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24.Membership Sites

24.Membership Sites

Released Monday, 8th June 2020
Good episode? Give it some love!
24.Membership Sites

24.Membership Sites

24.Membership Sites

24.Membership Sites

Monday, 8th June 2020
Good episode? Give it some love!
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So here's the thing. How do we MLMers use modern and current marketing techniques and trends without having to bother or pester friends and family, but still grow a profitable business? How do we recruit A-players into our down line and yet still have time for our busy lives? We'll find out this and more on Downline Automation Radio.

                                What's up Downline Automation Radio? Woo. It is Monday and I am excited to be here. Oh, so much to tell you guys, so much fun stuff happening right now. Where do I start? Let me start with a story. Let's start with a story about me and my experience as a trainer, what that was like.

                                And I love training people. Don't get me wrong. I love trainings. It's one of my favorite things to do. I'm not a teacher. I don't like teaching. I love training. I love this industry and explaining this industry and breaking this industry down. But if you ask me to set foot in a classroom and just teach a bunch of kids or even adults, I'd be like, "Oh, this is so stupid." But I'm passionate about this. So let's get to it.

                                I had reached a certain level of success in my first business where I was starting to be asked to do trainings, like travel around and do some trainings which was fun. Very exciting, very good for the ego. Very bad for the ego, too, in a lot of ways for me. I have an ego that tends to get out of control quickly and I really have to work to not let that happen.

                                And it definitely did. It definitely happened through that process. And I learned a lot through it. I'm a better person for it, but that's not what I'm trying to tell you. Let me get back on track. Sorry. There was so much fun. There was so much enjoyment in training, but this is what it looked like for me.

                                Monday night, I would go out and I would contact. Tuesday night was training. So for three hours, I was showing the plan and then doing a training session afterwards. And this is hotel meeting style, right? We're doing hotel meetings, like 50, 60, 70, 100 people sometimes. Not huge meetings. I wasn't that big a deal. I was really fairly low on the totem pole, really. But it was great. It was a great experience.

                                So I would do that Tuesday night. I would do it again Wednesday night. And again Thursday night at different locations. I would do one 20 minutes from my house, another one an hour from my house. And then another one was another hour away from my house in the other direction. And I would do these three times a week. And I did that for months on end, trying to grow teams at each one of those hotel meetings.

                                And let me tell you what I learned. It's a freaking waste of time. What? How do you say that? I ran all over God's creation, trying to do that. And it was exhausting and I would teach the basics of the business, the four habits, the four this, the three that. Whatever they asked me to teach that week that the local team thought that they needed or I thought that they needed. And I would teach that and then I would go home. And then I would get up the next day, go to work and I'd work all day and then I'd put on my suit and I'd run out to the next hotel meeting. And I would go do it again. I did that three nights in a row for three weeks or three nights a week for months and months and months on end.

                                And if I wasn't teaching, I was still there to support my team, to answer any questions that they had, try to provide support for their growing teams. And it was exhausting and it was expensive and it was time consuming. And what ended up happening was the more I taught these things over and over and over again, the less excited I got about them. It became old hat. It became, yeah. I mean, duh, four habits, go out, contact somebody, add them to the list, show them the plan, follow up, get them started, boom. Rinse and repeat. Over and over and over and over again.

                                And I remember thinking, "Oh my God, is this what I got to do for the rest of my life in this industry? I got to teach the same thing over and over and over again?That's not exciting to me. That's not going to get me out of bed." And my teaching, my excitement went down and the quality of my teaching went down and soon, I wasn't asked to teach anymore. Fairly. I'm not upset about that at all. I just was just phoning it in. I got bored. I have a problem with boredom. I will get bored.

                                So this time around, as I'm automating my business, bringing it back to current day, and this is why I'm excited to share with you, I'm thinking about this. Like, "Okay, you're excited now you're teaching all this stuff, Ben, but how do you bring it back so that you don't get bored again, teaching this stuff?"

                                And so I thought long and hard about it. I looked around at what my different options are because I see a lot of upline leaders in all the different businesses that I follow and look at. I like to learn from the other leaders in the industry. Not just in my own upline, I like to look around and get different ideas and see which work for me and which ones don't. I always honor my upline and what they teach, but not everybody knows everything.

                                So I look around and I see a lot of people, maybe this is you too, they're doing Facebook lives. They're doing Zoom calls with their team. Or they got Voxer going on and messages going back and forth. And they're constantly in the state of training somebody. They're constantly answering your questions. They're constantly going, "Here's where you go to find this information. Here's how you do this. And let me answer a question. Here's how you do this. And here's how you do this."

