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Full Moon in Cancer + New Moon in Aquarius : Astrology Forecast for January 2023

Full Moon in Cancer + New Moon in Aquarius : Astrology Forecast for January 2023

Released Thursday, 5th January 2023
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Full Moon in Cancer + New Moon in Aquarius : Astrology Forecast for January 2023

Full Moon in Cancer + New Moon in Aquarius : Astrology Forecast for January 2023

Full Moon in Cancer + New Moon in Aquarius : Astrology Forecast for January 2023

Full Moon in Cancer + New Moon in Aquarius : Astrology Forecast for January 2023

Thursday, 5th January 2023
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Welcome to a homebody podcast my name is Mary Grace and here we explore big questions in embodied ways,


these conversations intersect the mystical the Practical and The Artful,


bridging a range of topics such as astrology creative practices what healing can look like and cultivating deep love and care for the more than human world.


We not only want to live better but live more fully with more connection courage and creativity in our day-to-day lives and work,


and this podcast asks what are the ways we can do that.


We hope to enliven you and inspire you towards possible regenerative Futures and we hope to encourage you so together we can become Dynamic agents of beauty fully awake Fully Alive to all that life has for us.


We want to be here for ourselves and for one another with more grace while making room for curiosity sensitivity.


Enjoy if you enjoyed today's episode please take a few moments to share it with someone else and thank you so much for listening.




Welcome today we have a,


concise forecast for January 2023 for you and little bit of a different format for a few reasons actually one is just the nature of the holidays and the timeline there I had a lot of desires to.


Take rest and zoom out just and big-picture planning and thinking and


all those hard to you know the scheduling in December always feels really compressed and also I got 60 so there was just a lot that what few things I was trying to have on the list got delayed and backed up so I had a very pain of Mercury


shadow. Holiday season and I'm feeling that now so this format for this month's forecast will be a little bit different so it's going to be a solo forecast it will be a little more concise little more to the point a little more digestible,


perhaps if your January is like so many including mine that then there's a lot to sort through a lot to set up and plan for and sort of get going and we're sort of,


missing out on some of that giddy up from Mercury and Mars as they're both in retrograde as we.


Page and to 2023 so we may find that there's things for sort of piling up as opposed to progressing so.


I imagine that this format will serve more than just me.


We have a monthly Astro meet up something that I would like to let you know about for this month it's already past it happens on the first Wednesday of each month so this episode's coming out on a Thursday so we will have just had.


January is the previous day but you can still sign up below to join us for next month or any of the future free meetups these are.


Free their opportunities to hang out with other Astro enthusiasts and talk about the forecast talk about anything else Astro related and share and discussion and conversation these are not generally.


Teaching things they are not recorded I don't prepare.


Teaching material so they're very spontaneous they're in service and in honor of the connections and spontaneity that show up live and you are welcome to join us so be able to be sure to sign up below if you'd like to come in the future.


Another podcast update announcement before we move into the Ford cast and one is that the whole body podcast is undergoing an experiment for right now starting this year starting this month where we drop two episodes of month as opposed to weeks,


episodes and there's a few reasons for that there might also be months where we drop more than.


But at minimum you'll get two episodes from us and there will be the forecast episode and then an additional episode that you can expect


and some of that is because there's a lot of offerings and larger projects that I'm dedicated to this here and I really want to be able to focus on them because they are all things that are.


For you and include you and have you on my mind and because they will be.


Requiring more of my attention more of my energy I want to be able to really pour into those things.


And the other is that I'm just really personally committed to putting things out into the world that feel like they come from a place where.


Something wants to be made something wants to get said this interview wants to happen this content or this material or these Concepts really want to be questioned and spoken and put out in the world so I'm not on Google every month.


