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Lisa Frankenstein Review

Lisa Frankenstein Review

Released Wednesday, 14th February 2024
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Lisa Frankenstein Review

Lisa Frankenstein Review

Lisa Frankenstein Review

Lisa Frankenstein Review

Wednesday, 14th February 2024
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Bryce (00:01.028) This episode of Horror Movie Talk is brought to you by Detachable Penis. Does your penis get you in trouble at night? Are you worried about your penis going unused and depreciating in value over time? Well, maybe you should consider converting to a detachable penis. It comes in handy a lot of the time. You can leave it at home when you think it's going to get you in trouble, or you can rent it out when you don't need it. Visit detachablepenis .com to learn more. Bryce (00:46.564) David, what is this? He's pretty sick. Great break. I have to kill a lot of people. Just too many. What you want me to fuck? I have a big dick and a tiny vagina. Oil me up, daddy. I can't believe the blinds prefers big tits. Mistletoe alert. This is my country. This guy is a real jerk. How long can Hugo be imprudent? Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp. Everybody put on your corpse handling gloves. You, uh, hoodie Picasso. AHHHHORror Max (01:28.853) Hey. Bryce (01:32.9) We're getting back to our roots we review horror movies now So new theatrical releases always get priority, but we also review older horror movies both good and horrible Make sure to rate review and subscribe on iTunes the full video is available on YouTube Don't be a square make sure to share and since I'm pretty sure it like highlights the buttons when I say this specifically make sure to hit that subscribe button and like the video and hit ring that ring that bell i think that makes the buttons highlight also yeah don't don't thumbs down it don't be a dickhole you know just move on you've got better things in your life than to downvote horror movie talk if you don't like the show you know it's not for you just move on sydney (02:12.51) you Max (02:13.367) And if you don't like the video, don't come back. I mean it. Bryce (02:31.652) Uh, please, please leave us a five star review. I'm begging you. Uh, also check out patreon .com slash horror movie talk. It's the equivalent of the adult section at your video rental store, all sorts of bonus content to view there. If you want to add your P to the community pool, go to horror movie talk .com or call six, eight, two, two, five, three, four, four, six, eight, and leave us a voicemail because you might hear your voice. on the famous podcast horror movie talk like you will today we're going to check our voicemail today so stay tuned We've got a great show today back at our roots. We're all belching all the time and I might shit my pants. So, you know, you never know. We'll be reviewing Lisa Frankenstein today. I've got the Lisa Frank design behind me today in honor of that famous brand, I guess, which I wasn't aware of until my wife told me. But, you know, apparently. sydney (03:13.203) Nice. sydney (03:39.199) Really? Bryce (03:41.892) that's what this is called. I just thought it was girl shit, you know, just in unicorns and rainbows. sydney (03:42.129) Stop. sydney (03:46.495) I had Lisa Frank coloring books. I loved that shit, it's awesome. Bryce (03:53.034) We'll start out by giving a brief review and our score for the movie. We score on a scale of 1 to 10 After we give our score we'll get into spoilers and take a deeper dive and what into what we liked and hated about the film So if you haven't seen Lisa Frankenstein in the theaters yet, and you don't want it spoiled You can press pause on the podcast and come back later We'll make sure to tell you when we're gonna get into spoilers and then later on like I said will be doing our bit horror movie whores where we listen to our voicemail from you know our fans and obsessives and and people that just can't leave the podcast alone you know with the initials DD all right let's hop in Lisa Frankenstein can be found in theaters now it's set in the late 80s Max (04:32.907) and David. Bryce (04:50.528) Lisa is the weird new girl in school dealing with the grief of her mother's death and life in a new family with a wicked stepmother and kind of nice yet condescending stepsister. She spends her free hours talking to herself and pining for love in the bachelor cemetery which is totally a thing in this universe. She has sydney (05:09.438) Hehehehe. Bryce (05:13.516) the hots for the editor of the school newspaper and while chatting with him at a party she drinks a spiked drink and goes on a psychedelic trip during a thunderstorm. If you know 80s logic, thunderstorms mean magic. The lightning resurrects Lisa's favorite grave resident unbeknownst to her. From there it's the age old tale of the goth girl that keeps the reanimated corpse in the friend zone while they murder people for parts. You know that old chestnut. So my take is that Lisa Frankenstein is a mess, but it's a really fun mess. As of recording, it sits at a solid 50 % critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, and I'm honestly not surprised. I predicted that this one would be divisive, but could ultimately become a cult classic from its bizarre campy charm. The premise feels straight from the early filmography of Tim Burton, but unlike Burton, the freshman director Zelda Williams struggles with keeping a consistent style and tone throughout the film. Her background is in music videos and it really shows in some of the narrative style of the movie, which relies heavily on visual shorthand more than hard -earned character development and cause and effect scenarios. The script written by Diablo Cody of Juno and Jennifer's body fame is the highlight of the film. It taps into a level of snarky and campy humor rarely seen outside of 80s teen rom -coms. Like her other scripts, this one features sharp dialogue and amusing non -sequiturs from supporting characters that makes the world fun to watch and feels lived in. The acting is great. Katherine Newton who plays Lisa shifts from weird nerd to self -assured goth murderess with aplomb Cole Sprouse does great with comedic timing as the mute creature Lisa Soberano walks the line between condescension and likability well as the stepsister and Carla Gugino which you might recognize from a lot of Mike Flanagan shows she is sydney (07:26.939) Mike Flanagan. Bryce (07:31.204) the best at bringing the appropriate amount of camp to the role of the stepmother. The main flaw of the movie is its disjointed tone and the arbitrariness of the plot. It would have been nicer to have more effort put into the setups for the major plot shifts and character changes. Without properly establishing cause and effect, the movie can feel a little confusing or arbitrary at times. But here's the thing. With all the nitpicks that I could pick at, I was smiling and chuckling throughout the whole movie. Um, I thought it was a blast and I give it a lot of points for originality. Um, it's, it's one of those weird, like uncanny valley, uh, eighties feels like it's, it's, it's similar to, um, sleep away camp and like, the tone and like the the mix of like supreme camp mixed with like a very very serious premises and stuff and there's a lot of like comparisons to other 80s movies that is pretty heavily borrowed from so like heathers and you know edward scissorhands that kind of stuff sydney (08:54.684) Oh my god, that's what I said when we left the movie last night. I was like, it's like Heather's meets Edward Scissorhands. Like exactly. Bryce (09:00.612) yeah so i mean it's it's it's definitely kind of an oddity of a film but i mean we need more of these like i'd rather watch 10 of these than another you know conjuring sequel you know it's oh are they that's great um so i mean you guys were shaking your heads you weren't agreeing with my my criticisms which i think are valid but Max (09:01.943) Wow. Max (09:17.239) Yeah. Yeah. sydney (09:17.756) And they're making another one. I just heard about that. Oh, yeah. Bryce (09:28.9) you might be pleased at my score i give it a score of eight out of ten i really like the movie i'd Max (09:29.399) Not valid, but okay. sydney (09:32.572) Okay, alright, alright, that's fair. Max (09:33.175) Okay. I mean that's a good score, it's not good enough, but it's... it's good. I - Bryce (09:37.412) I mean, like I yeah, it is a really interesting movie. It has its flaws, but I think it's it's better to have like supreme ambition and not pull it off than try to play it safe 100 % of the time. So what do you guys think? Max (10:02.057) I was like looking for things to not like about this movie, especially because you texted me beforehand and then like, oh, this is gonna be a divisive one. And so I was like looking for something that would like turn me off from it. sydney (10:09.086) Yeah! Max (10:16.439) But it was delightful. I had a wonderful time. I went with my wife. We were both laughing the whole time. I just didn't, you know, I kept thinking like, what more do you want from a movie like this? It's, it's, it's dare I say perfect. It's, I'm giving it a 10 out of 10. Bryce (10:16.58) Yeah. Bryce (10:33.06) Wow, high praise. Sydney, what did you think? sydney (10:35.832) Yeah, so I mean, I also agree. Since you were like, oh, this is gonna be divisive, the 50 % of Rotten Tomatoes really got me. I was like, I wonder what this is gonna be. So me and my friend went last night to see it. And we were dying laughing. We were hitting each other and laughing the whole time. The whole theater was laughing. It was, I loved the style. The bright colors in the music was great for the 80s aesthetic. There were some really funny jokes that were reminiscent of Jennifer's body. Diablo Cody really killed it. I thought it was kind of like a fucked up Cinderella story in a way with the evil stepmother and the prince to come and save her, which is a dead guy. And. I don't know, I just thought, I think Cole Sprouse did amazing at not talking until the very, very end and he, like, he was an outstanding, it was an outstanding role. And what's her name? The main girl, she was phenomenal. I haven't seen her in much, but she, I thought she did a great job at acting. I think everyone was like so funny. It kind of reminded me of like, Wet Hot American Summer, how outrageous it was. And... Bryce (11:43.012) Mm -hmm. Bryce (11:59.426) Mmm. sydney (12:02.521) Yeah, I went back and forth about it last night, but as I kept reflecting about it, I think it's also perfect and I would watch this like every day. Like it's honestly one of those movies that I could watch every day and not get sick of. So 10 out of 10 from me too. Max (12:11.573) Yeah. Bryce (12:17.7) yeah well you know there there it is like i i really liked it but i you know there was i mean from like a storytelling aspect um there were some kind of loose ends that were there that are like just leave you feel a little unsatisfied or it's one of those things where it's like you know what it's trying to do and it just does