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Overcoming Obstacles to Fruitfulness in the Church

Overcoming Obstacles to Fruitfulness in the Church

Released Sunday, 18th February 2024
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Overcoming Obstacles to Fruitfulness in the Church

Overcoming Obstacles to Fruitfulness in the Church

Overcoming Obstacles to Fruitfulness in the Church

Overcoming Obstacles to Fruitfulness in the Church

Sunday, 18th February 2024
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Series: Guard the Treasure

Title: Overcoming obstacles to fruitfulness in the church

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:1-15 NIV (More below)

Genesis 1:26-27; 2 & 3

Bottom Line:  We overcome these 3 obstacles to being a fruitful church through pure and peaceful prayer, good deeds, and submitting to God’s design for leadership.








It’s probably not hard to imagine a church where there are men and/or women distorting God’s word as they teach or lead their SS class or small group. Maybe you’ve seen this before.

It’s not hard to imagine a church where men are arguing over how to lead a church. Where men are not right on the inside and yet trying to lead their family and/or their church family. As a result, they become divisive undermining leadership. Have you experienced this in churches before?

It’s not hard to imagine women being a distraction in church through immodest, distracting, or even seductive dress. Women who are about drawing attention to themselves. Women who are distracting everyone from the one they came to worship.

It’s not hard to imagine a church being tempted to change their beliefs, doctrines, and practices because of the pressures of the culture at large. Pressures to change how to lead a church and the roles of men and women.


All of these are being addressed by the Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1-2. Paul is coaching Timothy through how to handle these challenges in the church at Ephesus.

My goal today is to help us see how to overcome 3 of these obstacles to fruitfulness in the church.

The divisiveness of men,

The distraction of women, and

The distinct roles of leadership in the local church.

My aim is to show how Paul teaches us how to overcome these obstacles to fruitfulness in church.

He does so by exhorting us towards:

Praying with a pure heart before God and at peace with each other,

Adoring God with godliness instead of adorning ourselves as narcissists, and

Resting in God’s design for leadership in the home and the church.

OUTLINE (Based on Wiersbe & Platt)


I. The Church and Its Message (1)

A. Teaching sound doctrine (1:1–11)

B. Preaching a glorious Gospel (1:12–17)

C. Defending the faith (1:18–20)

II. The Church and Its Members (2–3)

A. Praying men (2:1–8)

1. For rulers (2:1–3)

2. For sinners (2:4–8)


III. To divisive men in the church (2:8)

A. Pray with purity before God.

B. Pray with peace before others.

IV. To distracting women in the church (2:9-10)

A. Adorn yourself with modest dress.

Do not draw attention to physical beauty.

Do not draw attention to worldly wealth.

B. Adore God through a Christlike demeanor.

V. On the distinctive roles of men and women in the church (2:11-15)

A. Two principles:

The principle of harmony: We interpret each scripture in light of all scripture.

Ex. The Trinity. Bible says that God the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Yet nowhere does it outright state that. A thorough study of the Bible shows that God is one and that at the same time God relates as 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We use all of scripture to interpret each scripture.

There are no contradictions—just apparent contradictions.

God is the author of scripture. (2 Tim 3:16)

Therefore, it all must be true and not contradict.

The principle of history: God has revealed scriptural truth in the context of specific historical and cultural settings.

B. Two reminders:

God created men and women with equal dignity.

God created men and women with complementary roles.

For ex. God and Jesus are both God. Therefore, equal.

Yet, they have different roles.

Father directs

Son submits

In the same way, men and women are equal in value but having differing (complementary) roles in the church.

We see this in the home as well. (Eph 5:22-32; Gen 1-3)

C. Two prohibitions

Women should not teach as elders/pastors/overseers in the church.

Women should not lead as elders/pastor/overseers in the church.

The way elders lead with authority in the church is through humbly, faithfully teaching the church how to obey scripture.

When gladly submitted to the elders, women are encouraged to lead out in all other areas of the church.

Are there other positions that women should not lead in? Consider 2 questions when wrestling with this:

D. Two questions

As a women teaches/leads, is she reflecting God’s pattern in scripture?

As a woman teaches/leads, is she reinforcing God’s priorities in the home?

E. Two reasons

God’s design in Creation: God gives authority to man.

Satan’s distortion of creation: man abdicates authority to woman.

F. Two things we don’t know for sure

Is 1 Tim 2:15 talking about salvation through the offspring of Eve?

Is 2 Tim 2:15 talking about the significance of women nurturing children?