                                And it seems exhausting to me. It seems like it has got to be horribly boring, to be perfectly honest with you. It seems awful. Right? And then the other ... So some people have figured that out, right? Some people are like, "Okay, I don't like this." So they save all of their trainings on Facebook in a group, put them up there, tag them. And after three months, it becomes so difficult and confusing to use Facebook groups and pages to find the information that you need, because there's been so many videos and so many posts and the tagging system is wonky at best. And how you name it doesn't necessarily translate to what somebody is looking for. And so you end up like people are like, "Oh, forget it." And so they move on. So they move, they go, "Okay. Okay. Okay. What have we got to do?"

                                And then some people take it another step, "Well, let's just warehouse them up on a site and put them in categories online. We'll put them into four or five categories online and make a membership site people can go to, and they can just scroll through this stuff and figure out which one they want." But they still have to guess on the category and they still have to guess based upon the title of the thing. That's better, that's about as good as it gets, right? For a lot of teams.

                                Okay, cool. From my own personal experience, those sites are really not great for me. I have a hard time finding the information. I have a hard time finding the energy to search for the information, right? It doesn't really guide you through the process. There's a getting started section, but it's still not quite enough to really truly run a business. And so you're stuck learning your upline's teachings, which are now a year and a half in and he doesn't want to go back to teach things he's already taught before, because they're up on this website.

                                You're coming in, you're like, "Wait, I don't have the basics. I don't understand what he's talking." It's confusing. And it doesn't work real well. So what's the alternative, what's the solution? And that's what I thought about these last two weeks.

                                A membership site is the way to go. And I'm building a membership site for my team. Now stay with me because this is also for you. Inside that membership site, it's going to be 30 days, unlocked each day, a training. Exactly what you need to do that day to move your business forward. Exactly what you need to accomplish in a bite size achievable goal so my downline is not getting overwhelmed. They're not like, "Oh my God, look at all these videos. I got to watch 17, 20 hours of video just to do this? What? No, man."

                                Here's a five, 10, 15, 20 minutes at the max video, explaining to you what you need to do today in order to set up your business and get you moving and making money. I'm putting that together for my team. It's almost done. All the structure is laid out, we're just finishing up some of the content copy. And then from there, we are going to do something really cool that's going to help you out.

                                Tell me, Ben, how are you going to help me? Well, here's how I'm going to do it. I'm going to take that site. I'm going to clone it. I'm going to make it available for you. I'm going to take out all the things that are specific to my business and my company. Listen, again, I go back to this. I said it in an episode one and if you didn't hear it, go back and listen. I have no intention of pitching you to join my team on this podcast. None. This is a business pitch-free zone. You'll never get pitched for me on this business. I'm not going to tell you what business I'm in. I'm not going to tell you where my application funnel is. I'm not going to tell you all these things, but what I am going to do is I am going to build this website for you.

                                I'm going to build this membership website for you and I'm going to make it available to you. I haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to make it available to you, where the price point is or is it going to be a paid membership or is it going to be a onetime fee? Definitely lifetime access. I don't know. I have to figure that all out. But that part I'm figuring out this week. I'm going to talk to some of my mentors and really get to the bottom of that and nail it down.

                                But it's going to be available for you and you can give it to your team and you can sell it to your team, whatever. Okay? I don't care what you do with it. I really don't.

                                But what I do want you to do is use it for your team. Okay? I want this industry to change. So while I was running around as a trainer, getting bored, teaching the same old stuff, same old stuff. If I had had this, I could have just recorded a video. Here's the four basics. Here's the four habits. Here's the nine course, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, boom. A video for each one. Now I don't ever have to teach it again. Here it is. And each day, it breaks it out.

                                They're going to get it. They just have to watch a video once a day. And then it prevents overwhelm for them. That's why so many people quit in this business. It's overwhelming. They got to learn all this new jargon. They got to learn how to sell. They got to learn how to market. They got to learn how to close. They got to learn how to go to these meetings and they got to work on themselves. It's a lot guys. It's a lot.

                                And if you can find ways to relieve that overwhelm for people, that's an offer in and of itself. Think about that. Think about if you can say, "Listen, man, relax. It's okay. Here's a 10, 15, 20 minute video. You're going to watch one a day. That's it. We're going to work you into the pace. We're going to teach you slowly. You don't have to do anything else than what that video says. And if you have questions, we'll figure it out. But there's this. You have questions? Look it up on this website. It's frequently asked questions and we've labeled it and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

                                And here's the training aspect of it. If you're looking for training and how to chat bots, if you're looking for training in funnels, if you're looking for training on copy, if you're looking for training on traffic. It's all here and it's all broken down and explains exactly what each piece is."

