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The EPIC episode 2: Live Stream special

The EPIC episode 2: Live Stream special

Released Saturday, 22nd May 2021
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The EPIC episode 2: Live Stream special

The EPIC episode 2: Live Stream special

The EPIC episode 2: Live Stream special

The EPIC episode 2: Live Stream special

Saturday, 22nd May 2021
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Oh no, they can see our super secret script


Oh no. The heathens. How dare they know the secrets of Joysticks United!


What's up everybody MilesG170 here with joysticks united we are coming to you live over at twitch.tv/etointeract over at twitch.tv/MilesG170


Coming to you live for the first time maybe only time we don't know yet. You guys went down the fun you got to come check us out and see.


Y'all y'all are just gonna have to let us know if this was worthwhile, big time. But let's not forget we are sponsored by Ascension that weird Phoenix thing that's always in both of our


corners of our screens. When we're streaming Ascension content creation organization. We provide value based content that improves the world you can find them at Ascesnionghq.com


Nice, very nice. Love Ascension. We had a great town hall last night where we phenomenal. We offended E because we do not like his garbage pizza.


I'm sorry that you have no taste buds and can appreciate cheap decent pizza is Detroit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


It's garbage hot circle.


You know, you know, I will admit their regular pizza. Not that good. You have to get the deep dish.


See, but that doesn't sound hot. Ready? $5.


Yeah, I know. It kind of breaks the rule there. You have to wait like an extra two minutes.


All right. All right. So we got some good news talking about this. Some rought news to talk about this week. Nothing as rough as what we had to talk about last night with the six days of


Fallujah thankfully. That was pretty deep. But we've been playing some games you know, we're in May right now. And some good games came out this month some really good same. You know, we have the Mass


which I guess that broke steam records for mass effect for the most players playing Mass Effect at once


worth it. It looks great. Everything I've seen looks great. So far. You know, we've got Resident Evil eight, the village.


Big mommy vampire lady episode one of our joysticks. So plug shameless,


shameless. Now we also have Pokemon Snap, which a lot of fans have been waiting for for a long time as well.


Like, well over what, 20 years now?


Oh, yeah, just about because I what was it you pointed out last time you get you used to be able to go to blockbuster and print things out? We say blockbuster and some of these kids are


like, what's that?


What the heck is a blockbuster? Isn't that a documentary on Netflix?


We used to have to go to a store and pick out games. What Why?


You couldn't do this good to do this online. You couldn't stream it What? So for those young un's in the chat, let us old men regale you with a story. So there was a place called


blockbuster. You could rent movies. They're like VHS tapes and cassettes for your games. Because it took a while before things got onto DVD and a CD


cartridges baby.


Baby!. So when the N64 was really big, they had Pokemon Snap. And blockbuster had this promotion, where you could bring in your memory card from off the back of your controller because


that's where you stuck it over, like right on the inside, you would go into the blockbuster, you would pop it in, you pick what photos you saved on there, you could actually get them printed off.


Now it's crazy that you can take this new game, you can actually send your snapshots to your smartphone and just walk around with them. You can Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the switch has a thing


now where you can scan a QR code and connect to your smartphone and load photos straight onto your smartphone. You can go straight to Twitter twitch straight to Twitter, off of your switch now. I've


But I'm liking what they're doing with it because they still want to have that availability. I found out in Japan. Fujifilm has a specific camera that you can take out your SD card out of


your switch, put it in there and print off photos still.


That's too cool. That's too cool. Ah, yeah, that's cool. That's really good.


Uh, also speaking of Pokemon, and kind of going off with how we normally start our episodes, and this is something a lot of people have been talking about. Target and Walmart aren't going


to be selling Pokemon Trading Card cards. That was redundant, but y'all know what I mean.


But not just Pokemon cards, not just Pokemon, NFL, NBA and MLB as well.


It's just madness to me and it's because somebody pulled a gun out on another person because they're like giving them Pokemon cards. I see I'm a gangster. I need Pokemon card.


