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Menu and Budget Engineering Magic with Menulogic

Menu and Budget Engineering Magic with Menulogic

Released Friday, 27th October 2023
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Menu and Budget Engineering Magic with Menulogic

Menu and Budget Engineering Magic with Menulogic

Menu and Budget Engineering Magic with Menulogic

Menu and Budget Engineering Magic with Menulogic

Friday, 27th October 2023
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episode_4_-_menu_and_budget_engineering_magic_with_menulogic (720p) === [00:00:00] Hello everyone my name is West Christian CEO of school food handler and boy we have a show for you today we have got ms. Lindsey Hill on the show today she is the CEO and Founder of menu logic k2 and they have got just some amazing software that helps districts literally find money without to any extra work it is the coolest thing and i cannot wait for her to share a little bit more about this amazing product and the Awesome work that they're doing over mini logic so without. Let's dive into today as a chat and let's introduce the the woman of the hour Lindsay Hill welcome to the show how are you today. [00:01:00] Great thanks was thanks for having me absolutely absolutely no it's a pleasure to have you here and i can't wait to talk to you and learn more about you and introduce you to our audience and then also have the opportunity to chat about your company mini logic for a little bit which folks out there haven't heard of mini logic. You are in for a real Street today Lindsay has started an amazing company and I'm gonna let her share a little bit more about that over the course of today but before we jump into that I'd love for folks that maybe have not had opportunity to meet you at a conference or you know just around in the school Nutrition industry I'd love to you know kind of get to know you a little Lindsey before we kinda jump in the things that sound great. Okey Awesome well kinda kick things off would you mind sharing a little bit more about what got you into school Nutrition what your background looks like and then ultimately kind of what drove you to start your company menu logic. Sure son registered technicion by trade so directly my dietetic in years ago Warriors [00:02:00] seventeen years ago i went directly into my role as a school Nutrition director so i was a Twenty three year old director in the District here bas, Indiana. Ah. Figuring things out no idea what i was doing i just knew i loved food service and i knew i love child Nutrition so love child Nutrition at least so pas for all these years all the years as a director i just i mean spent my life's work i mean everything about school Nutrition the Collaboration the goal at the end of the day is Feeding que. Feed kids i mean who else gets a job has such a you know wonderful outcome i guess en my role I've used I'm always been a technology person i actually that was my first major before i switched dietetics in College ive always been like. Interested in technology and how it can make things work better and work faster work more effectively so i used i kept thinking over time the business side of the business side of school Nutrition has always [00:03:00] im thinking I'm in Charge I'm Twenty three years old I'm in Charge of the multimillion dollar budget and like no ones helping new. Ok im no exactly sure what to do you know always review what has been done before and kind of monitor what's happening now and hopefully don't screw anything up too bad so you know im thinking like how do i make these are all my decisions are affecting whether or not kids ultimately there's enough money to feed children de type of higher quality level food that i wanted to so i just kept trying technology like okay, i have this. Planning system i have all these systems have all this data and yet I'm here guessing all the time like how much this cost how much should it cost how much should i Charge for that does anybody even like that food that I'm serving like how you know and it's like then as my team grew the problem became more complex when i first started it was just me so the problem became more complex es people to my team im [00:04:00] thinking like they're asking me these questions. What should it cost what should this be its like i don't really no end day i just wanna have enough money to serve Awesome food and everyone be happy like that's my goal so anyway so i tried different technology realize it didn't exist and then got this crazy idea to start a company and hire some developers and build version one of many logic because i wanted to use it myself like i never got into this really different. I don know. I felt really needed to exist for school Nutrition teams and the people and kids that they serve so ya ya so so curious you mentioned coming into the industry as a Twenty three year old kid i mean there have been so many young kids that have joined the industry in the past couple of years there's a lot of new directors that are young what was that like for you and i mean obviously [00:05:00] there's so much to learn in the school Nutrition industry i think people on outside school Nutrition as. You know being a pretty simple organization but it's so not simple at all it's so complex so what were some things that maybe you learned early on maybe some mentors that you had that were you know really influential in your you know kind of early Career and um, what what is maybe some advice that you would give to new young directors in the industry that are just like you were just trying to figure things out right now. Sure i think looking back i mean i think a lot times people get tripped up of course we have to understand the regulations the regulations are important like I'm a big role follower don't get wrong but the regulations what i learned over time and what i truly believe that's not our end all Bill that's just the rules we that's not the rules we live so challenge yourself push past that how can i work under these parameters. Be Awesome be Awesome [00:06:00] for kids like how can we push past that so no tengo be wrong that's easier set than done because regulations are super complicated para a lot of asking asking questions of multiple people from multiple facets