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Released Wednesday, 19th April 2023
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Wednesday, 19th April 2023
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230419_23-023_LWC_Morning_MugClub.mp3 Steven: [00:00:00] Hey there. My apologies to you watching on Mug Club and Rumble. This is the second cold open because we don't know what was going on with YouTube. Doesn't surprise me. The stream wouldn't work. We had to kind of kind of jerry rig it. We had some workarounds. But look, this is important for the folks out there. You know, I've told you in the past, this is a PG 13 show. This is not a trigger warning. That's a silly, silly term for silly people. This is, however, an age appropriate warning We are going to be discussing and laying out the historical case and what is going on now with the UN, not only their involvement with underage sex trafficking in an irrefutable way, all the references are available, but now their their actual encouraging of sex with minors. And because it's important for you as a parent, it's important for you as an American, as a taxpayer, it's important for you as an adult to have this information so that you can protect the most vulnerable, innocent among us children. I also know that this is not appropriate for those children. They should be protected from this information and you know it so that they don't have to. So if you have children, I highly recommend they don't watch this program today. There will be some serious subject matter along with very serious subject matter. And look, we've been suspended on YouTube for simply including the words pedophilia or map in the title. So there's a good chance that this gets removed from YouTube before the stream is even done. Anything you guys can do to share post let other people know where they can watch this ideally on Rumble today because we're willing to you know what? Roll the dice here. We're willing to let the cards fall where they may. It's an important subject. It's not a conspiracy theory. It is something that has been unilaterally agreed upon across nations, but no one talks about it. So appreciate the support. Hold on to your butts. Let's Mark Rippetoe reads real German folk stories to kids. That's fun. Speaker2: [00:01:53] Hi, kids. They wanted me to read you a story today, so I've picked one out of Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann's book, Pretty Stories and Funny Pictures. So let's read one today. This one looks. This one looks nice. The story of the Inky Boys, as he had often done before the woolly headed blackamoor. One nice fine summer's day. Went out to see the shops and walk about. Then Edward Little noisy wag ran out and laughed and waved his flag and William came in jacket trim and brought his wooden hoop with him. And Arthur, too, snatched up his toys and joined the other naughty boys and kept on singing. Only think, Oh Blacky, you're as black as ink, but you guys want to hear the rest of this. Okay. Now, Tall Agrippa lived close by so tall he almost touched the sky and had a mighty inkstand too, in which a giant goose feather grew. He called out in an angry tone. Boys leave the Blackamoor alone. For if he tries with all his might, he cannot change from black to white. He sees seizes. Arthur seizes. Ned, takes William by his little head, and they may scream and kick and call into the ink. He dips them all into the ink stand. One, two, three. Till they are black as black can be because they set up such a roar and teased the harmless blackamoor. Let this be a lesson to you. Steven: [00:04:30] Today is the day where the tea does nothing. I still have that red tide. Speaker3: [00:04:34] Of course. Really? Steven: [00:04:35] It's the red tide. There's no way to get rid of it. I feel better. It's that phase where everything is, you know, kind of working its way out. So I'll be hitting the cough button a lot. So you'll probably be seeing me talking and going today quite a bit. And Casey gagging. Yes. Yeah. Glad to be with you. A lot to get to today if you watch the cold open. Look, I appreciate you sharing posting because this is the beauty of mug club is being able to discuss these issues and not caring. We don't want to be removed from YouTube, but we will allow ourselves to be punished at the cost of truth if that phrase makes any sense. So we'll be talking today about teachers playing the licking game with your kids. That's a real thing. We'll be talking about the Fox News Dominion settlement. And I think people are conflating the issue as far as election interference and what's happening with Fox. They screwed up on some specifics that we warned against when it happened. However, there are some ripple effects here that could negatively affect other news outlets. And really the meat of what we'll be discussing today is the UN. They just had a a committee. It's