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052 - The Knowing/Doing Gap

052 - The Knowing/Doing Gap

Released Tuesday, 1st September 2020
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052 - The Knowing/Doing Gap

052 - The Knowing/Doing Gap

052 - The Knowing/Doing Gap

052 - The Knowing/Doing Gap

Tuesday, 1st September 2020
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Welcome to Episode 52 on the Live Blissed Out podcast. When you want to make a change, did you know that when you concentrate on changing your behavior first, that the change will always be temporary? Hello action takers! Welcome to Live Blissed Out. A podcast where I have inspirational and informational conversations with business owners and subject matter experts to help us get the scoop and the lowdown on a variety of topics. Tired of hesitating or making decisions without having the big picture? Wanna be in the know? Then this is the place to go. I'm your host Marisa Huston. Helping achieve bliss through awareness and action. Thanks for joining me. The information opinions and recommendations presented in this podcast are for general information only. And any reliance on the information provided in this podcast is done at your own risk. This podcast should not be considered professional advice. Joining me is Donna Deteau, a mindset and success building coach at Elevate Your Spark. Donna uses proven mindset and business building strategies to help high achieving clients get the results and live the life they truly want, but haven't been able to achieve on their own. Her two tiered approach for growing and sustaining relationships, wealth, personal growth, and business success allows for significant changes in the shortest amount of time. Working with Donna you learn how to use your mind creatively and with greater insight. You become more aware of what you think how you behave, and how to enact permanent change in habits and behaviors to achieve better results. Donna is offering Live Blissed Out listeners a 30 minute complimentary session to discuss any change you would like to make and provide tips to make those changes. To learn more visit www.elevatespark.com. Whether you're a business, maker or coach Crowdcast is the simplest way to connect with your community over live video with webinars. q&a's, live courses or summits. It's designed to be as quick and painless as possible with easy setup, a single URL and no required downloads. The interactive q&a chat and polls feature create real conversations. Connect through HD streaming with no delay, invite attendees on screen and broadcast to platforms like Facebook Live and YouTube Live. You can track performances with advanced analytics, communication with in app emails and connect to over 500 of your favorite tools with Zapier. It even integrates with Patreon. Start your limited 14 day free trial with 10 live attendees and 30 minute sessions with all business features included. Just follow the link in the show notes to let Crowdcast know I sent you and help support the show. With Crowdcast your stage is ready. Donna, so nice to have you on the show today.


Oh Marisa, I'm so happy to be here. Thanks for having me.


I'm having a nice cup of tea and I'm just looking forward to the dialogue that we're going to have. And it is relating to the knowing and doing gap and what exactly is that. When we talked about having this conversation, it got me thinking about our educational years, you know, when we go to formal schooling at all times in our lives, and we learned so much information. But then in today's world, things are very different because now we're getting hit with information from so many more angles than we're used to. When we went to school, we went to school. We read a book. It was very, very simple. But nowadays, there's so many things we can do to learn about information. Podcasts, for example, are one medium for that. And we get so much information put in front of us that it becomes overwhelming. We are inputting information into our brain, but we get to the point where most of us take the information but we don't do anything with it. There's no action that is put out based on what we learned. Why do we seem to be so interested in learning so much information if we don't actually do something with it so that we can get the results that we desire?


That is a great question, Marisa and the answer is this is how our whole system is set up. Did you know that corporations in America today spend over $60 billion in one year in training their people? This is just knowledge. So it's coming from everywhere. Our educational system is set up that way. Everything is set up to give us knowledge. We're just programmed from day one.


Why aren't we doing anything to take it to the next level? If we don't apply it we forget it. And then we don't see any results. So it's almost like this false sense of hope. We get the information we go Oh, now I know how to do that. But then you don't do anything with it. So what good is that going to do us?


