put a lot into it. We do a lot ourselves. So we started out before on Facebook and we did a lot of Facebook lives at the time. We did record everything and we did have an older YouTube channel up for a little bit of time. I mistakenly deleted it. When we were rebranding, but maybe it's for the better. Anyway, we started fresh. So the YouTube channel we have up now is all fresh with, you know, fresh soul seekers material, uh, from this past year that we've been working on. And, um, so that one challenge was that I deleted all our old content by mistake. That's okay. Things happen, but so we're rebuilding there. Uh, but when we first started, we just, we were really on Facebook is what, what we did. And then, um, from there, uh, Tanya went on Tik TOK and started sharing a bunch of stuff about her past life house, which could be a whole other story. And some, and all the adventures we were doing as soul seekers, she was sharing all of our stuff. Even when we just get together, I'd sleep over her house and we'd go play in a graveyard or we'd go, you know, Talk to her house that's really active. Like we would do stuff. She just was putting it on TikTok and it went up to like 1.1 million likes, 3.3 million views, over a hundred thousand followers. Like she got a crazy following, uh, on her TikTok. So that went bananas. TikTok loves this content, so we've been using TikTok, obviously, uh, for that and. The Instagram and Facebook is just more so for awareness to push people to the YouTube where our strategy is that we really want to build YouTube now. It wasn't a priority back then. It was just a place we stored our, our videos just so we didn't lose. We just wanted to have somewhere for people to watch them. But now we're actively trying to build and monetize the YouTube platform. That's our goal. And so any videos we do, we like to put them up there. And then we do teaser videos on other platforms to push to the YouTube. So we really want to ask people to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Give us some likes on our videos, comment, go give us comments. If you liked what you saw, if you feel you noticed something in a video, like talk to us, we absolutely love. interacting with people. That is our thing. We are very, we don't just make, that's why I think, uh, maybe we're a little bit different than other paranormal investigators because a lot of paranormal investigators out there, perhaps they just make their videos and put them on YouTube and kind of leave it at that. Well, yes, we are doing that and we love to do that very much. So, um, but we've opened up a whole other branch of soul seekers where it's community based. It's these taking people on ghost hunts and, you know, going on ghost tours or connecting with people's love past loved ones, or, you know, spirit cleaning or whatever it is, all the things, you know, we want to really. Connect with the people because it's great to share our stories of what happened to us and go watch it. That's great. But we want you guys to be involved too. We want to bring people along with us, people that are seeking other souls like us, right? We're seeking you, you're seeking us. That's the whole shtick of who we are. We are soul seekers. Shaun: Now, Tonya, Tonya: Yeah, like even when we don't, we didn't try to be, we just attract people. Like we went ziplining as a, like, team activity and friends activity and the, the guide had a Ghostbusters theme. hat on, and then she came to a graveyard with us. Like, that's just how it is. So we're rolling with it. Like, why push it away? People have asked us constantly over the years to do this stuff, and we're just like, let's do it. Shaun: hmm. Now, Tonya, I want to ask you Amy: retreat, which is really fun. Like we take people on retreats and we have workshops. Like there's all kinds of things that we are doing with the people because people are asking for it. Shaun: Absolutely. Tonya, I want to ask you about, you know, your, your step into the TikTok side of things. Um, you know, Amy said the success that you guys had with the viewers and the followers and everything like that. What was it like starting out? Because I think a lot of businesses and professionals out there, uh, that haven't already jumped on TikTok are like, well, should I do it? Is it hard? Is it easy? Um, and it sounds like you just went on and just was very authentic. Uh, I just started. Talking, uh, in, in the videos and telling stories. Was that how it, how it kind of unfolded? Or did you go in with like, here's, here's my approach, here's my strategy behind it. I wanna share that story. Tonya: Yeah, it was, it was not any, like, strategy around it. It was just I wanted to share. I had bought this house, um, three years ago with Amy's help. Actually, she came out and saw it because it was during all the crazy time and I couldn't come and see it. And she's like, Tanya, this is your house. And so I put a bid on the house the next day and bought this house. And then all these crazy things started happening. When I moved into this house, we were like renovating, like just getting started. It's, uh, that's a whole story, like some really cool stuff was happening. So I just thought, I'll share it. And it's, you know, hundreds of thousands. The millions of views. And I was like, I was kind of shocked because I was like, wow, people are really into this. So then part of the reason with YouTube is we, it was like over the last three years, it's just been, we want more, we want more, we want, where can I watch more? And so. This is our, here's your more, right? Like you guys have been asking this for three years. We're going to give it to you now because you can't tell, um, the full story. It's just a teaser on Tik TOK. And so I would encourage businesses to just go for it, but be authentic, be real and share from your heart without any expectation of what. Oh, I need this. And I need that from you guys, like just share and be real. And people love that. They can tell if you're, if you're not, you know, they really can. Amy: And I think a secret to TikTok is that when you're niched in, Then that really helps, uh, the algorithm. Cause she niched into this story and the things are, you know, that we were doing, it was all like paranormal ghost hunting, that kind of stuff. And so it would give it to those, that audience. Uh, so she didn't really veer off a lot. It was always in the same realm. So if a business is on there. Uh, you want to kind of niche into what your business serves, like what problems does your business solve? What kind of people do they help, you know, and stay niched into your niche because that is how TikTok is going to work. Uh, more so, I think Tanya didn't realize that maybe that's what was happening because that's, I think that's a thing with TikTok is that I hear over and over again, you niche in on TikTok and you kind of stick with the, the one thing and it, you know, Blast it right through. Tonya: Oh, totally. With TikTok, TikTok is very, the algorithm is very, um, kind of genius in a way. Like they push, they push your, the first, like, when they put your video out, it goes to. Um, the, like your followers, right? And if it does well with your followers, then they push it on the FYP or the for you page. So you, if your people are following you because they love paranormal and, and I mean, I did this, I share like healing stuff cause that's what I do. And it's like, meh, meh, the views are super low. And then if you keep doing that, if you keep veering off, if you keep squirreling, you're going to lose your followers. You're going to lose your. Like, it's just gonna dwindle, it's gonna slow, have a slow death, basically, because you, they followed you for a reason, stick to that reason. Shaun: Absolutely. Let's talk about this event that's coming up. Uh, you guys are doing to, to that. You know, the community commode is a fundraiser. Uh, and, and do some ghost hunting with you. Amy: Yeah. So we, because we fund everything we do from our own pockets, it's our, we do everything ourselves, we fund everything we've been looking for sponsors, you know, people who want to either collaborate with us or sponsor us, you know, partner with us to help, uh, you know, grow what we're doing and, you know, great advertising for people as well. What a unique way to advertise is on our channels and in our videos. Like we can. You know kind of promote your business there. So, um, I would like to shout out a sponsor that we got though Right while we have the opportunity. We got a sponsor. So great, uh roads brewery a brewery I can't say brewery. I have like my r's brewery brewing Great roads brewing can't think of the word Tonya: Ha ha! No, I can't! Ha ha! Amy: Brewery brewery brewery brewery It's brewing Great Roads Brewing. I just can't say the word. You can delete all of that a little bit if you edit this. Great Roads Brewing in Lower Sackville. They have partnered with us and we're really excited. We have a really awesome collaboration coming out. Can't say anything about it yet. That will be launching soon, but that is, they, they've invested with us. And that was our first sponsor so far. So we're looking for more because we have a really big, um, we have a really big thing that we're doing in the fall is we are going to the Hinsdale house in New York. And, uh, we are going to be investigating there. I know this video, the videos leading up to this, we're going to be doing a whole bunch of places leading up to the Hinsdale. So we're going to have video drops coming in. All along the way, this whole New York trip is going to be video drops like crazy, and we're going to be leading up to the big one. And the Hinsdale house is the big one. If you want to Google it, look up the Hinsdale house. It will scare you probably to death. I'm actually scared right now. Um, but I'm doing it. Um, it's worse than the Conjuring house. Okay. It is insane. If you want to look up the history in it. So we are making our way there. Obviously, it's costly, uh, but there'll be lots of publicity and promotion around this because this house is picking up a lot of steam like, like the conjuring host is, you know, like if you put anything out there with conjuring hosts and stuff like that, you know, people go crazy for it. So this house in particular is picking up insane speed when it comes to paranormal world. So we believe that it's going to be a really good hit for people. So yeah, Anyways, we're looking for sponsors for our trip. So, that being said, uh, we are doing a fundraiser by doing, um, a group ghost hunt and we're doing it at the King's County Museum, May 17th. And we have all the details will be posted. Probably tonight or tomorrow, but we're selling tickets and we're going to take you on a real ghost hunt with our real equipment So if you've ever wanted to go in a ghost hunt and it's in the back of your mind like I'd always love to do That well safety in numbers. There'll be a will be a group of people. So you'll be safe with the group You won't be alone with us. However, you can hire us if you want We'll take you on a private investigation somewhere if you're interested, but this group fundraiser event is going to be a lot of fun for those interested that want to get their feet wet in ghost hunting. We're going to do a mini little workshop and we have a bunch of freebies associated that we're going to throw in there for people. And yeah, we're really excited about it. Shaun: excellent, and where, you said it hasn't been posted yet, but where will it be posted so people can get that information? Amy: So any information to find anything that we ever talk about, we put everything on our website, soulseekersparanormal. com. It has. Everything about everything that we do. It has videos up there. It has collaboration sponsors. Everything is on the website. And you can find it all there. Soulseekersparanormal. com Shaun: Excellent, now before we wrap up, I know at the beginning you said you were alluding to a story about an experience you had, um, you said there's a video around it, yeah, you said, I would love