tough because the UN has sort of these, you know, contractors, but let's just use the term UN, the umbrella term they now are approving. They've proposed that that sex with minors is appropriate, that they can consent. And this is the same organization that has been involved for decades. It's well known with sex trafficking, largely underage people in third world countries. So my question to you is, did you know about this? When you first hear it, do you think it's one of those conspiracy forchion QAnon things or do you know about this and that we've actually had to enact investigations, trials. Steven: [00:06:11] People have been well, they haven't been convicted because the UN does it themselves as well as we've had to take measures, legislative measures to ensure that it doesn't happen and it still happening, That's something that a lot of you may not know about. And the reason we decided to talk about today is because just this week they said, hey, sex with minors is a good thing. Oh, there's a there's a slippery slope. And it's not even slippery anymore. It's not even lubed. It's just it's just a slope because so many of us have slid down. So that's my question there for you. And what measures Also, another question I would have, what measures do you think should be taken to protect our children from sexual predators? I think that's one of the most important issues. We didn't think that we would be facing it, but here we are. It is a live show Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern. Just so you know, However, there are complications and you don't see us on YouTube. Just tune in 10 a.m., head on over to Rumble Friday, of course, Mug club. This is the last week of Free Mug Club Lutterworth credit with credit.com, slash mug club. And then, of course, you can join up and you'll continue to get access to all the things that you are missing. All right. We're going to move on. Gerald, a number two CEO. How are you? I am doing well. How are you, man? It's it's tough for me to breathe a little bit because I have the drip. You guys know what it's like. It almost feels like a submarine door that goes like when you try and talk and you're like. And you keep having a door. Yeah, you. Speaker3: [00:07:24] Know what I mean? It's like, closes the valve. Steven: [00:07:26] Like Celine Dion when she hits the high note where she's like lovers right now, and it's like it's nasally. Yeah, you go super. Speaker3: [00:07:32] Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I'm with you. You're always doing well, Feel better, and then I'm always doing well. What do I have to complain about? Steven: [00:07:40] I mean, I'm looking at you. Speaker3: [00:07:41] I'm the CEO. That's mean. Steven: [00:07:43] And Nick DiPaolo is going to be here in third chair tomorrow. You guys obviously loved him. He's as tough, so fun and rough as they come. And his show is available at 5 p.m. Eastern here on Mudd Club. But today in third chair, we brought back his theme music. You know him? You love him. I come from his his. I came from his wiener. It is. Speaker3: [00:08:02] Pops Crowder. Oh, thanks for disclaimer. So brutal. I did. How does that feel? I love it. Yeah. Thank you. You ever look at me and think you're in? Because women all the time. Steven: [00:08:20] Like women all the time. Speaker3: [00:08:22] All right. Okay. What were you about to say, Pops Crowder? I was going to go in a direction that clearly isn't productive. What the hell? What worry about? Oh, I was just going to say, your comments about the red tide of single handedly destroyed tourism in the Gulf Coast. Oh, no. God, Now, Sarasota is wonderful visiting it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Steven: [00:08:39] But I do have the red tide. Speaker3: [00:08:40] Yeah, except when there's dead fish on every beach, there's a. Steven: [00:08:43] Lot of dead puffer. Speaker3: [00:08:43] Fish. All right, So don't step on it. Hit the. Steven: [00:08:47] Like button. I guess so. This is one of our first stories. And at first, when I read the headline, I thought, okay, come on now. This is you're being a little sensationalist. And then I watched it, right? And I couldn't make sense of it. I don't know if my brain just doesn't have a chip for it, which it probably doesn't. As a matter of fact, I know it doesn't. So teachers at Desert Hills Middle School, they hosted a fundraiser which went viral for playing what is referred to as the licking game with their students. [00:09:17] Josh As is so. Gross That's. He. Steven: [00:09:24] The kids are going, This isn't right. [00:09:27] Dude is so. This. This is a good idea. It looks so wrong. Steven: [00:09:38] The biggest loser in all this, by the way. Social distancing. I guess, is not I guess we're not doing the COVID thing anymore. Well, they got. Speaker3: [00:09:46] To repurpose those dividers. Those teachers are so brave. You know, they