And that is where the thinking comes in. Because we are programmed to absorb so much information that we forget about the thinking component. And in our minds, we have the conscious and the subconscious. Well, our result of what we do comes from the subconscious. It doesn't come from the conscious knowing mind. The knowing mind, the conscious mind is the intellect. That's where we absorb all the knowledge. 96 to 98% of all of our results, the things that we do comes from the subconscious. So first, we have to understand that there is a difference between what happens in the consciousness and what happens in the subconsciousness. And the very first thing people do when they get new information, they'll say, Okay, I'm going to change this behavior. And this is a great example. I think nearly everybody can relate to this. I'm gonna go on a diet and I'm going to release some weight. And I don't use lose weight because when you say lose, the brain immediately says, Oh, I'm going to go find that for you, Donna. Thus, we have the yo-yo dieting. So you go to diet and you say, Okay, I'm going to cut down on my carbs, I'm going to cut down on my sugars, I'm going to walk in my neighborhood or at Wash Park for three days a week, and I'm going to go to the gym two to three days a week. So we look at our behavior, and we concentrate on changing our behavior. And that's actually the opposite of what we should be doing. Because when we look at our behaviors, every single time we get temporary results. And what we want, of course, is permanent results. We want to be able to walk by that piece of chocolate cake with a scoop of ice cream and go no, that's not for me. We have to begin to think in a different way if we want to get different results.


Going back to this knowledge thing, you watch videos, you read books, and they all tell you just start with a habit. Tell yourself you're going to do this and then after a certain number days, let's say 60 days or whatever, it's going to be a habit and you're going to be good to go. But turning that into a habit is such a challenge for most people. They give up way before they hit that 60 days. How do we make that mind shift from concentrating on the actual behavior versus the mindset or the reason behind why we want to reach that goal that we've set for ourselves


In our subconsciousness we have a multitude of what's called paradigms or some people call it programming. And this programming started when we were babies. We've been programmed all our lives to think a certain way, to feel a certain way, to react to certain things that happened to us in a certain way. Our self image is formed in our subconscious. So what we have to do is we start with the subconscious. And let's go back to the diet example. Instead of telling ourselves, Okay, I want to release 20 pounds, or whatever it is, let's turn that on its head. And what we need to tell ourselves is I am a fit healthy and muscular size, and you put the number in, I'm just gonna say size eight. And before we say that what we need to do is come from an area of gratefulness because the universe, I believe, honors the gratefulness. So the format, if you want a formula is I am so happy and grateful now that and those three words, grateful, now, that are the three most important words in that formula. So let's just go back to the diet. I am so happy and grateful now that I am a fit, healthy and muscular size eight. When we are changing the paradigm in our thinking, and one of the paradigms along the lines of dieting is oh, you know, I tried 16 million diets. They'd never worked. Oh, I'll never get this weight off. Oh, oh, I never can look like that. I mean, this is all of our negative talk that's coming from our paradigm. So every time you have a thought like that, you turn it on end. You can say, this is the day that I am going to be fit, healthy and muscular and a size eight. So you take the opposite of what you just thought, you know, that negative thought, and you write down the opposite of it. When we say this we have to see a picture in our mind. And the reason we have to see a picture is because we always think in pictures. I remember as I was sitting with a young man, and he said, I can't picture anything. I'm the exception. And I said, Oh, okay, so tell me about your car. What color is it? He told me and I just went down this list of questions. I said, Did you see that car? He goes, Yeah, but I'm familiar with that. I went, well that's exactly what I'm talking about. You think in pictures. So when we say I am so happy and grateful now that I am a fit healthy and muscular size eight you have a picture in your mind of what that looks like. And, now this is so important Marisa. We have to feel what it feels like to be fit healthy and muscular and a size eight. When we feel it, and we continually feel it and see the picture, this is what replaces the old paradigm with the new thought. And that's what we want to do. That's the crux of this is to replace all those paradigms. And then you repeat it many times. I tell my clients, you start out writing it and while you're writing it, you're seeing it in your mind's eye and you're feeling it and you do it 10 times in the morning, write it 10 times in the morning, and you write it out 10 times in the evening, Something that's just as powerful or in addition to, y say it in a mirror for five minutes, and you're looking at yourself. And it's amazing what happens when this repetition goes on day after day, week after week. That is when people start seeing results, and it's a law of the universe, so it has to happen.