Figuring out what's trending and like stocking SEO,


Trends to see what everyone's searching for and then regurgitating that content onto the either's for you that's totally a strategy that people do and that's totally fine but that's not what I'm doing which means that this content takes a little bit more work a little bit more soul and so I'm needing


move at a slower Pace in order to honor the Integrity of that and when I feel like this podcast wants to be and how it wants to situate not only in my life but also in your feeds.


And I think that's all it is for updates and announcements I feel like I say this every year but astrology can be a really helpful reminder that.


You know just because there's a new calendar year doesn't necessarily mean it automatically coincides with a lot of astrological change so.


Do 20 23 will have a lot of Epic shifts and we'll have them pretty early in the year January isn't really when that's happening and I like to say that because if January feels a little bit more like a slog than you were expecting.


It feels like it's bringing you know more of the same if you feel like you're still having to deal with some of these same themes or topics or Dynamics,


over and over again it's just not feeling like the refreshing powerful Clean Slate suddenly because it's January 01.


Um that's okay change certainly happens and is coming.


It doesn't always coincide with the new calendar here this year does bring Monumental shift seismic shifts will start to see some trickles of that,


I'm at the end towards the end of February but by March is when we started Lee start to have more of these Monumental adjustments in the astrological weather,


so right now we may still feel like we're in some wind down energy or some stuck energy or some.


Review energy or this again that lack of that giddy up with like things are piling up instead of progressing and so.


If that's you that's okay we are still dealing with a lot of the same themes and topics and dynamics that we had in December and so if you're feeling like that's true


that's okay and so with that let's jump into the Astro for January 2023.




These first couple transits have already happened by the time this podcast comes out but I'm still going to talk about them because they're framing some of our experience and they're sort of helping fill in the gaps for some of the narratives that we see happening in the transits this month


so This may have happened on New Year's Eve December 31st or January first for you depending on where you were but being as conjoined Pluto in Capricorn,


and we just did a lot of dancing with Pluto during her Capricorn retrograde about a year ago and so now a year later.


How is this exchange feel different what has it changed what has changed do we fear do we feel more Fearless around it does it feel less dark does it feel less in control does it feel like.


We have a little more power in this exchange especially in regards to our values our valuables our relationships,


you know to me the image that was coming to mind a lot of feels like when you have a go at something that used to scare you or like you just knew there were monsters under the bed right and you just couldn't look it felt like something was.


So ominous and so out of your control it which is like happening to you.


Please things that we avoid for fear that they will disrupt something so much or.


So we just rather not engage with them we'd rather not confront with them and we feel really disempowered when we do like something is just happening to us as opposed to something that were engaging with on our own terms


or it's asking us to change in ways or confront things that feel hard or uncomfortable.


But then once we've done it once we've pulled back the rug so many times we've looked under the bed so many times we've epically changed so many times we've swum down to the depths and come back up,


it may not still be our favorite thing to do but it doesn't sting as much it doesn't have quite as much of that like,


dramatic Flair in the beginning because we're like oh it's this again right there may be less crying less gnashing of teeth and maybe it's now just a place that we go.


So for me it feels like this passive Venus across the face of Pluto is a little blip of.


Been there done that a little bit we may be revisiting things that are like not our favorite things to visit but perhaps it looks a little bit different this go around we're not staying here we're not lingering here we're not going to cry about it too much just like okay see you next time,


and so perhaps think about to about this time last year you know are there any ways that your relationships your values your valuables a sense of worthiness of change or they've transformed.


What did that transformation cost you do you have any new or different perspectives on that process than maybe you did while it was happening.


So we're giving the sort of opportunity to re-meet ourselves re-meet this energy ramit this dynamic in a way that's a little more quick a little more passing a little less dramatic perhaps than it was a year ago.


And that can sometimes be a gift because we can really assess how we've changed and grown and sort of become more empowered or more embodied or even more Fearless.


And then after that passed by Pluto Venus sort of saunters into Aquarius.


And Venus is going to move through this sign fairly quickly this is happening on January second because Venus will then move into Pisces before the end of the.