just they went they're at the frontlines right. Steven: [00:09:52] Now licking whatever that is off of the sneeze. Yeah. The sneeze shield from Golden Corral. Yeah. Speaker3: [00:09:58] That white substance. Yeah. It wasn't a screen. It was plexiglass. It was plexiglass. Yeah. It was The last guy there was the school security officer. Yeah. Who's watching? Who's protecting the kids? No, he was into it. He's like, Yeah, yeah. Lick the lights off. Yeah, do it like that. Do it like. Steven: [00:10:09] That. I said He waited. Speaker3: [00:10:11] Did you see him pause? It wasn't even licking fast to kind of win the game. He waited until the other person was licking to lick at the same time. And this could just. Steven: [00:10:17] Be a game. But again, it's like, you know, shouldn't you just be. Speaker3: [00:10:20] Aware of the fact. Steven: [00:10:21] That so many people are concerned with you being pedophiles that you say. Speaker3: [00:10:25] Is there a game we could do where we're not pantomiming. Steven: [00:10:29] Licking. Speaker3: [00:10:29] Each other? Is it a possibility it could be one, maybe two games. Red Rover, British bulldog? No. Anyone dodgeball, for crying out loud. Okay, we're going to go with the licking game. All right? All right. I think that guy would sound like groundskeeper Willie. Yes, we saw them licking the glass. We had a licking. The kitties. You what? Speaker4: [00:10:49] We had smear the queer in middle school. We didn't Wait. What? Speaker3: [00:10:51] Oh, no. Yeah, You mean. Yeah. You smear his reputation? Yeah. You smear his. Speaker4: [00:10:55] Reputation, right? Yeah. You don't actually like. You know, you just. Steven: [00:10:58] Yeah, ours was just slander the homo, right? Speaker3: [00:11:00] It doesn't even rhyme. Or maybe it was defame. It depended on whether it was a written in their thesis or an oral presentation. Steven: [00:11:07] With these teachers, it's all oral. Speaker3: [00:11:08] It's completely gross nowadays, and that should never happen. Steven: [00:11:13] Of course, we have in a civilized workplace. Are they? Oh, they're working. Speaker5: [00:11:23] All right, guys, the rules are super simple. All we're going to do is lick it from both sides. Speaker6: [00:11:27] Like, just lick it. Yeah. [00:11:30] Just lick it. That's kind of fucked up. Speaker3: [00:11:40] Oh, come on. I mean, all right. It's a trend. Well, at least it's the new meme. Yeah, it's the new planking. Well, no, we had adults. They did it with, you know, 12 year olds around. Well, it doesn't help. Steven: [00:11:51] That I forced the adults to do it. And whoever lost will actually. Whoever won would be crucified. Speaker3: [00:11:58] Oh. What? Yeah, we do. Steven: [00:12:00] We do licking, and we mix it with a little bit of Spartacus. Oh, geez, That's very biblical of you. You guys didn't see Spartacus? They make them fight to the death. Tony Curtis and and Douglas. And then whoever wins gets crucified. It's a fantastic scene because I. Speaker3: [00:12:13] Would just let them because they're trying to mercifully kill their friend. It's a terrific. Speaker4: [00:12:16] Movie. You say. Speaker3: [00:12:17] Brutus. I said I'd rather lose. This is the old one. Spartacus. There is only one old one. What do you think? What are you thinking about? You're thinking about the Cory Booker. That's not a real movie. It's just things that he says. Words sometimes. Oh, that's him in the hearing. Okay. Yeah. This is the. Steven: [00:12:29] Closest I get to the I am Spartacus moment. You mean never getting close to an I am Spartacus moment? Speaker3: [00:12:35] That's pre Tom Cruise when other leading men could be five five. Yes, exactly. Good. Yes. He was muscled like a Greek god at all. Five feet, five inches of him, five foot nothing. 100 and nothing. Are you him? Are you? He. Shut up, Spartacus. Hey, are you Z? Did my pronouns correct. Steven: [00:12:56] So, yeah. You know, we're biding time until we have to get to the UN pedophile thing because it's uncomfortable, but it's something that we have to do. So before that, let's have a little pick me up. In crime news, NYPD chief or I guess chief of Crime Control. I don't know what the terms mean. Let's just say his name is Michael Lipetri reported that 327 people. Now, here's the thing. You want to talk about a culture of crime. I've said this Their goal is to create their goal is to turn law abiding citizens into criminals. Right. Which you easily do like in the state of Washington. If you're going to take children away from their parents, if they don't conduct a sex change operation. Right. You will turn those parents into criminals because they're going to protect their children by any means necessary. So in New York, they really are further along the trail in turning law abiding citizens into criminals and turning criminals into voters. You create a culture of criminality because this is