Jonny and Teddy host a sneak preview of the 3 podcasts that are exclusively available on Hey Qween's Patreon feed. We give you a naughty taste of the "Zer0 Fucks" podcast where newly minted porn star GrgisTheWerd spills the secrets from his Only Fans hook up with Austin Wolf in Mexico. Then we reveal "Schooling The Children" our show where we share the pieces of pop culture that have meant the most in our gay lives and make the case that the new generation of LGBTQ+ audiences will love them too. First up we take a deeeeep dive into the legendary film "Paris Is Burning". Finally Jonny teams up with his "Gay Pimpin" bestie Linda James for "Red Menace Beach House": one part reality recap 2 parts conspiracy theories! Will Lindsay's club suceed in Mykonos? More importantly is she a Russian asset? Jonny and Linda uncover the clues! Join us at for all those and more!
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