Okay, Detroit calm it down. But people are crazy about this. And it's a big part of the surge has come from streamers who will open their packs live on their stream. You know, you have


guys like Pokemon podcast guy named Steve. He opens up for hype trains, but he doesn't open you know, 20 bundles in one stream he opens a pack per level. I don't even know if he still doesn't really


Yes, Walmart is no longer going to be selling them from what I'm understanding a few stores will still be doing them physically. If they do get them in. However, they will be behind a


case because they're doing them as high security items now.


So I have to get I have to go find an associate to get my Pokemon cards and my razors. Come on. Exactly one time.


I mean, me too. I mean, I shave every single day. Can't you tell?


Yeah, it's insane.


Yeah, it's just nuts. Because I guess now some people from what one of my friends has told me is now that people can't get Pokemon cards. They're starting to target other trading cards


like YuGiOh.


Yep. That's what will happen. That is what will happen. Well, I had a guy at work Tell me just the other day that him and his roommate went up there and they each got a box like an actual


box of cards, one of the big boxes, but he said when they got there, they were there like two or three in the morning of Meijer and they said that there were people waiting outside for the release.


And it's also to the point now where you can't even get a graphics card or a new console because of scalpers too ridiculous


but but ps5 has given me a whiplash here the ps4 has given me a whiplash one day they say hey, don't count on getting a PS five this year and then the next week oh they should be back in


the band are back in support by the summer but then they went on sale this past Monday have sold out in




minutes. It's like I think it was under five wasn't a it was under five minutes that it just sold out.


It's insane. I mean, I'm not going for ps5 right now. I got to play on Matman's the other day, and it's really cool really pretty. But like I'm not feeling that fight. I don't have a


gypsy the bot that can just find anything apparently get in. But like Gypsy the bot for those you guys that don't know as a mod on my twitch chat. But she just can find stuff. But yeah, and


they can have console's. And I know you are like between the two of us. You're the Nintendo guy. You're the big time Nintendo guy. So I feel like you are the number one person that can


talk about this between us. I'll never put you never in your life never even touched that stuff. So the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is having a feature locked behind an amiibo that many believes


It is so easy to get a device nowadays. And I always go into one of my magic boxes when I do this. But it's so easy nowadays, to get a device that lets you write NFC chips.


Cheap that I don't really care. I really don't. Um, it's no different than what everyone else has been doing. It's the fact that Nintendo is now doing it and so on different fan bases now. Kind of getting


screwed. But to me, I get it where people are going to want to buy an amiibo because they Meebo craze is essentially over. Now, it's a Funko craze again, but I just I don't I don't see it as big of a


You're asking for too much here.


Yeah, I think it's another situation where we're taking something that has been around that is already accepted and most fanbases and baking into a big deal that we don't need to.


And the only reason I brought that up is when I was trying to look through gaming news. Like I go onto Twitter first. That's normally where I looked before I looked at my news feeds. And


I, I saw legend Zelda was trending. I was like, Oh, cool. Maybe they announced something. Go in there. It's just people just, you mean that this was not a base feature in the game.


So I'm gonna say this. Twitter is a cess pool. Zelda fans complained about everything because it's the 35th. And we're not getting any news that we want. Yes, I'm upset about that, too.


But we're not getting any of the news we thought we were going to get for it. And Nintendo fans in general, typically rally and get more upset. But you know, what's gonna happen when this amiibo comes




not even a little bit. I think it's a I think it's another situation when we're getting mad about something that we really just don't need to get mad about. I'm tired of getting mad.


And I think that's just the thing is, sometimes gamers just get in their headspace of like, I think I deserve X, Y, or Z out of a product. And then when they get it, and they don't get X,


Y or Z, the first thing they're going to do is try to make their voice heard. And then it becomes like a snowball effect, I believe.


And my biggest thing, Go on.


on let's go gonna say it's kind of like, look at what happened to cyberpunk. That kept getting so much like fan backlash.


Oh, well, for me, it's like, Okay. People complain about Animal Crossing, not having enough content. These people got over 100 hours of play time in their game, over 100 hours of play.


And they decide, oh, well, you know, it wasn't worth the money. Tell me any other form of entertainment that you can spend 100 hours on for 60 bucks and replayability and enjoy it with your friends.


