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47 – Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course

47 – Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course

Released Wednesday, 9th August 2017
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47 – Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course

47 – Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course

47 – Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course

47 – Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course

Wednesday, 9th August 2017
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The Health Fit Biz Level 1 Course is now available HERE.

Get started using coupon code getafterit to save 50%




Ryan: I’m Dr. Ryan Debell. Welcome back to the Health Fit Business podcast. In this episode, Anthony and I share with you the reasons why you should scale and why we put together the Health Fit Business Level 1 course so you can start your own journey along the path to increasing your impact, freeing up your time and really designing the life that you want to live. So, without further ado let’s listen in to this episode.

Ryan: That dryer though huh!

Anthony: Yeah! The dryer! Hey guys! We have some pretty big new for you.

Ryan: Welcome back to the Health Fit Business podcast.

Anthony: I’m your host.

Ryan:  I’m your co-host. Big news! What’s the big news doctor?

Anthony: Well, we have a big big program that we are starting to announce but to explain why, we have an excellent story for you.

Ryan: We do have a story.

Anthony: This kind of came to us yesterday. We were recently at a little retreat. We, so the doctor flew to San Francisco. We did some pretty deep work here and then we took off at Petaluma which is a nice little farming town and we stayed at the farm and did some deeper work. It’s amazing! How many different animals were at this farm?

Ryan: There are probably like ten different types of animals and then many of each of those, all running around.

Anthony: Dozens of chickens, all these goats, horses.

Ryan: There’s a zebra.

Anthony:  One zebra. There were tons of cows and bulls.

Ryan: Ostriches and whatever those were.

Anthony: Ostriches. Chinese chickens.

Ryan: Yeah! All sorts of…

Anthony: And then there were…

Ryan: Cows, bulls, horses…

Anthony: Hundred acres, this crazy property. It was amazing!

Ryan: We were walking the property and it was interesting when we noted how these huge powerful horses.

Anthony: I want to pet this horse and its jaw muscles were larger than my skull. It was gigantic! This crazy Arabian horse.

Ryan: And it could have literally hopped every fence  or gone through any gate that was on the  property but it didn’t.

Anthony: So we walked to this gate and there was this tiny rope like nylon rope that attached the gate to to this…

Ryan: Post.

Anthony: And then on the side of that, it was just post into the ground with this like 8-inch nylon  rope strung three times around it.

Ryan: And the fence was… it was almost like chicken wire.

Anthony: That I could have literally just walked in to and it would have fallen down.

Ryan: These animals don’t leave this space that they feel constrained  or to which they feel constrained.

Anthony: They see a boundary and they just stay there. They don’t go anywhere else.

Ryan: So, it is not physical limitations for them to get through the gate.

Anthony: They get blasted…

Ryan: They could jump over it. It was not even high.

Anthony: Jump over it. They could walk through it. Nudge it with their nose. Very small degree…

Ryan: They could literally just walk through it. Because we have a brain the horses don’t have, we just go… Going to lift the rope, swing it up and walk through and then we have a hundred acres. We really  have the whole area.

Anthony: To do whatever we want.

Ryan: To do whatever we want, go wherever we want, see whatever we want to see, and that’s how we thought of this.

Anthony: What I think of is a lot of people see these artificial boundaries.

Ryan: They are constrained to this little space.

Anthony: And so, they don’t even try.

Ryan: And all they needed to know wass which little rope to pull and which gate to swing.

Anthony: And so, for instance, if I want to get through this gate, I could run straight in the middle and smash apart and destroy my body and probably get it up at some point. I could get caught up at some electrical wire or…

Ryan: Or you could try to jump in and get your foot cut  or teeth on the edge, you know!

Anthony: Or I could just look to see exactly where the latch is and use very little energy to lift it up and then walk through it.

Ryan: So, how does this lead us to our course?

Anthony:  Our first course is being launched and this is essentially us showing you exactly which latches to pull so you can have whatever you want.

Ryan:  It is hard to know what to do in your current situation to get through the fence or where even the fence is and what is beyond the fence. What that does even look like. We’ve been confined to this pre-determined area and it is so artificial. You could break out of that and really do amazing incredible things! But you have to know “How do I set myself up for that? How do I visualize that?  How do I know why or what to do or where’s the direction?” Because you know what’s kind of scary when you’re in this confined space  and suddenly you have everything.

Anthony: What the hell do I do now? Where do I go?

Ryan: “Oh! I’m just going to walk back to the fense area because it is more comfortable.”

Anthony: Right! So, one of the biggest things… When we started the podcast it was 10 or 10000 right? So, if you haven’t listen to it go back and listen to it but it is essentially saying any problem that you want to solve it is probably better to try to scale it. Right?

