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Little Green Larder - Creating a shop to help people make more sustainable choices

Little Green Larder - Creating a shop to help people make more sustainable choices

Released Tuesday, 17th May 2022
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Little Green Larder - Creating a shop to help people make more sustainable choices

Little Green Larder - Creating a shop to help people make more sustainable choices

Little Green Larder - Creating a shop to help people make more sustainable choices

Little Green Larder - Creating a shop to help people make more sustainable choices

Tuesday, 17th May 2022
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I'm joined by Jillian Elizabeth owner of the Little Green Larder a zero waste, plastic free shop aiming to make shopping for sustainable products easy and convenient. The Little Green Larder offers a wide variety of foods and products with their best seller being their vegan pick n mix.

Jillian saw zero waste shops opening up across the world and sick of waiting on someone setting one up in Dundee, she decided to do it herself. So she found a location and built a community around the Little Green Larder. During lockdown the shop was inundated with customers and orders but as the world opened back up business saw a decline. Leading to Jillian creating a post to say 'Come and say hello to us so we don't have to say goodbye to you'. An extremely difficult post to share but a necessary dose of honesty to save the store. Things since the post have taken a much more positive turn with lots of customers returning but this highlights the difficult time small businesses are currently going through.

I ask Jillian to talk me through some of the buzz words that are thrown around all too often in marketing campaigns and discuss what these terms really mean. In a little twist from my regular recommendation question I ask Jillian to round off the episode by highlighting some of the brilliant independents in Dundee. If you can, go visit the Little Green Larder and try to support your local independents as everyone is finding it tough right now.



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