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Halloween 2021

Halloween 2021

Released Wednesday, 27th October 2021
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Halloween 2021

Halloween 2021

Halloween 2021

Halloween 2021

Wednesday, 27th October 2021
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Tanya 0:00 Hear from well, we are going to attempt to do this. What are you doing? We're starting the intro actually. Guess what? It's monkey business it is monkey business in the ladies have hijacked monkey business on because the convention is done and we want to get the podcast up and running again. So therefore we decided that we were going to hijack it, get it started and what better to start than the Halloween season. So we are going to do our intro. So Dan at this point we would have you do the music Unknown Speaker 0:51 from Rochester, home of the people that are having trouble with podcasts today because isn't a podcast without some technical difficulties. It is fc threes monkey business, your one stop shop for everything geeky and everything is geeky if you love it enough. And normally stars Chris Billy and myself, Tanya, but today, my good friend and listeners you get myself Tanya you get Deanna? Hello. Do you get an M Ann's been the one having technical difficulties tonight. So the next time we are going to make sure that she's got a headphones that work really well with my computer because things don't like to play nice. So we're going to jump right in it is we're recording on October 21. And it's a pretty rainy yucky day. But I'm hoping that Halloween isn't like this whatsoever. So Deanna, you were saying that your nephew? What broke his toe? Unknown Speaker 2:03 Yeah, he broke his toe. He broke his pinky toe. Unknown Speaker 2:07 There's not much you can do for that either separately. Tape it up, Anne 2:10 tape it up, wrap it up and let nature take its course. I mean, I've done that before. So I know exactly what he's going through. And it's not fun. Unknown Speaker 2:19 I usually do it when I kick a chair going through the kitchen. So Unknown Speaker 2:24 that's how I broke my knees. I kicked the chair was very painful. Unknown Speaker 2:28 Yes. And and what uh, how are you? Unknown Speaker 2:32 I'm okay. You're okay. Yeah. I'm sopping wet because I was over interviewing people on the farm. So, yeah. Oh, Unknown Speaker 2:45 so the person you hired yesterday? Is he going to continue being hired by you? And you take the job after his car? Was it? Unknown Speaker 2:56 I don't know his car's totaled. His car was completely totaled. I don't know. He might he may consider it to be a bad omen at work, but, um, yeah, I was giving him a couple of days and I'm gonna reach out to him and check on him. It's sad. When I Unknown Speaker 3:14 left your house last night he was sitting on the front of his car waiting. Or like kind of leaning on it waiting for probably someone to come pick them up and the tow truck was kind of backed across Stoney point in waiting to haul the car up in shape. Yeah, he did not look happy. No, no. Man. So Unknown Speaker 3:41 yeah, good kid, though. Like, seems like a really nice good egg. And I'm hoping I'm hoping but I don't know. There could be it could go either way. Some people are like, oh, I need a job now to pay for a new car and other people are like, um, yeah, no, I can't work where I just totaled my car that I bought last week. Unknown Speaker 4:00 I know. That's what sucks is he just bought it last week. Was it a brand brand new car or was it a used one? Unknown Speaker 4:06 It was a used car. But I mean, he's 18 years old and he bought himself a really he was so proud of it that he bought himself a really nice car. He got it like four grand below Bluebook it has very low miles. He was like I'm not going to have to buy a car for like 10 years. Like he was really excited. Unknown Speaker 4:23 Oh, man. Yeah. Oh, the question is did he Jinx himself? I don't know. Unknown Speaker 4:32 Spooky season Unknown Speaker 4:33 it is spooky season. So that's that's potentially did someone put someone curse him? I hope not. But that's what we're gonna get into is we're gonna get into the spooky season. So we're gonna take a quick break. And this will be a perfect time for Dan to find some like Monster Mash spooky music to put in here so we're going to take a year No, Dan's not here, even though it does say, Dan. So we're gonna take a quick quick break, as I said, and let Dan find some music. And then we'll be right back to jump into our discussion of Halloween. And friends, we are back and we're going to be talking about my favorite season or it used to be my favorite season, Halloween, the spooky season. I love to this time of year. But you know, over the last couple years, I don't know if it's the pandemic or I'm getting older or what that I just haven't been into decorating for it in a bit more block. So we're gonna have a conversation about that and the things that we'd like to do around Halloween, and all that kind of fun stuff. So let's jump in. Deanna and who