Ryan: Yes.

Anthony: But then, there’s level of listeners that we are reaching out and saying “What the hell does that mean? How do I do that and really why?”

Ryan: Yeah. “How do I do that in this role that I’ve been trained or been doing?”

Anthony: There are students or full time service providers. Either you’re running a gym or clinic or whatever.

Ryan: Of course!

Anthony: Of course it is difficult to make that leave. I mean we’re now years past that point where we’ve been four or five years, we’ve been kind of working to be where we are now. What we are basically trying to do is distill all of the mistakes that we made down to this course that walks you through step by step by step. Trying to show you how you go from the beginning student to a service provider to scale from your 10 to 10,000.

Ryan: In easy conceptual terms, the course shows you why you should try to lift the rope and the latch, how do I walk through the gate and then how do know what you want to know once you decide to leave. They way it is constructed is, it is an online course that also has a… I guess you could call it a booklet of worksheets that would guide you through the process and a checklist of actionable things. How many pages is the checklist?

Anthony: I mean, the whole workbook is 57 pages I think.  There are 50 lessons spread across nine different modules. Each lessons has a video of us explaining it, a worksheet, a written explanation, and a workbook companion thing, an action that you would take. This took us… we started working on this last November.

Ryan: So, it has been like nine months.

Anthony: Yeah, it has been nine months in the making. We’ve gone through such a  crazy evolution with the step by step.

Ryan: So, long it takes for a baby to be born.

Anthony: We essentially, we gave birth.

Ryan: We gave birth to it.

Anthony: So, do you want to walk through the module real quick and see.

Ryan: Yup! So, the module one, is about why you should scale.

Anthony: We talked  about the importance of scaling and why it is a foundation to everything you should be doing and all the next steps that you should be taking. Then, we have worksheets on how you are spending your time currently, how to know how many hours you need to get, strategies to get you there. And then same thing with money and free them and impact so these are all different lessons in there with corresponding worksheets that kind of bring you through basically help you set your why. What we know in the past is that people don’t understand their why. They are getting after it and the action taken  falls apart within seconds.

Ryan: If you don’t know where is this coming from and what is my intention  what am I really trying to do beyond just like I want to do this so I can just like make money for myself. It has to come from something more than that.

Anthony: Right.

Ryan: That why is only going to last so long because when it starts to get hard that person jumps to the next thing that seems easier.

Anthony: Right. If you are kind of confused about like “Why should I scale? Is this really important for me?” You have to have a big north star, this module is for you. The next one is about.. Okay, you have to know your why, how do you do it?

Ryan: So, this is where we take a look at what are the different ways of scaling? For example, you could be maybe that manifest as a physical product that you make like a book. For example, our journal would be an example of a physical product.  

Anthony: Supplement products like I have currently or events that you have.

Ryan: The next one we go through is the digital products. Maybe this manifest into something like that for you. That would be like a workout program.

Anthony: Or this course.

Ryan: Or this course. Then we have membership sites.That would be something like people join and they get weekly or monthly access to new content or some sort of on going service or videos or routine or something along those lines.

Anthony: That’s a recurring community usually of information. After that is…

Ryan:  Live events. Pretty popular one I guess, quite a bit. Live events, workshops, seminars, courses. And then the last one is scaling a service-based business. Clinic, gym, etc.

Anthony: If you are not really sure. If you know your why “Okay, I really want to free up my time, my money, or my impact,” whatever. Then you can look at this and say “Okay, we’ll help you take your specific skills set and walk you through and see what the best avenue for you would be. Whether that physical, digital, membership, live or service-based events.” Then that way you can kind of carve your path see how your north star and you know “Okay. I have to have a ship to get there.”

Ryan: Module three.

Anthony: Once you know why you are doing something, how you are going to do it, then we help you break down and kind of see baseline where you are right now. What that  looks like these bunch of worksheets that help you figure out what actions that you are currently taking so you are aware how you are spending your time now so that way you can figure out how to better manage it. After that, we’ll look at stop, start, continue list which is something that I do in a monthly basis which is super effective. Just figuring out the things that you want, the things that you want to stop doing, and the things that you want to continue doing, and then from that figuring out the exact things in all these list that you should be doing for you as an individual. I think we talked about this in a podcast before but…

Ryan: Yeah, probably.

Anthony: Having unique abilities which are the things that you like doing, that pumped you up, you’d be the best at. Helping you identify those, do workshops, and do this lesson, it’s kind of what module three is all about. Helping the baseline of where you are currently doing, what you should be doing.The best things for your time to be as effective as possible using your innate abilities.

Ryan: Module four we get into a, how do we take as much as off of your plate as possible?