you to, to share that, uh, with the listeners and the viewers who are Amy: yes, Tanya. Talk about Henley House. Talk about it. It's a good one. Tonya: Henley House? Amy: Oh, it was amazing. It was the most amazing. Like, we went in looking for something and something else happened. Go ahead, Tanya. It's awesome. Tonya: Yeah. So it was, you know, we, this is right here in Sheet Harbor, the Henley house, a great restaurant, you know, like go check it out. It's opening up in a few days. Um, so on the off season, they have it closed and we were able to get into the building and investigate. And I know like some of the. I know people who used to work there when it was a family home, uh, and I also know people who waitress there. And so they came to me saying like, Oh, you guys should go see this place. So we were able to get in and, uh, it was so active, but it wasn't scary. Like it felt like a party. Like we were, I, when I'm editing the videos, I'm like dying laughing because we were so giddy and, and like, laughing and man, there's stuff happening here. There's stuff happening. Like it was constant, constant evidence happening. And, um, we, we thought we were connecting with the previous like owners, the Henley's and it actually turned out that, um, it was the, the, um, current owners son had passed and he, Came through very strongly and we didn't know anything about this. We didn't know anything about this. And he, he came through his voice. Uh, his mom recognized his voice. Um, he said things that only people would know who, who were there and understood what happened. Um, he gave us such incredible evidence and he just really wanted to be known that he was there. And it was very heart like it was just even talking about it makes me want to cry. It was just such a beautiful, beautiful moment for everybody involved. And it was not what we were thinking with, but that's paranormal, that's spirit world. That's how it works. Shaun: Wow. Wow. I guess, I mean, a lot of people probably just think that, you know, ghost hunting is, is just there to scare you, right? But it's, it's not. I mean, for, I think for some people it would be, it would be healing, right? To, Amy: Absolutely. And that's what we really want to share with people is that we've had people like we've taken people on ghost hunts that have never been, or we take people to places. And a lot of their feedback is, wow, you made me feel really comfortable. Oh, wow. Now I, I view that different, I view ghost hunting differently, or I view graveyards differently. Like that feedback that we get is really nice because, We approach it nice, like we go in it with good intentions and looking for positive experiences. We don't go in it looking for anything bad. And so the feedback that we get from people, it's always such positive feedback. And I really do enjoy the healing aspect because that was so touching that, you know, we could do that. We did that for their family. Like that so amazing that we were able to do that. And like I said, we had no idea that that even happened. We didn't know who the owner was. We didn't know any of that story. And when all that stuff came through the hard evidence that proved who it was, that was, you know, it was just, Oh, it was amazing. I, that's, that, that. Validates, you know, getting little hits on balls and doing all the fun stuff like that's fun and validating But what really nails it for me is the connections we make and the stories we're able to share and tell Even if it's with people on this side or on the other side as well when we're able to connect and share their stories and something They want to say comes through things like that. It's just all around It's a great happy time for us and for others, I guess, but that's why Tony, like Tony said, we call ourselves the feel good investigators because we try to make it feel good for people and to have positive, safe experiences. Tonya: You don't want to be scared, you know, like, and Amy: Well, we, we like to be fright, Tonya: Well, we Amy: like the adrenaline rush to be frightened for a hot minute, but we're not looking Tonya: want to live in that, right? So like for myself, since I've been doing this, actually investigating and like, you know, examining that part of things, I'm not like, you know, when things happen around me in my home and stuff, like it doesn't even faze me. Like I don't, I'm not scared. Whereas before, years ago, things would happen and there would be part of me that was like. scared. And who wants to live like that? I don't want to be scared in my own home. I just don't. And so I can live with these, these, you know, beings that are here and sharing space with me. And we, we can live together and they're not scared and I'm not scared. It's a great thing as far as I'm concerned. Shaun: Perfect. Well, Tanya, Amy, this has been, this has been an absolute pleasure hearing these stories. We're going to put links to a couple of the videos, the Henley House video. Um, we'll put, uh, the website, YouTube channel, everything, uh, with the show notes and with the video where we, where we post it. Uh, anything you want to leave us with before we wrap it up? Amy: Thank you for the opportunity for, you know, letting us share some stories and about who we are and what, what we're here for and what our mission is. So we hope that, you know, people that are listening, if you're interested in the paranormal or, you know, just connect with us and, uh, see what we can do from there. Yes. Thank you. Shaun: And, and, and for anyone who never picked up on it, you guys are here in Atlantic Canada. Amy: are! We are in Nova Scotia! Woohoo! Shaun: Excellent. Amy: But we are willing to travel! Shaun: All Tonya: saying. Amy: Just saying! We, we, like, we are going down to the U. S. and we have our eyes someday on Arizona and Scotland. There's all kinds of places we want to go, so hey, if there's any collabs out there that people want to collab with, like, hit us up! Shaun: Perfect. Thank you.

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