wants to go first? Now, go ahead. Unknown Speaker 5:59 I thought you said you were going first. Oh, I Unknown Speaker 6:01 go first. I love Halloween. Movies. I like eating the candy. I like scaring people. Oh, it's never a good Halloween until you watch the six year old cry running from your house wedding dance. Unknown Speaker 6:18 Now, my kid won't go to certain houses if there seem too spooky or too dark. Or he hears any music like her will not go even though he's 13. Unknown Speaker 6:32 We should take him through the calf barn at eight o'clock at night. Unknown Speaker 6:35 Oh my god. No, that's just cruel. Unknown Speaker 6:38 I want to hold the pitchfork. Unknown Speaker 6:41 Oh, great. Then you'll have to explain to your husband why that, you know, the cows have lost their minds because they're getting poked in the bud. Unknown Speaker 6:50 Walking through our calf barn even in the middle of summer on a hot day. It always reminds me of Halloween. There's cobwebs everywhere. There's bugs everywhere. There's black cats running around. Like they're everywhere. Unknown Speaker 7:05 Yeah, I've never really been a Halloween person. It's, it's okay. To me. It's just part of the, you know, fall into, you know, October into November. You know, the waiting for the, you know, longest day of the year to come. So this, you know, sun doesn't set at 430 in the afternoon. Unknown Speaker 7:30 Now, right, yeah. Unknown Speaker 7:33 So, you know, I mean, as a kid, I really think Halloween is more, you know, a kid's holiday more than anything. Yes, there are some adults that go out. I mean, there are people who spend hours and days and weeks decorating their homes. You know, they but you know, like people do at Christmas, but I just look at it as really another day. And you know, especially because you know, I don't have any little kids around anymore. You know, they've all grown up. So it's kind of their little, the shine is kind of off the jewel personally on them. Unknown Speaker 8:10 I go to my aunt's house on Halloween. And basically sit at her dining room table with her eating pizza and doughnut holes and cider, washing all the little kids come running up her stoop. And she to actually take the screen out of her screen door so that she can do reach out and give candy. And I mean, back when I was little, even when Jeff's my daughter Jobs was little, you would go there and there would be four or 500 kids there at her house. And I loved that. I just like seeing the costumes. I like seeing the parents. I like seeing everything about it. It's the community of it. As Jeff got older, we would go to different different places. Like when she was a baby, we had to do like the rounds of like 18 people. And it was like drive here, drive here, drive here. Come home and take off your your kids costume and watch the money fall out of it. Yeah, it's an Italian thing. They shove money in your kid's costumes. But I just laugh because as she got older, we used to go to one place in Greece and my ex husband's had family and stuff there. And they did trucker beer. So you took your wagon, you put a 12 pack of beer in it. And as you trick or treated with your kids, if the house was participating in the trucker beer, they would give you one of their craft beers and you would exchange it for one of theirs. Like so when you got home you had a full 12 pack of beer but it was a variety pack. Unknown Speaker 9:40 We would do that around here. That would happen but it usually was the I only remember remember a couple houses doing it. And it was people that we knew and they would give my brother and I candy and they'd had hand my father a beer. So my dad could drink a beer while he was taking us out trick or treating. Yeah. And I still remember the houses, you know, the people have moved out of the houses, but I still remember which ones would do that. And I was like, Dude, that is the coolest thing. Wow. You know, people don't do that anymore. It's, it's not the community taboo, you know, if you're drinking while you're taking your kids trick or treating. Unknown Speaker 10:24 I mean, I, when I was a kid, probably, you know, later on when you guys, you know, well, before me, but when we were when I was a kid, Mom took you on the street to see the neighbors. Somewhere along the way. mom stayed to the neighbor's house and you continued on with somebody else? No, it was a community thing. Like even if it's snowed, somebody had a fire going somewhere, and you were gonna stay in warm up and have hot cocoa and it wasn't just go get candy and scare people. Unknown Speaker 10:53 Right? I mean, I remember neighborhood in I think my brother was a freshman or sophomore in high school. And I remember just gaggles of kids, you know, 25, or 30 of them would just roam the neighborhood. And they do trigger tree and then they'd hop in somebody's car and go roam another neighborhood and trigger tree. You know, they were out for three, you know, the several hours, you know, several hours, and they had a blast, and you don't see that anymore. Unknown Speaker 11:22 