In today's Tuesday Tune Up, Josh reveals the cure for overwhelm. It's more simple than you think. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: Follow Empowered Electric on Instagram:
On today's Q&A, Josh and Steph talk about setting a hard working example for your kids, buying a lambo in your 20s, and the 10,000 hour rule. Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: ... more
On today's Tuesday Tune-Up, we talk about the biggest problem with Gen Z. Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: Follow Empowered Electric on Instagram: more
In today's Q&A, Josh and Steph sit down to talk about choosing between business or girlfriend, staying loyal to one woman, and neglecting family life to work. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: https://ww... more
In today's E🎙️P, Josh breaks down one of his most fundamental principles: MIA. Massive Or Immediate Action, and how you can apply it to your life. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: https://www.instagram... more
In today's Q&A, Josh and Steph sit down to discuss when children should start working, buying cars you can't afford, and being shadowbanned. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: more
Welcome to the Empowered People Q&A. In this new series, Steph brings Josh 3 questions/hot takes and gets his opinion on them. In today's episode, they talk about feelings in business, finding your dream girl (or guy), and putting yourself first. Stay tuned ⚡️ mpowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Chec... more
WARNING: This story is disturbing. In today,s EP, Josh shares a disturbing story from his time speaking at a Juvie Hall to make one simple point: this world needs more kindness. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Insta... more
In today's EP, Josh talks about the best way to get more compliments, and the answer may surprise you: do you want more compliments? Give more compliments. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: https://www.ins... more
Bradley Cooper joins us in the studio today to talk about providing value, skateboarding, twitch streaming, and more . Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: Follow Emp... more
In today's Tuesday Tune Up, Josh dives into first impressions with a story and analyzes how important they are and how to make them. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: more
In today's EP, Gina Lichte joins us in the studio to talk about the anxiety problem in young people today, not feeling good enough, and getting into high-level business groups, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Girls On The Run KC: Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check... more
In today's EP, Josh talks about how to be more approachable - and how being more approachable will lead to your long-term success. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: more
In today's EP, Josh talks about how videogames will mislead you, how you can't skip "levels" in life, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: Follow Empow... more
In today's EP, Jeff Wasserman joins Josh and Matt in the studio. Jeff is the Co-owner of Supplement Superstores KC and is also the co-host of the protein bros podcast. You won't want to miss this one ⚡️ Follow Jeff on Instagram: Follow Protein Bros Podcast on Instagram (their ... more
In today's EP, Josh talks about how most people focus way more on other people's problems than their own; and it's really screwing up their life. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: https://www.instagram.c... more
In today's EP, Brandon Smith (AKA Mr. Go Crazy) joins us in the studio to discuss fitness, work ethic, community, and much more. Brandon Smith is a personal trainer and the owner of Freight House Fitness. Stay tuned ⚡️ Follow Brandon on Instagram: Freight House Fitness: https://w... more
In today's EP, Josh talks about what it REALLY means to be a high value man, how people incorrectly perceive success, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: more
In today's EP, Josh and Matt have Dan Huerter on the show. Dan is the CEO of Pure Spectrum Hemp. In this episode, they discuss how Dan got started with Pure Spectrum, the amazing benefits of CBD that no one knows about, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Use code "EEKC" for 10% off at Pure Spectrum: https://www.purespectrumc... more
In today's Tuesday Tune Up, Josh tells the story of how he horribly misspelled a love letter, how to laugh at yourself, and taking yourself less seriously. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: https://www.i... more
In today's EP, it's part 2 of our throwback thursday with Andy Frisella. In this episode, Josh and Andy talk about working FOR your employees, people > profit, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instag... more
In today's EP, Josh promises to stop using the C word (no, it's not the vulgar one), and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow Josh on Instagram: Follow Empowered Electric on ... more
In today's EP, we're throwing it back to one of the best convos we've ever had on the podcast with the MFCEO himself, Andy Frisella. In today's throwback, Josh and Andy talk about what it really means to be an entrepreneur, caring about your employees, business partners, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's... more
In today's Tuesday's Tune Up, Josh asks the question; does anyone have any friends? In this episode, Josh dives into the importance of friendships, not having too many friends, and so much more. Stay tuned ⚡️
In today's EP, Josh and Matt sit down to talk about fake business gurus, who you should listen to, how many you should listen to, what their goals for the next 4 months are, and much more. Stay tuned ⚡️ Empowered People's first online course: Start To Scale. Check it out here: Follow ... more