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Long Story Short


Long Story Short

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Long Story Short


Long Story Short

Long Story Short


Long Story Short

A weekly podcast
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Episodes of Long Story Short

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Feb 17th, 2021
In this episode, Alex has a conversation with his good friend Matt Hardeman.
Feb 17th, 2021
In this episode, Alex has a conversation with one of his long time, college best friends, Nick Williamson.
May 2nd, 2020
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Lindsay Tobias. Their conversation ranges from South Florida to Virginia, their friendship over the years, how Keep Your Plants On started, why people should stop delaying and start, and why you need to stop dieting and start nourishing your body sustainably.
Apr 25th, 2020
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Tega Faafa. Their conversation ranges from Georgia to Nigeria, vulnerability and authenticity, seminary and school, and how pornography is crippling people.
Apr 25th, 2020
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Reggie Sumpter. Their conversation ranges from Georgia, North Point, divorce, Reggie's dad, faith, and even Delta Airlines.
Apr 25th, 2020
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Brad Horton. Their conversation ranges from Georgia, Texas and North Carolina, North Point and Passion, seminary and school, and even a couple would you rather questions.
Dec 7th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Cory Lebovitz. Their conversation ranges from growing up Jewish, his first date with his wife at Waffle House, working with your spouse, doing what God wants you to do, and parody YouTube videos.
Nov 15th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Andy Thompson. Their conversation ranges from Dawsonville, GA to South America, touring as a musician, getting slapped in the face in high school, having a passion for helping middle school students, and the hope that lies beyond ourselves.
Oct 25th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Natalie Kitchen. Their conversation ranges from all over Georgia, from North Point Ministries and Lighthouse Ministries, how to approach parenting, empathy, and practical tips for a practical faith.
Oct 11th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Kurt Tobias. Their conversation ranges from Northern Virginia to Destin, FL, Alex's awkward first encounter with Kurt, not getting WiFi till senior year of high school, winning a bet, trusting in the Lord during difficult times, intentional conversations at the gym, and a h...
Sep 27th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Clay Cooney. Their conversation ranges from Georgia to Kentucky, Lighthouse ministries, a family of four boys, believing in Jesus vs pursuing Jesus, and GETTING ENGAGED!
Sep 14th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Luke Werth. Their conversation ranges from Wisconsin, Virginia, Georgia, to Missouri, how cerebrospinal fluid leaked out of Alex's ear, filling the void inside, talking to animals, and how he married the girl from Ep. 4 on LSS!
Sep 9th, 2019
WE HAVE A BABY GIRL!!! And we decided to capture the story. If you want, give it a listen!
Aug 3rd, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Drew Williams. Their conversation ranges from Georgia to Afghanistan, Drew's first CrossFit workout, surprising his wife after his deployment, the power of who you surround yourself with, life in the military, and how to win each day.
Jul 27th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Mike Zumpano. Their conversation ranges from Connecticut to Virginia, coaching college lacrosse, why "knowing" does not imply "prepared", our mutual friend Kurtledove, and why the littlest things make the biggest difference.
Jul 27th, 2019
Long Story Short is back with Season 2! The purpose of this quick episode is to remind everyone what Long Story Short is all about and to announce an exciting update regarding Season 2.
Apr 30th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with John Hambrick. Their conversation ranges from Georgia, California, London, and Australia, the Artful Dodger and Oliver Twist and Shout, World War II, the strategy of the church, and John's latest book, Black and White: Disrupting Racism One Friendship at a Time.
Apr 19th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Hudson Caldwell and Sara Marconi. Their conversation ranges from Virginia, South Carolina, and Alabama, seminary, long distance dating and engagement, hiding the Word in your heart, flying, and pornography.
Apr 19th, 2019
On this episode, Alex and Hannah have a conversation with Jonathan and Sarah Adams. Their conversation ranges from Alpharetta, GA, zuppa toscana soup, long distance dating, intentional conversations, Jesus, and living in prison (hypothetically).
Mar 24th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Derek Paganini. Their conversation ranges from Snellville, Georgia, trials and hardships, the power of a community, his fiancé Victoria, branding Jesus, and the Would You Rather everyone would want to answer!
Mar 16th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Austin Fruits. Their conversation ranges from dirt biking, California, family influences, Liberty University, suicide, and pornography.
Mar 9th, 2019
On this episode of Long Story Short, Alex and Hannah sit down with Mark & Diane Williams. They talked about their collective 42 years in the Air Force, the struggle of infertility, Hannah's brain aneurysm at age 6, the glue that has held their marriage together, and an interesting Would You Rather question.
Mar 3rd, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Matt Noblitt. Their conversation ranges from St. Louis, the adoption process, being a LU Flame, his relationship with his dad, his wonderful wife, and a terrible "Would You Rather."
Feb 26th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Heath Miller. Their conversation ranges from Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, the power of community, how one's identity affects everything, unibrows and close talking, and Jesus.
Feb 16th, 2019
On this episode, Alex has a conversation with Jenni. Their conversation ranges from Texas, California, Belize, and Georgia, Jenni dancing before she was walking, her production company, being faithful to what the Lord has in store, and her pup Copper.
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