What do you do when you can see your loved one’s fight for life fading before your very eyes? You know the unthinkable is inevitable and you are powerless to stop it. In today’s episode our guest Adam Levy talks about his loss and allowing hope for the future.
Adam Levy is a songwriter and producer performing his music around the world. In 2012, Adam lost his son Daniel to suicide. Today Adam shares his journey to writing and performing music again and coming to terms with life without his son.
This is our 5th episode highlighting the issues surrounding suicide and we are thankful for the transparent and candid conversation that Adam was willing to engage in. Listen and share our collection of episodes on suicide: https://feeds.captivate.fm/hope-thru-grief/the-complex-issues-of-suicide/
This episode’s closing music is a cover of Never My Love by Adam’s band, Turn Turn Turn and is used by permission. Watch the performance used for today’s music: https://www.mplsdid.com/news_article/show/1117724
To view Daniel’s artwork as mentioned on today’s show: https://thinkpiecepublishing.com/tpp-authors/adam-levy/daniels-art/
To find out more about Adam Levy and Turn Turn Turn please visit their website: https://www.turnturnturnmpls.com/
We welcome your comments and questions! Send an email to [email protected] and please share our show with anyone you know that is struggling with loss and grief. You can find us on the internet to continue the conversation!
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Website: http://hopethrugrief.com.
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Jordan Smelski Foundation: http://www.jordansmelskifoundation.org
Tune in for new episodes every Thursday morning wherever you listen to podcasts!
Marshall Adler and Steve Smelski, co-hosts of Hope Thru Grief are not medical, or mental health professionals, therefore we cannot and will not give any medical, or mental health advice. If you, or anyone you know needs medical, or mental health treatment, please contact a medical, or mental health professional immediately.
Thank you
Marshall Adler
Steve Smelski
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