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500 Subscribers, Thank you! I can explain, and squatters?

500 Subscribers, Thank you! I can explain, and squatters?

Released Friday, 19th April 2024
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500 Subscribers, Thank you! I can explain, and squatters?

500 Subscribers, Thank you! I can explain, and squatters?

500 Subscribers, Thank you! I can explain, and squatters?

500 Subscribers, Thank you! I can explain, and squatters?

Friday, 19th April 2024
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welcome to dearwood realy I'm John shink how are you today I have a bunch of stuff to go over it's been a long time you're probably wondering if I'm still here I'm I'm still here uh we're just going to go through all that today and figure out uh where we go from here it's not the first time I've had an extended pause on YouTube and it's probably not going to be the last so just kind of going to have to deal with that I'm very Rusty I'm sorry it's going to take me time to get into the swing of things um but you know like if I don't ever start it's never going to it's never going to get done so uh that's what I've got right now let's go over some of the stuff for tonight I this is not going to be the you know the heavy real estate one uh that you're looking for this is just going to be for my friends and my subscrib and my followers to just like know what's going on uh so we can build on to something else so with that um I've got a list on my one computer screen so we're going to go over that um first off I wanted to thank you for 500 subscribers um it means a lot to me and I've been at this for a couple years now and I was starting to get a little frustrated um with my progress you know like I can only control so many things you know I I can only do so much and uh I don't know there's this thing even if even if everything is a bot even if everything isn't real to be below 500 subscribers to be when I was at like 100 subscribers it it it just GRS on you especially when you see some of the videos that get hyped and they have all kinds of subscribers and you're like come on this is ridiculous and so uh I just wanted to show you this this thing that I saw and scared me this it's doesn't of course it's not going to come in right but anyway this lady I saw this video when I was uh away and it was a lady that uh that was on YouTube for 15 years and hadn't gotten to 500 subscribers and at the time I was probably at 390 or so and I was like please like I don't want to spend 15 years to get 500 subscribers that's just cra crazy and so that was kind of uh um how do I put it that kind of hurt like I didn't want to deal with that uh and so that was getting me a little bit depressed and so you know not that not that it's it's not anybody's fault or anything it was just it was just all mean um so so that was like there was a little bit of motivation there it was like I don't I don't want to take all this time all these years to get somewhere like that's just not not what I want it's not like I'm trying to take the easy way but man 15 years for 500 subscribers so now that I'm at 500 subscribers of course the goal is to get to a th um the goal is to get monetized I know a guy now on YouTube uh that has gotten I think he's I think he's going for a million uh he talks about rentals all the time I think he just gets after it really I mean that's that's the difference between him his content is horrible he just started a uh he just started like a financial news show like it's it's just bizarre so I don't know it's it's it's it's a YouTube is a very odd place and I'm still trying to get I'm still trying to get to with the program don't forget though I'm on Rumble we do have the podcast the show um that's on you know Spotify uh iTunes wherever you get your streaming stuff I mean I'm out there and the if you if you do look on X uh you'll notice that deared realy has been kind of busy lately I built that thing up to I'm at 397 on my subscribers now I've had an account there since 2015 um and I've just not done a lot with it until recently and um if you want to know the author of dearwood realy on Twitter it's me it's it's 100% me it's my picture so hopefully that will help um and you can give me a follow there it's kind of fun so let's go to the next thing that that caused some issues so I'm going to go ahead and try and do it like this my my ability to hit buttons is is limited so this is my channel okay uh and I don't know if I really like the cover anymore I'm probably going to need to fix that but if you look at the videos um if you see this one it says if this is the future of housing I want nothing to do with it and it got two .2 you know 2,200 views okay and if you notice like all of a sudden get Wall Street out of single family homes has 60 views and then it kind of didn't come back well it didn't come back because it freaked me out um I'd been at it for a while doing I mean like you know you can see my live streams not like they were just tearing it up 26 views 13 views but you can see my videos too on here it's not like I was just tearing it up 30 views you know 40 views nothing and then I just blew up on this one video now when I did I didn't get many subscribers out of it you know it wasn't like oh great now you've got you know now you've made it no it was actually like why did that one pop and it messes it messes with your mind like a couple ways number one I'm a real estate agent in St Louis Missouri I have a brokerage like that's what this channel is about kind of is residential real estate mixed in with my opinion about about pretty much everything and there's humor when I start talking about things I don't know anything about like I acknowledge it and I move forward like for instance when we did the figure skating Extravaganza years back that was um that that was fun for me that's it's my humor so but you know when you're working on something every day like I know it seems stupid but to do a 10- minute video takes like an hour or two I mean it takes forever you got to do thumbnail you got to put all put it everywhere