Donna, do you feel that it helps when you put in a visual representation of how you felt during the time when things were good. So for example, let's go back to this diet thing, if you were 40 pounds lighter before and you felt healthy and active and happy, and now you're feeling like that 40 pounds is a weight on you, because you're an unhealthy, you just don't have any energy. And it's not about looks or anything. For some people it might be. But we're really talking about quality of life. Feeling good about yourself inside and out. And so if you had a visual picture of a time when that was the case for you, and you put it up there as a reminder, do you find that to be helpful?


Oh, absolutely. I'm so glad you brought that up. The visual reminders are so strong in reinforcing this whole process. And when we have visual reminders, the process accelerates and you get results faster. That's why so many people have vision boards. They work.


We need the visual representation in order to get that paradigm shift so that our minds are completely focused on the end goal and that we're not just thinking of it as an action as something that is just a behavior that we have to apply. It's really about our minds taking us to a place where we really want to be.


And I'm so glad you mentioned that because I'm going to use this as an example when we focus on what we don't want, that is what we get. When people are in debt for example, and all they can think about is their empty bank account and their bills piling up and they're in debt, they cannot get out of that cycle because that is what they are thinking about. And that's what you'd have to turn on its end and say I am so happy and grateful now that every month I am paying my bills. I am so happy and grateful that I am a money magnet. Whatever those turning that on its end looks like, we propagate what we think about. And so I'm constantly catching myself and my friends and my clients and going, I don't want that anymore. But I'm thinking about it all the time.


You're so honed in to the negative.


Yes, Maybe somebody has never had financial success. And that's all they can think about. I'm never going to be a success. I'm never going to make a lot of money. Well, you're not because that's what you tell yourself all day. Turn it on its end. Write down the opposite of that. And this is what I find fascinating. There are two ways to change a paradigm. The first way is called an emotional impact. That is a Wham! 911 was an emotional impact. 911 changed everyone's paradigm in America, about safety immediately. Most emotional impacts are negative. Not all but most. And they're random. We don't have a control over when they're going to happen. The Coronavirus emotional impact That changed so many paradigms, about our safety about being around people. The second way to change a paradigm is through repetition. And I compare it to the Colorado River, cutting through the Grand Canyon. You have a paradigm, it's a rock, and it's at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and the water rushes over. The water is the repetition rushing over, and it cuts through that rock. And sooner or later that rock becomes dissolved. Now, it doesn't take that long. It doesn't take thousands of millions of years to change a paradigm, but that's what happens when you replace an old thought with a new one and you repeat it. It's the repetition that is one of the keys along with the visualization and the feeling.


That consistency is so key. And I think to your point as well, it's a self fulfilling prophecy if we tell ourselves that we can't or we are undeserving, or we're terrible, or this and that. It's almost like you're creating the negativity In your world just by saying it, just by thinking it.


Absolutely. And when we speak it out loud, it makes it even more powerful. Back to the beginning, when we were talking about behaviors, our behaviors produce our results. It is a chain reaction Marisa. You put a new thought into your mind. You repeat that thought over and your subconscious accepts it and it changes a paradigm. When that happens, your behaviors start changing, and you get different results. And this has happened to me many times since I've learned this whole concept. One of the first times it happened was I used to be strictly a business coach now I'm what I call a success building coach. So as a business coach, a few years ago, I looked at my business and said to myself, I can grow my business faster. And I made a list of three things that I knew I could do every week to grow my business. I knew this. It was in my core. So I had that list in front of me everyday. And some weeks, I would do one thing on the list. The next week, I might not do anything. The next week, I would do two things on the list. But overall, over the next six months, it was inconsistent at best, and eventually I just gave up on the list because I give up on anything that I'm not successful with.