of the industry i mean that's one of the coolest things about this industry so collaborative like everybody's willing to share so its like not only sharing with directors but like vendors like. I mean the mentors that i had from the vendor side or equally as many as the ones from the. From the other directors know youre learning like how does this equipment how does this equipment industry work like what's a manufacturer what's a broker like how does this really work because deeply understanding that is gonna help you to your job better like im not worried about procurement only from a rural standpoint I'm worried from an effective standpoint or you know many planning from a roll standpoint check the rules off now let's see how we can strategize and make it better pero ya some really. I guess from school Nutrition director standpoint [00:07:00] Julie Becker she's the one who co-authored the orange book that everybody Studies for. Oh Julie is dear mentor mine and i she's from Indiana and early on going to like the state Association shows and you know i went to every pd session i could possibly go to super involved then planning pd at the state level but meeting Julie through that and she was one of the first people i met that gave a session on menu Engineering. So early on i just felt like this is what i should be doing that makes sense to me but like how can i possibly do that without you know i don know so she's one and then i had another mentor and her name's gina deser and she's a business owner she owned a signage company a design company and i just learned so much [00:08:00] from like the merchandising and marketing and woman owning our own business and yeah. Sea mentors from both sides that's really cool that's really cool yeah i love hearing about people's stories and how they got into the to the industry because it's always different you know you know some people they got into the industry just by accident. Um, but you know they fell into it and I've heard it jokes before that you know school nutrition's kinda like the mafia you know 11 you get in you can't get out and so it is so true though you know people just they catch the bug and you know they get in for whatever their reason is. And they end up staying in the industry for for many many many years so it's really cool hearing you know how other people get in the industry and kind of fall into it. Ah i wanna go back to what you mentioned about you know really kind of the way that you went about developing mini logic and you know you were you mentioned that you were kind of struggling with getting some of that data driven information that you were looking for as far as your menus were concerned and um i wanna know kind of what the [00:09:00] process looked like before and what the process looks like now that mini logic is is out there and available for folks. Sure from just like i guess la high level summary review i feel like if you're using whatever system you're using for mini planning whether it's a software whether it's a spreadsheet whether it's a piece of paper like it doesn't matter like what you're doing is you're putting this combination of items together that have all these parameters that you have to consider whether its Nutrition cost price whatever like its this combination of things de everyone's goal es. Let's make this compliant right let's make compliant and let's make it something want to eat so para time all that effort. Then where is the measurement where is the measurement of success as to whether that menu that you just put all that time putting together like it's not like likes it received the way you wanted to be received and did it meet the Financial parameters.[00:10:00] You need to meet ah and without tools to help you effectively monitor that i think we do a lot of guessing in this industry its like or we do a lot subjective asking so what i had to rely on before es okay let's do like a menu meeting. I don know menu meetings just like so many years of many meetings like you're meeting with your team and you're like what should we change about this menu the kids don't like this the kids don't like this and you only have the two or three managers that speak up and everyone else just sits theres you know the loudest the loudest the la you tend to gravitate because they're the only ones any information to go from ahm so. I guess we menu logic flips this is let's go into those meetings way more prepared we already know week to Tuesday is terrible like it's not good we're losing money on it every time like what do you wanna see that we can switch it out let's not like throw the whole menu up in the air and [00:11:00] start over let's just fix the problems and maximize maximizes so i guess from a overall standpoint la idea es. Do what you wanna do as long as you have a tool by your side to manage to effectively help you monitor that what you're doing is working direction of what you should be doing cuz like that's the other thing about me like i hate wasting time like i wanna do things as quickly and effectively as possible and like pouring through like I've built so many spreadsheets like i tried to do this so many different ways its like i finally hit the point I'm like this is not human humans cannot solve this like. Its too much data too much data points to consider too much quantity of data to be meaningful like something needs to combine it all in a way i can understand it as a human and actually do something otherwise what's the point you know from an outside Perspective menus food is not something you know we really look at [00:12:00] you know from the from my company's handler side of things you know we're very involved with. Training and education but you know menu is something that's kind of outta side outta mind so you know hearing you talk about you know the challenges i mean i can i can totally understand how difficult that could be and it it's honestly hard for me to write my mind around sometimes so as far as collecting this data how does mini logic go about actually getting this information to then go and Analyze for districts y so i mean the cool thing about the idea de like light bulb in the day was. We already are collecting the status on the production record like the production record is an incredibly valuable source