got to have a description everything so it takes a while and I'm going to scratch my nose and I apologize oh oh man it was itchy see that kind of stuff I'm I'm not used to on the on the new you know I'm kind of rusty I should have scratched my those earlier I guess anyway at at 2,000 views all of a sudden people might actually see the video right it's it's one thing that you're doing a video with like three of your best friends watching and by the way thank you guys you know who you are I appreciate it but it's it's a whole different ball game to be at 2000 and and you know I I was like I don't know if I don't know if I like this or not but I it turns out it's okay it's all right but there's some things that I was thinking so like one of the thing was like what was it about that video that got all the views and I mean this plays in your mind like all the time like why did it get all the views like what was it and then the other thing is is could I do better than that for the views on the next video so could I make one video better and have it do well and the answer you can clearly see on the screen is no no no right back to 60 I mean right back to where I'm normally at now there's been talk that I'm I've been blacklisted for the things I've said on on here and it's possible it's possible uh or you could just say it's competitive whatever um but it it it messes with your mind when you spend this much time doing something and you don't see any success or then you uces success and it goes right back it's like what is going on and so it's hard on your mind like you're working very very hard to get this good video out and then like nothing happens like like it it just it just messes with you so you probably say well John if you don't scratch your nose during the video that probably would help and I I get it but I'm sorry it was just itchy so so that's that's it it it not getting the views is okay but then when you get the views and then all of a sudden it goes back it's like uh if you ever saw Awakening with I think it was Robert Jiro and he goes in that and they give him the drugs for the the people the old people and all of a sudden they start talking and they're normal and they go back it's I I don't want to ruin the movie I'm I just did so if you did want to watch Awakening I'm sorry now the there's other things going on on so so I want to go over that so John why were you gone so long right like why and so I'm going to go over that so I the last video I made was December 15th of 2023 okay and uh let's just go over it so number one I've had a horrible run of Health um there's a flu that I got that can't be mentioned on YouTube still uh then I had two sinus infections and then I had some other stuff that was causing me to be just super tired super tired and in pain like all my joints like it just hurt all the time and it just wears you down and so I thought I was just getting older I'm 46 years old and I'm a little overweight okay I mean I I get it but it it just I got to the point where I finally went to the doctor and I was like you know hey I don't feel very good and he's like oh okay so we did these tests and everything and we figured out kind of like what's going on and it's it's like you know not not too bad in fact the medicine they gave me I'm feeling a lot better now it's been about a week but I finally had the energy to kind of get back at it now the next thing was I was gone out of the country in the whole month of February just gone just not in the country and you know if you if you've been a follower for a long period of time or a subscriber you know that there was that time where my computer broke and so I tried to do it on a laptop my streaming and it was absolutely horrible and if any of you see that or you can just go back on the channel and watch it's it's just garbage uh and so I didn't want to do that but also my head was in a different spot and uh uh the time change is weird and just the location is odd so I just didn't do anything for that month and then um when I got back like I was further behind than when I left so now I've got all this stuff I'm supposed to do just overwhelmed I'm not feeling well it's is bad and so finally this is an odd one I I procrastinate I admit it at this age like I get stuck in my head sometimes like I just get stuck in my head and there's these things that just go around and around and around and around and around and one of them uh was I wanted to do a live stream on my return like I wanted to do a live stream and honestly like I started thinking about how I can put together the live stream and so I would sit there and like how would I get this done how would I get that and then all day just thinking about this live stream and it just like it it locked me up because I wanted to I wanted to do things I wanted to say thank you for the 500 subscribers I wanted to tell you all where I've been and you know probably a short YouTube video isn't that spot the live stream is perfect for it but I just I just got locked into this well you need to do a live stream and I hadn't done a live stream in a long time and by the way live streams are going to come back I I don't know exactly when I don't know exactly how but they're coming back even if nobody watches them I like live streams myself um and so they're going to happen it's just a question of when but anyway that was that was bothering me that like for the last two weeks I've probably been ready to do a video uh a live stream but I just haven't been able to put it together so I today is just like get it out get it out let people know what's going on and then just and then just go from there so that's what we're going to do now there's also this thing about you if you've ever met me you ever been around me for a long time I have periods of great wonderful productivity and then they just spiral in nothing okay and then it's just like I I get excited and I do things and then I get sad and don't and it's it's not like it's not like like clinical like sad and depressing depression it's just it's just kind of how it always been so this is nothing new um so you'll probably see her