picture perfect proof that people who disobey laws won't obey new laws no matter how many you create, because there's a percentage of the population who have decided that they are going to be criminals for the rest of their lives. Steven: [00:13:55] This is why when people say the war on drugs has failed and it has, but the idea that legalizing all drugs will end it. No, no, no. Drug cartels are not drug cartels. They're criminals who happen to make money off of drugs. At one point, they made money off of weed, then they made money off of cocaine. Depending who you're dealing with now, they've made money. They make money off of fentanyl. You legalize that, they're going to make money off of underage sex trafficking, like there's some kind of a UN official. The point is they've decided that they want to live a life of crime tax free, regardless of the mechanism that is used. That's shown very clearly here in New York, where 327 people, all references are 327 people. New York is a big city. I don't know if you know, that's a lot of 327 is not a. Speaker3: [00:14:31] Lot of people. No, no, no. In New York, there's a lot that's not a that's not a lot. Steven: [00:14:34] 327 people committed, one. Speaker3: [00:14:37] Third. Steven: [00:14:38] Of all the shoplifting. Speaker7: [00:14:40] 327 people and account for 30% of all the arrests. Of all the arrests, 327 people have or 30% believe, 22,000. Steven: [00:14:53] Get off the. Speaker3: [00:14:54] Phone. Speaker4: [00:14:59] I kind of get that one. Speaker3: [00:15:00] Hey, shoplifters, have you ever heard of the concept of other people. Steven: [00:15:04] Like. Speaker3: [00:15:04] Me needing to use the phone? So here's the odd thing. The New York Post. Steven: [00:15:10] Reported on this in January, and The New York Times covered it only last weekend. So, you know, my guess is, of course, New York Post was probably throttled by most of social media right now. Remember, The New York Post was considered legitimate and now they say it's not because they broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was true. Yes. Yes, it was. And would have affected the outcome of the election. That's all you need. So, of course, the DA, Alvin Bragg, said that he's going to be coming down hard on these recidivists, which is progress. But he's going to be convincing the state legislature to pass a firm 16 strikes law. Speaker3: [00:15:40] That's 16th time. Hey. Steven: [00:15:42] Don't make me count to 24. Speaker8: [00:15:45] Fool me. 16 times. Speaker3: [00:15:47] Fool me 16 times. Steven: [00:15:49] I'm a corrupt, Soros funded DA. That's, I believe, the colloquialism idiom, whatever. That brings us to this week's installment of Empire State of Crime. [00:16:00] Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. It's nothing you could do. Count your New York. Speaker3: [00:16:11] If it was only a true song, that would be a good song. I like the beat. Yeah, well, he does. Steven: [00:16:17] He does rap about how I used to sell used to sell drugs down in Bed-Stuy. And now he's up in Tribeca right next to De Niro. Speaker3: [00:16:22] Oh, well, that's good for that. Man's in a co-op with Robert De Niro. I don't know any of these things that you speak. Is he. You're playing your music too loud? Nah, I'm not. Ah. Ah. Yes, you are. Yes, you. You are playing your music very much too loud, by the way. Just just something that I missed in that story. 327 people, if you do the math, were responsible for over 7000 arrests. That's also 7000 releases. That's right. You're missing you're missing the happy ending. That's right. Not for the ladies they raped, but. Yes, go ahead. They literally they it's 20 times roughly on average per per person, plus or minus. Do you get like a frequent flyer thing or something like a punch card that you give to the detective every time you get arrested for shoplifting and they just let you go? Like, what the hell? You take those 7000 out. That's a pretty good stat for a city that size. You're not doing too bad. Yeah, exactly. Take them out. Steven: [00:17:17] Take out the trash. Speaker3: [00:17:18] Hey, speaking of which, nothing up my sleeve. Steven: [00:17:19] Cnn right now, speaking of criminals who should be in jail, they're talking about Alec Baldwin's film, Rust to resume production tomorrow. Speaker3: [00:17:26] Bring it up really quickly. Speaker9: [00:17:27] And we know that Dave Halls, the assistant director who, you know, Alec Baldwin maintains handed him the gun. Speaker3: [00:17:33] They retitled it to Murder, Murder. Steven: [00:17:35] So Monday. Speaker3: [00:17:36] Night in. Steven: [00:17:38] The the Bronx, this is again, what we're talking about. New York just again, a microcosm of what they want to bring to your country. There was a Drive-By shooting that happened right in front of Carl Hasty's office, who was the speaker of the state assembly. Speaker10: [00:17:51] A drive by shooting in the Bronx, left one person hospitalized this morning. That's right. Steven: [00:17:55] The shooting took place right outside the office of State Assembly Speaker Carl Hasty. Speaker11: [00:18:00] He has been an advocate for what some consider the state's lenient criminal justice reform. Speaker3: [00:18:05] That's right. Diversity hire nice tits as we talk about this. Did you see his eyes? Did you see his eyes? Look at this. Steven: [00:18:10] Come on. This guy. Speaker3: [00:18:11] Got caught. Come on, let's scientific evidence. But they're both stunning. Steven: [00:18:17] He doesn't even his eyes are. Speaker3: [00:18:19] The lights are the lights dark today, or is it just me? Steven: [00:18:21] It's just you could just be me. Okay. Speaker3: [00:18:22] You're a little dark. I was born in the dark. Nice tits. So here's the thing. This is. Steven: [00:18:30] This is hasty's. This is. Speaker3: [00:18:32] The second shooting. Steven: [00:18:34] In front of his local office in New York. Speaker12: [00:18:38] One of the leading proponents of criminal justice reforms in New York State that critics have slammed as too lenient. Back in October, the president of the Detectives Endowment Association appeared on Good Day New York and said that there was another shooting outside Hasty's office earlier in 2022 and that office. Speaker13: [00:18:56] Was not cooperating, cooperative with the detectives investigating that crime. Speaker3: [00:18:59] Wow. That guy sounds exactly like how I would have. Steven: [00:19:01] Thought he sounded in a silly impression. Speaker3: [00:19:04] He stole your chicken. Shame. He's been shooting and shooting. You know. How many times is that? I don't know. But I see one too many. It's bad. Change your voice. If you look that way, throw him off the scent. So here's the thing. The contrast is. Steven: [00:19:22] What matters here, right? Another crime that deserves attention in New York. Kaitlyn Gillis was a 20 year old woman. She was shot and killed pulling into a driveway in upstate New York. Okay. Kevin Monahan, 65, has been charged and arrested, arrested and charged sorry, sequence with second degree murder. Now, this shooting occurred Saturday. Okay. There was no mention of race. I wonder why. We've barely been hearing about it. And here's the thing. Let's contrast that with, of course, the Kansas City shooting that you know about. Right. This comes from CNN. White homeowners accused of shooting black teen who went into the wrong house in Kansas City will face two felony charges, officials announced right there was another one. That was CNN New York headline was it was all racially motivated. Yeah, We searched this morning. We did a whole segment on this yesterday. We searched CNN's on air mentions of the shooter, Kevin Monahan, and we compared it with Andrew Lester from Monday to today. Cnn mentioned Monahan 20 times, 23 times, and Lester 47 times. Speaker3: [00:20:19] Over, twice as many times. And in the first case, this girl was killed, was killed. The second case, they just made it about race and the guy was released from the hospital the next day. Now, obviously. And the first one, by the way, serious. Steven: [00:20:31] It seems like the cops right away said, yeah, that's murder. It's murder because it's murder. You can't do it. Whereas in the second case, the cops said, oh, he was he was grabbing your doorjamb and this is self-defense. So again, one should be if we're going to discuss common ground. Okay, let's all find common ground here. Speaker3: [00:20:43] And the other is we need to wait for some information. Steven: [00:20:45] This just tells you that the media is not doing the job they're supposed to. Their job is to provide you with information so that ultimately not just to provide you with information. Why? Why does the news exist? It is supposed to improve your life. It is supposed to give you information that you can apply and use. Speaker3: [00:20:59] Full way so that you can be safer, so that you can. Steven: [00:21:01] Be more informed, so that you can make better decisions, so you can be more efficient. And instead they've decided that they want to re engineer you socially. That's why they're useless. That's why they need to die, figuratively. I mean media, of course not. Anyone physically know the. Speaker3: [00:21:14] First word in the story was white. Steven: [00:21:17] Yeah. Yeah. Talk about making it all about it was the white. Speaker3: [00:21:20] White, white. You can search stories and never find a description of a perp, ever. The lead word was white man shoots black man. Right. Unbelievable. Steven: [00:21:30] And what happened in New York, They don't even cover it. And New York's not coming back. Just so you know, they'll try and say, oh, crime has gone down a little bit. Well, yeah, that's because of the, you know, the opposite rebound effect. It went up