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Heroic Intervention - Your Casually Competitive Warhammer 40k Podcast

Chad Hardman

Heroic Intervention - Your Casually Competitive Warhammer 4…

A Games, Hobbies and Other Games podcast

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Heroic Intervention - Your Casually Competitive Warhammer 40k Podcast

Chad Hardman

Heroic Intervention - Your Casually Competitive Warhammer 40k Podcast

Heroic Intervention - Your Casually Competitive Warhammer 40k Podcast

Chad Hardman

Heroic Intervention - Your Casually Competitive Warhammer 4…

A Games, Hobbies and Other Games podcast
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Apr 11th, 2019
The Best in Faction Scoring results are out and the community decided resoundingly to go Pure. Are you rebuilding your list? Or are you "refactioning"? Share your thoughts with us!
Mar 27th, 2019
DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded a week prior to the release of the Frontline Gaming poll regarding Best in Faction scoring, so anything dumb that we say **LEGALLY** can not be held against us as evidence of our extreme levels ignorance, only evidence that Andrew procrastinated in editing the episode. You have bee...
Feb 20th, 2019
This is one packed episode, ladies and gentlemen. Andrew and Kim discuss their plans for 2019, first impressions of the Genestealer Cult codex, drool over the mountain of cool new stuff GW has coming down the pipe, and Andrew gives his rundown of his Las Vegas Open 2019 experience. Share your 2019 Competitive and Hobby...
Feb 15th, 2019
Andrew took a break from the LVO action to interview Isabella, aka Warp Storm, on her fantastic finish at LVO. She offers some fantastic insight as se breaks down her games, her competitive mentality, and her tactical gameplan both on and above the table! Also be sure to check out her incredible hobby skills on display...
Jan 30th, 2019
Welcome to the second Heroic Hot Take. Andrew muses about the topic of recruiting your friends into the game of Warhammer 40k. Give it a listen and share your thoughts on Facebook or Instagram on your pointers for convincing your friends and family to dive head first into this crazy hobby!
Jan 22nd, 2019
Archon Skari joins Andrew on this episode of The Good the Bad and the Ugly: Dark Eldar Edition! Skari is a full time 40k content producer, number 1 ITC Dark Eldar player, Top 10 ITC, and all around awesome guy! He brings some serious nastiness from the Dark City that will make even the most sadistic of truekin among yo...
Jan 19th, 2019
What's this? Bite sized content that can be rapidly deployed directly into your sound holes so it can infiltrate your audio neurons and HEROICALLY INTERVENE into the noise sectorums of your auditory cortex? Yes, that's what this is.
Nov 13th, 2018
A drop pod leaves a bright tail of fire as it tears through the atmosphere. It smashes into the earth with a deafening thud, the doors explode open and out steps Hero Kim in full Dark Angel battle gear. Meanwhile a disgusting, bloated tyrannocytic spore floats gently to the ground and disgorges the misshapen, four-limb...
Jul 1st, 2018
Chad and Andrew bravely Intervene for our listeners, attempting to record an episode with Andrew's lil Ripper # 3 due any moment! They talk hobby progress, Chad's new Space Puppy obsession, games played, Imperial Knights, and they breakdown a few top lists from Boise Cup GT!
Jun 13th, 2018
Andrew is back in the podcasting chair, enjoying the comforting depressions Kim's butt made in it while he was gone. The Heroes' minds are blown by the crazy amount of content and news coming from GW. They go over some recent GT results, breakdown some interesting lists, and talk about the BANHAMMER.
May 24th, 2018
When Andrew is away, the Heretics will play! Chad and Kim get their Hobby Heroics on and have a blast chatting about Hobby, Deathwatch, Horus Heresy, and more! I knew I couldn't leave these rascals alone without them getting into some HERESY!
Apr 20th, 2018
Greeting Heroes! Games Workshop managed to make some HUGE changes with just a few, deft strokes of the pen. Join Chad and Andrew as they unpack the Warhammer 40k "March" FAQ and give their bold predictions on how it will effect the competitive meta. Thanks for listening!