G. Two things we know for sure

Women are sanctified as they glorify God in the distinct roles and responsibilities He has entrusted to them.

Women are saved not through the birth of a child but through the death of Christ, who died to make us the men and women God created us to be.


Only qualified men are to be pastors/elders in the church.

Pastors/elders are who regularly teach and preach to the entire church.

P/E are who exercises authority in the church regarding church discipline.

Some conclude that women should not teach at all. But that is not what this passage nor the NT says.

Women are instructed to teach younger women. (Titus 2)

Women are instructed along with men and young people to teach others to obey everything that Jesus commanded (Matt 28).

Women are able to pray and prophecy in the church service (1 Cor 11 & 14).

Women are able to lead and teach in every ministry in the church as long as it does not require her to function as an elder or pastor.

Ex. Women should not preach at a church every week. However, I do think that she can, under the authority of the elders/pastors, on occasion. I would say the same about a SS class or home group. It wouldn’t be that she would lead her own coed SS class or home group. However, I have no problem with her leading one of those as needed, again, under the authority of the elders/pastors.


Bottom Line:  We overcome these 3 obstacles to being a fruitful church through pure and peaceful prayer, good deeds, and submitting to God’s design for leadership.

In conclusion, let’s ask some summary questions:

Q. What do I want them to know?

A. 3 obstacles to fruitful, godly, holy, true, disciple-making lives

Q. Why do I want them to know it?

A. Because they are prevalent in our churches today.

Q. What do I want them to do about it?

A. Overcome these obstacles to fruitfulness in family and church by

Praying with a pure heart before God and at peace with each other,

Adoring God with godliness instead of adorning ourselves as narcissists, and

Resting in God’s design for leadership in the home and the church.

Q. Why do I want them to do it?

A. This will lead our homes and churches towards fruitfulness: godly, holy, truth-saturated disciple-making.

Q. How can they begin to do this?

A. By asking God for the grace to live out this passage each day.



Women are made after men, out of men, and for men.

Other verses

Gen 1:27 both men and women are made equal in value and in the image of God

Gen 2 Woman was created AFTER man, FROM man, and FOR man (helper)

Gen 3:1-15 Fall of Adam and Eve; curses; hope

Matthew 28:8-10 First evangelist was Mary Magdalene

Matthew 28:19-20 every disciple is called to “teach them to obey all that I have commanded” by Jesus

Acts 2:17-18 Daughters and women prophesying and dreaming; Peter’s explanation after the women in the 120 are preaching the gospel throughout the temple grounds leading 3,000 to faith

Acts 18:26 Priscilla and Aquila teamed up to teach Apollos to better understand the gospel

1 Cor 11:2-16 Man is the head of woman, Christ is the head of man, God is the head of Christ; men and women pray and prophesy in church; neither is independent from the other

1 Cor 14:26 Whenever the church comes together, everyone comes bringing something to offer (men & women)

Gal 3:28 both made equal in value and in the image of God

Col 3:16 “Teach and admonish one another” whenever you gather for church

Eph 5:21-34 Submission in marriage and in the kingdom

2 Tim 1:5; 3:14 Timothy received instruction from mom and grandmother

Titus 2:3 Older women should teach younger women. (Sounds like women’s ministry to me)

Heb 5:12 “by this time you ought to be teachers”

Don’t forget about




Timothy’s mother and grandmother

Older women teaching younger women in Titus 2

Church order is consistently founded on family order. Why else would the world be so hostile towards 2 parent families when the studies all back up this wisdom?

Elders in the New Testament are tasked with several key duties, including:

1. **Spiritual Oversight:** Providing spiritual guidance and leadership to the church community.

2. **Teaching and Doctrine:** Instructing and ensuring adherence to sound biblical doctrine.

3. **Shepherding the Flock:** Caring for the well-being of the congregation, like a shepherd caring for a flock.

4. **Modeling Character:** Demonstrating a godly and mature character for others to follow.

5. **Prayer:** Engaging in prayer for the church and its members.

6. **Protecting from False Teaching:** Guarding the congregation against false doctrines or teachings.

These duties are outlined in passages like 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and 1 Peter 5:1-5 in the New Testament.


OUTLINE Bible (1 TIMOTHY 2) — Paul writes about proper worship of God.

