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Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast

Frank Kilpatrick

Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast

 1 person rated this podcast
Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast

Frank Kilpatrick

Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast

Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast

Frank Kilpatrick

Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast

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The Gratitude Meditation Music Podcast Series provides brief, beautiful Infusions of Empowering Musical and Meditative Energy and Relaxation in today’s hectic world.

Inspired by a trip down the Nile River to “The Birthplace of Civilization,” songwriter Frank Kilpatrick created Gratitude to “Draw attention to everything we all have to be thankful for.” Developed through collaboration with GrammyÓ Award-winning producer/arranger Alex Wand, and bilingual composer and performer Rayko, Gratitude provides episodes of Daily Mindfulness Engagement — one for each day of the week — via our unique “Soundtrack of Serenity.”

Alex Wand’s unique “microtonal” musical performances and arrangements seductively engage the brain in ways unachievable through conventional tonality. This therapeutic value is based on proven scientific principles regarding targeting consciousness through sub-threshold messages that increase Alpha waves, reduce stress and improve sleep. This delightful synthesis Engages and Entrains listeners toward a personal connection with inner peace.

Rayko, who composed the melodies for Gratitude, and played on and produced its tracks, provides beautiful vocals that immerse its audience in a mindful and melodic path from “Dis-Stress” to “Re-Pair.” Her pieces re-acquaint listeners with life’s simplest joys — and our sometimes-overlooked good fortune in simply being alive. While moving beyond limiting thought to the unconditional love within all of us.

Other contributors to this Podcast series include: Rain Balén, who helped produce and also contributed instrumental performance to the tracks and Director Paul Emami who oversaw synchronization of Gratitude’s visual images and graphics. And there are many others: Video Editor - David Graterol. Cello - Derek Stein. Percussion – Joseph Felix. Viola – Heather Lockie. Mastering – Daniel Easton. Research – Tayna Domasco. Artwork – Linda Ganzini. Development – Linda Kilpatrick.

Gratitude couples musical material from global eclectic spiritual disciplines and non-religious sources with enchanting mystical arrangements, vocals and binaural beats. Similarly, Gratitude uses video reinforced with affirming onscreen lyrics to convey its rich messages beyond the usual access-preventing cognitive barriers to yield truly innovative personal impact.

As such, Gratitude is both more (and less) than a typical Affirmation or Meditation series. (There are plenty of those!) Rather, its innovative recording techniques, integrated images and restorative words uniquely consciously and subliminally connect the listener to their own source of Gratitude. As the program provides a Digital Tonic to energize, calm and focus our mental routines. Which enables us to realize that we can recreate these rich moments and re-experience them with full fidelity at any time and place throughout our day.

The constantly expanding Gratitude Meditation Series is available at GratitudeVideo.com or YouTube.com/c/GratitudeVideo #GratitudeVideo


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Podcast Details

Created by
Frank Kilpatrick
Podcast Status
Nov 6th, 2020
Latest Episode
May 19th, 2021
Release Period
2 per week
Avg. Episode Length
8 minutes

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