running videos now for m a month maybe longer the last run was four months and then it just all stops at once then it'll come back it's it's a very it's a very odd thing so uh let's go over something else here the world has changed since I started doing regular videos and I and I have to get used to that like the whole back end of YouTube has changed there's all this stuff about AI content um I I have used AI content as far as like producing um the notes and stuff for the videos because it's just just easier for me um I I put in my own thoughts and then I have it kind of clean things up for me it seems like it's a quick and dirty way to do it um I'm not ashamed of it and I'm going to keep doing it but I have never made like an AI video like where I'm like a fake person or like it's even in the video I just I just didn't do this and so one of the reasons why I got into this in the first place or when I why I started this is I never really liked the super cut slick videos you know the Slick edited videos with the Fast Cuts on YouTube I just I didn't like it now there's Nic orada um L plaining the internet webs that that was where I I saw for the first time like somebody just stream and just be natural and just talk about things that they enjoy um this was from a legal perspective at first now he's all over the place it's it's quite fascinating um but I didn't want everything to be so scripted okay I don't I don't like it and I don't like it now like this is a one take thing do it and and the reason for that is simple for me it's like look if you you can produce a slickly produced video and get 100 views or you can produce what you want to produce and get 50 views and it takes three hours less or four hours less probably a better idea just to go with the the the the nice video that you want so that's what I did but even now like you hear from like Mr Beast and stuff they're talking about like hey like this is getting ridiculous like it's over the top kind of weird to say that we got over 100 million viewers but but but whatever subscribers uh so so that's one thing that like people are coming to in my opinion they're coming to my space and I think that's the way it should be you should have like it should be genuine like YouTube and everything else should be genuine let me tell you about this thing I stumbled on while I was gone the Forex like people on talk about Forex on YouTube it's just out of control these guys that are like the best Forex channels can't trade for anything like are horrid like can't even be profitable and yet they're telling everybody else how to do it it's fascinating then you have like these nameless and faceless people that do these videos it's just very fascinating if you ever want to go down a rabbit hole I suggest you you look in the Forex Trading on YouTube it's absolutely insane I can only imagine how bad cryptocurrency must be uh but I'm I'm I'm just not I'm just not there so um so there's that and then now there's some big stories in res residential real estate or yeah residential real estate a couple things one the Nar proposed settlement the National Association of realtor settlement um I'm going to get into it I'm just going to do the list real quick so there's that there's squatter's rights and then there's the rate lock effect and so let me just go over a few of these like let's just go over kind of my thinking here so the Nar settlement it I was on on Twitter or X and it brought so many haters towards residential real estate agents like everyone's happy that you're going to not make any money money well news flash we don't always make money now um it's just like it it was just like let's beat up a realtor day for like a month okay and the settlement hasn't even gone through July is when we're supposed to take effect here in St Louis where as far as where we're going supposed to have our documents in order uh it's a big change uh it's disheartening because of just like what I was telling you earlier where it's fun to hear people that talk about stuff they have no idea what they're talking about those people like when they when they actually they believe their they BS that's the stuff I just despise and watching what people wrote and said about real residential real estate was a fascinating education for me because like like I was telling you with the figure skating I had no idea about figure skating so when I talk about it it was funny because it was known to the audience that I have no idea what I'm talking about that's funny it's not funny when somebody presents themselves an expert at something and talks bunch of junk that they don't know anything about I'll tell you one thing right now that I saw all over the place Realtors charge 6% I have not charged 6% in my career so I mean like just simple small things they're going to the CEO of redin who hates the National Association Realtors to get his thoughts on everything okay they don't go to like that no one called me okay they say well John you only have 500 subscribers on YouTube and your podcast is like I think there's like three people that accidentally hit the button look I get it okay but I'm far more in tune to the real estate residential real estate world than these people are cuz my job is to sell houses and my job is to help buyers buy houses it's it's not you know lawsuits and all kinds of other garbage like I I don't like the people that they called in the in the in the one court case the I mean the people that they called were not real estate agents or hadn't been real estate agents for at least I don't know 20 years it's it was just bizarre it was it was just totally stupid and I just anyway so but I I what I think about the settlement is that I don't know what's going to happen so I best not talk too much about it now I have some thoughts that things may happen but mostly what we're going to see I think is a lot of unintended consequences that are going to end up hurting the consumer rather than helping the consumer and that's going to freak A lot of people out because it's been marketed one way and it's going to go a totally different way I think but we'll find out and