of information that we have to do every day for one of these regulations so like you know the biggest thing frustrates me about the regulations is like. Lets do things i get why we're doing these things lets get something back out of them that actually helps kids which is why the regulations were in place in the first place have this production record i get it we have to do [00:13:00] prove that we're being compliant the government is investing their money and us appropriately and all these things but like why are we just letting there let's not let it sit there a binder o let it sit there en a software that is just reading you out. Anyway we basically have created like what's the fastest way to get this i don want people to have to redo their entire tech system I've done that i built a back of house system in three different softwares over ten years i changed pos three different times its a massive undertaking no one thing for me like. I want this to be cheap for anyone like we can't take three years to get to a solution and what costs what cost is your time you know like what else could you be doing that during that three years so anyway so we go straight to the product record data like all we're asking for you don't have to redo your recipes with us you don't have to redo your point of sale and we [00:14:00] make that initial move as easy as possible we're saying we're asking for. Give us your menus give us your product records give us your item information we'll help you cost it even we found like a lot of people just don't have time to cost out their menu items help you get that let us be your system of record for this information we'll get all in your menus up and running and all we're asking for you to do is to do the product record with us all you need to do to get you this massive amount of information. In a way that you can put it back into years and make your money stronger which will make your program stronger. So i wanna talk about production records real quick because you mentioned a second of just the value and being you know so important to school districts that particular report that you know we're supposed to be doing every single day ya i feel like there are so many districts that we work with and i hear them just preaching the you know you gotta do the production records you gotta do the production records and i feel like in some places [00:15:00] and you can correct me if if I'm wrong on this. I feel some places they just kind of go through the motions and they don't really take a whole lot of diligent focus on doing the production records it's kind of just like you know popping down some numbers here and there and so talk to me about the importance really the genuine importance of the production record not just from a compliance standpoint but from just the information that's collected on it and the value of that information and what that information specifically leads to from an administrative level and how it really trickles down throughout the entire organization. Sure i talking about production record i think i d. Into production records to so many. Managers and directors anyway thank you ok, so what the products a listing of every single menu item that you sold coment like anything that was sold out of you know out of your cafeteria line by line item and you're saying i Planned this many i prepared this many i [00:16:00] serve this many in meals i served this many in a la car and i had this many leftover did i waste it or did and by the way that came with the supply. That's the record ok, so think about everythings Associated lets talk from the director level right now i think most directors are like well we just just make sure you fra right so that way when we get audited they're ready and everything's good thats the extent what most directors think about it because theres nothing to do youre planning menus and you're saying like. Oh just okay, so I'm gonna play a menu I'm gonna project how much of each item I'm gonna serve and how I'm gonna serve it the only tool for you to make those decisions es pouring through snapshot production records like. What es that that project gonna be like. Okay, the cost of this meal is a dollar fifty its all guessing projections and you're supposed to just manually review that i mean [00:17:00] anyway so what the product could lead to if you think about it for the director level like if you tie revenue and expenses together now it's giving you cost. Revenue and profitability that's the difference so like just because you had a high revenue like if you think of like a single instance of a product record lunch today did i make money on lunch or did i not considering labor overhead and the cost of the food served nobody knows that like we know that we know that that's what we're doing in mini logic we're saying like. This production record was or wasn't prof. Was or wasn't popular and then you have all the details to dive into to see why like that one item was super high waste o you know this item you didn't sell as es much higher en profitability because you sell more a carte like the decision to put the hamburger on the menu Effects. So from of information like [00:18:00] all that from the manager levels forget what they're using every day to their job decisions the managers are tasked with are massive and if like en Kevin what I've done here my role as a director. I've sat with many of my managers and I've sat with managers for other districts and I've said like show me how you're doing your job like how are you doing this like how are you making these decisions and the number of like post-it notes and papers and packets and like adding machine tapes and like like the decision es how much food should i make and how do i make sure i have enough ingredients to prepare food the people to make the food like thats decision right. Deciding to make the wrong amount is either gonna lead to the number one problem kids are getting you know the food that they wanted to pick or their first choice and the number two problem es too much way so like how do you balance that effectively ah, so anyway so like just giving projections and tools to the managers to make their production [00:19:00] stronger. Ah that's another thing we're just really passionate about so el system que tell