When I discovered this podcast a few months ago, I was thrilled. They were funny, gay, and it was horror-based - what more could I ask for. I told all of my friends about it as a result. However, I think I may have been hasty in doing so. What was once fun & exciting has become a horror podcast that's loosely based on horror. For starters, the show's namesake (FriDAY the 13th) has only been discussed a whopping 2 times which continues to baffle me. The show owes its listeners a review of the franchise. After all, it was good enough to inspire your name... talk about it. And not in some half-assed manner; put some respect on it's name. To be fair, this isn't surprising since the hosts seem to be split on what types of horror they want to discuss. Andrew is more of a slasher guy (who understands the assignment) with a rich knowledge of the classic slashers including Friday the 13th; while Matty is more into the "real life" horrors that are more societal in nature. (Side Note: Speaking of Matty, I wanted to play a drinking game that involved taking a shot every time he mentioned his move to Ireland.) That said, even if they do tackle the Jason Voorhees legacy, Andrew will likely be the only one really interested because Matty just taps out if he's not interested. I noticed this when they very briefly talked about part one of the franchise. He was 100% not interested. So while they teased the idea of a 'retrospective' on their most recent camp themed episode, it probably won't happen. And if it does, it likely won't carry any weight. This podcast has so much potential if it would keep the wheel steady. What attracted me to the show was the idea of these two lively hosts talking about the horror movies that inspired us, terrified us and even made us laugh from a gay perspective. And now it's turned into this watered down podcast that features "horror" movies briefly while giving way to other topics that aren't even on brand for the name behind the title of the podcast.