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Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

Released Tuesday, 22nd December 2015
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Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

Earl Grey 119: You Can't Handle The Truth

Tuesday, 22nd December 2015
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The First Duty Commentary.

In The Original Series, their movies, and early The Next Generation, Star Trek continually referenced Starfleet Academy, the training ground for our favorite officers. However, fans did not get their first introduction to the San Francisco-based Academy until the nineteenth episode of TNG's fifth season, "The First Duty." Daniel, Darren, and Phillip fire up this memorable episode and provide a commentary.

This episode focuses on Cadets Wesley Crusher, Sito Jaxa ("Lower Decks") and Tom Par-, um, Nicholas Locarno, as their poor choices lead to the death of a fellow cadet, and an investigation forces Wesley to make a life-altering decision. This episode also introduces the Academy groundskeeper Boothby ("In the Flesh" [VOY]), who has mentored many future Starfleet commanders. So open the door (with a handle!) to a great Captain Jean-Luc Picard speech, put on your cadet uniform, and join Earl Grey for this commentary on "The First Duty." 

Daniel Proulx, Phillip Gilfus, & Darren Moser

Editor / Producer
Darren Moser

Executive Producers
Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, & C Bryan Jones

Production ManagerRichard MarquezContent Manager

Will Nguyen

Commentary Start (00:06:44)
Final Thoughts (00:51:31)

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