Change happens, and lately, lots of it, and much more is coming. Love it or hate it, our current living generations have experienced more change in their lifetime, then arguably, the whole of civilization in recorded history. The increasing number of suicides, prisoners, wars, anti-depression drugs, illnesses, obesity, etc., prove that people are having a hard time with it.
When it comes to changes, LIFEChanges is setting new trends and ushering in a new paradigm, with experts who have either changed their lives, changed the lives of others or are changing the world in their own little or big way. From activistic celebrities to ordinary people who have achieved extraordinary things; from spiritual leaders, futurists, ufologists, conspiracy theorists, to book smart, degreed and/or doctored scientists, physicians and scholars, hear what they have to say and be part of a conversation that matters on our way to being cool with change.
Join Host Filippo Voltaggio and Co-Host Mark Laisure, as they explore the only constant... life changes!
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