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It's Personal with Dr. J

District Productive

It's Personal with Dr. J

A weekly Society, Culture and Personal Journals podcast

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It's Personal with Dr. J

District Productive

It's Personal with Dr. J

It's Personal with Dr. J

District Productive

It's Personal with Dr. J

A weekly Society, Culture and Personal Journals podcast
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This podcast, It’s Personal, riffs off the feminist slogan, “the personal is political”. We used to say that if one person told the story it was personal, but when a dozen people had the same story, it’s political. Even the most political or policy conversations, then, has personal roots, or a foundation in personal beliefs. Why do you do what you do? Why do you spend your time the way you do? Why do you make a difference? Believe me, it’s personal.Dr. Julianne Malveaux is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women. She is an economist, author and commentator who’s popular writings have appeared in USA Today, Black Issues in Higher Education, Ms.Magazine, Essence Magazine, the Progressive and many more.Well-known for appearances on national network programs, including CNN, BET, PBS, NBC, ABC, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, C-SPAN and others; Malveaux is booked to offer commentary on subjects ranging from economics to women's rights and public policy. She has also hosted television and radio programs.A committed activist and civic leader, Dr. Malveaux has held leadership and board positions in women’s, civil rights, policy and public service organizations. Currently she serves on the boards of the Economic Policy Institute and The Black Doctoral Network/ Malveaux is also President of PUSH Excel, the educational branch of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.Her most recent book is, Are We Better Off: Race, Obama and Public Policy.
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Podcast Details

Created by
District Productive
Podcast Status
Feb 24th, 2017
Latest Episode
Jun 6th, 2017
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
34 minutes

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