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Easing into Crypto

Michael Caloz

Easing into Crypto

An Education podcast

 8 people rated this podcast
Easing into Crypto

Michael Caloz

Easing into Crypto

Easing into Crypto

Michael Caloz

Easing into Crypto

An Education podcast
 8 people rated this podcast
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Cryptocurrency is about a lot more than just making money. We'll get there in later episodes, but first, I want to help you understand how crypto actually works (including how it will transform society, promote social justice, lead to brand new forms of art and creativity, form the foundation of futuristic online worlds, and protect personal autonomy).

You might be wondering:
- Did El Salvador really make Bitcoin an official currency you can pay taxes with? Yes.
- Did an NFT (i.e., a piece of art that lives inside cryptocurrency) really sell for $69 million? Yes.
- Is Bitcoin actually useful for anything, or is it just creating a lot of needless pollution? Yes.

There's a lot to unpack here, and most educational resources I've come across are either way too simplistic or way too advanced.

I'll start at the very beginning and gently guide you through all the concepts you need to understand to feel comfortable with cryptocurrency. There's so much potential here, but I want to do what I can to protect you from getting scammed or making costly mistakes.

I certainly won't claim to be an expert, but I've spent many hundreds of hours studying all this, and I'm continuing to learn and make mistakes every day.

I recommend starting with episode 0 and going through the series in numerical order from there—there are a lot of concepts to learn, and each episode builds on the previous ones.

My goal with this podcast is to get you excited about what's possible here, and then to help you out by sharing what I wish I'd known back when I got started.

This is for you whether you're brand new to crypto (maybe even brand new to investing in general), a seasoned investor wanting to dive deep for potentially huge returns, or a non-techie passionate about social justice, personal freedom, or moving toward a utopian future for humanity.

Visit the podcast's website to see all the episodes laid out in order and broken down into four mini-series: https://www.easingintocrypto.com

Here’s a map of the episodes:
- 0-1: Why crypto is important, and why you might consider listening to me
- 2-6: How blockchains and crypto work, focusing on Bitcoin
- 7-8: How Ethereum works
- 9-11: NFT’s (non-fungible tokens), which are more than just expensive pictures
- 12: DAO’s (decentralized autonomous organizations), the crypto version of corporations
- 13-15: DeFi (decentralized finance), how crypto is reinventing finance
- 16-18: Preparing to invest in crypto
- 19-21: All the major categories of investment opportunity, including my list of coins and tokens
- 22-23: Wrapping up investing

Thanks for reading and listening,
Michael Caloz
[email protected]

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Podcast Details

Created by
Michael Caloz
Podcast Status
Jun 20th, 2021
Latest Episode
May 16th, 2023
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
29 minutes

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