Anthony: You have this huge list of things that you are currently doing. The first step that you should think about is how do automate things. Things that nobody should be doing.

Ryan: Lots of things like software or other systems could do literally automatically once  you set them in place. So, we go through it at module four the different areas that need to be for most people automated as well as there’s going to be… based on people’s businesses. There would be some things that are unique to each business. We go through automation, automating phone, scheduling, payments, email, and some other things that you have to explore on your own.

Anthony: Yeah. FAQs. All these miscellaneous things that we use on daily basis. I mean, most of you guys are coming from service-based profession or a student and so these things will help you kind of reframe how you are doing  and not even delegate stuff or just automate it so that no one has to do it.

Ryan: Yeah.  So, that is module four. Module number five is delegation and this should be  especially when you do the unique abilities tasks that someone else could do like they can’t be automated by technology but they need to be done by somebody.

Anthony: But you should not be the one doing them.

Ryan: Right. Exactly. Here we have, we’ll look at systems. The power of systems and some examples of how to build those.

Anthony: Examples of how we draw our systems and then how we implement them with our team, which I think is a vastly underrated thing.

Ryan: Absolutely.

Anthony: If you don’t have systems in place then basically you changing from you doing the tasks to you managing doing the task.

Ryan: Remember all the steps of everything. It is just, it is not manageable.

Anthony: Delegation should essentially be the automation of human time and skill.

Ryan: Essentially. The next module after than is checklist. There’s going to be these processes. The sames steps are going to be done at the same intervals. So every week or every day, there are just certain things that have to get done and again you can’t remember this. You can’t use your mental space to try to remind somebody to do this. Having that as checklist will make sure that things that need to get done will be done.

Anthony: Yup! After that we show our system of finding people. Usually remote workers is kind of where we go to do a lot of the delegation. Our team members are just… It’s a lot of work especially if you are starting to scale up. You are not going to need full time in-person people and you’re probably not going to be able afford them either. And so, I just started recently this year adding full time people in-person because now I am having a resource to do so but a lot of this stuff, building and scaling is about finding the remote workers and helping them kind of delegate specific tasks to. So, that’s what module five is about all the things that need to get done that you can’t automate and that you shouldn’t be doing. And so, you should  be delegating to somebody else all the process that we use to do that same thing.

Ryan: Module six, okay what about those things that you have to do? There’s you can automate, you can delegate, but at the end of the day, there are things you have to do and so module six is about how to optimize that. So, we look at what are the things that you are doing and how they are falling at efficiency and effectiveness quadrant to find where your opportunities for growth and what are the things that you should be cutting out that only you can do but really do not help.

Anthony: Yeah. That is something that we’ve definitely talked about many times in the podcast before. Doing the right things, the right time, the right way. It is essentially efficiency versus effectiveness. After that they way we schedule our schedule and showing you exactly how to do that which is with time blocking. That’s basically a worksheet that you fill out that show you exactly step by step how to do that with your own schedule. Systems like we said before drawn out for delegation can be used but  in a slightly different way for yourself to make sure you are doing all the stuff that need to get done with as little friction as possible.

Ryan: So, when you create systems for yourself, you don’t have to remember what I should be doing. Like there are certain things that are built and it becomes much less effort and mental energy. The last lesson in module six is collaboration and tech tools so this will be all the tools that we use when we were working with other people to manage things electronically in terms of file storage system, communication, other programs that we use to get the job done.

Anthony: Evernote, Dropbox, Slack, Air Table, stuff like these. All the tech tools that we use to optimize our communication with our teams is kind of where we go from here.  Things that you don’t even know so that it is not sloppy, you are not texting or emailing all the time. Stuff that you can really tighten it up or work together in a really efficient manner.

Ryan: That leads us to module seven.

Anthony: After we got the why, we got the how, we see what actions you are doing, see which one you should eliminate, which one you should automate, which one you should delegate, which one you should optimize. Then after that, pretty much a clean slate. You are starting to free up sometime but the most important thing is looking at this inner circle that we kind of approach ourselves which is taking care of our own bodies is the most important part.

Ryan: So, this is a essentially self investment. How can you use nutrition to optimize your own performance. How can you use movement and exercise  to optimize your own performance and health. And the same thing for sleep and stress. These are the four areas that we think are the most important to address so that you are literally a well-oiled machine.

Anthony: Yeah. If you don’t have the raw materials to become the best version of you, then you are just wasting a lot of your time.

Ryan: Right.

Anthony: And then after that…

Ryan: Self improvement.

Anthony: How to become a beast.

Ryan: So,module eight is self-improvement. We’ll look at the biggest, essentially time sucking time killer and why you need to be eliminating that immediately. We’ll look at “How do I think bigger and plan times two to like get a bird’s eye view of everything of what’s really going on and really strategically think about what I am doing.