People are going to be mad to be mad. That is the one thing I've learned being an adult being in my 30s that's the number one thing I learned people will be mad. Just be mad.


Yep, There's nothing you can do about it. you can't please everybody here. You're not tacos. Let's be honest.


You're pleasing everybody. We got to talk about Activision.


Whoo. We got to talk about Activision. gajak. Right, Activision. There is so much going in with them right now that it's ridiculous.


Some of its good.


Some of it is some of it is actually very good. Some of it is semi controversial, I guess. And limit Yeah, to.


Some of it is typical corporate greed.


I would say that that's about a good 30% of his typical corporate greed for those of you who don't know is recently the CEO of Activision gave himself a pay raise. So many people were mad


about this. Like, their board was mad about it. their stockholders were mad about it. Gamers were mad about it. So he decided, oh, I'm gonna cut my pay by 50%. But he's still making a ludicrous amount


Yeah. Yeah. And you compare that to someone like Satoru Iwata who took a pay cut when the Wii U wasn't performing well took a pay cut to ensure that no one lost their job. That's what a


CEO does. That's what you do. You don't take a pay cut because oh, well, y'all got mad I'm making a lot of money. I'm still gonna make a lot of money but we're gonna make a little bit less.


It's just he thought I would kind of sweep it under under the rug and I'd be good in the worst part is is it kind of did people just stop talking about it?


Well, because Activision has so much more to talk about. Why is every part of their company making a Call of Duty game


and the sad part is both of our chat We're not even lying about this. Every single one of their studios has reported to be working on a Call of Duty game, most recently and it was their only


studio that originally wasn't was toys for Bob toys for Bob is now focusing on Call of Duty. They've been pulled off their crash project to be working on a call of duty project instead.


You know what? I'm ready for Crash Bandicoot Call of Duty Crash Bandicoot World War correct civil war? Yeah, exactly. I'm ready for he's been gone too long. We got modernism. I mean, it's


crazy. Also, they're working on my game a few nights ago. Activision calls me up and tells me stop doing what you're doing and start working on call duty.


And the most ridiculous part is after they got done talking with miles, they called me up. They're just like, Hey, we see you're correcting as soon as say, do you want to work on a script


for Call of Duty game? And I'm like, Who are you guys? How'd you get this number?


I mean, they're everywhere. They're everywhere. They're probably gonna drop this podcast. It's gonna turn into a call of duty podcast.


It soon is Geez. We're about to, you know, Ascension is going to get a call from Activision be like, yeah, so your two podcasters we're talking about this. We're going to buy you guys out


right now. And all you're going to talk about is Call of Duty.




But there is one, I think pretty cool thing that they're bringing, but it could just be that I'm an old man. They have Rambo and die hard in war zone.


The plaza is there, the plaza is gonna be in it.


Nick down in there. And for those of you who don't know, Miles and I tried recording a podcast again, we tried recording Episode Two, but there was so many hiccups with OBS that we


legitimately talked, we were joking about having the Plaza in there as a map. And then they announced it the day after


I'll told you already bought us out.


They knew they knew what we were doing.


They were like, oh, man, those guys messed up. That's how we were gonna announce it. But now, but yeah. And then I'm sure most of you guys have heard about the voice actor that played




Oh, goodness, and very beloved character too.


Yeah. And he was on I think a Facebook stream making comments about how it's, I can't repeat him on stream. I censor them for the podcast. I will not repeat them on my stream. He said


some very derogatory things towards women. And Facebook gaming is very family focus.


Very, very, very family. We actually have a friend in Ascension who is Facebook gaming focus. And he even came out and said he was like, yeah, you can't really drop the F bomb as much as


you would like to on Twitch because they notice


so this guy died upon his name up because he's not worth talking about the ways


he's not


he has been released from Activision. He has been released from Facebook gaming. And hopefully he gets out there learns what he did wrong. And what he can do better in the future. I wish


him the best but Dude, you say something stupid. It's gonna come back to bite you.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. That's


how it works normally


and that's exactly what happened. So we're we're kind of hopping around a little bit more than we did on the last recording. We are we're feeling a lot more comfortable I think to


streaming is definitely our element more than we're in our element.


