Michelle chats with Frances Coronel, a Software Engineer at Slack specializing in Customer Acquisition and a leader within the nonprofit Techqueria.The post From The Source: Software Engineer Frances Coronel appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle speaks with Eliza Barrios, an IT Manager at the Wikimedia Foundation and practicing artist.The post From The Source: IT Manager Eliza Barrios appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle discusses knowledge management with Camille Mathieu, an Information Science Specialist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).The post From The Source: Information Science Specialist Camille Mathieu appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle chats with Brendan Adkins, a senior web and mobile developer currently with ThinkShout, a Portland-based agency focusing on inclusive, accessible websites for progressive and advocacy organizations.The post From The Source: Senior Developer Brendan Adkins appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle interviews Tanya Janca, also known as SheHacksPurple. Tanya is the author of ‘Alice and Bob Learn Application Security’ and founder of We Hack Purple, an online learning academy, community and podcast that revolves around teaching everyone to create secure software.The post From The Source: Cloud Advocate Tan... more
Michelle welcomes Erin Scott, a software developer for RS21, a big data visualization company, and a big proponent of diversity in tech.The post From The Source: Software Developer Erin Scott appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle chats with Taye Johnson, a tech educator who works with nonprofits to solve their technical and data-focused problems.The post From The Source: Tech Educator Taye Johnson appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Technologist Nina Kin joins Michelle to talk about her work in the volunteer civic tech space and leadership in organizations such as Hack for LA.The post From The Source: Accounting System Analyst II Nina Kin appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle interviews Katy Bowman, a developer with web development agency Sparkbox, which focuses on working with clients to build a better web.The post From The Source: Developer Katy Bowman appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle welcomes entrepreneur and well-known LA tech community leader Espree Devora. Espree hosts and produces both the WeAreLATech and Women in Tech podcasts.The post From The Source: Entrepreneur Espree Devora appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Maia Hariton, a web designer/developer specializing in Squarespace, WordPress, and ShowIt websites, speaks with Michelle about her work and career path.The post From The Source: Designer/Developer Maia Hariton appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle interviews Valerie Phoenix, a developer and the founder of Tech By Choice, a nonprofit that seeks to increase diversity within tech through educational activities.The post From the Source: Developer Valerie Phoenix appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle chats with Zoe Gagnon, an engineering manager, about her approach to building and sustaining effective engineering teams.The post From the Source: Engineering Manager Zoe Gagnon appeared first on Michelle Brenner.
Michelle welcomes Annie Flippo, the Head of Data Science at ThinkNear, a GPS navigation software, connected car and mobile advertising company.The post From The Source: Head of Data Science Annie Flippo appeared first on Michelle Brenner.