so high that there's really nowhere else to go. It is a horrible hellscape. And if you live there, you're a silly person. This has been Empire State of Crime. [00:21:49] Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. It's nothing you could do. Count your New York. Speaker3: [00:22:01] All right. Well, by the way, really quick on CNN, pull it up really quickly. I just want to see that. They're pansies to resume production tomorrow. Isn't it? Normally they resume shooting, but not in this case. Oh, they were like, they're going to they're going to produce things. Steven: [00:22:18] They're going to turn the little button on the camera. Yes. Speaker3: [00:22:23] The director is going to say, all right, let's shoot it. Oh, let's film this. Steven: [00:22:26] These people fear no account. And by the way, it could be an accident that took place because Alec Baldwin is incredibly ignorant, though he was certainly violating the guidelines of firearm safety. But I'm willing to understand the idea that it was an accident. The problem is there's such a lack of self awareness that he's still going out trying to. Speaker3: [00:22:41] Take away your guns. Hey, we're going to have to deal with that CGI gun blast on every. Yeah, exactly. Steven: [00:22:47] It's just like now every animal is CGI. Does this bother you? Comment below. What was it? I was just watching. I watched Cocaine Bear. I don't recommend. Speaker3: [00:22:52] It, but same thing. That film. Steven: [00:22:54] That same thing with Idris Elba and the Lions. What was it called? I don't know. But you compare that with the Ghost and the Darkness. You compare that with the edge where they use a real bear, where they use real lions, and then sometimes they use animal like it's no longer. We are at a point where film is definitively becoming worse. Yes. When when when the lion paw goes through the car and goes. Speaker3: [00:23:14] Feels its head like, what am I watching? Scooby Doo Fozzie? Speaker4: [00:23:18] I blame Michael. Speaker3: [00:23:19] Bay. I blame. Steven: [00:23:20] Peta. Yeah. And we have a whole segment on them tomorrow. Both are correct. Biggest euthanizing of of animals in Washington. Speaker3: [00:23:27] The ones that are supposed to save animals. Yeah. Steven: [00:23:29] In Virginia. Yeah. They have a they have a euthanization. Speaker3: [00:23:31] Rate that's give or take eight times the rate. Steven: [00:23:34] Of other shelters. Speaker3: [00:23:35] Oh, jeez. Steven: [00:23:36] Yeah, Yeah. Good old PETA. So. All right, let's move on here to talk about Fox News. Oh, Lord. There are some issues here. Look, just to be clear. And if we're on YouTube, by the way, if you see this button today, if you see this, you're watching on YouTube and you see this, that means that it's still available on Rumble, that it's not censored at all on Rumble. But, you know, YouTube, we have no idea what they're going to do, especially as we get to the UN segment. Speaker3: [00:23:56] Oh, boy. They don't want to hear this. Steven: [00:23:58] Of course, I don't think this was a free and fair election. You know that as well as anybody who's ever tuned in to this show. We actually went out to voting addresses that didn't exist. Right. We did a lot of work on that. Some of it was removed from YouTube. You can still see it on Mug Club, all of the banned content. That being said, because it is something that people knew was wrong. People knew that they had been misled. People knew that they had been manipulated. You had some grifters come in or you had people, in some cases grifters. You had some people who knowingly spread misinformation to try and capitalize on it. And in some cases, you had people who just didn't know any better. They didn't know any better, so they were fooled by the charlatans. So we need to separate the fact that, yes, election interference, the most important of which is the media. And then I would say the second most important is mass mail in voting and changing your state's laws. Right. Versus people who made information up or didn't do their due diligence. And then Fox News decided to disseminate that information. And where they screwed up is. Speaker3: [00:24:55] The record show that Fox News. Steven: [00:24:57] Knew that it wasn't legitimate. So first off, if you haven't been following this, the network now, they just had to settle with Dominion. Here's a clip. So you don't have to take my word for it as. Speaker14: [00:25:06] Part of the settlement, Fox agreed to pay Dominion $787.5 million, just less than half of the 1.6 billion they were suing for. Speaker15: [00:25:16] Fox has admitted to telling lies about dominion that caused enormous damage to my company, our employees and the customers that we serve. Speaker3: [00:25:25] Okay. Steven: [00:25:26] So and just because this is always a third rail, today, we're talking about this and the UN, please do hit the like