Though it feels so bad ignoring chat, like I see like there's things going on. I'm just like, I have to ignore it.


Yeah. I'm struggling because there's some people I want to say hi to. So I'll just say hi both chats. Everybody in both chats. Here we go covered. So if we're going to talk about


Activision and Call of Duty, let's talk about what many many many would believe to be a superior shooter. Let's talk some battle. So, battlefield, everybody knows about the rocket that went up into


No. Similar to like what Activision just did having one studio come in to help out with the Call of Duty project EA has Done For dice they have taken the need for speed game that was it


was Need for Speed, right? Yes. So they take in the studio that was working on the next Need for Speed, pull them temporarily up their project, put that into hiatus for now and move them onto the


Yeah, I mean, I'm a hot pursuit guy myself. I'm a hot pursuit guy. You want to give us your two minute review of the village


two minute review Resident evil eight village Let's go. Resident evil eight village follows seven directly. It's a direct sequel. It takes place three years after the original events that


happened in Louisiana. You continue to play as Ethan Winters but this time instead of looking for your wife Mia, you're looking for your daughter rose, the gunplay in resonable eight is so much more


Alright, review of Pokemon Snap. We've been waiting a long time for this game a long time for this game and you know what? It did not disappoint. The biggest loss I feel from this game


was the unlocking different paths by interacting with the Pokemon. But these levels are so replayable It doesn't matter. Each level you can level up as you take pictures of the Pokemon new Pokemon


Now here's the big question about Pokemon Snap for me is Eevee. Eevee is my favorite.


Eevee is int it.




I don't want to talk about it. Look, when when I get a host total now dancing is my thing. You know, you know how I feel. I don't want to talk about my lack of totodile. But yeah, and


honestly, maybe totodile is there. I have not finished the game. Like I said, the part I've gotten to so far. I have not seen a total. I did see a Charizard.


But yeah, we know a particular pizza boy, he's happy for that.


chars. ARD is the equivalent of Final Fantasy seven to me. And I'll leave it at that.


But those of you who don't know Final Fantasy seven is miles is Favorite top.


Oh time JRPG Oh, old time. I love Final Fantasy seven. I love following this emo guy around the whole time. Cloud I got a big sword. That doesn't make sense. I'm separate. I have a bigger


sword that makes even less sense. I mean, the music's good, but that's final fantasy.


Oh, wow, fancy is always gonna have great music. I was I was a bigger fan of nine myself personally. We all have nine. Oh, BB is one of my absolute favorite characters. What also go on?


No, no, no, you say your thing.


I was gonna say one through six. Great Seven. Moving on. Eight, trying to fix the problems of seven. nines, great. 10 through 13. Can we just not talk about 14. I love 14 the MMO I loved


it. 15 was a game. It was a game. But 16


that's what I was gonna bring. 16 is coming out here soon. And oh my god, it looks beautiful. I just want to get my hands on it. They're going back to the high fantasy route. And I just


if I could rub my face into an existence, it would be Final Fantasy 16 right now. I just want it.


And it looks like it's a red mage focus, which I'm really really excited about, of a character that based on a d&d character that is essentially a red major. And I love everything about


it. So good. So good, boy.


But I'm just waiting to see more because we only have that like little tiny teaser trailer. But I'm hoping because at eat three, which is going to be an online event square has announced


that they will be there. So I'm hoping we'll see more about 16 there. So e three being digital this year. How do you feel about that? I personally think that it's a smart move. And I noticed that


I wonder how we're going to do twitchcon digitally?


That's a good question.


That's that's one that's intriguing me right now, because I was really considering going to twitchcon in the near future and I mean, I need to know I gotta know.


I feel like if they do do it digitally it would of course be on this platform. It would probably be through the official twitch page.


But that wouldn't but to what twitchcon does. It's a networking thing.


Exactly. I was gonna say it's gonna be a big time difference between you physically being there meeting other streamers other promoters and just being in a chat just spamming your link


repeatedly. Like notice me. Senpai notice me


that's all it's gonna be. That's all it's gonna. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see what we get. But yeah all right. What'd you find for the epics leaks?