So in Aquarius you know we have like internet librarian Venus like custodian of Technologies and protocols she's the notion nerd she's uploading and upgrading systems and giving them a refresh so that,


more Collective collaboration and realization can take place more efficiently with fewer cogs in the machine.


So Venus and these saturnian signs Capricorn and Aquarius may have a more restrained quality or more pulled back quality,


Aquarius definitely much more intellectual more matter of fact I would say Venus is you know she doesn't have anything super.


Terrible going for her Aquarius or super amazing but I would say she's less happy and Aquarius than she is in Capricorn.


Saturn is also in this sign with her at the moment so it's a bit like having a boss who's always looking over your shoulder or they like


never leave really about they could just leave and then I could work the way I want to do but like you can because the boss is never going to leave it may have a little bit of that Vibe so even like more well-behaved even more restrained even more,


sort of that sense of like proving one's work or intellectual ability or.


Solution solution ality I guess is that a word so Venus will have to be on her best behavior while she's touring through aquarius so this is not like the wild flamboyant or like overly expressive,


I'm transit or mode for her while Venus is in Aquarius a couple days later on January 4th.


Venus will make a little sextile to Jupiter in Aries and I just wanted to mention it it's not super strong like neither of those planets are particularly,


dignified at this point in time but they're also not super Afflicted so they're sort of giving each other a little nod a little wink a boost it's just some nice little Stroke of Luck or a lending hand or not of approval.


Again this will look already happened by the time this forecast comes out and you can sort of think of it as like getting caught up in the Tailwind or getting that like


little assistant speed and momentum or a little yeah I guess luck is a nice word for it a little Stroke of Luck or a little smile or little stamp of approval of something that you might have been seeking.


January 6 we have the full moon in cancer and I was think of the full moon in cancer is like big and beautiful it feels very full and Pregnant and caring and replenishing and,


glowing and beautiful and bright and the Moon is in her own home and her own domicile and cancer and her own,


watery Kingdom of the ocean with the food and the Cozy and it's very oriented towards the Comforts of what feels like home.


Oriented towards the Cozy intimacy is of people who feel like you're people and it's very Illuminating and it's holding the sort of fullness in all of the cancer topics of your life and your chart.


And so just considering you know this Moon probably wants to be near to the things and the people who feel emotionally secure who feel like home.


So this full moon is also happening,


in opposition to the Sun and mercury in Capricorn and Mercury is currently hidden behind the sun's beams at this time so there.


At the same time maybe this element of like secret secrecy or covertness or some kind of behind-the-scenes quality,


which feels sort of in contradiction to the,


what we get from this idea of the Moon being full and Illuminating and like a sort of enlivening things or making things bright there's something that might


be a little more covert a little more secret I sense that some things are not quite ready to be revealed or that things are being shared confidentially or they're being disclosed confidentially.


So so those things may want to happen at the same time or they maybe speed dynamics that are running parallel maybe some something we want to feel super disclosed.


To contribute to a sense of emotional security or safety or intimacy and yet there may be some things that aren't ready to be disclosed they're not ready to be public or ready to be shared,


and so those things might be running together for this full moon.


January 7th will have the Midway point of the Mercury retrograde cycle so the sun will conjoin Mercury all the way in Capricorn it's just a few hours after.


The full moon in cancer which lets us know that we are halfway done with this Mercury retrograde cycle.


On January 12 Mars will station Direct in Gemini we talked a lot about this Mars Transit through Gemini back in the August forecast episode which I've linked Below in the show knows so I would encourage you to revisit that episode and hear more about it.


But basically Mars of stationing directed eight degrees of Gemini and then was going,


free Traverse this territory for the third and final time so the Mars is going to is going direct which is exciting,


they will still remain in this sign for several more weeks they're not leaving Gemini until the end of March so we're definitely not done,


with Mars in Gemini Vibe we're not done with Mars activating and efforting in this domain of your chart this domain of your life.


