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Let's talk about Sport and Children

Coach Mac

Let's talk about Sport and Children

A Sports, Kids and Family podcast featuring Coach Mac

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Let's talk about Sport and Children

Coach Mac

Let's talk about Sport and Children

Let's talk about Sport and Children

Coach Mac

Let's talk about Sport and Children

A Sports, Kids and Family podcast featuring Coach Mac
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Hi everybody, This is Coach Mac and this podcast will be focused on two main areas, the first being sport. I will be giving my views on sports or sporting event that I we can all learn from or reflect on everything that has happened. This could be from soccer where a team against all the odds beat another team or to Formula 1 where an individual and a team effort overcame adversity on that grand prix day to achieve success. I want to focus on the most positive sides of sport so that we can take the experiences that are talked about into our daily lives. I will be aiming to do a podcast at least once a week on anything that comes up on my own or with a guest.The other areas I want to focus on are how children are affected in a positive or negative way by external and internal factors which in turn may affect their participation and enjoyment of sporting activities. My goal is for all children to enjoy sport from whenever they start it at nursery or at school and are able to find the sport they love and continue to play as part of their lifestyle or take it even further.in life.I will be doing podcasts on my own or with individuals but I want to do it differently and not just get the experts on all the time but have individuals from normal walks of life share their personal experiences or discuss a topic that is close to them.So if you want to join in the discussion, please feel free to contact me and I will aim to get as many people on as I can.You can find me on Facebook under 'Matchpoint Multisports' and as 'CoachMac44UK' on Instagram, Tik Tok, Linkedin and Twitter.

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Podcast Details

Created by
Coach Mac
Podcast Status
Mar 24th, 2020
Latest Episode
Apr 22nd, 2020
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
17 minutes

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