it you know without having to worry about you know spoon feeding it to you which which I respect and there's a lot of shorthand but you know there's there's a couple little tweaks that I think would put it at 10 for me but regardless it's a really it's a really fun movie and just like the criticisms of it that I've seen on Rotten Tomatoes are similar to the ones that I bring up but I think they're like Max (12:57.463) I'm interesting to - Bryce (13:09.732) more snooty and like not letting them have letting themselves have fun when it's like there are some minor flaws to it i think overall it's great my my experience in the theater was was probably a little different because i went on thursday at five in the afternoon for west coast and so there was three other people in the theater with me i think there was sydney (13:18.601) Yeah. sydney (13:27.161) Oh wow. Bryce (13:35.844) a couple in the back row and then like an old guy up front that probably just lives at the movie theater and there was not a peep out of them like they they had zero reaction to it and i was chuckling and laughing throughout the whole thing like i had a blast but i could tell like sydney (13:44.289) Oh. Bryce (13:53.508) it's similar to Jennifer's body like a lot of people rag on Jennifer's body and like when I watched it I'm like I don't get it what's wrong with this movie it's a it's fun it's great like what's the problem and it becomes a cult classic and I think that's gonna be it in this case because I don't I haven't seen it advertised a lot like I haven't seen it anywhere I think the only place I really saw it was when I go and search on fandango for new releases that are horror movies like it's never sydney (14:01.953) Riot. Max (14:12.841) No. Bryce (14:23.46) and if there's anyone that's gonna it's gonna be in their feed like I get I get shoved every single horror project down my throat from my algorithms just because that's what I watch on streaming platforms all the time and I don't I didn't see you like I don't remember seeing the trailer for it outside of me searching for it sydney (14:43.223) I only saw the trailer at the movie theater. That was the only time, I think the last couple times that we've gone to the movies, that was the only time I saw it advertised and I was like, this looks good. But I was not, I thought it was something totally different. I thought that, we'll get into it more in spoilers, but I thought that she purposely dug him up and revived him. I thought that what, that. Max (14:43.799) I never... Bryce (14:50.742) Right, that's true. Bryce (15:08.292) right. sydney (15:10.073) I thought that was what it was going to be, but I was surprised and I liked the silly way that they did it instead. And I think that was really fun and inventive. And it's just one of those movies where it kind of comes out of left field and you're like, wow, this was like a pleasant surprise. Like it's not another fucking night swim. I know I bring this up all the time, but it was so bad. Bryce (15:16.708) Right, right. sydney (15:33.594) But it's not another one of those horror movies that comes out and it's some dumb sequel that like, or it's some franchise that they're trying to keep going and it just sucks. It's like, here's a fresh look on, and it's kind of scary, but not really. It's like, oh, there's gore, but it's not terrifying and that's kind of what Jennifer's body is too. You're not really scared throughout it, you're more laughing, but it's still considered a horror movie and I don't know, I just thought. I think it will be a cult classic and I think there will be people who don't understand it. I think it's like a movie for the girls and I don't even mean it in a gendered way. Just like, this is a girls movie. You know what I mean? Like. Bryce (16:15.03) Yeah, I mean, that's that is the thing like going into it or even seeing the trailer. You assume a lot of what the plot would be just from like if you're going to write a spec script from the title, Lisa Frankenstein, and even just say like she's in love with a dead body like it writes itself. And I think that's what's fun about Diablo Cody's perspective is like, yeah, it's not it's not predictable. It's like. sydney (16:34.938) Yeah. Bryce (16:44.516) it it shows like a level of teenage brain of like not noticing that there's a guy available and you're like no but i like this other guy it's like it's it's a yeah it's it's it's fun uh you know it's not fun commercials kids commercials are not fun and you should know you don't have to listen to commercials when you listen to horror movie talk you just have to Max (16:57.813) Yeah. Bryce (17:13.924) pony up a little bit. If you go to patreon .com slash horror movie talk and sign up for the what is it the two to spoopy for you tier. I don't know. I can't remember the names. Yeah, well, max. Shut up. At a certain tier you get early access to episodes without ads. So check us out there. sydney (17:26.233) Yeah. Max (17:28.439) I don't know, get to know your own Patreon, why don't you? sydney (17:31.193) Hehehehehe. Hehehehehe. Bryce (17:41.22) Also support the show by going to horrormovietalk .com slash shop. And please show your appreciation for our resident artist Dustin Goble. He's a professional artist who fucks so hard. He also takes commissions for artworks from HM artwork from HMT fans contact him at Dgobel00 on instagram .com and make your artistic dreams come true. tell him h m t sent you uh... this is this is audio that i received from dustin goble fucking hard yeah so i mean Max (18:29.399) Okay, hold on, hold on. Hold on, Bryce, hold on, hold on. Something about what's going on, your voice sounds great, the drops and the music, so loud, so loud. sydney (18:37.016) That hurt me. Bryce (18:44.932) Yeah, okay, I'll turn it down. My bad. sydney (18:47.703) you Max (18:51.095) That sounded like that was in this room. Bryce (18:54.18) Okay, let's let's check this how about now sydney (18:54.648) I think it was right here. Someone's screaming in my ear. Bryce (19:04.196) All right, you know, what can you do? sydney (19:04.279) Okay, it's better a little bit. I'm gonna go dove. Max (19:05.367) Okay. Whatever. Bryce (19:11.268) If I turn this down, can you hear me at all? Okay, I don't know where... Okay, I gotta figure out what the routing is on this board. How about this one? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me? Okay, so the... Okay, whatever. This is dumb. Thanks for listening! Let's get into spoilers! sydney (19:14.263) Yeah. Yeah, you sound the same. Max (19:15.095) I can hear you fine. sydney (19:19.062) Where is this sound coming from? Sounds the same, yeah. Max (19:23.383) Yeah, I can hear you. Bryce (19:39.268) you Bryce (19:47.972) issues with the mixer it's so yeah anyways I think you guys are just too quiet I think that that's what the problem is it's not my fault sydney (19:50.581) Ha ha ha ha. sydney (20:00.726) Okay, look at my microphone. It's in my mouth. Max (20:01.399) I mean maybe. Bryce (20:04.676) You know, excuses, excuses. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I, the volume is like almost at the bottom on the, on the faders. Is it? It's just whatever. Who cares? All right. Let's talk about Lisa Frankenstein. Um, so it starts out with like these animated credits, um, that kind of tells the story of. the creature of his life before dying and yeah. sydney (20:36.919) I thought that was amazing because instead of actually having Cole Sprouse act it out and adding what, 10 minutes to the movie, they're like, here's this fucking story in 30 seconds, this is what you get. I thought this movie was the perfect length. An hour and a half, we gotta bring back hour and a half long movies, man. We really do, we really do. I love me a long movie, you know this. You know that I love the three hour fucking. Bryce (20:51.204) Right. Max (20:57.419) Oh yeah, for sure. sydney (21:05.078) like sit there for a whole night. But like this was perfect because we got out of the theater at nine o 'clock and I was like, let's get some fucking Chinese food. Let's hang out. Like it was good. Bryce (21:17.316) Yeah, that's yeah, I think I agree like where everything is two hours or more, especially with like horror movies. It's like, it's just just don't, you know, you don't need that much time. Unless I think there's a Roger Ebert quote where it's like, a good movie is never long enough and a bad movie can't be short enough. You know, it's and so. sydney (21:41.621) Exactly. Max (21:41.653) Mm -hmm. Bryce (21:43.844) like in this case like I would have been fine for another 20 minutes of the movie but it's it's very efficient and I appreciate that so it shows you know kind of the story of of this guy that died and shows you that he was buried in a bachelor cemetery which I I'm like okay so it's just a cemetery of bachelors from the early when when would this be? sydney (21:47.196) Yeah. Max (22:03.381) Which is so funny. sydney (22:04.756) It's so good. sydney (22:13.588) I think he died in like 1887 or something. I think that's what it said. Bryce (22:14.02) So like 1800s? Yeah. Which I love and and Lisa shown or eventually like talks about how she goes to this bachelor cemetery to, you know, just be by herself and talk and to the gravestones because they don't talk back and she's just kind of this weird goth girl. But I love the idea of like late 1800s bachelor, like I feel like that means something different than what it means today. If there's a bachelor cemetery of confirmed bachelors from the 1800s, I'm like, honey, like, these guys are not for you. I'm sorry. Like, I know it sounds like a romantic concept, but they're not looking for love from you, Lisa. I think. sydney (22:59.25) Yeah. Bryce (23:09.06) hate to break it to you but all these bachelors in this grave in the cemetery are gay I'm sorry. Max (23:14.807) But she's not really going there because she finds it romantic. She goes there because she's weird and likes death and says that she would rather be dead with them than alive in the world. Bryce (23:29.092) yeah I like the I like how they handle it because it's not you'd assume it'd be like oh she fell in love with this you know face on this gravestone and there's a little bit of that where she's kind of enamored but how she explains it is more like she feels like everyone should be remembered that you know she has kind of been exposed to death because her mother was murdered by a literal axe murderer sydney (23:57.972) basically in front of her. Bryce (23:59.648) in front of her and so she's she's a little off kilter when it comes to death and it's a lot closer to her as a teenager than most teenagers um but yeah she explains it more as like she just kind of feels sorry for him and you know it doesn't feel like they should be forgotten everyone has a story kind of thing and they don't talk back so um and we're shown she tells this to her stepsister um which is a really interesting character because again it's not cookie cutter it's not like what you would expect because her stepsister is really nice and is sydney (24:36.435) She's trying to acclimate Lisa to her new