So just know that while there may be a sense that progress may be possible,


which is exciting especially if it's been feeling again like there's things about really like stagnant and hard to move forward


I think with this Mars stationing direct and then in a few about a week after this Mercury stationing Direct will start to feel a little bit more of like things are capable of speed and progress.


Mars stationing may be particularly noticeable if for you if Mars is the ruler of your year


and or if you have planets in the mutable signs between about like 5 and 11 degrees and that would be if you have personal planets around.


Pisces Gemini and Sagittarius or Virgo between that sort of 5 and 11 degree Mark or especially if it's on the 8th degree Mark that Mars stationing direct maybe a little more potent for you


Mars will be stationing direct on the US natal Uranus so basically there's a birth chart for United States and Uranus is at a degree so.


Corinne one of the charts that is the case so there may be a particularly extra or noticeable


level of chaos or disgruntled -


um perhaps even violence apparent in the United States in particular because it is pinging some really sensitive points for the US chart.


Mars is also stationing Direct on a fixed star called aldebaran it which is like the eye of the bowl really so it really gives us the says that Mars is definitely going to give this stationing direct like he's given give it all he's got this time,


and I don't know that it's going to be super successful I don't know that it will be a particularly good look for Mars but there will be a lot of Gusto around it none of the less a lot of like balls to the walls energy,


I think and again I don't know the how successful or dignified that's going to look or how that's going to,


be but I do think there it is going to be quite energetic at least in the outer world if it's not showing up for you in a super personal way.


January fourteenth Venus will Square Uranus and I sort of see this is Venus like.


Putting a little bit of like a watchful eye on your anus to make sure.


Their updates their activities are more relationally sound or that they're treating her people right that she's at least going to request that.


So since you're in as a staying and being as his house right now and Taurus being as maybe sort of looking to ensure that these bold upgrades these,


moves towards Freedom that Uranus is shaking up or demanding they're also serving her desire for more Equity more sensual expression more rights,


I'm for the people that Venus is normally oriented around which is usually like women or artists or the queer community.


So what have you been busy with in the recent weeks since the new year started and,


you know what are there any adjustments that could be made that could make your efforts more human more Humane more kind more beautiful if there's any sort of bold or revolutionary upgrades or desires or ways that you want to shake some things up,


how do we bring more of that Collective Humane and human quality to it how do we also make it efficient towards the future world.


Those are some questions that I think could perhaps service during that square on January 18th Mercury will station turn.


And it feels like now that we have Mars going direct Mercury going direct some of the very like worldly mundane matters that we've been really maybe slogging through this first half of January.


We may now experience a more forward Direction in progress so we met now perhaps experience more clarity,


our more congruence around some of the more organizational tasks and Mercurial matters whether that's been things like communication or Commerce or business or even education and learning maybe some,


people are going back to school at this time.


These are things that we may experience more a sense of like forward momentum around now we can finally move ahead we can have more organization more structured more of a sense of progress that we maybe have.


The past few weeks January 20th the sun enters Aquarius and.


The feels like you know the sun in Aquarius is like big group energy instead of big individual energy the Sun and Aquarius is like how can we succeed how can we do better how can we uphold or maintain.


The structure is a boundaries that are needed in order to think collectively about possible futures,


and so the Venus and Saturn in Aquarius already so the sun is joining them and the Sun is technically in detriment in Aquarius and.


You know again is going to be more oriented towards the collective towards the community towards the big group energy action taking


instead of focusing on those like individual expression of once unique abilities which might be more of a Leo quality for.


So the sun and a query is wants to shine improving the system and building better Worlds the son wants to be of service as son wants to fix what's broken this son wants to serve Humanity.