Apr 13th, 2018
2018 - Year of the XENOS - rolls on! Chad and Andrew talk about exciting 40k news and upcoming FAQ rumors. Plus the Heroes breakdown the Necron codex for your listening pleasure! Prepare your ears and set your death rays to the... death... setting.
Mar 30th, 2018
What is up heroes! Join Andrew and Matt Root as they talk about Matt's triumph at the 2018 Adepticon 40k Champs, they breakdown the field, and go in depth on the top 16 lists. Plus Matt and his team have a little run in with the GW Community Team.... and the FAQ gets delayed! Back door deals? Conspiracy? Sabotage? Insi...
Feb 27th, 2018
Welcome Heroes! Join us as Denny Page - Hall of Hero Member and veteran Son of Sanguinius - descends upon the Podcast with angelic wings to give us this edition of The Good the Bad and the Ugly! We also give an update on the Escalation League, Heroic Hobby, and we speculate on the upcoming March FAQ! So raise your bloo...
Feb 5th, 2018
The heroes are back and ready to kick the 2018 - 2019 ITC season off as well as bring fun content for your ears and eyes. Chad and Andrew talk about their plans, the upcoming escalation league, and Andrew shares his LVO experience. Thanks for listening Heroes, and remember to roll 6's and always intervene my friends!
Jan 2nd, 2018
Kim and Andrew kick off the live chat with the Hall of Hero members as we look back on a great year, look forward to an even better one, and celebrate with the Heroes! Hope you enjoy!
Dec 21st, 2017
Is that a bowel loosening roar you hear? Why yes it is! Your 6 limbed Overlords - Andrew and Matt - are here in this installment of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly to give you what's hot, what's not, and what's downright BRUTAL in the deadly new Tyranid codex. Chad was suffering from the "man-cold", but his spirit was ...
Dec 1st, 2017
When Chad comes back, he comes back with a vengeance! Gaming, terrain building, hobbying; he can't be stopped! The Heroes talk about hobby progress, games played, lessons learned, list tech, Andrew takes Codex Nids for a spin, and we sneak in a preview of Chapter Approved before it drops! 
Nov 3rd, 2017
CHAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!! is back. At long last the delicious flavor combination of Andrew and Chad, sweet and salty, peanut butter and jelly, are back together in a combination that is sure to leave your Casually Competitive 40k hunger satisfied! What have we been up to? What's our hot take on the first XENOS codex release...
Sep 21st, 2017
Heroes assemble! In this episode, current #1 ITC Ranked Grey Knight Shaylynn Allen joins Andrew in this edition of The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly. Shay breaks down the strong units to build your list around, the stinkers to avoid, and the nasty combinations available for the boys in silver.
Sep 3rd, 2017
Welcome, Heroes, to another exciting chapter in the Heroic Intervention Saga! Matt Root, 2016-17 ITC Champ, helps break down the Chaos Space Marine Codex in this Good the Bad and the Ugly episode! And despite Andrew's best efforts to Deny the Witch, Matt reduces Andrew to a gibbering Chaos Spawn ranting and raving abou...
Aug 14th, 2017
Sorry it took so long to upload this episode but it's finally arrived! Andrew and Kim give a brief overview of the Chapter Tactics, Warlord Traits, and Stratagems from the brand spanking new Space Marine Codex. They also breakdown some of the top BAO lists and discuss what it reveals about the meta so far in 8th Editio...
Jul 16th, 2017
Descending from the skies in his XV86 Coldstar suit, our original Hall of Heroes member, Nikhil Sinha, joins Andrew to talk about Tau! He's our resident Tau aficionado and all around awesome guy (and fellow VFX artist!) and he's here to help us break down the 8th Edition Tau Index. While the meta seems to be shifting e...
Jul 10th, 2017
Yay, Chad is back!! And he weighs in on 8th Edition - will we get salty or sweet Chad? Or some DELICIOUS combination of the two? You'll have to listen and find out! We talk about hobby, games played, the *explosive* growth of the game, the meta, and more!
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