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Loud Mute Radio with Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD, of Mule and Muse

Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD,

Loud Mute Radio with Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, P…

A weekly Health, Fitness and Mental Health podcast

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Loud Mute Radio with Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD, of Mule and Muse

Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD,

Loud Mute Radio with Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD, of Mule and Muse

Loud Mute Radio with Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD, of Mule and Muse

Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD,

Loud Mute Radio with Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, P…

A weekly Health, Fitness and Mental Health podcast
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A radio show hosted by an autistic mute? Why not! The creators of Mule and Muse Productions, Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD, welcome you to “Loud Mute Radio”. Barb is mute. She communicates by typing one letter at a time and considers herself a contemplative -- she spends most of her time thinking about things that are not present and observing that which is. Her advanced autistic degrees make her more equipped than most for this calling. She is also the author of two books full of hilarious stories and fascinating truths about her life with autism and everyone else. Her co-host, Lois (somebody has to speak - it is radio) is an educational psychologist with real world stamina and training. (So yea, Lois is the Mule in this relationship, but actually smells pretty good.) Their Mule and Muse world views are different, but together their work illuminates the value of paying much more attention to individuals with fresh perspectives. We invite you to laugh and lighten up as we promote finding purpose, connection, equality, and joy. Join us in minding thy heart to mine thy mind.

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Podcast Details

Created by
Barb Rentenbach and Lois Prislovsky, PhD,
Podcast Status
Sep 19th, 2014
Latest Episode
Apr 11th, 2017
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
About 1 hour

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