It happens to most of us. When we feel like we put in more effort and get less results were discouraged.


Absolutely. So when I learned these concepts, I found this list that was stuck in the back of my drawer, pulled out that list and I started looking at those things. And I wrote down what I called the Grateful Affirmation Format. I am so happy and grateful now that and at the end of it, I put actions now that I'm doing these three things. And within six weeks, I was doing all three things every week, consistently every week. That's the power of how this can change our behaviors. And when we change our behaviors, we change our results.


In relation to that we also need to take into account that people sometimes do things that they know they shouldn't be doing. And yet they do them anyway. Why is that?


Well, it goes back to the knowing/doing gap. We know a lot of things that we don't know how to do the things that we know we should be doing. We may even know how to do them, but we don't do them. We have to look at our paradigm.


For example, you know, you're not supposed to eat a pound of sugar a day. But there are people out there who will have six doughnuts in a row knowing that that's really bad for them, that it's going to compromise their health and yet they do it. Why is that?


Yes. Because of the paradigm that is in their subconscious See they know all kinds of stuff, but they still do it. They still do what they know they shouldn't do and it's because of the paradigm. The best thing I know to do is to look at a result that you are getting. I am 50 pounds overweight. That's my result. Now what do I think about that? Well, I don't like it. And I've tried so many diets before and they don't work. Okay, there's one paradigm right there. Diets don't work. And we hear it all the time, diets don't work. So what does work? Well, eating healthy works. Oh, okay, that's thinking of the opposite. So I'm so happy and grateful now that I am a healthy eater each and every day. It's so simple. At first, it sounds kind of overwhelming and complicated, but it's very simple when we start looking at our real thoughts. So you look at all of these thoughts that you've had about your result, those thoughts are your paradigm. And that's what you change. That's what you flip it on its end, write down the opposite of, and you will get the results that you want by the repetition.


Not only that, but I also think that you can put in an exercise like why. Because what works for example, for one person might not work for another. So sometimes you'll talk to people and you'll say well, why are you not eating healthy and they'll cause healthy food doesn't taste good. I like eating lots of food that has flavor and I don't feel that this food has flavor. So then you might then say, well, how can I still enjoy flavorful foods but not eat too many bad things? Like maybe portion control could be something that I could start to focus on that will help me still eat what I enjoy, but not eat as much of it. There are different ways to approach a problem and one may fit one person and one may fit another and that's why we have all these different diets out there because some people are okay with low carb and other people say there's no way I'm going to give up my pasta, but I think that I can eat low calorie instead and maybe have less pasta.


Yeah, everyone is different because their paradigms are going to be different. One of the things that I find so fascinating is when I am making a change, and it's going to happen, the resources I need to make that change are attracted to me. They come to me. And sometimes it's just like out of the blue. I don't have to go and research. So let's use your example of eating healthier portions. I am so happy and grateful now that every day I am eating healthy portions. What's going to happen is that and this is just an example, I don't know if this is going to happen, but somebody is going to send you an article about eating healthy portions, or something's going to come on the TV, or you're going to read in the book about eating healthy portions.


That's so funny, because that happens to me. And I go, how is that all of a sudden showing up? I was just thinking about that.


Yes, or you get a phone call from somebody! When we change our thoughts, we start changing our results. And one of the results are the resources that come together to help you make that change. And that's why I say it seems like it's almost like a miracle.


It's just those little tweaks in our mind that can make all the difference. It's not enough to know we need to take action in some way but it's the way that we do it that really has impact in how we're going to be able to sustain it long term.


