Episode 50: Interest List FormingIn this podcast, Sam and Thomas and F This Podcast. The KRDL. Also a million funny things. You don’t need a preview, we freaking rule and you know it. Just listen. Duh.
Episode 49: The Trouble With Trouble With the CurveLots of terrible Geico commercials, amazing social critique and a brief Mumford follow up. Dickford and shits.
Episode 48: Shtford and SucksIt’s a normal sode until it takes a turn… for Dickford and Sucks. Shitford and Craps. Suckford and Dicks. Assholes and Holes. Mumford and Sons.
Despite some audio difficulties, the dudes prevail and bring you 82 minutes of pure badass. I'm only saying this because I forget what actually happened.
Episode 43: Beholdent SherbertSam and Thomas have a way too long conversation about personal matters. This conversation was accidentally recorded and uploaded as an episode.
Episode 42: We Support Soundboarding TerroristsDon’t you always expect to get money in gift cards? If not, what’s the point. Also student loans, and paying taxes for nothing. Couple commercials. Sound boards.
Episode 40: That Stubborn DevilSam’s got nothing as usual, Thomas can’t buy a belt to save his life, and Angela in one episode gets a new song and lands a new boyfriend. And then there was the shooting. That sucked.
Episode 39: The Reason for the SleedenThis episode ruled. Just trust us, we have over 150 years of podcasting experience. Tree lighting ceremonies or money business sell-emonies? And some other stuff that was definitely funny.
Episode 38: Samgela LansburyHoly shit, Angela fucking rules. Best superfan ever, now turned full time cast member with pension and tenure and health benefits. Just goes to show, you should be a huge fan of this show.
Episode 37: Joss SleedenSam has been court ordered to pay more attention, boring desk related humor, some awesome guy who made some terrible points on our website who we dismantle, and this circus was a f***ing zoo.
Episode 35: Like a Rollin’ Kidney StoneGod’s gifts, the Olympics, triplets, poop pains, and a new guy actually trying to work, let me pump my own gas, spontaneously generated giants.
After a long legal battle, we're back again. The final ultimate show intro. Major news items: Fred Willard, the shooting, chick fillet, some other crap, and then Sam gets attacked by not one, but TWO raptors.
Re-return of the Mack. Worscht sause, Lulvul. DMV just for me. Cops breaking the rules. Organ doning. Old people giving directions again. Just for Men baby commercial. "Expensive" 99 cent apps. Catholics digging up fossils. Tupac and Co
Another T and the B review, amazing user-submitted picture. Locker room question, sayings. People working out. Bud commercial "gather around". Idiot scientists. Return of the Mack Part 1
This episode ruled. Seriously. Just look at the name. But, you can't listen to it unless you write us an iTunes review. No, really. We've programmed it to give you HIV/AIDS if you haven't written us a review.
More user comments, Star Wars observations from a 2 year old, apartheid job, deleting drug habits, exposition, WoW emails, kids' cartcars, something that no one will understand, turban commercial.
Colds that infect your soul, iTunes review of the week, Vitamin water servings, tipping anyone who touches money, a new assignment for the intricate lies division. Generic brands. Serial Killers. AT&T 4g commercials. Superstitions.