No, that's, and that's what I find that over the last, I want to say five or six years. I mean, when we first moved into the neighborhood after like the first three or four years living here, there would be a wagon that would come in being pulled by a pickup truck. That one year was decorated as a Viking ship. And like as Deanna said, a gaggle a gaggle of kids and adults hopped off there probably hadn't been like 30 or 40 of them roaming the neighborhood. And then the next year, they were something else and the next year, there's something else. And you know, they've grown up, and we miss seeing them, because that was just so fun for them to, to come through. And yeah, I remember some of the Halloweens where it was 75 degrees, and we're eating pizza on the front porch, and then other degree other Halloweens where it's like snowing. And and Tyler's already written me a note stating no snow on Halloween. So I, he, I think he's trying to predict the weather. That's going to be in a few days. But Unknown Speaker 12:34 yeah, I mean, I remember Halloween costumes as a kid. You know, there's a few of them. And there are pictures somewhere that I haven't been able to burn yet of us in our Halloween costumes with our winter coat under them because it had snowed the day before. And it was just like, you know, your parents are like, well, we're not going out or like, Heck yeah, we're going out. You know, and we're bounded determine, you know, walking up these front steps, you know, that have been cleared in these pumpkins that are carved are all covered in snow. Unknown Speaker 13:08 Yeah, but that's the funny part. And I tell you, it's my mom's face other than Christmas, it's my mom's favorite time of year because she loves going out with with the kids. May I have a picture of Tyler dressed as stitch when he was about the age of six at my parents house with her behind them. And she always loved trick or treating. And taking the kids out almost like I would be more than happy to stay home giving giving out candy and lately over the last couple years I've been able to do that because Riker has been picking like my dad and Randy to go trick or treating with him just to walk around. But there was a one year when Tyler was probably about eight or nine. My dad, my mom and I were walking around with him. And halfway through the neighborhood. My dad's like, Hey, Tyler, did you get any Allman joys in your bag yet? And Tyler's like, I don't know. So him and my dad kind of dove into the bag and we're starting to look and he hadn't gotten any yet. So the next couple houses there, he's like trick or tree. They're like, Oh, you're so cute. Whatever he goes, Do you have any Allman joys for my papa? And eventually, we've gotten smarter and we've just bought a bag of Almond Joys to have in our house. And we feed them to my parents and my mom likes the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Unknown Speaker 14:44 Yeah, for the Reese's Peanut Butter pumpkin. Those are the best. Unknown Speaker 14:48 I mean, I remember as a kid, my dad was the one that always took us out. My mom stayed home. My dad wanted to take us out he loved going out. You know, we would you know meet up with other parents in the neighborhood and they would shoot the shit is there, you know, as we're running up and down the streets and they're standing in the street with the flashlights and, you know, telling us, you know, don't run, it's like, yeah, tell telling kids not to run when they're getting candy from people is like, Yeah, okay. It's not gonna happen. Unknown Speaker 15:15 Be careful, don't. And what I worry about is one, we usually have done our yard up with like the cemetery and the inflatables and everything. And I'm so worried when kids go running across our front yard, when they jump off our porch to go to like the house next, to cut across the yard to the house two doors down. I'm so afraid that they're going to clothesline themselves with the strings, the strings from the inflatables, or whatever. Now, they can't really do that, because we have the ramp on the front of the house. So they're kind of forced to go up and down the ramp. And so it kind of saves them from being clotheslined. Unknown Speaker 16:08 It's funny, you mentioned kids hurting themselves. I'll never ever forget, this was the year my parents took the pool out of the backyard. And it was, you know, we'd filled it in with dirt. And it was kind of money and I still remember sitting here Halloween. No sudden you hear this ruckus out back. I'm like what the hell, these idiot kids are gone running through the backyard. Did they get stuck in the kid last two shoe in the mud. So we're out there with flashlights trying to help this poor kid, you know, get this shoe out. And he pulls it out and it's just covered in. He's like, Okay, I'll see you later. And he just, you know, halfway, halfway friends left him. The other half stood, you know, stayed with him. But I was like, This is why you don't run through people's yards, guys, because you never know what you're gonna find. Unknown Speaker 16:53 Yeah, no kidding. But that's like half the joy of the holiday though. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 16:58 yeah. My mom used to love to make our costumes. Year after year. I mean, okay, we all had the Wonder Woman with the plastic mask. No, Unknown Speaker 17:08 I did. I hit a Fonzie with a plastic mask. I'm not gonna lie. Unknown Speaker 17:12 My mom made my sister raggedy and Andy the two of us one year. Um, she used to like to Oh, the Cabbage Patch Kid here. Oh my god, cuz I had long pigtails and she would put you'd put us an oak cup overalls and put freckles on our face. But I will never forget the year she made my sister and I a set of dice. Just the normal six die. I know what Unknown Speaker 17:40 a monopoly dice. No D 20s. Nope. Unknown Speaker 17:45 So she cut a hole in it for our head and holes in her arm. So we had to hold our bag. And you had to turn sideways because it was just a hole. Your arms went out and running up and down stairs. You couldn't see. So we I fell. Coming off of a set of stairs. One step just fell fit break forward on step. Unknown Speaker 18:08 What did you roll Unknown Speaker 18:14 I think it was a five. It was a five. But I clothesline myself on the box. I had like a circle like a half circle bruise or on my now my goodness weeks afterwards. And everybody's like, why don't you just cut the whole head out? Like the whole top of the box and put string across there. I'm like, Oh, well, I don't think she ever thought about that. Unknown Speaker 18:40 You know, you talk about homemade costumes. I'll never forget when my dad made me. I think I was in junior high and it was some junior high dance. I went as a disc jockey. Except my dad had the craziest idea that I would dress up as a horse jockey. And he made me a costume out of a box like a Kodak disc camera. And I think I have burned those pictures. I think I destroyed those. Unknown Speaker 19:05 There's a lot of pictures that I want to burn. Yeah. So yeah, Unknown Speaker 19:08 I was a disc jockey. Like, my dad would come up with this Unknown Speaker 19:13 through the last year was in ninth grade. I remember because I had my appendix out on October 20. And I wanted to go trick or treating. And my mom was like no, you can't you can't because it wasn't laparoscopic. It was like a cot whatever. wasn't a big deal. Like I felt fine. You know, 14 year old kids bounce back real quick from stuff like that. And I went to like four houses and I sat down on the neighbor's. They had like this wicker furniture on their porch. And I fell asleep and my sisters came up by my older sister was out with her friends whatever. My little sister and her friends came up and they woke me up. They made me go home. And I'll never forget because they put all of our bags of candy on Our Front Porch. It's not open. It was, you know, been closed. When upstairs is our bathroom and came back down like 10 minutes later and all of our candy had been stolen. Hello. Somebody has walked in the porch saw bags of candy and left. I had four pieces in there. I didn't care. So my sister and her friends got pillowcases and went out trick or treating until 10 o'clock at night and came home with 40 pounds of candy. Unknown Speaker 20:28 They got all the candy people did Unknown Speaker 20:30 leftovers. They're just dumping. Unknown Speaker 20:33 Yep, and there and she was like, here you can have ours. I'm like, I really didn't want the candy at that point. Like I was too old anyway. What I was like, wow, this is crazy. Like, that's nuts. I can't wait to see the costumes on Saturday. Like, Unknown Speaker 20:48 I know. I'm excited about that. Oh, Unknown Speaker 20:50 no, I can't wait to see how cute they are how ingenious. People are with some of their kids costumes. Unknown Speaker 21:00 We do Trump retreat for Girl Scouts. And it's been really nice to see like, people come and they decorate their car. And then the kids all you know decorate with it. So the one year our troop before I took over on they all dressed as minions. And all the pumpkins were also minions. And that was really cute because they all decorate a pumpkin. They had the farmer year where they were all dressed up as farmers. Just really cute stuff. There's a Star Wars car every year. I just love how we did Cookie Monster and Elmo one year. But it's so creative to see it. I love the creativity that comes with the season. Yes, I wish more people focused on that and not the hall. Give me all the candy thing. I want people to focus on letting the kids be kids and have fun. Unknown Speaker 22:00 Yeah, and I think that's kind of been lost with the way the world is that it's not you know, it's always about well watch out for this watch out for that. You know that house has got you know, whenever it the fun really has been taken out of the holiday. Yeah, and Unknown Speaker 22:15 I you know, I really don't care how old you are. If you take the time to put a costume on and you have a bag and you're out. Having a grand old time. I will give you candy. You say please and Unknown