the manager like hey on week to Tuesday you sold this much of this item like right there where you have to make the decision you just cut out like. An hour and a half of their day that like they manually trying to figure that information out so accuracy effort all those things that's really cool so youre literally helping districts find money it sounds like yes yes. Oh my god the acá que como and like we in a weird. Time right now i think and this like what september Twenty Twenty three ok, so when i first started this like menus were simpler first of all like there weren't as many line ons on a menu. Um, we had pretty predictable reimbursements from rate increases from one year to the next you know the cost of labor and. What it is now so then we get into like the [00:20:00] last couple years its like we went from like no money to this money to supply chain this to people people are sitting on some districts are sitting on these large Bands like im hearing all the time like how do we what should i how do we use this money but the problem es like. You cant afecto cant commit to a menu that costs twice as much as what your menu did before because that money is not gonna last Forever so if the government es listening if wanna give us money give us money in the form of a reimbursement rate we can we know we can count on and then we can the quality of what we're serving ah and up you know the cost point of that so. Yeah i mean i hear mean so my son just started going to um TK this year and you know he's got he's got his little backpack he gets on the bus and rides it to school in the morning like he's so excited cause he's finally a big kid but every single day him and his cousins they all come home and they talk about how they [00:21:00] didn't eat lunch. And we are like why don't you Guys eat lunch today and inevitably the menu looks the same every single month it's literally the same items every single month there's really not much variation to it from my kids and then nieces they all say that most of the kids just throw the food in the garbage unfortunately so i mean they're just they're just trashing it and it sounds like with mini logic that would give. The school District here my kids go to more information about what items are not getting consumed what items are getting trashed so how can we supplement those with additional items did i understand that right yeah so it's tracking so we're basically tracking participación so did i choose to purchase this item or not those participation numbers are gonna tell you. The story as to whether they accepted or not you know like i tell the story of like if you're not if you're not monitoring the menus performance like you can have these days [00:22:00] that like the principles are talking about it the parents are talking about the teachers are talking about and they're like why are they still serving that like no one's unless some something alerting you to hey this day is bad do something about it before it's too late that's la information that we're trying to provide it like. Don look bad because you're not reacting appropriately to what the market is telling you and are telling you don't like this so respond en know try you can also if have a monitoring tool you can also try new things and say that combination work this combination did pero youre just guessing over and over and over again i don knows a waste time time. Without moving forward ya I'm curious what your thoughts on participation yes specifically like i mention you know there's a lot of schools that are struggling with [00:23:00] you know just waste and kids not eating lunch at all i mean they're serving it but they're not eating it what do you think de answer is to that just from a school Nutrition directors Perspective i think. Increasing the quality of not only the food but the relationships i think es a big part of it you know who wants i always i always strive for how can we up the how can we feel like we're serving the highest quality food that students are gonna enjoy in an environment they wanna be in and like i think all of those things matter you and i we don't go to a restaurant they may have the best food in the world like if the people are mean and it's gross and you don't wanna be there. Don here i don't wanna eat what they're serving me so i think its more than the food i think its again i don't wanna oversimplify the regulations but i think sometimes that's an excuse that like we can strive to be better [00:24:00] like we can strive to do the best that we possibly can do but that includes evaluating yourself and your program en identifying your weaknesses and taking the time to do something about it. Ahm you know talk to students talk to your team like. Thats what i hace look at the data and let that drive your story and then talk to people about like how like what is the problem like why aren't you consuming this food like why is that um you know why is it going in the trash. Um, cuz thats definitely no any of us want course kids to consume the food like that's the whole point of all of this so ahm. Ya so so I'm just curious to know cuz i mean we've talked a couple of times in the past and um and you kind of have referenced yourself as kind of like a finance nerd in school and Nutrition and I'd love to get your opinion on something so from a finance standpoint you know I've talked to a lot of districts and I've seen a lot of districts go through you know the the Hills and the valleys of Financial i guess security over [00:25:00] the past five ten years. For districts that might be struggling financially in the current year what are some suggestions that you have for how to turn their budgets around what are some things some quick wins that they can do some things that they should look for red flags maybe that you know they can be on the look out for in the future your Perspective I'd love to know kind your thoughts on sure i mean i think the very first place you start is understanding from a high level like how much money am i bringing in. On an annual level projected and how much money am i spending that's step one right en when i first started i thinks how i became this like person that is really interested in all this when i started at my District i didn't even get month reports like i didn't