school and trying to be like, hey, come out with me. Hey, this blush isn't your shade. Let me help you get ready. Let me borrow my clothes. I want you to go to this party with me. It'll be fun. Didn't your doctor tell you you need to socialize, which was a hilarious line. She is a really nice person, and she is nice to Lisa. That is a definite, but she's also Max (24:57.259) Yeah. sydney (25:06.035) really bitchy, which is like a great overlay. Like. Max (25:10.455) Well I think she's just like kind of dumb and so she doesn't realize that some of the things she says are like really rude but she's trying to help her. Bryce (25:17.028) Yeah. sydney (25:19.505) Yeah. Bryce (25:20.42) Yeah, I mean, she comes off as, as like very nice and trying to be helpful, but also very condescending. It's like, Oh, honey, you don't understand, like, you want to be one of the pretty ones like me, you know, and it's not. And she's like treating her like an equal, which is, which is interesting, but also just very accidentally condescending to Lisa. And Lisa is kind of long suffering about it. sydney (25:27.315) Yeah. Max (25:27.477) Mm -hmm. Bryce (25:48.644) But I think I saw an interview with with what's her name? Oh, you know, something her last name is Solomon or something like that. Lisa Liza soberano so she's the one that plays the stepsister I sent an interview with her and and she had she put it really well which was basically like she's a really nice person but she's also her mother's daughter and there's a little bit of that that she can't escape because her mother Max (26:20.247) Mm -hmm. sydney (26:20.495) Yeah. I'm an IP or what was it? Max (26:26.487) Yeah, I think it was IP. Intuitive person. sydney (26:31.471) Intuitive person. So good. Bryce (26:31.812) yeah yeah i'm an intuitive person ip or no it was ip intuitive person um yeah so her mother is is her stepmother is a real bitch like really like over the top um kind of a middle -aged mean girl you know and just like very very much wicked stepmother vibes and sydney (26:53.455) Mm -hmm. Bryce (27:00.556) casually threatens to throw her and then insane asylum, you know, at any given moment from minor inconveniences like having her, you know, treasured memory. What were those called? Those little tchotchkes? Yeah, the Max (27:14.869) What the hummels? Bryce (27:20.004) some it's something memories. Precious memories. Yeah, that her precious memories, dolls, like one of them gets broken. And she's like, All right. She's psycho. She needs to go into the psychiatry ward. Yeah. sydney (27:21.553) Is it precious? Max (27:22.615) precious memories. sydney (27:26.927) Ugh, it's so good. sydney (27:31.345) His neck! Max (27:35.287) She's ruining our perfect home. sydney (27:37.083) It's like, mom, you're a psych nurse. You should not call it the loony bin. Bryce (27:40.982) yeah that's great i mean it's very much like um nurse ratchet it's like oh this person just looks down upon everyone that needs her help the most um so yeah it's uh it's interesting that that stepsister character is you know she's she's really nice and helpful but also she's been raised by kind of a narcissist um Max (27:50.677) Mm -hmm. sydney (28:07.791) Yeah. 100 % a narcissist because when she's reprimanding Lisa, she's like, I took you in with open arms after your mom got fucking ax murdered in the face and died and it was so gross and bloody and you saw all of it and you should be more grateful to me, but you should also stop being a fucking bitch. And Lisa's like, I don't really know how to respond to that. Bryce (28:19.268) Yeah. Bryce (28:31.34) Yeah. Max (28:31.959) Well did you notice that when she was like cleaning the house she was listening to an audiobook about dealing with narcissists and it's just like explaining her personality to her but she thinks it's about Lisa? sydney (28:41.648) She's like nodding. Bryce (28:42.244) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. sydney (28:47.791) Also, fun fact, Ms. Elda Williams, who directed this, is the daughter of Robin Williams. I didn't know that. Bryce (28:53.412) Yeah, yeah, I knew that. Yeah, it's a she's an epo baby, you know, relying on her father to get her this job. Max (28:54.519) Oh, I did not know that. sydney (29:02.351) I mean, you know, he's... Sometimes it does. Sometimes it does. Max (29:02.615) But hey, sometimes it works out. Bryce (29:07.588) Yeah, one thing that I saw especially so like skipping forward a little bit so we're introduced to the stepsister and Lisa and kind of the whole family and then her step - what is her stepsister's name? Taffy. So Taffy takes Lisa to this party, this rager, and you know she's chatting with her in the car and asking her like who she has the hots for and sydney (29:23.215) Taffy is an awesome name. Bryce (29:35.852) Lisa reveals that they're the editor of the school papers is really hot. And turns out he is he's a dreamboat. Like I would. Yeah, he did. He was he was very close. And that was one of my favorite lines in the car right there. She's like, sydney (29:44.655) He kinda looked like Cole's breath a little bit. Bryce (29:57.252) Because Taffy's like, so he's not a baseball player or like football, not even like a manager or anything. It's like, no, he's cerebral. She's like, like in a wheelchair. Max (30:08.855) Yeah that was one of the funniest lines in the whole movie. sydney (30:09.197) I died laughing. There was such good lines, like, oh my god. But you know when they flash to the moment that Lisa's mom is killed, I think it's around the same time, my friend leaned over to me and we weren't really sure what kind of movie it was going to be at this point, because we had just started it. And my friend leaned over to me and she was like, oh, do you think that the dad killed the mom and was the mass killer? Bryce (30:25.282) Uh -huh. Bryce (30:39.074) Mm -hmm. sydney (30:39.085) And like, I mean, obviously that wasn't like a point in the movie and it didn't really matter. But I mean, I think it's kind of funny to like speculate that that person, the dad character could have done something like that. I think it would have been, he was really hyped about his new family. Like he really loved them and didn't really give a fuck about Lisa, so. Bryce (30:52.164) yeah i mean i i predicted yeah Max (30:58.719) And he moved on really fast. It was like, what, six months after his wife died he was married? sydney (31:02.317) That was the line that we were like, oh, if it was that fast, then I don't know. I don't know. Bryce (31:04.004) Right. Bryce (31:08.804) yeah i mean it was that was one of the loose ends that i thought was like if this was a predictable movie they're gonna go back to that axe murdering scene and that axe murder is gonna be someone like it's going it's either gonna be i predicted that it was gonna be um michael trent the the paper editor like her love interest because that would have like Max (31:21.141) Mm -hmm. sydney (31:21.237) Right. Bryce (31:32.644) been very love triangle, you know, a good love triangle solution, which is like, Oh, he murdered your mom. Well, I guess he wasn't a good guy. After all, you can you can go fuck your corpse. That that was the obvious one for me. But it just left us nothing. It's just like, it just happened. And it's not related to the story other than that's how our mom died. Like even an IMDb there's like the sydney (31:38.825) Yeah. Bryce (32:02.628) it has the actor that played the axe murder Luke Sexton and he's just the axe murder it's not you know he's not in any the rest of the film sydney (32:09.962) Yeah, and I think that's something that Diablo Cody kind of did in Jennifer's Body too. There was a lot of these offhand comments that you thought were going to come back and it just really didn't. It's just something that happens in the movie that like, you know, like the cop in the beginning of Jennifer's Body, what's his, you know, Chris Pratt. Bryce (32:26.85) Mm -hmm. sydney (32:34.538) like you think like more of his story is gonna come back and it like just doesn't matter. Cause she's like, he took my back door virginity. And it's just like, that's it. And like, it's like, it's stuff like that. So it's like, it was just kind of one of those just like, here's a ridiculous, crazy, awful thing that happened. We're just gonna drop that in. And that's why Lisa is a fucking weirdo. Like valid. But yeah, we're at, we should keep going. Max (32:34.869) Mm -hmm. Bryce (32:35.244) Uh huh. Bryce (32:43.096) It's like, yeah, that's it. Bryce (32:57.252) Yeah. Well, it's I mean, that does that is kind of like high school teen logic where it's like, Oh, yeah, Donald. Yeah, he is. You know, his stepdad is in prison for being a pedophile. It's like, Okay, is that anything? No, it's just everyone knows that. And that's just part of this whole story, you know, the the life in the high school. So sydney (33:02.858) movie. Max (33:19.831) Yeah. sydney (33:22.376) Mm -hmm. Bryce (33:25.22) Yeah, Lisa, yeah, her mom was murdered by an axe murderer. Let's move on. Max (33:25.271) There's a - Max (33:29.975) There's another important thing that we should probably mention that happens early on which is Taffy has a tanning bed that she won at like a pageant or something and sydney (33:41.033) It was like Miss Hawaiian Beach, yeah. Bryce (33:41.26) Yeah, Miss Hawaiian Trophic. No, Miss Hawaiian Trophic, which is a, uh, you know, suntan lotion. sydney (33:49.491) Oh, yep. Max (33:49.527) Okay, okay, so. But the important part to remember is that the tanning bed is broken. It like zaps you when you try to get a tan, so. Bryce (33:57.924) right yeah yeah because yeah taffy like offers lisa to use her tanning bed because she's really pale and then she promptly gets electrocuted by the tanning bed um elect actually you know if david was here he would he would pipe up because it's not electrocuted she's alive she got shocked electrocuted means a cause of death yeah um sydney (34:11.273) She's like, I'm really sorry. sydney (34:17.513) Right. You died. Max (34:18.487) True. Bryce (34:23.394) anyway so she she goes to this party and she um you know has an encounter with this guy she has a hots for and then you know a yeah it's got a sydney (34:32.201) And he has a goth friend who, I forget her name, but she sucks and she's really mean and she's a big bully. And she's the one that comes up and is like, hey, what's his name, Michael or something? She's like, hey, do you want some? Bryce (34:40.324) Yeah. Bryce (34:47.394) Uh huh. sydney (34:50.313) of this drink and he's like, ugh, what'd you put in there? And then they offer it to Lisa and Lisa's like, no. And then the girl's like, are you a pussy or something? And then Lisa drinks the entire thing and it ends up being PCP. Which is like, holy shit, like what's going on right now? Bryce (35:05.826) Mm -hmm. Max (35:09.399) That's actually, I actually wanted to bring this up because that is one of the most horrifying things that I think could ever happen. Like that is one of my biggest fears is accidentally doing a bunch of drugs that my body is not ready for and having a horrifying experience. sydney (35:23.882) Hahaha! It is scary, like that would be very ter - and it is terrifying for Lisa, like, definitely. Max (35:31.511) Like, the dread that would set in when someone's like, hey, you know that was laced with PCP, right? Like, I would be like, oh my gosh, I need to throw up right now or I'm going to like freak out. sydney (35:44.615) Yeah, but I mean she had no time to think about it and then you're already fucked up off drugs so you're not really thinking logically. So it just... Bryce (35:53.22) Yeah, I think I think Tom Sager has a has a bit on, you know, the dangers of drugs, how they always when you're a teenager warn you that like, beware of strangers, like offering you drugs or drugging you, you know, without your know how, without your knowledge. And he's like, No, it's not going to be strangers, it's going to be your friends that drug you like. And you know, there's no stranger that's kind enough. That's just going to sydney (36:16.007) Yeah. Bryce (36:21.7) give you their drugs you know it's like i never had that experience but i wasn't at any cool parties that's true yeah i mean women probably have a lot uh more probability of getting drugged than men but you know who knows sydney (36:25.575) Which is true. Max (36:25.783) Well, I guess it depends on what they want to do to you afterwards, but... sydney (36:38.823) Yeah, my college full of those kind of men. Full of it. Frat Guys at UMass Amherst. Yeah, yeah, oh yeah. Max (36:43.093) Oh jeez. Bryce (36:49.94) Honestly, most colleges are probably full of those guys. Like, yeah. sydney (36:57.287) Anyone out there thinking of visiting UMass Amherst, don't go to Feisig. I don't know if it's still there, but they are terrible men. They're terrible, horrible men. And I stand by that to this day. Bryce (37:04.404) Yes. Bryce (37:09.38) Shots fired. All right. So yeah, she gets drugged with PCP, which, you know, I'm notorious for not knowing drugs, but apparently it's a some kind of hallucinogenic. And she goes on like this hallucinogenic trip. And this is where like, yeah, like there's a guy. Yeah, this is another like great character moment, which is like, sydney (37:28.071) She gets sexually assaulted. Bryce (37:36.644) Oh, it's the nice kind of, you know, kind of Malik McLovin character that's like, Oh, you know, I'm sorry, let's go in this room and keep you safe. And then all of a sudden his hands on her boob. He's like, you like that? She's like, no. And he's he's doing the whole like, Oh, come on, baby, don't leave me on. He's like, sydney (37:39.206) like nerdy. Yeah. Max (37:42.207) Mm -hmm. Max (37:52.695) I sydney (38:00.165) And it's like you took a girl who couldn't even stand up into a room and try to get her to touch you, like you're a piece of shit. Okay. Bryce (38:07.3) Yeah. Yeah. Max (38:08.887) That part made me feel really sad, but you know what? Lion is just so funny when he's holding back her hair and he's like, man, your hair feels like Easter, Easter grass. sydney (38:18.534) I'm sorry. Bryce (38:18.884) Yeah sydney (38:21.734) That was really good. Bryce (38:23.684) There's a, oh, my other favorite line is when he leads her into the room, she just says, it smells like camp in here, which is like, holy shit. I know exactly what smell she's talking about. Where it's like you walk into a musty like cabin and it's just got that like old person smell like. sydney (38:42.15) and just kind of like smells like wet grass a little bit too. You're like, hmm. Bryce (38:44.804) right you're like oh wow yes i could i could totally smell that room as they're going into it um so she she goes on a trip and then this is where like it it's really cut like a music video like it's the the uh transitions and stuff it i mean it's trying to it's communicating that it's like a a trip but also it really feels sydney (38:50.121) 4D experience. Bryce (39:14.628) like a music video and when I looked up Zelda Williams background is like her background is in music videos so it's like okay well that makes sense I guess she did music videos for Jojo do we know who yeah sydney (39:28.515) Oh, really? Get out right now. It's the end of you and me. I'm a singer, guys. I'm not. Really? She was iconic. She her first hit single was Get Out when she was 16. Right. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Bryce (39:36.708) What else did she do? Max (39:39.703) I don't know JoJo. Bryce (39:49.252) Yeah. Max (39:51.127) child prodigy. Bryce (39:53.62) Jojo and also Jojo did the I can't fight this feeling cover in this movie. Yeah. sydney (40:02.211) Oh, that's who that was. Nice. I thought that was a great comedic timing song when they used it. It was great. Bryce (40:08.292) Yeah. Max (40:09.271) I'm assuming we're not talking about Jojo Siwa. sydney (40:11.925) No. Bryce (40:15.14) I'm honestly really relying on you kids to tell me who these people are. Like. sydney (40:19.978) JoJo Siwa, come on! She was on Dance Moms, she has that high ponytail and she's like crazy and she wears all neon colors and she talks really fast and then she came out as a lesbian so now she's like an LGBTQ icon. Like, come on, you gotta know all these things. Max (40:37.271) So I work in a first grade classroom and last year I was working in a kindergarten classroom. And so last year the kids had an assignment to write what they wanted to be when they grow up. And one girl wrote Jojo Siwa. sydney (40:41.442) Okay. Bryce (40:49.954) Uh huh. Max (40:53.655) and we couldn't figure out who Jojo Siwa was. And so we were all really confused. And in the confusion, she assumed that we were telling her like that was an invalid thing to wanna be. And she started crying and she was just saying like, I just wanted to be Jojo Siwa. It was kind of funny, but. sydney (41:04.296) Oh. Bryce (41:08.042) Aww. sydney (41:12.002) The poor baby! Bryce (41:16.964) like well then your answer should have been yeah you can't be another person idiot sydney (41:21.474) I'm sorry. Max (41:23.285) BLEH sydney (41:24.642) Well, she could be a famous dancer and singer if she really tried hard enough, but she has to start now for the dancer stuff. But yeah, so when this thunderstorm and also PCP trip is happening, she ends up very music video like very stylistically. She just ends up in the bachelor's gravesite cemetery thing. And she. Bryce (41:28.516) Sure, there you go. Yeah. sydney (41:50.946) She screams down at Cole Sprouse's grave and is like, I wish I was there with you. And she means like, I wish I was in the ground dead and not living life anymore. And the next, is it the next day? He shows up at the house, but you don't know it's him because he's covered in mud and gross. And so she's throwing all the shit at him and she's. Bryce (42:10.436) Uh huh. sydney (42:17.218) Like, oh my god, get out of here. And then the sprinklers turn on and that's when he gets cleaned off and then she realizes, she recognizes him from the bus that's on the grave and is like, oh my god, are you? Bryce (42:28.58) she's like oh my gosh are you cody from the sweet life of jack and cody? zack and cody? yeah this is another i don't know who colesprouse was at all i had to look it up on imdb yeah sydney (42:31.49) laughs sydney (42:38.114) Oh my gosh. Max (42:38.455) What? Are you kidding me? I watched every episode of Sweet Life. sydney (42:41.09) I watched... Me too, me too, great show. Bryce (42:45.156) Yeah, it's I did not know about it from what I gather. He's like your generation's. Bryce (42:58.564) what's it called the shit what are those sisters from full house yeah the Olsen twins it's like Zack and Cody were basically like the Olsen twins for your generation Max (43:05.079) Oh, the Olsen twins? sydney (43:08.192) Yeah, I guess. Max (43:12.663) See, I love Cole and Dylan Sprouse because they just seem like regular guys. Cole is in freaking Five Feet Apart, that dumb movie that my wife made me watch. He's in Riverdale, which is also a terrible show that I've seen a full season of. The writing is so bad on that show, I can't believe it. And then I think it's Cole who did a podcast where... sydney (43:30.017) Terrible show. Terrible show. Bryce (43:31.3) Mm -hmm. Max (43:42.007) they like do a storytelling of one of my favorite online stories, Barasca. And we're gonna have to talk about Barasca at some point because it is an incredible story. And I haven't heard his version of it, but I really want to, because I think it'd be incredible. sydney (43:59.682) Okay, cool. Also, Dylan Spross is married to Barbara Pelvin, who was a Victoria's Secret angel. So, both of these twins, they are doing good things. Okay, all right. Bryce (44:02.212) Is it like a? Bryce (44:07.684) this is you're just saying gibberish at this point for me so anyways like I didn't know I didn't really know who Cole Sprouse was but I'll tell you what he does great in this movie and is really fantastic he's got great comedic timing physical comedy and like it's very he said in interviews that he worked with a mime sydney (44:20.226) Yeah. Max (44:20.501) Mm -hmm. Bryce (44:35.044) to like figure out the movements and it shows like it's very very silent movie acting and he does it really well because he communicates a lot through his eyes and his look and his his physicality in a really impressive way and so yeah he shows up and he's basically like just a bog monster at the beginning and I love the logic of it she's just like sydney (44:37.632) That's cute. sydney (44:51.456) Mm -hmm. Bryce (45:04.388) she doesn't freak out as much as you know anyone actually would just like okay well this is my life now stay in my closet and we'll move on you know and everything happens like so fast in the movie like you don't realize like everything that happens from that point on is like the next two or three days it's not like a long period of time um but so yeah he Max (45:13.143) Hehehehe sydney (45:13.735) Yeah. sydney (45:28.16) Yeah, she gets him cleaned up, he takes a shower, she gets him dressed in normal clothes, and he shows her that his ear is missing, and his hand is missing, and something else is missing that we will not find out until later. But so his goal, he wants her to help him. Bryce (45:45.732) Mm -hmm. sydney (45:51.615) get an ear and a hand, and she's like, what the fuck am I supposed to do about that? I don't know how to get you an ear and a hand. I can't just get that shit for you. So that day, right, is the day that he ends up, that other day, the next day is the day he ends up killing the stepmom, right? Bryce (46:13.38) yeah it's something like that is yeah the next because he appears at night is it that night no okay so she comes back from the party yeah she comes back from the party at night and then the next day he appears at night and then the next day the the stepmother's killed i think sydney (46:20.767) Yeah, it's a - they're at a movie. sydney (46:28.863) Yeah. And then the next. Max (46:34.625) Yeah, well, she's supposed to go out of town, but she's feeling sick because, well, she says it's because there was a worm in her food. The corpse walked downstairs one day and just dropped a worm in her bowl and walked back up. sydney (46:34.719) Cause she said she was... Yeah. Bryce (46:43.684) Yeah. Bryce (46:49.668) Yeah. Yeah. sydney (46:51.838) She didn't even eat it, so she's not sick. She's just thinking that Lisa is doing this and wants to send Lisa away, basically. Yeah, that's gross. Yeah. Max (46:56.375) Yeah. Bryce (46:57.796) Well, it was in her mouth. I'd be pissed off too. So, um, yeah, but she also blames Lisa, which, which is weird because like you scooped out the cottage cheese, you know, into the bowl. Like it's your fault for not noticing that, uh, you know, a worm at that point, you know, whatever. Um, so anyways, like, yeah, that it's a, it's a big shift because, um, Max (47:03.787) That's kinda funny though, like if your kids put - sydney (47:12.991) Mm -hmm. sydney (47:20.091) I'm sorry. Bryce (47:28.42) yeah the stepmother is freaking out at Lisa accusing her of you know not only breaking all these things and and like putting a worm in her food and she's threatening to send her off and then the creature creeps up from behind her and just knocks her in the head and kills her immediately and then cuts off her ear she's like all right we'll just use this and Lisa's again not freaking out as much as you would expect a normal person to it's like yeah sydney (48:00.797) Well, she hates her stepmom and she's, you know, she's a little tapped from what happened to her. So she's kind of just accepting things that are happening. And so also. Bryce (48:05.186) Yeah. Bryce (48:10.628) Yeah, it's a very, it's a very campy reaction of just like, okay, well, I guess we better just bury this body and, you know, sew this ear on you and like move on. sydney (48:17.15) Well, yeah, before the stepmom comes in the room, I really loved her. The stepmom's name is Janet and I really loved that Lisa goes, damn it, Janet, like Rocky Horror. And I thought that was, I was the only one that laughed in the theater at that moment. But yeah, when they, so it's also set up a little bit earlier that Lisa works at a. Bryce (48:28.258) Uh -huh. sydney (48:42.206) dry cleaners where they do alterations. So she's a really good seamstress. So she sews the ear back on to what's his name? And, but it doesn't work. So. Bryce (48:44.77) Mm -hmm. Right. Bryce (48:55.62) until they use the sun tan or the the what's it called tanning booth yeah sydney (49:02.462) tanning bed. Max (49:02.807) tanning bed yeah I thought that was a great a great yeah for like the Frankenstein's like table that he raises up in in the original I just think it's it's a cool replacement that they used Bryce (49:08.356) device yeah. Bryce (49:13.912) Uh -huh. Bryce (49:17.86) Yeah. Yeah, so that happens and she moves on and then there's like the other thing that the creature does for her is he's also just has fantastic style because he styles her in her own clothes and her stepsisters clothes and she like she goes from being I mean she didn't look awful I mean she looked stylish for the 80s but then she goes into like full on goth queen like sydney (49:34.75) And she looks awesome. Bryce (49:47.588) just tapping into the spirit of Stevie Nicks and Madonna combined and just appears at school and everyone's like, holy shit, it's a goth goddess. Max (49:48.725) Incredible. sydney (49:49.566) She looks amazing. sydney (50:01.662) I also love the line where she's like playing music and she's like, this is Taffy's station, but I also have the cure. And he like lifts up his stump and she goes, no, no, no, not that cure. They cure you emotionally. And I was like, this is so good. It's so good. Bryce (50:15.908) Yeah. Max (50:19.799) Also there's a good line when it talks about her working at the dry cleaning place and her boss comes in and because Bryce (50:28.932) Yeah, they're talking about the guy she's got the hots for and she's like, Oh, yeah, I didn't think she'd have a chance, you know, since she's so flat chested. Yeah, that's a very like, it's the same thing as like kind of Rainn Wilson and in Juneau, where it's like just such a off kilter character, like what? Why is this person being so casual around these teens? It's like, you know, sometimes there are those people. Max (50:36.247) Yeah, it's so great. sydney (50:39.934) I'm like, oh shit. sydney (50:53.534) You Bryce (50:58.564) yeah that was that was a great line too I love again like I love Cole Sprouse's performance like it really reminded me especially early on from you know when he's more of a bog monster it's very much moves like the Edgar from men in black from the original men in black have you guys seen that really oh man sydney (51:19.517) I've never seen Men in Black. Max (51:21.367) I saw it when I was like 6. sydney (51:24.157) I went on the ride at Universal Studios in Florida. You like shoot aliens, it's pretty fun. Bryce (51:28.068) No, there's a great performance by Vincent D 'Onofrio. No, is that right? Max (51:39.415) Is that the guy who's taken over by the alien? Bryce (51:39.556) that right. yeah yeah so yeah so i mean go back if you want to watch like a really great physical performance go back and watch men in black and just watch men and uh vincent and offrio's character in that it really reminded me um in this movie um so Max (51:43.607) I remember being freaked out by that. Bryce (52:04.516) Yeah, and then it moves on and shifts gears to where like Lisa is more of a accomplice and then more of like a cheerleader for all the murders that start happening because the next murder, which is the next day, she brings that guy that tried to sexually assault her and brings him to the creature and specifically to murder him for his hand. which is interesting. sydney (52:35.837) Which I think is great, number one, because you think that, so she slips a note into his locker to be like, meet me here at whatever time, and you think that she's doing that to her crush because she's getting more confident, she doesn't do that, she does it to this guy, and then you realize that it's a whole scheme. And number one, he's a creep. I mean, I don't know if he deserves to die, but he definitely deserves some kind of eye for an eye shit, but also him. Bryce (52:44.77) Mm -hmm. Bryce (52:48.292) You're right, yeah. Max (52:49.365) Mm -hmm. Bryce (53:03.234) Yeah. sydney (53:05.628) using his hand to touch her inappropriately and then getting his hand cut off is primo. Love it. Love it. Bryce (53:12.644) yeah there's a little bit of you know poetic justice to that Max (53:15.991) If you have to kill somebody, you know, I'm okay with it works for me Bryce (53:18.756) Right. Yeah. sydney (53:19.58) Gotta be the piece of shit. Yeah. So then it's like seemingly everything's better. She sews it on and then she like does the tanning bed thing again. And every time he goes in the tanning bed, he looks less dead, which he does. He's, okay, I leaned over to my friend at one point and I was like, Cole Sprouse is so hot as this dead guy. And she was like, I fucking know. Like we were like, what the? Bryce (53:22.884) Right. Max (53:35.447) It gets hotter. Bryce (53:36.58) Hehehe sydney (53:49.98) He was. Bryce (53:52.836) I'll take your word for it. Yeah, so then let's see. So this is like kind of like where it feels weird to me because there's like there's some kind of connective tissue that's not here in the plot and the shift in Lisa's character for me. Like there should be something to tie together the tone. And I think really what it is is like Lisa's not quite set up good enough at the beginning to where it's like. to go from being kind of the weird girl to be like she hates people enough to like make sure that they're murdered it's just like there's something not communicated early on in the movie and some of that some of that like set up just feels like it could have been done a little better but it's it is nitpicky because who cares it just happens and this is what this is the movie that you're watching so you know buckle up sydney (54:48.379) Yeah, I think she needed a purpose. She had no purpose to live and she was kind of like, she wasn't gonna get a guy that she wanted because she wouldn't put herself out there. She wasn't really taking her sister's pretty good advice on how to socialize. She had no idea what to do and the only thing she enjoyed doing was going to that cemetery. So when Cole Sprouse comes along and she can fix him and also find out what... Max (54:50.135) I really - Bryce (55:14.628) Mm -hmm. sydney (55:17.433) like her style is, she really like comes into her own because of him. Obviously it's bad that they're killing people, but like it's like, I think she's just finally figuring out who she is and like she's 18. So it's like very much that year where it's very transitory. You're like, what am I doing when I get out of high school? Like what am I, like what is my, what are my goals? And she's like, I need to, I need to be hot. Like she's like, I need to be hot. I need to be outgoing. I need to get the guy. I can't die a virgin, she says like 20 times, which is hilarious. Like it's, I don't know. I think that there were no lulls in the movie. Cause you know when you get halfway through one of these kind of movies and you're like, okay, what are they gonna do? That is exactly when it's like, wait, why isn't mom answering the phone? Like Taffy's like, oh my God, they said she never checked into the hotel. And that's like exactly after they kill the two people. Bryce (56:00.844) Mm -hmm. sydney (56:12.472) So I think it picks up and then Lisa starts getting concerned and then it kind of spirals into the third act where it's like, what the fuck is gonna happen? Is she gonna go to jail? Is she gonna get caught? Which I think, I don't know. I think it works. Bryce (56:12.482) Mm -hmm. Max (56:29.399) I really enjoyed her transformation from like very shy and introverted to all of a sudden like she is like almost going too far the other way where she's overconfident and she's like thinks too highly of herself and she's starting to get a little mean and it kind of rounds out at the end but I enjoyed watching that. Bryce (56:48.504) Yeah. So the other like just fantastic scene, like the scene that people are going to be talking about is the third murder, which she stumbles across this guy that she has the hots for. Max (56:58.965) Yeah. sydney (57:02.583) Technically the fourth murder because he, Cole Sprouse steals a car from the old guy that's yelling at a little boy. He kills him and takes his clothes and the little boy is like, thank you. That's the third murder. Yep, yeah. Bryce (57:18.564) Oh, he takes his clothes? I didn't even notice that. Okay. See, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Max (57:21.687) I didn't know that he killed him, I thought he just hit him in the head with the stick and - Bryce (57:26.198) Yeah. sydney (57:26.263) I mean, I just assumed he was dead. Like, cause I feel like he has this like zombie logic to him where like he has like super strength. But, yeah. Max (57:33.813) Mm -hmm. Bryce (57:34.212) True, true. Fair enough. So the penultimate murder, I guess, was Michael, the school paper editor, and she walks into this bedroom and finds out that her stepsister was actually