And that's one of the downsides of all the stuff that we know. We think that we are thinking. But until we really start to pay attention to our thoughts, that is when we start thinking, we start questioning our thoughts and questioning the knowledge. And that's when the true thinking process begins. And it's amazing what you come up with when you start looking at your thoughts. And you can just take one that you find yourself thinking all day, every day and go, Oh, I didn't realize that was the tape kind of going over and over and over in my mind. Just start with that one, and that one will lead to another. Gradually you start thinking not knowing but thinking more and more. And when that thinking process changes your thoughts, that's when the behaviors change, and the results change.


Thinking is key. And that even goes with for example, if you learn something new today, I never just take what I learned at face value, I question a lot of things like, why are they doing that? And does that apply to me? And is that necessarily a good fit for me? I read more articles or I'll listen to more channels or podcasts. And I wanna get as much information as I can from different sources. And then usually when I gather all that information, then I'm able to compile what's right for me. But it starts with the questioning because one person may say, Oh, this is the greatest thing ever, and you just go with it. Oftentimes, that's not the right approach. It doesn't work for you that way, because they're looking at it from one perspective and your situation might be totally different. So it's okay to think, it's okay to question, it's okay to get more information about something and look at things from different perspectives.


In fact, I'd go so far that I think it's necessary. And that's what we're used to. I'm glad you said that, Marisa because we're so used to just accepting a lot of information, a lot of knowledge, we just accept it, accept it. We read and go, Oh, that sounds good. Yeah, yeah, I agree with that. But we've got to question ourselves. We've got to look at those paradigms, what's going on in my subconscious? What are my thoughts each and every day about myself? You can actually elevate your self image, you can make more money, you can have bigger and better relationships. One time I was coaching one of my clients with this very thing, and she started complaining about her husband. Oddly enough, the thing that she was complaining about is that he was so positive all the time, and it just drove her crazy. She's an analytical thinker. So I said, now that you realize this about your husband, how can we turn that on its end? What is the opposite? And she said, very simply, I just would love to appreciate him for what he is. She said something like I am so happy and grateful now that I appreciate my husband for who he is. Within. I think it was about three weeks, their relationship totally changed. Then she had a baby, and during the course of nursing, you know the first couple of months, she was repeating the affirmation and really appreciating him. She quit her job. They went into business together. And they are very successful as a couple. More successful than they were individually. And it's amazing what will happen to your life. So you apply it to your relationships, you can apply it to your self image, you can apply it to making more money. It's endless as to what you can apply this technique to.


Yeah, Donna being aware of our paradigms and knowing how to change them is so important. Having this conversation brings that awareness in the forefront because oftentimes, we are living robotically. We just have our routine and we just do it and we don't question it. It needs to be long term. We're really good at the short term stuff. It's the long term stuff that we need work on.


That's right! And that's what we're all looking for. We want permanent that results. We want this to last forever and ever. You mentioned earlier, Marisa about habits like we get into our routine. Like, you know, in the morning, you get up, you do this and you do this, I mean it's just automatic. Those are the paradigms. Our paradigms are a collection of habits. And so when we start looking at not only our thoughts, but our habits, that's when we change those habits, because it's the thoughts behind those habits. It's why am I doing that? Why am I doing this and not this?


It has to be a bigger motivator. There has to be a really big end game that is so important to you, that makes it all worthwhile, because if you can't see that, then it becomes this temporary thing. Oh, well, you know, yeah, I give up after two days. It's okay. It's no biggie. You don't have that vested interest in the end result. It's not that important to you. When it gets to that point where it really matters, then you're starting to look at it as how do I make this a lifestyle change? How do I make this a part of me?


A few years ago, I'd gotten to the point where I had given up on making a lot of big goals. I had definitely given up on affirmations. And it was only when I was introduced to this information. 95% of my coaching is about mindset. 5% is about business building tools, because the strategies and tools, you know, people can pick that up in no time and you just implement them. Wallace Wattles, he's the one who wrote The Science Of Getting Rich. He said, the mental work is the hardest work you'll ever do in your life. The difficulty is compounded because you're telling yourself you want to make a change that's going to happen in the future, but you're believing it now. And it's that believing it now that it's going to happen in the future and having that belief that's so difficult at first, this becomes easier.