Speaker 22:27 thank you. That is the big thing. Like I we don't go around my neighborhood because well the cows don't pass out candy here on them. I know. So we go to my aunt's house when we've been going there since we were really little anyway. You go to the neighbor's Turker tree. Thank you have a good night. Please think like I just even when I would bring Jessica as a toddler. Learning manners went along with the whole Halloween Spirit thing. You don't just run in snatch candy. And yes, there is a neighbor that hands out many Bibles. Yes, there's a neighbor that hands out toothbrushes. Whatever, you still say thank you and walk away. You know, Unknown Speaker 23:10 we had a neighbor that used to work for a vending company. And every year he would bring home boxes of potato chips before they had the little bags of Lay's and stuff. That's that was everybody always went to that house because they knew that it was something different than the regular candy. You know, and I remember there were some houses when we were kids, you would get like a cookie or you know bags of candy. Now there's you know, you get a cookie your parents make you throw it out. Like nobody bags the candy anymore. It's pretty much you know, Unknown Speaker 23:46 handfuls, ah, Unknown Speaker 23:48 popcorn balls. Oh, Unknown Speaker 23:51 like we used to go to our neighbor's house and they would make them fresh as you were coming up the door. Oh, and you would get a fresh popcorn while to eat while you're trick or treating. And now you can't do that nowadays because you don't know where those people have been. Unknown Speaker 24:05 Right? Yeah, the days of homemade treats are long long gone. Unknown Speaker 24:11 I know and that's sad. They had some really good Halloween treats but then of course there was always you got to check all the candy to make sure that nothing was Unknown Speaker 24:23 razor blades no pins. It's not open you know Unknown Speaker 24:27 right and that you check the apples and of course because you always hear the stories about how in this particular place that I got a apple that was Baba Baba blah are like are you kidding me? I think people are looking for like their five minutes of fame. Oh, absolute honesty. Unknown Speaker 24:46 Like they'll come for me. But razor blades are too expensive nowadays. Unknown Speaker 24:51 No kidding. They're behind a security. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 24:56 You got to get somebody to help you. Unknown Speaker 24:58 Yeah, Unknown Speaker 25:01 You need for razors to shave something. It's like $18 You got to sell half your kidney to get it. I'm not shoving it in an apple. I'm sorry. I'm just too cheap. Yeah. So costumes goes right along with the cosplaying for us. Like, yes. I like the cosplay contest stuff. But the trick or treating costumes have always been some of my favorites. Like, it was always myself, my little sister, our friends next door, Nikki and Amber and Jesse and then Michael Patrick. Okay. And we used to just laugh because we knew every year Michael Patrick and Jesse, he's you'd never forget that Jesse is now a like, second Sergeant staff level in the army, but every year he was the scrawny little kid that dressed up as oh my god wrestling. It was always Hulk Hogan was Michael Patrick. And the other guy. Oh, my God, he would yell and scream. Not Ric Flair. I found Unknown Speaker 26:13 it right. Roddy Piper. Unknown Speaker 26:14 No, no, no, he had those wife was always on his hand. Unknown Speaker 26:19 Oh, um, the oh my god, it slept into their Slim Jim guy. Yes. Yes. That's it. I can't remember his name. Savage. Macho Man, Randy Savage. That's his wife. The lovely Elizabeth. Unknown Speaker 26:35 Yes. So Jessie was always Macho Man, Randy Savage. Michael Patrick was always Hulk Hogan. And Amber, which was just his sister was always Elizabeth. And we would walk around, and Jesse would just be yelling every five minutes. That was going on. Unknown Speaker 26:55 Oh, my goodness. Unknown Speaker 26:56 Today's man because we would make our own costumes. Yeah, you would. And it was the year we all decided to be Barbie dolls, all the girls. And that was like, I was like 12 or 13. And it was like neon Barbie in spandex. Oh, it was definitely the 80s Yeah, it was it was like 9292 Yeah, May was a really bad year. And like we were wearing like spandex skirts, with spandex, like half shirts. And we had like fake high heels. Oh, God, it was so bad. So much blush and blue eyeshadow, I will never forget. Unknown Speaker 27:37 They'll see that in 92. That would have been kind of the year that my college roommates and I would be like going to a Halloween party and not trick or treating. Unknown Speaker 27:51 Because what we were looking for was of the alcohol version. And yes, for the party. Not Unknown Speaker 27:57 Yeah. Well, because people have to remember and is eight or nine years younger than Deanna and I. So is the baby of the group. Unknown Speaker 28:11 Wow. Yeah. Well, yeah, I was I was in college in 92. Going Yeah, me too. He only knows what