fucking her crush and she freaks out and then the creature shows up and is like, I got you fam. sydney (57:46.261) No, that was the last murder. Yeah. Bryce (58:03.94) and kills Michael by cutting his dick off with an axe. sydney (58:12.95) and it flies across the room and you see the shadow of the dicken ball. That's so good. Bryce (58:15.588) Right. And this is this is great. We haven't we haven't talked about this at all. But this is a PG 13 movie. And it's like the first movie in a long time where it's like, this is what a PG 13 movie should be. It's literally like, it's like, this is made for kids in high school. It's a little too edgy for kids because it talks about sex and like, Max (58:16.919) I love it and that's... Max (58:22.197) Mm -hmm. sydney (58:29.431) It really teeters on the edge, which is great. Bryce (58:41.604) talks about masturbation, but it's not explicit. It's not like, you know, it's not showing anything, which is, you know, if you think about it, they don't show anything, but you know that, you know, Lisa is masturbating all the time. sydney (58:58.423) Yeah, like when he's going through her closet, everything that's in there, and she pulls out the Hitachi, and she's like, that's a back massager. My aunt gave it to me because she thought it would make me more outgoing. And then it flashes to a scene of him actually massaging her back with it. Bryce (59:05.42) Uh huh. Bryce (59:18.628) It's like, yeah. sydney (59:18.679) And then they talk for a little bit. She talks about her mom, she opens up to him and stuff. And then she's like, so you know that back massager has another feature. Bryce (59:30.532) you know some people some people use it on the front Max (59:34.551) and not in other places. sydney (59:35.336) And this is while Taffy and the dad are trying to call the police and giving the most hilarious descriptions of Janet. Like, oh, her hair is like when you see a Labrador in the park and the sun shines on it and it has these red streaks and the dad's like, yeah, it's brown hair. And then you just hear Lisa go, oh my God, and they just kind of look and it's, you know, Lisa's having an orgasm with the. Bryce (59:40.428) Uh -huh. Max (59:44.565) Mm -hmm. Bryce (59:54.116) Yeah. Max (59:54.165) Meh. sydney (01:00:04.438) You know, he's wanding her. It's great. It's so good. Bryce (01:00:05.73) Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Um, yeah, we also. sydney (01:00:11.159) So it's like, if I was like 13 watching this, I wouldn't understand that, I don't think. But like, it's like, you could be 17 and you would understand that, you know? Like. Bryce (01:00:20.772) right yeah yeah yeah definitely and and uh we gotta i gotta give some praise on the the dad character because he's he's played the exact same character in stranger things joe joe crest which is just the most dad performance that i've ever seen on film or tv which is just like Max (01:00:36.501) Yeah. Bryce (01:00:48.004) just very aloof and you know just able to chime in and you know be like ah kids but just completely like disengaged with everything you know um i i i love this performance and this and the stranger things as as the dad um no i love that that phone call too and she's like oh it's like the sun shining on a labrador and it's you see parts of red and he's like Yeah, it's brown hair. sydney (01:01:18.611) Green eyes. Max (01:01:22.551) I love when she's like explaining like the dress she would be wearing and like the makeup and the earrings and she's like, I know she's a bitch. sydney (01:01:32.055) So good! And the perfume is shit. Bryce (01:01:32.6) Yeah. Bryce (01:01:36.452) Yeah. sydney (01:01:38.647) That was the loudest laugh in the theater, I think. Like, yeah, she's a bitch. Bryce (01:01:41.22) Yeah, just so matter of fact, like, yeah, she's a bitch. So anyway, she's the guy's dick gets cut off. And just that whole scene was great from like all the reaction shots and, you know, the shadow on the wall of the dick and balls flying across the room and, and, you know, connecting the dots of like, Oh, okay. He didn't have a dick the whole time. And sydney (01:01:46.999) Um, but yeah. Bryce (01:02:10.436) the scene where she's like sewing it on is sydney (01:02:13.302) Oh my god, it was amazing! It's also funny when she... Oh, go ahead. Max (01:02:13.975) It was great. Bryce (01:02:15.684) Yeah. Max (01:02:17.207) What I really loved about this scene is it kind of like opened my eyes to how the world of this movie really was because we're seeing it through this like rainbow color and like everything is like kind of silly and goofy even when they're doing these horrible things that's like funny. And the reaction of her stepsister after, while she witnesses this murder is just like the most realistic. I just saw someone die in front of my eyes. Bryce (01:02:44.546) Right. Max (01:02:46.487) and she is in shock and she's covered in blood and she's like trembling and it really like I was looking at it through new eyes where I was like Lisa it really is crazy like she sees the world as like a totally different way from the way it really is. Bryce (01:02:48.292) Right. sydney (01:02:58.184) Yup. Bryce (01:02:58.242) Right. sydney (01:03:03.03) Yeah, it's like her playground because I think, because like the worst thing possible happened to her, like seeing her mother murdered. So now she's just like, I don't give a fuck about anything and I will hurt anyone and I will do whatever I want. And it's just, it's just great when Taffy is trembling, shaking, gripping the seatbelt in the car. And Lisa's like, I wrote something to say to you. Bryce (01:03:03.3) Right. sydney (01:03:23.486) I love you, you're my sister and you're the only one that's ever been nice to me and she like tries to touch Taffy and Taffy's like freaking out and it's great when Taffy runs out of the car and like she's standing next to the road and a car drives by her and he like looks at her and then just keeps going. Bryce (01:03:30.786) Yeah. Bryce (01:03:39.14) yeah that's great i think i feel like that was a callback to the end of the texas chainsaw massacre yeah that was that was a great like um uh contrast with with uh lisa and taffy in that situation um and then like the the walls are closing in on on lisa and the end of the movie is basically she kills herself in the tanning bed sydney (01:03:45.556) Yeah, yeah. sydney (01:04:08.821) Well first she loses her virginity because she wanted to lose her virginity then he kills the guy she wanted to lose her virginity to and she's like why is this happening then she sows the dick then you know he didn't have a dick so it was back on and they have sex for the first time. Bryce (01:04:09.092) and Bryce (01:04:23.204) Well no, you have it turned around because he had to sew the dick on to lose her virginity, right? sydney (01:04:27.093) Well, yeah, yeah, and then, yeah, so is the dick on and then they have sex and it's amazing. It's everything they ever wanted. They say they love each other even though he can't talk. She's like, do you love me? And then she's like, I have to die. The cops are gonna come. Bryce (01:04:42.244) Yeah. Max (01:04:42.359) My wife melted when he put the, um, the gummy ring on her finger. She was like, sydney (01:04:48.277) It was so cute! Bryce (01:04:53.316) Well, he has his morals. He can't have sex outside of marriage, you know, so yeah. Yeah, so then it's, you know, she dies in a raging fire. And then there's an epilogue where it shows her, you know, her corpse in lying on the lap of the creature who is like fully alive now and reading books to her. It's very, very like a sydney (01:04:56.981) He was born in the 1800s. Can't do it. sydney (01:05:20.595) See. Bryce (01:05:22.946) goth fantasy it's like this is very much like geared towards goth girls this is exactly the type of movie that'd be like yes death and murder and romance i love it sydney (01:05:37.971) See me and my friend at the end of it, I was like, do you think that he like revived her or at like when it comes to that point or do you think that that's like the afterlife? And we kind of decided that that's their afterlife together because he couldn't talk or anything, but did the fire like allow him to like, you know, it's just like, it's very ambiguous. Max (01:05:58.295) I felt like he just kept getting better, like he kept improving until he was like fully alive. Bryce (01:06:06.02) yeah I think it's implied that it's she was resurrected like he was and there he's just getting better and she's you know a mess because she just died yeah so it was fun it's a really fun movie like it's you should definitely go see it I just recommend it to everyone it's a it's a breath of fresh air and Diablo Cody sydney (01:06:09.553) Okay. sydney (01:06:18.705) It was sweet. sydney (01:06:28.433) It's worth the money. Bryce (01:06:34.756) made another movie that's going to be a cult classic I think so all right any final recommendations words about Lisa Frankenstein? Max (01:06:38.037) Mm -hmm. Max (01:06:44.023) I agree everyone should see it, it's super funny and enjoyable. sydney (01:06:48.148) Yeah, it would be good for anyone unless you're like 10, but like, you know, if you're older than that, go see it. Bryce (01:06:56.128) Alright, let's move on. Let's move on to horror movie whores. Alright, horror movie whores, where will you check our voicemail? Okay, so this is gonna go back to January 13th. So we've got like about eight or nine voicemails and about half of them are from SJI Handyman? Hi, it's David Day and I, you know, you guys are ridiculing my live call idea, but you cut out, like you're intentionally cutting out audio from my call. that explains exactly the problem that you're complaining about and how to fix it, which is you have a live call saying you would need to preface it for a month or two on the show. Say, hey, we're ramping up, we're gonna have some live calls. Make sure to call in on March 31st at X, Y, and Z, get ready, you know. It's gonna be, it's gonna be great. So you gotta preface it for a couple months. You gotta announce it for a couple months on the show, you simpletons. I'm really done with, I'm done with help. I put out so much good ideas and then they're like, oh, you should be administrative. Like, bitch, I would be administrative. If, if. All these fucking, holy sunny - Bryce (01:08:48.356) Alright David. sydney (01:08:49.317) Okay. Max (01:08:49.527) I don't think the thing we were worried about was that no one would call in. I thought the thing we were worried about was actually getting, filtering people onto the show and having them in a waiting room. How would we do that? But. sydney (01:08:59.736) Yeah. Bryce (01:09:01.358) yeah we we don't have a call board there's no way to you'd have to like tell people when to call in specifically sydney (01:09:03.568) Right. David, you have to take the calls and then give it to us. Max (01:09:11.063) I mean, I do think it could be done. Here's what I would do. I would make a Discord, send out the link to anyone who, maybe it'd be like a Patreon thing, like send out the link on Patreon, and then yeah, obviously advertise it