                                How much of a competitive advantage are you going to have? Put that on your application funnel right there. That's a huge advantage. Who else is doing that in your upline? Anybody? Is anybody in your upline doing that, solving those problems? Or are they just going, "Read these books, listen to these audios and show up to these meetings and make sure that you're making a list of 100 names." No, man, it's too much for a lot of people, too much for a lot of people which, I mean, I have my own feelings about because I feel like you should be getting some better people that aren't overwhelmed by that. But that's just my own personal feeling on that.

                                I don't like to work with people that are easily overwhelmed. I'll be honest with you. I like working with people that are hungry and go getters and pros and I don't have to do a lot of handholding. I can just say, "There's the information, go get it. It has everything you need. Come back to me after you've ingested all that information. And then let me know if you still have any questions." And if they do great, great. Now there's an opportunity to do an additional training. Now there's a chance for me to take it a step further and be like, "Okay, well, that was the basics. Now let's get into the nitty gritty of it, right?"

                                So when people come back to you with a question, it's an opportunity to create content for your membership site. You're missing something. They come back with questions. You're missing a detail somewhere. They're telling you, "Okay, that was great. But you created a problem for me. And I don't know how to fix it because this is what I don't know." Fix it for them. Boom. Here you go. Let me solve this problem for you. Now you're even more valuable to them.

                                The loyalty, the comradery, the teamwork that is created out of that is so powerful because what they get for most people is from their upline is, "Make a list of 100 names." Man, girl, you're doing so good. Girl, you're a winner here. You're going to make it, but I need a list of 100 names.

                                I already gave you a list of 100 names. Well, you're going to make it, girl. You're a winner. You're a star. I love you. You're powerful, but I need a list of 100 names and it goes on and on and on and on and on. And that's why people are just like, "Okay, well. I'm done, right?"

                                So can you teach people how to generate traffic to your offers? You can teach them how to make offers and you teach them how to drive traffic to their offers. If you can do that, it's game over man. It's just a matter of time. And that's how I feel like. That's the most exciting thing about this business for me right now is it just feels like it's just a matter of time. I don't remember feeling that. I remember feeling stressed out. I remember feeling anxious and stressed, am I good enough, am I not going to be able to do this? I don't feel that anymore. I don't feel that anymore. I feel like it's just a matter of time.

                                And you just keep doing these things. Keep putting this content out, keep building the things that automate the process. It's just a matter of time for people to find it and the word gets out. And when people find it and the word gets out, it's going to be amazing. Amazing.

                                This kind of funnel. I'm not the first person to develop this idea. I'm not an original on this. One of the people that I've been studying who has been doing this for a while, gets two to three applications a day. A day. Two to three people a day ask him to join his business. What would that look like if that started happening for you?

                                I'll tell you what it will look like for me. I'd been doing the hallelujah dance all day long, all day long., Every time one of those boop, hey, somebody asked to join your team. Cool. Am I going to accept every single one of those people? No. No. They're going to be the right fit. So I'm creating the right culture for my team.

                                I'm going to share an application funnel with you guys. I'm currently building it. I've got the last two pieces for my own application funnel to build this week and it will be done and up and running. I'm not going to tell you what it is, because again, this is not a pitch fest. I'm not here for you guys to join my team. I'm here to better the industry and to make this a better place for all of us.

                                Okay. So I'm going to give you that stuff, too. Just hang in there with me as I build this stuff, it's taking me a little longer than I really wanted it to. But that's because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm having to learn. And I'm having to go back and fix things and be like, "Oh yeah, that doesn't work. Okay. So let me fix that." And that's okay. That's totally okay.

                                I don't mind that at all. I enjoy that. I enjoy that. I enjoy finding out and being able to track the data, like, "Oh, this doesn't work. So now I need to fix it." We talked about it in the last episode. So I'm starting to ramble, but listen guys, I'm pumped up for you. I'm so excited that you're not going to have to do the same trainings over and over and over again but you're going to have access to this stuff and that it's going to be amazing.

                                And I can't wait for all of you to have it. I can't wait for you guys to see it and experience it for yourself. It's unbelievable. So listen, keep hanging in there with me. Keep hanging into this podcast. I promise in the next couple of weeks, some really amazing things are going to be coming out. It's going to be so exciting. Hang in there with me, stay working, stay true and keep believing.

                                Hey, thanks for listening. Please remember to subscribe and leave feedback. Would you like a copy of the book that changed everything in my network marketing business? If so, you can get a free copy of Network Marketing Secrets at downlineautomation.com.

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