I. THE WORSHIP OF GOD (2:1-2, 8): Paul discusses the subject of prayer.

A. For whom we should pray (2:1-2a)

1. For those in authority (2:2a)

2. For everyone (2:1)

B. Why we should pray (2:2b): "So that we can live in peace and quietness."

C. How we should pray (2:8): "With holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy."


A. The mission (2:3-4): "God . .. wants everyone to be saved."

B. The mediator (2:5): Jesus Christ stands between God and people.

C. The method (2:6): Salvation was effected by the death of Christ.

D. The messenger (2:7): Paul has been chosen by God to serve as a missionary to the Gentiles.


A. Her responsibilities (2:9-11)

1. In matters of apparel (2:9-10): She should dress modestly as one who professes to worship God.

2. In matters of attitude (2:11): She should listen and learn quietly and humbly.

B. Her restrictions (2:12-14)

1. The rule (2:12): The woman is not permitted to teach or have authority over a man.

2. The reason (2:13-14): Two factors are given.

a. The factor of the original creation (2:13): Adam was created before Eve.

b. The factor of the original corruption (2:14): Adam was not deceived by Satan as was the woman.

C. Her redemption (2:15): She will be "saved" through childbearing and by living in faith, love, holiness, and modesty.

BKC Outline

I. The Salutation (1:1–2)

II. Instructions concerning False Teachers (1:3–20)

A. Warnings against false teachers (1:3–11)

B. Paul’s experience of grace (1:12–17)

C. Paul’s charge to Timothy (1:18–20)

III. Instructions concerning Conduct in the Church (2:1–3:13)

A. Instructions concerning prayer (2:1–7)

B. Instructions concerning men and women (2:8–15)

C. Instructions concerning elders and deacons (3:1–13)

IV. Instructions concerning Guarding the Truth in the Church (3:14–4:16)

A. The church and its truth (3:14–16)

B. Predictions of apostasy (4:1–5)

C. Responsibilities of a good minister of Christ (4:6–16)

V. Instructions concerning Various Groups in the Church (5:1–6:10)

A. Concerning various age-groups (5:1–2)

B. Concerning widows (5:3–16)

C. Concerning elders (5:17–25)

D. Concerning slaves and masters (6:1–2)

E. Concerning the heretical and greedy (6:3–10)

VI. Final Charge to Timothy (6:11–21)

A. Exhortation to godliness (6:11–16)

B. Instructions for the rich (6:17–19)

C. Exhortations to remain faithful (6:20–21)

W Wiersbe sermon outline

Key theme: How to manage the ministry of the local church

Key verse: 1 Timothy 3:15

I. The Church and Its Message (1)

A. Teaching sound doctrine (1:1–11)

B. Preaching a glorious Gospel (1:12–17)

C. Defending the faith (1:18–20)

II. The Church and Its Members (2–3)

A. Praying men (2:1–8)

1. For rulers (2:1–3)

2. For sinners (2:4–8)

B. Modest women (2:9–15)

1. In dress (2:9–10)

2. In behavior (2:11–15)

C. Dedicated officers (3:1–13)

1. Pastors (3:1–7)

2. Deacons (3:8–13)

D. Behaving believers (3:14–16)

III. The Church and Its Minister (4)

A. A good minister (4:1–6)

B. A godly minister (4:7–12)

C. A growing minister (4:13–16)

IV. The Church and Its Ministry (5–6)

A. To older saints (5:1–2)

B. To widows (5:3–16)

C. To church leaders (5:17–25)

D. To servants (slaves) (6:1–2)

E. To trouble-makers (6:3–5)

F. To the rich (6:6–19)

G. To the “educated” (6:20–21)


Discovery Bible Study process:

Retell the story in your own words.

Discovery the story

What does this story tell me about God?

What does this story tell me about people?

If this is really God’s word, what changes would I have to make in my life?

Who am I going to tell about this?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

What is God saying to you right now?

What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at https://www.gracetoday.net/podcast

Alternate Discussion Questions: Based on this passage:

Who is God?

What has he done/is he doing/is he going to do?

Who am I? (In light of 1 & 2)

What do I get to do? (In light of who I am)

Final Questions (index cards optional)

What is God saying to you right now?

What are you going to do about it?


“1 - 2 Timothy,” by David Helm, Preaching the Word Commentary, Edited by Kent Hughes

“1 & 2 Timothy” by John Stott

Exalting Jesus in 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus, David Platt, Daniel Akin, Tony Merida

“Look at the Book” by John Piper (LATB)

“The Visual Word,” Patrick Schreiner (VW)

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

Outline Bible, D Willmington (OB)

Willmington’s Bible Handbook, D Willmington (WBH)

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB) https://www.biblica.com/resources/scholar-notes/niv-study-bible/

Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB) https://www.esv.org

“The Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” bible reading plan on YouVersion app (BIOY)

ChatGPT https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt



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