so they're waiting in the Discord chat, and then I could just go into the Discord chat while you guys are talking to people, and I can send them in when it's time and. sydney (01:09:16.75) Mmm. sydney (01:09:23.086) Yeah. Max (01:09:40.535) and you know, you could talk to them one by one like that. sydney (01:09:42.671) That would work, definitely. Bryce (01:09:43.108) yeah yeah i mean there's a way to do it and i didn't say it was a bad idea it's just logistically figuring it out yeah Max (01:09:50.007) no i think it's a good idea i think we should do it i think uh... david has a he thinks that we are out to get on but Bryce (01:09:58.5) Yeah, no. Well, David did always figure out every technical issue with the podcast. So, you know, he's got a lot to complain about. Max (01:10:08.439) We have had a lot of technical difficulties since he left, to be fair. Bryce (01:10:11.364) that's true that's true alright next caller hello right tired sandwich from california uh... uh... i'm listening to your godzilla minus one i haven't seen the movie so i don't know how the regeneration looks but this one's at max uh... so lizards revitalize their tails after a time period but if a lizard was irradiated sydney (01:10:13.487) David! Bryce (01:10:38.404) It would boost those capabilities, thus why he may have been able to regenerate so quickly. Because he was irradiated by a atom bomb. So all the things that lizards do would have been more capable than what... You know, it's like Spider -Man being bitten by a radioactive spider, getting powers. Like basically, Godzilla got all the things that he had and more. more powerful and that's just yeah that's just my thoughts on the thing I don't even know why I call it because it's kind of dumb but hey you know have a good day I have Max I just give you a hard time I love all you guys and yeah have a good one bye bye sydney (01:11:26.829) That makes sense. Max (01:11:28.055) Yeah, no, that's definitely true. I wish radiation worked like that in real life. Like you go in to the dentist and they like scan your teeth and then like you just like can never get a cavity again because your teeth are so strong now. Bryce (01:11:28.132) Yeah. Bryce (01:11:32.036) I know. sydney (01:11:39.789) Be fucking awesome. My god. Bryce (01:11:40.324) true yeah I just get radiation poisoning and die Max (01:11:46.197) Yeah, unfortunately it just kills you slowly. Bryce (01:11:48.516) Hi, this is David Day and I'm probably from the inside of a wind tunnel because I can't, I cannot understand, okay, like I have a little bit of insight into HMT and what goes on behind the scenes. You know, I mean, you're not poor, you know, you're not one of the poor. So I'm hearing these kids. These guys, I'm sorry, excuse me, young adults, Sydney and Max, are constantly having computer issues, like fucking boomers. It's like, my computer, oh, oh, it's going out. And I'm just wondering where the HMT funds coming in to get them like respectable computers instead of these fucking bricks that they have sitting in their house for some reason. Who has a shitty computer then? Who does that? Uh, it's - it's I - I would assume the pores. Uh, but jeez, like, just scream for a nice knock -up, okay? Laptops are so cheap! Like, uh, we're acting like a pore! sydney (01:12:52.237) Look. sydney (01:13:03.373) David, I have a new nice computer, okay? I was just fucking up by using my old laptop. We're okay now. Bryce (01:13:03.492) David coming in hot. Max (01:13:10.807) Also, some of the episodes that got released later were actually recorded earlier. And so since those episodes, I actually did buy a new computer. So I am on a nice new computer that is running fine. sydney (01:13:23.789) Yeah, we're not poor. And if we were... Bryce (01:13:25.7) Yeah. Max (01:13:26.455) Actually, Bryce won't tell me how much is in the account, so we could be poor. I asked him last time and he says, there's enough. We're all right. Bryce (01:13:34.564) I'm not gonna say it on I can I told you last week didn't I I didn't say the exact amount okay we we have thousands of dollars Max (01:13:37.687) No, you didn't give me a number. Mm -mm. No, tell everyone. Be open with the finances. sydney (01:13:38.061) No, you didn't. Well, don't say it to everyone. Max (01:13:49.399) We have tens of dollar. sydney (01:13:50.988) Pfft. Bryce (01:13:51.332) Yes, hundreds of dollars. No, I mean, we can, we've got plenty of money. If we had to spring for a new computer, we probably could, but. Max (01:14:01.815) Well speaking of things we should buy, I think sending everyone a new round of mic cables, great idea, just in case. Bryce (01:14:04.3) Uh -huh. Bryce (01:14:09.348) Yeah. sydney (01:14:09.74) Hey, mine is pretty new, okay. I think, oh. Max (01:14:12.265) Mine are pretty old. They're old. Bryce (01:14:13.86) Okay, well, I'll get you a new mic cable. Just ask. No, so, all right. David, granted, I get it. It's ironic that, yes, already we've solved these problems, like they're, they're known and we figured it out. But also David regularly uses like a 12 year old laptop. And also was like, maybe if I get a Chromebook, it'll work. And it's like, he's, I have seen him notoriously cheap specifically. sydney (01:14:36.14) Oh my god. Bryce (01:14:41.418) about laptops i think when we recorded on riverside he was using his desktop but like as far as computers like he's he's very value -minded so you know sydney (01:14:51.148) Chromebooks suck too. That's funny. Bryce (01:14:53.924) uh... all right next next up guess what it's not a great like making the college it'd be made up it their professor about why they couldn't you know well like grandma died that uh... again and uh... i'd like to get the pet but my computer thirteen per cent i don't what to drop sydney (01:15:16.331) Stop yelling at us. Bryce (01:15:21.828) and then it cuts out. Max (01:15:22.967) That was one time my computer died. sydney (01:15:30.668) God, David, we're trying our best. And if that was the Shutter Island episode, we recorded that back in December. Yeah, so. Max (01:15:32.023) There's one time that happens. Max (01:15:38.647) That was forever ago. Bryce (01:15:40.292) yeah that was a freak occurrence that was a charging cable issue which you know sometimes happen sydney (01:15:45.292) It was. Max (01:15:45.719) It was, yeah. I was using a 20 watt when my computer actually needed like a 75 watt, so it was a pretty big blunder that I had been living with for years. sydney (01:15:51.22) Oh shit. Bryce (01:15:58.084) All right, next up. This is beyond the grave and I don't want to bring negativity or criticism to the podcast, but I'm feeling confrontational. I'm all. but gently by this, uh, um, that Maxon. Oh, I don't want to dig through hours of porn for graphic sounds. Grow up! Like, also have, oh, my wife, watch it together. Max (01:16:29.751) Good. Bryce (01:16:42.212) Um, I think a solution, you could have people call in or make it yourself, just record the sounds. Not necessarily while you're having sex. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! But, just see what happens. Play it over something else. Or just listen to porn audio. Yeah, he Max (01:17:39.695) I mean I could bring - sydney (01:17:39.724) Or we could just submit our own sex tapes, as he said. Bryce (01:17:42.244) Yeah, bring her into it. Yeah, just like Max (01:17:44.151) I could bring it up and see what she says. I take it he didn't like horror di giorno, which hurts my feelings and - sydney (01:17:50.764) I know, I thought it was good. Bryce (01:17:52.836) well i think a lot of people loved horror or di giorno yeah i mean if if you want to keep it you know your your marriage pure and and not have um the addictive elements of pornography uh the pernicious evil elements of pornography enter your marriage then bring her into it and yeah make a sex tape and use the sound effects from you and your wife having sex like that's that's a good wholesome idea sydney (01:17:56.3) We got some comments, I saw them. sydney (01:18:19.696) Exploitation talk. Bryce (01:18:23.236) that no honestly the the main problem with horror porno is that it it really works for the audio but for video I just don't know how to work you know it's just it's it's a mountain that I haven't decided to climb yet sydney (01:18:40.552) I mean, we could just use the audio. We don't need to do the video. Max (01:18:40.919) Yeah, you know, everyone's putting a lot of pressure on me to find these clips, but Bryce hasn't found any either, so. Bryce (01:18:46.18) Yeah, Max. sydney (01:18:48.072) I mean, I could do it too! Let's, uh, f***ing split the work, man. Yeah. F*** it. Bryce (01:18:51.396) Right. Yeah. Anyway, some good ideas from from Beyond the Grave. All right, well, next up he calls again same day. I'll be taking a vow of no sex for a while as you know, repercussions for that rap voicemail I left FYI so. sydney (01:18:59.048) I agree. Max (01:19:00.215) valid valid points. Max (01:19:18.583) Ha ha ha. Bryce (01:19:20.14) hopefully that you know evens the playing field for all of us but oh Sydney was talking about witches being portrayed as ugly in that superior movie and other movies I propose we're watching Gretel and Hansel that that that movie with the redheaded girl from it and it too I think it's real just, which is what you make of them. You can be evil and ugly. Sometimes you're ugly, sometimes you're not. Sometimes you're doing stuff. But, uh... Yeah! Cismeria! I love a simple plot that's really... stands up with... just everything else. The -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the -the Bryce (01:20:21.828) off there at the end. How was... Max (01:20:23.319) Yeah, I don't know if I know exactly what he was talking about there. Um. Bryce (01:20:26.82) yeah I don't remember what was portrayed as ugly in Suspiria sydney (01:20:32.712) I was saying that witches are famously portrayed as these ugly monsters and it's kind of misogynistic and stuff. That was a very, I made that comment basically at the end of the episode. Yeah. Max (01:20:43.767) Yeah, and we just didn't listen to you because we're misogynistic and we wanted to move on and talk about our points. So, no, that makes sense. Bryce (01:20:44.356) Oh, okay. sydney (01:20:46.632) Exactly. sydney (01:20:50.544) Yeah, Max and Bryce hate women. Bryce (01:20:50.596) Yeah, not - Max (01:20:54.551) Um... Bryce (01:20:54.724) Let the men talk, sweetie. No, yeah, I mean, there's there's witches that are portrayed as as attractive to I mean, for a time. I mean, in the witch. The witch in that one. Yeah, she's hot for a little bit. Yeah, you know. Whatever next caller. sydney (01:21:09.03) Yeah. She's hot for a little bit. Bryce (01:21:24.772) I can't just say hello boys anymore. I gotta say hello boys and girls now. This is the Beast from the Northeast. And I just wanted to say that I'm with, well, Sydney, that VHS is a great movie and I'm glad that you guys reviewed it and that she has good taste. And next time... uh... she wants to do a movie that the rest of you guys don't want to do it probably also going to be a good movie uh... no shade against uh... max or brice but if