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Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

A Kids and Family podcast

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Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

Foster Adoption Podcast

A Kids and Family podcast
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Episodes of Foster Adoption Podcast

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Apr 9th, 2017
Matt joins Adam for a special 20th episode that details all of the amazing parts of being a parent and adopting from foster care.


Oct 14th, 2016
The dramatic conclusion to our experience in court to try and adopt our boys. Listen to what it is like to share a court waiting room with the birth family and what the termination of parental rights looks like.


Sep 22nd, 2016
The time between court dates was filled with emotion and preparation for the possibility that the boys could be leaving. Learn more about birth parent visits, caregiver reports and emotionally preparing for different outcomes.


Aug 24th, 2016
The court experience is intense and filled with emotions - this episode details our dramatic first time in court and it is complete with everything you have ever wanted to know about foster care court dates.


Aug 24th, 2016
Do you want to hear a quintessential story about how cray the foster system can be? I give you our educational rights story. How we navigated the bureaucracy of being able to get speech services for our son.


Jun 3rd, 2016
There were lots of emotions after the Birth Mother didn't show up to the scheduled visit. Now that she showed up for a visit, a waterfall of emotions and feelings flowed down.


Jun 3rd, 2016
The Birth Mother called and spoke to the boys for the first time and we made every mistake in the book, so you don't have to. Hear the emotions and the chaos involved in our first phone call.


Apr 18th, 2016
Birth parent calls and visits can be filled with intensities and emotions, but what are the very first moments like of having contact with your child's birth parent? Here is our story.


Apr 18th, 2016
A special and fun announcement is made! Plus a look at a few of the bureaucratic trials and tribulations of the first week of the boys moving in, including dealing with the medical system, county social workers and a deluge of meetings and appointments.


Feb 26th, 2016
The day we dreamt of our whole lives was here. The boys moved in on Valentine's Day and the reality of having our boys living with their hopeful forever family was upon us on this magical day.


Feb 26th, 2016
We met the boys, we loved them, they loved us, they loved our home, everything seemed great - can they move in immediately? NO! This episode details the patience required to navigate the transition period of getting to know your children before they move in officially.


Feb 26th, 2016
How do you introduce your new children to their new home? Listen to how we overanalyzed every aspect of the boys' first visit to our home. From the language we used to what dinner we served, we overthought everything... and it was one of the best days of our lives.


Feb 26th, 2016
After a wonderful first time meeting the boys, it was time for our first unsupervised visit. This episode tells the tale of the emotions involved with our first time being able to parent our children at the park and at McDonalds.


Jan 2nd, 2016
Now that we met the boys, it was time to go buy car seats and clothes and to decorate their room. This may sound like an extraneous detail, but for us, it was a huge deal.


Jan 2nd, 2016
Episode 1 details the emotions of meeting the boys for the first time. This episode provides more information about that special day and how to prepare for it.


Jan 2nd, 2016
So, you received the call matching you with your children... what happens next? This episode details the first steps of our foster to adopt match including the meeting with our county adoption worker.


Dec 10th, 2015
The phone rang and our lives changed forever. This episode details the bizarre time period of waiting to be matched with your children and what it is like to get the phone call that says you have been matched with your children. Spoiler alert: It is an amazing feeling!


Dec 6th, 2015
Getting certified as a foster parent can be a daunting process - Matt joins the podcast for the first time to explain our foster training, home inspection and home study.


Nov 26th, 2015
One of the most important decisions you will make in the process of adopting children from foster care is whether you should go directly through the county or a foster family agency. Listen to the reasons why we recommend going with a foster family agency.


Nov 13th, 2015
The Foster Adoption Podcast is a resource for people who are interested in growing their family by adopting children from foster care.


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