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中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

A weekly Kids and Family podcast
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中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

A weekly Kids and Family podcast
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🧨在過年期間小朋友會到親朋好友家拜年,貝貝媽咪來教小朋友一些龍年的吉祥話,小朋友去拜年時可以用到喔 ~貝貝媽咪 祝福大家 鯉躍龍門,步步高升,心想事成,好運龍總來!😘🧧一起來做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~ Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo recipe. 影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0🧧貼春聯美勞 P
🐉迎接新年的到來,一起來和貝媽豆妹動手做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~😋影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo (lunar new year rice cake) recipe with BeiMa. It's a very fun new year activity for kid
🍭貝貝媽咪將之前萬聖節魔法糖果故事上下集,結合成一集, 祝福大家有一個平安快樂的萬聖節喔~🎃想知道萬聖節的由來和故事嗎?請聽:貝媽豆妹童樂會-萬聖節特輯🌿每位小朋友都是獨特的,活出自己的天賦,接受並擁抱自己的與眾不同~ 在上一集萬聖節魔法糖果故事中,魔法師奇奇跟三隻小蝙蝠說明了在拿魔法變身糖果之前,需要先接受挑戰,如果挑戰成功了,就可以得到魔法變身糖果,咚咚、麗麗和波波很勇敢的對魔法師奇奇說他們願意接受挑戰,他們會遇到的挑戰是什麼呢?🌿Everyone is uniqu
☀️徴稿中~各位創意無限的爸爸媽媽😄,你有適合小朋友的故事、童樂會內容和小朋友分享嗎?歡迎大家和貝媽投稿喔,一起加入為小朋友製作節目的行列吧~💪💪 (email: [email protected])🍭白雲是什麼做成的呢?是棉花糖嗎?💡科學小知識: ✔︎雲的形成 ✔︎下雨 ✔︎水循環🍭What is cloud made of? Cotton candy? 💡Science topics:✔︎cloud formation ✔︎ rain ✔︎water c
各位小朋友在日常生活中是如何愛地球的呢?歡迎小朋友語音留言和貝媽分享~ 我會將小朋友的語音留言剪輯到“貝媽豆妹童樂會”節目中~ ☎️貝媽語音信箱 BeiBei Mommy’s voice message line:https://open.firstory.me/voicemail/ckx5hogjadluu0912po1n9nkh🌏 感謝 綠色和平基金會提供「我家不見了」故事~ 4月22日是世界地球日,是為了提醒住在地球上的人們一起來愛護地球而成立的一個重要節日,今天的故事就是
🍭團隊合作可以結合大家的優點,創造出更棒的成果喔~在之前的龜兔賽跑故事中(EP44),認真又堅持的烏龜贏得了比賽,在比賽結束之後,兔子回到家,對於比賽做了一些分析和檢討,烏龜和兔子又再比了三場比賽,在第四場的比賽,他們從競爭對手變成了合作的夥伴,這是怎麼一回事呢?🍭The tortoise and the hare had 3 more races after the initial race. In the 4th race, they worked collaborativ
🍭農曆一月十五日是元宵節,小朋友除了吃甜甜的元宵湯圓之外,還會提燈籠、放煙火,為什麼元宵節時人們會提燈籠、放煙火呢? (故事改編自 民間元宵節故事傳說)🍭The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival. During the Lantern Festival, streets are decorated with colorful lanterns. Festival celebrations
🍭今天貝貝媽咪要和大家分享一個我特別為小朋友改編的故事-調皮搗蛋的年獸,是一個可愛調皮版的年獸故事,適合小朋友聽喔~🍭The Naughty Nian Monster likes to play tricks on people on Lunar New Year’s Eve…I modified the traditional story to make it more suitable for our young audience.🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪�
🧧恭喜恭喜,新年快樂!在這新春的時候,我們特別加錄這集新年感恩童樂會來回覆大家的留言和感恩大家的贊助donation和支持,也和大家拜年🥳🥳🧧🧧🥧簡易兒童版年糕做法影片: 一起來和貝媽豆妹動手做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉, 好吃又好玩的春節親子活動~➡️影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0Try out this super easy semi-homemad
🍭不著急而且持續不間斷的努力可以幫助我們到達目標,太驕傲可能會阻饒我們成功。如果今天有一隻兔子和一隻烏龜進行跑步比賽,你覺得誰會贏呢? 🍭We may be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly and carelessly. 🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mom
🥮中秋節為什麼要吃月餅和柚子呢?  讓我們一起來聽「家有叮噹」廣播劇 之 「月餅的秘密」,小朋友聽完就會知道囉!Why do people eat moon cakes and pomelos during the moon festival? Let’s find out~🍄廣播劇劇本、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy🟦facebook page: https://www.fa
🥮好久不見了,貝媽暑假比較忙一些,所以好久沒有來和小朋友說故事了~想念大家喔😘 中秋節就要到了,先請小朋友重溫嫦娥奔月的故事,中秋節的週末還會有新的一集 「月餅的秘密」喔~先祝大家中秋節快樂!It’s been toooo long since my last story. I miss you all.😘 Hope everyone is doing well. Mid-Moon festival is around the corner. I would like to i
