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Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow

Marcodetc & Mitchell Piersante

Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow

A weekly Society, Culture and Business podcast

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Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow

Marcodetc & Mitchell Piersante

Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow

Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow

Marcodetc & Mitchell Piersante

Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow

A weekly Society, Culture and Business podcast
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We want to share with you our experiences in life that shape us into the best versions we can be. We explain why we want to start this podcast; to learn and grow and connect with all of you. We are evolving day after day to achieve our dreams. And I know we didn't figure out the importance of mentality and attitude and perspective on our own. It's all because of our experiences, our events in life. The people we surround ourselves with. It is truly a never ending process.Everyone has experiences in life that shape them into the people they are today. Whether that be influences in our lives such as family or friends or individuals that we look up to. We also all have the same common denominator, be the best versions of ourselves we can be. ( I know...we say that a lot) BUT IT'S TRUE. Who doesn't want the best for themselves? And more importantly for others? So this is our story, our experiences and knowledge we have learned in our time. But the best part is, we are all still learning. So, we hope you follow our journey on how we do that. How we all can Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow.
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Matt Knee
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Podcast Details

Created by
Marcodetc & Mitchell Piersante
Podcast Status
Feb 23rd, 2019
Latest Episode
Sep 6th, 2019
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
33 minutes

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