party. Unknown Speaker 28:19 Like. It was the year that we realized some of us had started going through puberty. Because we're walking up and down the street. And we're getting propositioned because we did not look appropriate. Unknown Speaker 28:33 Not if you're in me on spandex for Barbie. Yeah, goodness. Unknown Speaker 28:37 And none of us really even thought about that. Because that's not where we were in our brains. I mean, we were in Catholic schools like we were just yeah, I'm Barbie. And like Amber was like, a robic Barbie. Unknown Speaker 28:50 Oh no. Oh no. Unknown Speaker 28:52 So the Jane Fonda spandex deck tights and leotard and the leg warmers. Got it? Unknown Speaker 29:00 All like bright neon colors. Oh, my God. Unknown Speaker 29:04 Don't let Gina know any of this because you know that eventually that she would try to put us into the stuff for for tap dance. Unknown Speaker 29:12 So as I grew up, Halloween was always super big for me because I was 16 When my niece Cory was born. And my sister worked nights. So I got to dress up Cory and take them trick or treating. And then I was 18 When my nephew was born, but okay, they're 22 and 26. Now, but I tell you for years, I made them in matching costumes. There was several years that Cory was a biker chick in leather. And Joey was was in his stroller, and the stroller was like the motorcycle. Winnie the Pooh and Tigger. Um, but as they got older and they got into elementary school, I was babysitting a lot of their friends. I started with my Halloween parties. And I absolutely loved them, we would turn our backyard. I would run pieces of rope across a 10 foot fencing. And then we plastic in and out to make a roof and then walls and make a complete haunted house out of some twine and plastic ice. Um, at the time I was married, and we were trying to have kids and we were told we couldn't have kids. So everything that we'd been given for like five years, I trashed we had a dead baby haunted house. Yeah, I remember you telling me about them. On my Facebook, you can actually see the pictures of like their screwdrivers through babies heads and walkers. There's a weed whacker on a baby in a crib. Like we had the Cryptkeeper we had these giant rats that we would cover in blood. And we had friends, we had smoke machines, and we have friends that would sit in the haunted house when kids would go through it. They would jump out and scare them. God and it was never an awesome Halloween until somebody what themselves or Laura court, three oldest kids every year, every year. One of them did it. It was awesome. Like and then as the kids got older, we added more stuff like we would do the make a zombie whoever made their zombie first. Have you ever played that game? Well, now we couldn't do it because of COVID times because toilet paper is a hot commodity but Unknown Speaker 31:38 is it a zombie or a mummy? Unknown Speaker 31:40 Mumbi mummy zombie, whatever. You know, you have to wrap them in toilet paper whoever gets wrapped up the most and uses the whole roll up first. You know is is the winner eating a doughnut off a string? Unknown Speaker 31:53 I remember those remember? What being a little kid doing that? Unknown Speaker 31:58 Yeah, we would just have so much fun. So bobbing for apples. Yeah, we didn't bob for apples. We did. We didn't bob for apples. It was bobbing for something else. We would paint pumpkins carved pumpkins do cookies. It would be a four hour event outside. The kids had a blast. I loved doing it. You know how much I love planning stuff. Um, as the kids have gotten older, my friend Courtney has taken over with it because she now has the younger kids and she does it more at her house now because she's got a much bigger house than I do. But it was always fun because we'd have 4050 kids and and we keep the haunted house up until Halloween and let the trick or treaters come through it. I miss those days. I love Halloween. Unknown Speaker 32:45 Well Deanna will tell you that I probably would not be going through that Haunted House knew I would not be going that scary. No, it doesn't matter. I mean, I do not like the jumpscare movies I don't like Deanna Shawn and I had gone it wasn't Halloween it was must have been over the summer over a break and we had gone to Niagara Falls I remember this we spent some time at the casino and then whatever but that Unknown Speaker 33:18 was when we could go to Canada without getting checked at the border. Unknown Speaker 33:21 Yeah no kidding. So we went to how even know what it is was its Ripley's Unknown Speaker 33:26 it was near the Ripley's Believe It or Not. Yeah, it was or something. Oh, yeah. Unknown Speaker 33:31 Like Frankenstein's house or whatever. And they're like, come on, come on. I'm like, I don't want to go there. Like come on. Come on. I'm like, uh, Unknown Speaker 33:42 and John was ruthless. He was Sean. Unknown Speaker 33:44 Sean was in front of me. Deanna was behind me and I was holding both of their hands. Yeah. Now, this was after Tyler was born. So I Tyler was like maybe three he might