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Dr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.com

Nehemia Gordon

Dr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.com

A daily Religion, Spirituality and Christianity podcast featuring Nehemia Gordon

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Dr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.com

Nehemia Gordon

Dr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.com

Dr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.com

Nehemia Gordon

Dr. Nehemia Gordon - Bible Scholar at NehemiasWall.com

A daily Religion, Spirituality and Christianity podcast featuring Nehemia Gordon
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Nehemia Gordon is the creator and host ofHebrew Voices podcast, he has written two popular books on the Hebrew origins of Christianity and is active in interfaith dialogue, currently he is working on cutting edge research utilizing Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible and hosts Nehemia's Wall Podcast. ...More
Scott serves as the provost at The Bible Seminary in Katy (Houston), Texas and as the Director of Excavations for the Associates for Biblical Research at Khirbet el-Maqatir and Shiloh, Israel. Scott is a sought after speaker at churches, conferences, and seminars. ...More
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