And you know what is good for humans and make things better for everyone even if it means giving up on some of the more personal desires,


so it makes me want to ask like when you think about we who you're doing this work in the world with who you think of yourself attached to when it comes to this idea of a collective,


who is your we and with what groups or communities are you interested in world-building with how can you shine with others,


and how do you work more closely with them how could you be curious about getting involved with that in a little bit more of an intentional way and bringing your heart into that.


And then the next day we have the new moon in aquarius so this is happening right at the very beginning of a query is in one degree and.


Because it's happening in Saturn sign this new moon is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is also in the house so.


Since 2017 Saturn has been in their own sign,


maybe they're been in Capricorn they've been in Sagittarius which has enabled Saturn to really do as they please it is also given us some very.


Heavy-handed doses of saturnian medicine over the past few years.


It's been unmissable we all know how that's been showing up in our lives whether we've been able to pinpoint that as a source or not


it's certainly showed up in the world we've all felt some that sense of restriction of rules regulations of growing the fuck up taking things seriously,


the may be hard difficult steps forward that are needed in order to carry on and.


Saturn will be changing signs soon and entering Pisces which will bring a softening to some of Saturn's presents we'll talk about that more in the March forecast because that's when that's happening.


But I sort of see this new moon in Aquarius is like.


Maybe a final little dose of that saturnian medicine maybe a find like a little casting of seeds of things to come it's like this note that.


Saturn slips into your pocket for the future things that Saturn doesn't want you to forget things I want Saturn wants you to keep working on to carry with you into the future.


And so I think this new moon could be a really nice opportunity to really reflect back on,


you know if you've been having your Saturn return and Aquarius for instance this could be a really nice,


window to do some reflecting on what are some of the changes the building the maturing that's happened in this area of your life for the past few years.


Even if you're not in your Saturn returns if you're in a Saturn year or if this Transit through Aquarius is really shown up personally for you for a myriad of reasons depending on different


timing techniques what are some of the ways that you've really had to grow up and change or


take responsibility or mature or really maybe just go through some hard stuff.


Right are there ways that you can honor that that you've really you've done them that you've really shown up in those ways because I think sometimes with these hard.


With Transit that may have been hard or may be heavy-handed in some ways.


It is easy to just be really grateful that they're over but I think it's also important to celebrate or to you know take some time to Pat yourself on the back right if you've been,


you know if Saturn's been sitting on your back while you've been doing push-ups for the past three years and you've been doing those push-ups and now you're super strong like,


take some time to flex and like honor those muscles you're like yeah I can't do push-ups with Saturn sitting on my back,


look at these guns right so I think this new moon in Aquarius is like Saturn slipping that note into the pocket that like there's not core not quite done here there's a few more things that we need to sort of wrap up and here's a hint about what they are.


You any more improvements or upgrades that you'd like to make in the coming weeks to sort of finish up or wrap up some of these projects so you that you don't leave anything undone right that you really do it.


Saturn's way and also just acknowledge all the work that has been done all the things that you have gone through all the strength that you have accumulated.


On January 22nd Venus will conjoin Saturn on her way out of Aquarius and.


You know Saturn's really has the upper hand here and so this might this feels to me like Venus is getting a know of some kind like it might be.


Either a rejection or disapproval or a delay of some kind to some of Venus's requests or preferences,


it's sort of like if you know the boss is there you've been on your best behavior you've been doing all the right work and now you're like now is the time that I can make this desire known.


You're like but I did all these things and like it doesn't matter so Saturn may bring like more Hoops to jump through there may be an additional heavy load to bear or some kind of like.


Repression, experienced with the news Venus's qualities or people so are there any I think on a personal level we can reflect on are there any responsibilities or commitments


particularly as it relates to our values our relationships our valuables you know that need to be renegotiated or redistributed for the sake of the greater good.


And then a few days later which will be quite a shift in tone for being honest on the 26th Venus will enter Pisces.


And Saturn is about to move into Pisces and they have not done so yet so this feels like sort of a.