sydney likes VHS i gotta give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she's got good taste and uh... anyway it's been a long time listener since the uh... in the earth episode and uh... i've been with you guys through all the iterations of HMT and you know I miss David but glad to have the new blood and you guys are doing a great job and keep up the good work and I will talk to you guys in another call. See you later. sydney (01:22:39.996) Thank you, aw, well I'm glad. I was thinking that a lot of the listeners would have either love it or hate it views about VHS because I loved it, you guys hated it, so I'm glad to have support and I'm glad you think I have good taste because I do, I think so too, thank you. Max (01:22:56.661) Mm -hmm. Yeah, I mean, I know I have bad taste. No one ever agrees with me on movies, but on that note of missing David, I listened to a pretentious review yesterday that I'd never listened to because the movie that we're reviewing next, Bryce has already reviewed it. It's just been behind a paywall. And so I listened to it and man, David's voice is just addicting. I miss it. sydney (01:23:03.226) I'm Max (01:23:29.239) I was just eating it up. I gobbling up. It was great. Bryce (01:23:35.268) I know I miss David too. Let's not let's be clear like I I miss him and trying to get him to commit to another podcast or do something with me and he's not interested. He'd rather call in and yell at us like an old man on his front porch. So yeah, David's not quite gone. He'll be around. He's around in spirit and also on angry voicemails. So. sydney (01:23:50.664) He'd rather just call in and yell at us for doing things wrong. We all miss David. I miss David too. Bryce (01:24:05.54) Here's another one from Beasts from the Northeast. Hello, the Beasts from the Northeast again. Just wanted to say real quick, I don't know if you guys knew or if Sydney knew this, but in the VHS movie, the... part of the story where they go to the motel and with the amphibious kind of demon girl. That was, I believe, made into its own movie called Sirens. So you might want to check that out, Sydney, if you like VHS. Check out that movie. It's got the whole story behind that girl. And it's pretty fucked up. And by that, I mean pretty great. sydney (01:24:39.912) Oh. Bryce (01:24:54.252) Anyways guys, take care of yourselves. Bye! Max (01:25:00.395) That's interesting. sydney (01:25:00.584) That's cool. Yeah, it's from 2016. Has the same girl playing her. That's cool. Wow. I had no idea. Max (01:25:09.303) You know, I - Bryce (01:25:09.668) Well yeah, but Siren is about an amph... yeah, it looks like a mermaid. But yeah, in VHS she was a winged creature. sydney (01:25:21.448) Well. Bryce (01:25:22.244) see no wait special party oh no no here it is I was looking at the wrong thing there's a TV series called siren that's about a creepy mermaid okay cool all right well maybe we'll have to review that one sydney (01:25:27.688) Yeah. sydney (01:25:31.238) Oh. Max (01:25:32.503) He was looking at H2O. sydney (01:25:35.624) Hahaha. Max (01:25:38.455) well you know i'd i had the hold on to this opinion during the vhs upset and i want to ruffle any feathers but sydney's kind of a fake vhs fan because she's insane any of the sequels which most of them are better than the first one sydney (01:25:56.968) Okay, so my thing is that I am not a huge horror sequel person. Like I've seen the first three Nightmare on Elm Street just purely because I wanted to get into it in high school and I love the original Nightmare on Elm Street. But I've only seen like three Friday the 13th movies. I saw the Rob Zombie like Nightmare on Elm Street but I'm just like not a huge sequel person. I really don't like. If I really like a horror movie, I am always going to assume that the sequel is not gonna be as good as that So I just like am kind of opposed to it. I don't know. I I will say that I've seen the second VHS It was only once and it was a long time ago But yeah, I don't know every time someone's like, oh VHS 84 was good VHS viral is good I'm like cool and then I never watch it. I don't know. It's just something If I like something, I don't want it to be tainted by a sequel. I don't know why. Bryce (01:26:59.012) yeah horror sequels are like kind of the epitome of a cash grab like with with other genres it's like the sequels you know there's sometimes a drop -off in quality or sometimes they're better but with horror it's like usually horror movies are cheaper to make anyways and so it's more of like okay we can make a factory of saw movies now we can make a factory of Friday the 13th and sydney (01:27:03.824) Yeah. Max (01:27:04.053) Mm -hmm. Max (01:27:26.199) And they did. sydney (01:27:27.016) Oh, I actually I've seen like all the song movies just because they're so insane. Bryce (01:27:32.856) Yeah. Max (01:27:33.015) I watched them all and I think I accidentally skipped one but I didn't notice till I was done because they just don't matter. sydney (01:27:38.664) Oh no. It doesn't. It really doesn't. Bryce (01:27:42.084) Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm the same way, Sydney, I don't. There's a ton of sequels that I haven't seen. I'm not like a big franchise, completist person. It's like, you know, I appreciate the originals and maybe one or two of the sequels. But I think the most the franchise that I've seen most of the sequels, but still not all of them is paranormal activity. That's sydney (01:27:55.11) Yeah. Bryce (01:28:10.628) that's the one that i'm like i mean it's a great formula uh... i haven't seen marked ones i think that's the only one that i haven't seen Max (01:28:12.759) You haven't seen marked ones, right? sydney (01:28:21.512) I've seen all of them except for that last one they did that was like not really a paranormal activity. No, the one after that. Yeah, I never saw that. Max (01:28:25.239) Ghost dimension? Bryce (01:28:26.884) No, the one in the Amish community. Yeah, Mexican. Max (01:28:28.949) Oh, Next of Kin. No, I like Next of Kin, actually. Bryce (01:28:35.012) Yeah, I think it jumped the shark when they showed the ghost. The ghost dimension was. Yeah. OK, last caller. Hey, guys, this is Haley from Houston. I just got finished listening to y 'all's VHS after pod and y 'all were talking about books and I am here for all of the book recommendations to these, please, especially well, any of y 'all, but then you said. Max (01:28:40.375) Well, yeah. Ghost dimension's bad. sydney (01:28:42.696) Yeah, that was stupid. Bryce (01:29:03.716) You read books all the time. Like, I am here for the recommendations because I haven't... I used to be such a big reader, but I haven't read in such a long time. Like, I've had this massive reader's block for years, and it kills me because I love reading. And I would... I think what I need is just for some really good recommendations. So I'm totally down to hear some more in the after pods, in any genre, really. I love horror, but I mean, I'm here for anything. So yeah, that's all. Y 'all have a great day. Bye, guys. sydney (01:29:38.659) Well thanks, Hayley. Yeah. Max (01:29:38.711) I got a recommendation for ya. The Book of Mormon. sydney (01:29:47.459) Great. sydney (01:29:53.441) Well, if we're gonna be serious about recommendations, I actually, I know you were, but I went through a really big readers block in college, mostly due to classes or whatever, but I got myself out of that readers block by reading False Memory by Dean Koontz. He is a very amazing horror writer from around the same time as Stephen King. I don't know if he gets as much recognition for it as Stephen King does, but. Max (01:29:58.551) I was serious. sydney (01:30:22.498) I read False Memory, it's a very long book, but it is packed the whole time. You don't wanna put it down, and that got me out of my reader's block. It's a horror book, it's kind of about this girl thinks that something is happening to her when she's asleep, and stuff is being moved around, and there's similar stuff happening to her friend. and it kind of just like snowballs from there and it is excellent, it is wonderful, it is very vivid and spooky. So I would say False Memory by Dean Koontz, that got me out of a slump, could get you out of a slump, Haley. Thank you for calling. Bryce (01:31:09.028) yeah I haven't read a lot of horror novels actually like I I read the the exorcist novel is great and it's actually really close to the movie it was kind of surprising I also think the movie slightly better the other one that I've read I'm being I guess haunted by Chuck Palynek is is technically a horror novel And then I read Cary and Comfort a year or two ago by Dan Simmons. That's pretty good. He's the same guy that wrote Hyperion. sydney (01:31:50.498) Oh, I have Hyperion on my shelf. I just haven't read it yet. Bryce (01:31:53.54) yeah and uh yeah that's pretty good but yeah i don't my my list is pretty short on horror novels other than you know i've seen i've read a couple of stephen king novels but that's an easy recommendation sydney (01:32:07.457) I mean, I won't go so crazy, because I've read a lot of horror novels, but yeah, False Memory, great book. Son of the Endless Night, I forget who that's by, but it's kind of like an exorcism kind of book, but like ghost story kind of, like cults. It's really intense, crazy, love it. Got it out like a bargain bin in North Conway, New Hampshire. And yeah, I fell in love with it. It was amazing. Also, the Haunting of Hill House book is very short and easy to read, but also scared me. Very good. I read Dracula, the original. It's really good. It's a classic. But yeah, I mean, those are just a couple. I'm just like looking at my bookshelf now. I read a lot of horror. I read a lot of horror or sad, sad, horrifying books that make you sad. And some science fiction. Bryce (01:32:59.522) Hmm. Bryce (01:33:04.132) nice so max what about the book of more okay just uh that's horror movie whores thank you for calling in we'll see you guys next time uh thanks for listening thank you to our patrons do we have any new patrons sydney (01:33:09.473) Hahaha! sydney (01:33:23.105) Not right now. We did. Womp womp womp. Max (01:33:23.423) Mmm, I think we lost patrons this week, but... Bryce (01:33:27.684) right well we love you anyways for oh really well there's we love everyone that's still here and we love everyone that's joined us so we love your support thank you for listening and sharing the podcast with others please again if you really want to help out the show leave a five -star review and a review on Apple podcasts it really helps us in the rankings on the charts Max (01:33:30.167) Like three or four too, so. Yeah, there's quite a few. Bryce (01:33:57.38) uh... and you know share with a friend listen to the episodes we love you call six eight two two five three four four six eight to leave a voicemail for next time we listen to them and we'll see you later good day sir sydney (01:34:13.056) Bye! Bryce (01:34:26.276) Is that a raincoat? It is! It is! It It is! is! It It It Bryce (01:34:57.636) Wow, that didn't sound good.


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