get reports they were six months behind and I'm like I'm signing off on checks for thousands and thousands of dollars and i have no clue. What's happening right now so i started with just like making [00:26:00] my own spreadsheet but i basically like when we would log like i kept it simple and it was like okay, I'm gonna log what how much food did we spend and how much labor went out and how much i mean that's really the buckets you have to look at like you have the revenue umbrella and then we have food supplies labor and overhead so the next step after that if you wanna make a big impact look at your highest what's the biggest percentage of your pie. Like if your revenue is five million and food es three million of that or four million of that like that's your biggest opportunity like the food you put not only es the food you put on a menu the opportunity from an expense standpoint but it's also a revenue generator like you probably can get bigger. Your you know the piece of the pie can get smaller and that just widens that margin which you might not even have a margin at all if you're not looking at that so i mean that's definitely where i would start other side of that es labor like i mean I've seen districts that. You know [00:27:00] a new you know the pay increased with everybody else in the District and nobody's considering the school Nutrition budget if your labor percent of that revenue pie is like Sixty seventy percent theres no percent left for anything else that's never gonna work so the step one es you're gonna have to labor down under forty fifty percent for you even have enough money to spend on everything so ahm i mean that's definitely i would start budgeting. Entonces has to be theres a lot don't have a budget i wasn't required to make a budget in my District i just did and honestly that probably came from didn't do it until six o seven years into my job because i like im tired to worry about this and from a personal finance level like i love having like having a budget just means like i don be worried about this anymore as i need to be under like. Cools all i need to know so i mean i think definitely don't get too [00:28:00] overwhelmed with the idea of this budget doesn't have to be super complicated like it can be a very high level spreadsheet view and then 11 11 you know where you're at direction to go you can get the tools help along the way to monitor. Yeah absolutely i feel a budget is like your Financial roadmap in a way it just kind of directs your decision making and allows you a lot more peace of mind i feel like is super complicated because like it's not like okay, so like if you're looking at your home budget and you say i spend this much a on groceries y can say that in school Nutrition the more you sell the spend. So like how do you manage those variable cost its incredibly difficult to know you know you have to spend money to make money you don't wanna spend more what you're making so like dos que i like i can't do this without a tool like that's why we created this like i just need to know that at the end of the day we can serve what we wanna serve and if it [00:29:00] doesn't work out we change it before we repeat it a hundred times it just Gives you a lot of freedom. Yeah i feel its so important just simply because the industry changes so frequently i mean if you just Rewind you know ten years and you look at all the changes that we've gone that we've gone through and then Rewind another ten years and i mean it has i mean it it's night and day what it was Twenty years ago I'm actually curious if you had a magic wand and you could you know influence the future of child Nutrition what's your version of the future look like in the next ten years. Yeah i mean i think like the rest of the world it's gonna become more automated it's going to become more reliant on you know the labor force especially skilled labor force and the resources it takes to get you to have a Skill labor force like that's an incredible challenge right now getting any better so anything that we can do to Leverage [00:30:00] technology. To make our Jobs easier and faster so like gpt i know everybody's talking about it but likes gonna change the world it already has right you know we can have suggestions and like tools that help us along the way to make these really really important big decisions and better or make our day to day you know we all have this like pocket of things we have to do every day that are like. Not that important you still have to do like how can we do dos things faster so you get to the high impact like that's where our time the high impact do these little things faster so you can get to those bigger outcomes. Yeah you know its funny you mentioned that you know Automation and technology is is kind of what you see in the future for the next ten years because i talked to a lot of directors and just school Nutrition professionals in today and a lot of 'em are still very hesitant. Of technology o they're very cautious to implement new [00:31:00] tools because they don't feel like their team are going to be able to handle them or be able to adopt them easily for directors out there are maybe in that position where they're maybe a little tech shy or they feel like their employees aren't gonna be able to handle it because their employees are tech shy what do you say to those people what are suggestions that you have on you know ways to implement technology in a successful manner in a school District. I mean i think one thing that's definitely working in our favor so I'll tell a story from like my early years in this in this job one of the first things when i walked into this District when i was Twenty three um, they said we bought a new point of sale system and at that time it was like literally like a box of software like on the shelf like everybody had been talking about this point. Everyone my whole team was just terrified they're like it's coming she's here now she has now we're actually gonna do it it's coming so i spent like the first six months like learning i implemented that software with that team and i could not have had a [00:32:00] more effective bonding experience than i did like i literally held the hand of one of my managers and taught her how to use a mouse like. We've come a long way from