A really nice vacation for Venus because she gets to be in here Neptune is here but she's she gets to be in a lot of this space sort of by herself for herself to herself.


And. It's The Sign of her exaltation she's glamorous she's connected and connecting she's like sparkling with the Dew of the ocean she singing like part of that world from The Little Mermaid like Venus has had really.


A lot of intense Journeys recently she had that really intense time through Scorpio in the fall and then in recent weeks has been traveling through saturnian signs of Capricorn and Aquarius,


so I think moving into this very expansive compassionate like devoted more emotional spiritual landscape.


Is going to feel really good it's going to feel really expansive it might feel a little bit of like Venus culture shock a little bit and especially after that


conjunction to Saturn that she just had a few days before this but I think this Transit with Venus moving into Pisces can really help us do any like


melting or defrosting of the heart it's like find some unabashed gushing that may have been more guarded in the past few weeks so here


little more courageous or a little less afraid to say how she feels not afraid to show up glitzy and glamorous and also really


elevating the voices and causes and cares and people of the the venusian world.


Really championing the things that Venus cares about which is relationships which is,


things that are valuable to us which is Beauty and I would also say this extension of Grace like that those values and those qualities are really going to be like elevated in that sense.


I will say Venus moving through Pisces she will also be moving into a square with Mars in Gemini.


So there will be like some tips that she has to deal with a little bit of like,


you know maybe a few people throwing Tomatoes at her but that being said I think Venus is so elevated and so


up on a pedestal here in Pisces that I think while those things those irritants will definitely be there I think we will see being a sort of being able to be a champion for this time.


So what ways could you let your heart spread out a little bit what mysticisms or poems or devotional practices can you sort of bring help you bring back some inner Sparkle or connection to what is good or what is beautiful or what is Grace.


And then I think the last thing I'll mention is on the 29th the Sun is going to try and Mars so the sun is in Aquarius making a trying to Mars in Gemini,


which is basically the Sun. Giving Mars a boost so if we think of the Sun as like people who are bright and shiny and Powerful even Regal


in society or in the world we could think of them of sort of giving Mars a leg up or giving them some kind of approval


or like giving them an Instagram live right and getting them in front of more people shining the spotlight on them so perhaps Marshall interest Marshall agendas.


May get some kind of like approval may be like militaristic agendas or military people perhaps,


these efforts are going to get in the spotlight or they're going to get some good press there's going to be a way that their efforts look really good and look really positive.


On a personal note maybe the sun might be lending us some of that approval for some of our efforts some of our effort Inge and maybe encouraging us to not just put more of our back into it but also bring more of our heart to it.


If at all possible to sort of connect some of these efforts for to that greater good to that sense of collective service and philanthropy.


So that takes us to the end of January and it is not the most exciting the most Shifting the most Monumental of months those are coming very soon in this new year


but it isn't January so stay tuned


and I hope you will sign up for our Astro meetups below and also be sure to sign up to get.


Our newsletters I don't send them out every week I send them out about twice a month it gives everyone a heads up when we have released new episode also,


you know an overview of what you can expect as far as offerings that we have coming up ways to connect with the community that sort of gathered around this podcast gathered around our offerings and it's also where you can stay posted and


alerted to the episodes as they come out and as well as some other sweet things that I don't share anywhere else the email communication,


feels like maybe the most personal that I do and it isn't always about me but it is some of my more


inner thoughts that I'm always happy to share and I'm really really grateful for the community that shows up there so be sure to sign up for that stay in touch be well and.




Thank you for participating in this conversation with us if you enjoyed the episode please take a few moments to subscribe to the show leave us a review and share the episode these tiny tasks help our independent podcast so much,


be sure to also check out the links below to learn more about any free resources guests or things we talked about today.


Our intro and outro music was created by artist Aaron pelvic and Jared Kelly our podcast logo was created by Elaine Stevenson and this show is produced by softer Sound Studio thank you for being here be well,


peace. Music.


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