Anthony: And then, we kind of transition into how we get most of our stuff done in a worksheet you can do to help figure out what your deep work is and how to actually have a strategy of getting real stuff done outside of having a service business where you are just working with people one on one and things that don’t scale.  What are the things that you can do and focus on to actually help you create value long term that’s evergreen.

Ryan: And then lastly, we have a routine builder to build in things that when done daily and these little dosages turn into huge effects over time. This lesson will help guide you through that process. That takes us to module nine.

Anthony: Module nine is all about recap. We went through, we have the why, we have the how, we have all your actions. We kind of shift it down, taken away all the unnecessary fluff, we’ve automated that, eliminated, delegated it, optimized it, made you a beast both physically and mentally, and then kind of leveling up your skills to be a scalable machine. Now, we have to figure out how  are you going to actually to do that.  With that, what we do is going to platform building  and so, instead of consuming websites and podcasts and social media and emails  we are going to teach you how to flip the script around and be the producer of these things.

Ryan: We’ll cover what you need to know about social media, what you need to know about websites, the basics of…

Anthony: How to use these to scale your skills.

Ryan: Yeah! Versus…

Anthony:  Rather than consume these things.

Ryan: Right. Although you listened to and enjoy our podcast, at some point you may also want to make your own and so we’ll cover what do we use, how do we do it.

Anthony: How do we make our websites because we built our own websites. How do we use our social media channels to kind of promote our stuff and grow an audience. How we use email marketing to reach out, spread word and keep everyone informed and scale our skills.

Ryan: Yup! So that is the gist at the level 1 course.

Anthony: It’s a lot of stuff.  Again, it took us a very long time. We pretty much see this as a four to six week kind of work.  It’d be really hard to do it anything shorter than that and so it’s pretty pretty meaty chunk here. After that, we have a little checklist to basically say, “Hey! Did you get all these stuff done? ”

Ryan: Yeah. Because when you go through a course, it is easy to look at the materials “Oh! yeah yeah…I got it!”

Anthony: You know that are about getting after it.

Ryan: So, we have a checklist of actionable things that are designed to be completed after going through each lesson or module. Because otherwise, you might, you go through the course and you learn new stuff, you get familiarized with the stuff  but nothing changes right? We are all about change. Getting after it as you said so that is what the checklist comes in.

Anthony: All the merits it’s like  I’ve stopped doing three things I’m going to start on my continue list. I’ve done this. I’ve done that. So, these are the things that are most important actions  items that we’ve identified for each lesson to make sure that you actually get something out of these course instead of just random amount of knowledge.

Ryan: We have no desire in random knowledge that does not help achieve something.  These may actually be one the most important components.

Anthony: Yup! And so, we are launching this was it today? Today right?

Ryan: Yes.

Anthony: Today.  So, it’s normally going to be 499 and what we are going to do for the first week for people who are listening to our podcast  we are going to do a 50% off special and so what we’re going to do there is we’re going to have code getafterit and that’s going to be for 50% off and so it will take from 499 to 249.  We want you guys your feedback. We want to make this as amazing as possible so it is always going to be an evolving course. We’ll have new versions of it and so if you guys have any feedback “Oh! This stuff is good.” “I want more of this, less of that!” We are always going to be updating the course so it will become kind of a living, breathing thing and all the communications about it with everybody else who has it going to be in the Slack team.  If you aren’t on our Slack channel go to healthfit.biz/slack right now. Everybody who takes this course  is going to have their own private channel where they could kind of discuss how they are going through it, the things that they are learning and any questions they have we are going to be on there actively answering them.

Ryan: The course – you can find it in at health.biz/l1

Anthony: L, the number “1”

Ryan: Numeric, not any number.

Anthony: Or we’ll have a link to it in the shownotes as well but healthfit.biz/l1

Ryan: Coupon code getafterit.

Anthony: Yup! 50% off. So, you can not be the horse and you can be the beast.   

Ryan: Who pulls the rope and has all the acreage and does whatever they want.

Anthony: Be the human, don’t be the horse.

Ryan: Alright.

Anthony: I guess, it’s time to get after it. Challenge of the Week is check out the course, sign yourself up.

Ryan:  Get after it.

Anthony: Get after it!

Ryan: Thank you guys for tuning in to this episode of the Health Fit Business podcast. If you found it helpful, please share with someone that you think it would also help and leave us a five-star rating on iTunes. Make sure also to go to healthfit.biz and sign up for the email notifications to which you can find right on the homepage so that you get all the updated podcasts and blog posts sent directly to you. Until then, we will see you next time.


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