Alright, actually, let me send you I did find the thing I was using last time. I may have found mine too. Oh, I'm hoping Yep, I got mine too. So we can just run Oh, we had so no, yeah.


This whole thing's a cluster. Let's just start off like holy crap. Okay, so so you know, I'm gonna bring it up on my chat. I want y'all to take a look at a specific skin and I want you to I want you


I mean, when you peel it, I guess this is what as you weren't sure to wait, hold on the shorts. Is he the shield when he wears shorts? He is peeled when he wears shorts. So in that


instance, why would he wear shorts under his pill? If he is naked now?


It It boggles my mind. And this is what Apple's trying to do. This is legitimately what Apple is trying to do. They're trying to make epic look like they're this big, old lustful dating


site. And one of their tactics is they tried getting Epic Games to admit that epic has a rhotic games on his stream. I was trying to think of a way to put it for your family friendly stream there. But


So I'm going to start throwing some stuff out that has come out during this trial, and you try to figure out how any of this is relevant. Microsoft doesn't make money on Xbox consoles.


Though this was something that was well known fact before the trial it is now reaffirmed by Microsoft that does not make money from selling Xbox consoles. In fact, it's the opposite Microsoft loses


And I believe that's Microsoft's choice.


Epic Games called Microsoft well poisoners. Well poisoners well poisoners I wear is the one that where's the ones that the well poisoners no there's one that got me last time that I


really struggled to get through the whole thing Yes, it was the well poisoners.


Okay guys, so I'm just going to read it blocks can we talk about Roblox


let me let me read this one and we'll talk about Roblox because I think everyone's going to enjoy this one because they're going to see me struggle.


And the same email chain where Lego universe is d realm and with the hands of phallic imagery was brought up.


epics gameplay systems lean, David nikto said, the AI singularity will probably be some form of ml dig detector merit is Veritas. The bad part is that statement that I just said, Give me an entire


podcast on its own. Yes, it's not the point of this article. This point. There was also a bit of Microsoft mudslinging in reference to Microsoft's augmented reality marketing efforts Epic Games VP


That's now the podcast name. We are the dick detectors.


Guys, it's a children's game. It doesn't have to be better than pouring to the gaming community. It is a children's game. Tick detector. Well, this is a thing that I'm saying out loud


that is necessary for a children's game. Talk about Roblox I need to second.


My question is is just like what makes you go on to a Lego game and be like, I'm gonna put some phallic imagery and those I'm gonna put a gigantic chiriac right here. And it's just but


Roblox apparently isn't a game apparently is not a game. I've been saying that for years. What are they calling themselves Now there were an experience


that's the best thing they could have done. Apple says you're not a game Roblox is like okay, word experience. That's a drop the bike moment.


That is that that's actually It's a great fire back. And apparently a CIO or h.io isn't allowed to sell games anymore. Now that they're going through epic to promote the content.


Yeah, I mean, it's, we have some weird stuff going on guys this epic. This game like this is a big deal for us Epic Games, it's a big deal going forward, because we are, there's still


stuff coming out. This is this is stuff that's coming out. I mean, this is the stuff that we're moving forward into as far as gaming goes. These digital stores are going to be the way of the future.


And I guess this also kind of goes, like, with everybody focusing on this, we now have this new, like, role of the public perception because of course everybody had their view of Epic


Games everybody had their view of apple and now that we're seeing these two companies go head to head it's almost like seeing two toddlers get angry with each other and it's really kind of tarnished


when you go to look Yes Are you gonna be fair most of us haven't seen the PS five in person


right i mean i i've seen a model of one going into like a Walmart and that's about it.


So yeah, that's the podcast pretty that's the podcast we'll do an actual closing here. This has been joysticks united live I'm so sorry, chat that I've been ignoring you. But that's how


it goes. We're gonna play some games after this. If you have any parting words for our audience,


like Miles said earlier, please be good, be better. And just stay humble. But also don't forget we are sponsored by Ascension Ascension content creation organization. We provide value


based content that improves the world you can check them out at Ascension g hq.com. Alright guys, until next time, keep on gaming.


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