you say well John what if you can't be a real estate agent anymore what if it's no longer profitable for you well it's not always profitable like I have good years and bad okay so it's not like I mean I'm kind of in this space I I can't I'm 46 years old where am I going I've been doing this for 15 20 years and before that I was you know an investor you know so I don't I don't I'm not going anywhere this is the space I'm in I I have my brokerage and we're going to we're going to be here I'm stuck and so that's number one number two a very fascinating things happened it's the squatter's rights Story the idea that squatters have rights to your property now this isn't something new um I was trying to bring this to your attention um way way back I'm trying to see if I have it yeah so here I got it for you I'll show it show you right here uh I don't know if I did my buttons right there you go look there on YouTube I mean you've got you've got two days ago the guy gets 880,000 views um two 2700 views let me get let me get to some other but like 10 hours ago 16,000 views 10 months ago 4.8 million views um but then you get back like 10 years ago 5.6 million views woman catches squatters moving in her home and I remember the first I I remember the first story that uh that I saw is this is this real estate agent listed a very nice house um in uh it was in uh Pennsylvania and between the time they sold the house and the time the new people tried to move in squatters moved in and then the the people that wanted to buy the house were like I'm not buying the house because there's squatters in it and it and that was the moment where I was like this is weird now I can see like just from the internet like things have changed like I was talking about like some people say well Squad you know like you shouldn't you don't have any property rights and these people don't have a home so shame on you for not letting them live in your house I am not in that opinion um there's there's even these people that will like you write a lease to them and then they go in and they intimidate the squatter um I mean it's just bizarre right it's but but the bigger thing for me is why did it become a story now like why now it's been going on for years right like people I guess people assumed that if a squatter moved into a house that you could just call the cops and the cops would come in and just be like get out they didn't know well I mean that's an issue so so that's something that we'll talk about and then finally right now what we're in is what I what what many people have called the rate lock effect and what it is is simply um the idea that everyone bought and probably overpaid for a low 2% mortgage uh will now not want to move so the only inventory we get is bad inventory it's like when someone dies or when you know something happens they get transferred for work there's no real good inventory that comes to the market uh because people can't trade up now because they're locked in these low mortgages and um it is a real thing okay uh it's manifested itself in strange ways also uh for example my business is down terribly my business is down terribly there's no question um and why is that well because it's hard for buyers to buy um even now like this weekend I listed a house and we had multiple offers on the properties and if it isn't owner occupants they're investors of the like 10 offers I had seven of them were investors I mean it's just crazy um so if you represent a seller on a listing you'll probably sell it that's probably not an issue as long as you're not you don't screw it up um but it's it's a onetime thing so you you're not getting like a b you're not getting a seller and then they go buy something else or they go buy something and then sell theirs because this inventory is like you know Grandma's moving to a home or something like that it's not it's not it's it's they're they're going somewhere else so um when you're working as a buyer's agent uh the numbers like combined with the higher property tax values higher insurance rates um and the higher mortgage rates I mean you just don't want to buy now you say well John there were all these multiple offers yes yes but understand that of those 10 offers only one person is getting a house and then they move on and we're we're looking at I think it was 7.26 on a 30-year fix today so um it's just a tough time right now in the market and that's that's probably finally the last thing is look things when they're you I'm an emotional person I wouldn't say like emotional like you know like weird emotional just like when you get kicked on on twit Twitter for you know charging too much commission for a house when you're not charging too much cuz you don't the because the person that's saying that has no idea what the business is about okay and then you get the uh rate lock effect where people are just like it's not pleasant to be a buyer right now you know it's just not and then when you sell stuff it's it's good I still like it but I've never been big at on listing houses I have very good listing um package that I put put for for my clients but it's never been like you know it's just never been I've mostly work with Buyers I'd love to work with more sellers but that's just the way it is so you know you're down you're out of the country you're sick you don't feel well and then your videos you don't know if they're going to do well or don't do well it's just a lot and so that's that's been what I've been dealing with that's been what I've been up to I hope all my uh I hope all my subscribers you know come back and watch and we can all have fun again it should be fun right we should have a good time even even with serious topics you should be able to laugh every once in a while so that's what I want to do you will see more videos from me now now that we've we've we've broken the the chain that have kept kept us down for the last couple months and uh you know that's what we'll do so with that I'm going to head on out I wanted to say uh thank you for watching and I will catch you on the next one good night

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