🍭鄉下老鼠跟著城市老鼠來到了大城市裡,鄉下老鼠大開眼界,很羨慕城市的生活,不過最後鄉下老鼠還是決定回鄉下生活,這是怎麼一回事呢?🍭the Country Mouse would rather live in country where it is quiet and simple instead of the nice and luxurious life in the city where it is dangerous. A simple life in peace and
🍭很久很久以前,楚國有一個賣兵器的小販,有一天他帶著一批長矛和盾牌來到市集上賣...🍭 Long long time ago, there was a salesman in country of Chu. One day, he brought some spears and shields to a busy market…… This proverb means “contradictory”聽完這個故事你有什麼想法呢?歡迎小朋友語音留言和貝貝媽咪分享喔~Please
🍭愛麗絲夢遊仙境Part 3: 在上一集的故事最後,愛麗絲遇到了正在開茶會的瘋帽子先生,愛麗絲覺得封帽子先生實在是太失禮了,於是生氣的離開了茶會,走著走著,愛麗絲看見一顆大樹底下有一個門,好奇的愛麗絲打開了門,門裡面是什麼奇特的地方呢? (貝貝媽咪將原故事內容稍微改編成更適合小朋友聽的溫和版 愛麗絲夢遊仙境)🍭 This is Part 3 of the story. At the end of last episode, Alice met the Hatter at the
🍭愛麗絲夢遊仙境Part 2: 在上一集的故事最後,愛麗絲跟動物朋友們道別之後,走進了一個茂密的樹林裡,到了樹林中愛麗絲會遇到什麼奇幻的事情呢? (貝貝媽咪將原故事內容稍微改編成更適合小朋友聽的溫和版 愛麗絲夢遊仙境)🍭 This is Part 2 of the story. At the end of last episode, Alice said goodbye to her animal friends and strolled into a forrest. Let
🍭愛麗絲和姊姊坐在大樹下,突然又一隻穿著灰色西裝的白兔匆匆跑過,愛麗絲好奇的跟著白兔跳進一個大樹洞裡,從大樹洞掉進一個充滿驚奇的夢幻世界,展開一連串的冒險~ (貝貝媽咪將原故事內容稍微改編成更適合小朋友聽的溫和版 愛麗絲夢遊仙境)🍭 A young girl named Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world and wondrous adventures… (story was modified to be
🌏 感謝 綠色和平基金會提供「我家不見了」故事~ 4月22日是世界地球日,是為了提醒住在地球上的人們一起來愛護地球而成立的一個重要節日,今天的故事就是關於地球還有地球上的動物和人類的故事,故事中的主角豆豆住在熱帶島嶼上,他很喜歡在大海裡游泳,享受自由自在的感覺...🌏Special thanks to Greenpeace providing today’s story “My home disappeared.” It’s a story about climate chan
🍭為什麼我們可以用鉛筆寫字和畫畫呢? 當我們寫錯字的時候可以用橡皮擦把鉛筆字給擦掉,橡皮擦為什麼能擦掉鉛筆字呢? 讓我們一起來聽貝貝媽咪原創「家有叮噹」廣播劇,我們可以從廣播劇中到答案喔!🍭 What is a pencil made of? How does it work to allow us to write or draw? How does an eraser erase the pencil marks? Let’s find out the answers in
🍭傳說中有一種很神奇的盆子,叫聚寶盆,如果你放一塊錢在聚寶盆裡,就會變成兩塊錢四塊錢八塊錢十六塊錢一直越變越多....🍭Legend has it that there was a treasure pot which can multiply anything you put in it. If you put 1 coin in it, it will become 2 coins, 4 coins, 8 coins, 16 coins and continuously m
🍭生明中難免會遇到困難和挫折,常常這些困難和挫折是我們更上一層的墊腳石 (故事改編自 寓言故事 驢子和枯井) 🍭Life will likely shovel dirt on us, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and use it as a stepping stone. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.
🍭農曆一月十五日是元宵節,小朋友除了吃甜甜的元宵湯圓之外,還會提燈籠、放煙火,為什麼元宵節時人們會提燈籠、放煙火呢? (故事改編自 民間元宵節故事傳說)🍭The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival. During the Lantern Festival, streets are decorated with colorful lanterns. Festival celebrations
🍭有一首在民間流傳的的過年歌 ,歌裡說到: 初一早、初二早、初三睡到飽,為什麼在過年習俗中,初一初二都要早起,但是初三卻可以睡到飽呢?🍭There is an old folk saying ”On the first and second day of lunar new year, people should get up early. On the third day of lunar new year, people should sleep in” Why shoul
🖨️貼春聯勞作紙列印連結 Spring Festival decorations activity print out linkhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyqrIDVbsRX0p_PhrE3VvUSdMfhPgArU/view?usp=sharing📜請先幫小朋友列印貼春聯勞作紙,總共有兩頁,我們還需要彩色筆或是蠟筆,剪刀和黏膠For this activity, we need  “spring festival decoratio
🍭在很久很久以前,人們都常常忘記自己出生的年份,於是就去請玉皇大帝幫忙....故事改編自 十二生肖民間故事🍭A long long time ago, people always forgot in which year they were born. The Jade Emperor came up with a solution…. (story based on folk story The Chinses Zodiac story)🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪

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