I'm glad you pointed that out. It does get easier but we also can't set ourselves up to think that all of this just happens. There's work involved. It's not easy to get started. That momentum thing is so true. In the beginning, to get yourself motivated to do something or finally say to yourself this is the day is much harder than two weeks from now, when you gain that momentum and you start seeing some results. It's much easier to keep going.


The first time any of my clients see the result, it is an aha moment. And it's ah, oh, it works for me too! Because all of us in the back of our minds in our subconscious in our paradigms, we all say to ourselves, well, it works for them, but it's not gonna work for me.


I think we're all capable of greatness. But at the same time, we need to know what we enjoy doing, what we're naturally good at, or what we're willing to work at. We may not be naturally good at something, but if we're willing to put in the effort, and it's going to be harder to get to where we need to go, but it's okay because that's what we choose to do, that's fine. But if I wake up tomorrow and say, hey, I decided I'm going to be an astronaut. I don't know that that's necessarily a realistic goal at this point. Trying to make sure that what you wanna achieve is something that you're able to achieve and then believe that you're capable of doing it provided you put in the work. Because let's not kid ourselves. There's work involved. And oftentimes we compare ourselves to other people. And we look at their successes and we say, wow, how lucky are they? They're so wonderful. Look at me, I'm not able to do that. Yes, you can. But it'll probably take five years of hard work to get to where they are, because that's probably how much time they put into it. Because we don't measure that. We're only seeing the surface. We're only seeing how successful they are now, but we really don't see the back end of what they've had to do and the sacrifices they've had to make to get there.


We're seeing the end result. And that's the result that we want. Two things when people are setting goals. I do believe in lofty goals or what we call fantasy goals or the big goals, but then there's goals in between to get there. Because the lofty goal would be something that maybe can be accomplished in that five years or 10 years and then the goals in between they can still be big because you're keeping in mind that big overreaching, overriding goal. The two things that I tell my clients to ask themselves, Am I willing? And am I able? And if you say yes to both of them, then off you go! Those are the only two questions you have to ask yourself when you're setting a goal. And the goal may be, you know, to release that 50 pounds. Just that one little tweak. Marisa. It's amazing what that will change as we are releasing weight and we're getting fit and healthier. Yeah.


That's one of my favorite words, tweak. We're a tweak away from success. A little move, a little adjustment, and then you know, we get to where we want to go. How do our listeners get more information about you and all your offerings?


Well the best place is to go to my website. In fact, I just rebranded and have a brand new website, so I'd love for them to look at it. In the website, there are places where they can schedule a 30 minute discovery session. This whole grateful affirmation may be new to them, and they may just want to run past some ideas that they had or does this sound right and I'd be happy to do that with them. If they want to read up on this type of information, there are two great books. The first one is Psycho Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. That book actually really started the self help industry. It really made it shoot sky high in the 60's when that book came out. And the second book is What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter. Those are the two most powerful books to help begin this process and to understand how the mind works. Really what's going on and to help people understand that they can enact change and permanent change.


Thank you, Donna for enlightening our minds again. You know, just reminding us that we're capable of so much greatness if we really just start with the mindset, and the why, and really focus our energy, on positivity and hard work, and we will get to where we need to go. I appreciate you being on the show.


Even if just one person gets benefit from this information and changes their lives, then it's worth it. I love sharing this information. As you can tell, it's a part of my life. I work on it, and I put it into action every day, and it has made the biggest difference in my life. And I'm 66 years old. This one thing has made the biggest difference in my life than anything I've ever done in my life before.


Thank you, Donna. And I know I learned a lot today and this is part of the joy of why I do what I do because I'd love learning from my guests and sharing that information with our listeners. So thanks for being here, Donna.


You betcha. Thanks, Marisa.

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