that i mean a long way like manager like you know people coming into these manager role are younger and like theyre used to technology they're expecting technology and you know if you manage the process appropriately like it doesn't have to be as scary en terms of like hay understand i been through some really bad implementation and like i think that's where the fear comes from es. Like its really hard change pues es affects literally every part of your business i don't even know the best company in the world could solve that entire problem for you so i guess thats the way we look at it es like we're not asking you to change all of that we're asking to change a small [00:33:00] part of it and we certainly want to keep eyes on the value of that change. Es immense like it's worth a tiny bit of pain for a massive new way of doing things that's gonna make your life way better. So i think that's so so cool what you said about you know looking at it es kind a bonding experience because i like so many people we i have Conversations with they just want it to just kind throw it in there and just have it just. Magically work without them having to really do anything to implement it and i think that's a big problem I've seen in the past where you know people will you know procure a new tool a new software a new point of sale and they just want it to just just work and they don't want to you know do the heavy lifting in the beginning to make it. Effective in the long run and they that kind of you know short term pain for longterm gain and you know if they kind of shifted that mindset and looked at it as this is an opportunity for me to bring [00:34:00] our team closer together we're gonna struggle we're gonna cry baby but it's gonna be a learning experience and we're all gonna be better off for it in in the long run i think that's a really cool kind of mind shift to kind of look at things yeah i mean. I was in my District for a long time and i had the same set of managers for like almost ten years si yo hemos get a point it's like what do we have to talk about let's have something we can all talk about together is we can collaborate on together effectively and like a new project to work together i mean i don know so whether you are in the beginning or you're in the end middle or the end of your Career es just something everybody can rally around i guess. Ya absolutely well as we kind of get close to the end of our time here and kind of wrap things up for the day i wanna ask you one final question before we take off if you could put a message a sticky note an item on a Bulletin board a [00:35:00] message on a billboard on the side of the freeway for the whole world to see or maybe just for school Nutrition every single day if you could put a note inside of every single kitchen across the entire United states what would your message say to everyone. I can tell i think just be good like be kind care about the outcome of what we're doing every day and like keep that in your always keep that in your focus that was always something with my team that's like if weve spent more this amount of time on something i would stop and say like does this matter to kids like does this matter to our team. Like no so let's just make a decision and move on and go back to something that's gonna have a big impact because what we do es really truly important and if we're spending all our time on things don't matter we never get to things de do so just always front and center in [00:36:00] your mind. Ya absolutely i mean I'll add one thing to that and i think that it should be appreciate the people that you work with i feel like so so many times you know being good i one hundred percent agree with you and from what we were talking about earlier the kids can taste it you know they can taste that kindness and that love that you put into the meals that you're preparing and that you're serving each and every day and it makes the kids wanna come back. Appreciate the people that you work with like you mentioned a second ago i mean you know what do we really have to talk about after ten years and we know each other you know we know everything about each other so you kind of get frustrated sometimes with the people that you're the closest with and i feel like a lot so often we don't appreciate. Ah the neighbors that we have the folks that we're shoulder shoulder with on line every single day Monday through Friday we tend to underappreciate them or maybe even take them for granted in some situations um, but yeah i just encourage everyone out there to just you make this the year of appreciation tell someone i mean take. Five seconds just [00:37:00] tell 'em youre happy that they're there glad to see them you appreciate the job that they're doing each and every day with the kids cause it makes a huge difference we all like to be appreciated it feels good and it makes us enjoy what we do more and ultimately that enjoyment turns into a smile that you can give back to the kids which makes them wanna come back so it's a full Circle type situation so that my message appreciate one another. Ah well Lindsay i really appreciate you being on the show today it's been so amazing chatting with you getting to learn a little bit more about your background and the Awesome work you're doing over at mini logic. Um tell everyone the URL for for mini logic how can they get a hold of you how can they get more information about mini logic if this really you know Struck a nerve with 'em and they wanna get in touch with you and find out more about what you Guys offer. Sure you can go our website ww www menu logic dash k2 do com and you can book a meeting right on the right on the website you can find our contact [00:38:00] information on the can look me linkedin ahm available there. And we'll put we put all of that in the meeting notes as well. Um, so if you look down in the meeting description here for this video you can just click on the link and I'll take your ride over to to lindsays Lindsay thank you again for being on the show i really appreciate your time today i know you are extremely busy this time of year so thank you very much thank you for having me it was fun all right Lindsay all right we'll talk soon all right take care bye.


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