have been, might have been one of the times that he had gone up to Messina with Nene and Kim before he decided that he wasn't traveling anymore without mom. Um, but yeah, I just remember being scared to death. And both Sean and Deana laughing hysterically at me. Unknown Speaker 34:19 Yeah, and you know, and it's funny because I can't stand horror movies. I won't watch them. I won't even entertain them. But, you know, I was like, can't be that bad. I made a good laugh. Some parts of that was pretty freaky. Unknown Speaker 34:34 Yeah, and you know, and I used to, I used to love doing the haunted hayrides knowing full well but I just can't do it now. Randy laughs Shawn laughs in regards to all of those. I'm just like, nope. Riker will not go into spirit Halloween. He won't do it whatsoever. Like I can go into the spirit in spirit Halloween. I can Go up to two houses and things like that and not whatever but but willingly going into a made up haunted house. And we'll tell you that I hit issues going into nightmare manner with the lights on. I remember that this year it is back it is it is I have seen the sign up for nightmare manner in South Town. So yeah, well, we're not gonna go there on this podcast, you can you can continue to boycott. But um, how about we take a quick break, we have 35 minutes in and then come back and talk about our kind of our favorite Halloween, movies, TV shows that type of stuff. Unknown Speaker 36:03 That was a great conversation, reminiscing about everything for Halloween and what traditions that we would be traditions that we would do. And I love the fact that you would make the haunted house in your backyard with twine and plastic. That's ingenious. And no wonder you are so good at what you do for planning and you have all these ideas, because you can visualize it. And it's I might have some type of idea, but I don't know how to execute it. So I surround myself with people that know how to execute that type of stuff. Because I don't have that ability whatsoever. Unknown Speaker 36:47 Oh, just wait, I'm doing doing a wedding. Next year. I start doing three weddings next year. And I'm going to turn a Monroe County lodge into a burlap barn Unknown Speaker 37:02 with pinwheels with Unknown Speaker 37:03 pinwheels and silver and IV silver rings with IV Yeah. Unknown Speaker 37:09 And and I believe Deanna that we're probably going to be tagged to help create some of those. Unknown Speaker 37:16 Actually, I'm really lucky because this bride is already started making the pinwheels. Yes. We've already started a lot of this stuff. Um, I'm super excited because if you did not know, crafting for good, is open. Oh. So if you don't know a crafting for good is it is a craft store that takes leftover crafts from different field. Say you started crocheting something and you had an extra thing a yarn at the end. You can donate it to them, and they sell it as at a discount. fabric patterns, crochet hooks and knitting needles, everything you could imagine. It's like the leftover from Joanne's or Michaels. Unknown Speaker 37:59 But it's a chai, right? Unknown Speaker 38:00 Yeah, they just opened up in the corner of child I have in Buffalo. Oh, no, it's um, Union Street in Buffalo road. It's in where the IGA is. But what they do is they take all their profits and they give it back to different community events like for the first two years, they made water filtration systems for third world countries and brought them over there. It's a really good organization. I absolutely love it because I could do stuff for my girl scouts where it would cost me three $400 at Joanne's or Michaels and spend 30 bucks there and get it completed. It's good little place. Very cool. That's my place. Unknown Speaker 38:41 That's your place. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 38:44 my mother in law's house and go into her craft room that we still can't find the Floran. Unknown Speaker 38:50 Yeah. And your husband's places, the comic book shops and eBay. Unknown Speaker 38:55 Oh, I'm still mad about that comic book time I called today. I was like, I need this one. He's like, Oh, whoops. Oh, what's it called the wrong cover? But it's okay. I'm just gonna another one. I Unknown Speaker 39:08 see. So, okay, Unknown Speaker 39:11 what is your favorite holiday movie for Halloween? Unknown Speaker 39:15 Oh, um, I I really like Monster House. I do like Monster. It's really cute. Um, so that's one that I like. During this time, I think it work starting either tomorrow or next week. Well, tomorrow meaning Friday the 22nd Or because this is gonna drop on Wednesday. So hopefully this week while this drops we're might be watching on Nightmare Before Christmas. So, yeah, lunchtime. Nice because I haven't seen all of it. I've seen bits and pieces of it. But I haven't necessarily seen all of that movie. I want to say, Yeah, I would have to definitely go Monster House. I know that's not necessarily yours. I know what yours is. Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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