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Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

Released Monday, 16th July 2018
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Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

Monday, 16th July 2018
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In this Discovering Star Trek bonus episode we discuss the life and legend of Harlan Ellison and take a look at his season one original series episode "The City on the Edge of Forever." Join the team as we go from the off screen drama of 1960s television to the on screen drama of the far future where two best friends have to go back in time to make sure Joan Collins dies horribly. So, thank you for all your great work over the years Harlan... rest in peace.

Bonus Episode - Remembering Harlan Ellison and "The City on the Edge of Forever"

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