button or share on YouTube right now and head on over to Rumble. If you can just tell them to hit the button there too, man. Speaker3: [00:25:38] Go to Rumble. What are you doing? Steven: [00:25:40] Go to rumble, but do help share. It helps with the algorithms because you won't be able to find it. Okay. Here's the problem that happened with Fox News and we'll contrast it with how we covered election interference, which of course is one of the biggest issues of our time. Just want to make sure that people. So you're still out? No, I'm saying that Fox News screwed up. Here's how. There are many people at Fox News who did not believe the claims that they were making, and that includes Murdoch. That included allegedly Sean Hannity, perhaps Laura Ingraham. Right. These were people who said, you know what, we shouldn't be covering this. This isn't accurate, which we said about Dominion. Just to be clear, Mike Lindell seems like a nice guy who loves his country. He was wrong. Yeah. When the information first came out, we said he's actually wrong. And the way he's trying to track some of these votes, the way the software, this actually doesn't make any sense. And so we decided to focus exclusively on things that we could prove. Doesn't mean that there couldn't be issues with Dominion voting. Right? Of course, But there is no way to prove it. And I also understand that that's a problem. It's almost impossible to prove. But you can't go out on a news network and knowingly espouse views that you understand at that point to be false. That was the issue with Fox News, and that's why they settled for 700 and something million dollars. To give you an example, one of the claims by Sidney Powell was that the voting machines were tampered with in 2020 by order of dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Oh, geez, you've heard me make that joke about that. But that's what some people actually said. Speaker3: [00:26:58] Yeah, it's so lazy because there were solid arguments that needed to be made. And instead of dismissing this kind of like we did, and we'll get to that in a. They ran with it? Yes, of course. This is exactly what the left wants. They want you to make an outlandish claims so they can say, See, everything they're saying is a lie. Right. Steven: [00:27:14] And here's the thing. I'm not saying that Sidney Powell was lying. Right. I think Sidney Powell. This happens anywhere. You know, it's hard to find an honest mechanic. The same thing happens in any type of hyper technical field. Right. You have to rely on the expertise. For example, if you're not someone who knows how to code, you're going to count on people who can code. For example, when we were setting up the Mug Club Forever email list, we had someone say, I'm an expert and then it crashed and they were like, Oh, you wanted more than 300 email signups. We're like, Yeah, times that. Speaker3: [00:27:39] By 20 we were thinking 1000. Steven: [00:27:43] You have to rely on people and they can present you with a bunch of information that sounds hyper technical and you say, Well, I don't understand this, but why would this person lie to me? This happens a lot. It happens with mechanics. It happens, for example, in a lot of happens with personal trainers all the time. I don't know if you know this, going to the gym is not that complicated. A personal trainer goal should be you never have to see them again after four weeks. It's really simple. They want you to believe that they know something you don't. And that's what we saw happening with the Dominion voting kind of. Speaker3: [00:28:09] And the messaging was just awful. It was terrible. You send a guy who, you know, maybe makes a great pillow, but it was almost unintelligible, the messaging. You couldn't follow it. It's filled with the finest Egyptian packing peanuts. And then we go into technology to prove a voting machine. Unbelievable. You go Chavez prediction here. The phrase the big lie will come back now after this settlement. Oh, you're just a big lie. You're you're just saying a big. You don't like my pillows? You ever taken Styrofoam cups from a racetrack, You break them up, you put them in a pillow, it helps your neck. Gee, thanks, Edison. Yeah. It's the worst pillow. Oh, man. Ever. Oh, don't do that. But the sheets are made of Indian cotton right here in America with the finest small Indian hands stacked 200 thread count 200. I know some of you are asking, is it Bangladeshi? I don't give a shit about Bangladesh. It's Pakistan or nothing. It's like sleeping on low grade sandpaper. I know. I think that. Steven: [00:29:14] His heart is in the right place. I think his heart was in. Speaker3: [00:29:16] The right place. Absolutely. Yeah. Steven: [00:29:18] But he was wrong. And let's contrast that with this is what we try and I know some of you will be upset. Why didn't you talk about Dominion? Actually, we did. We talked about Dominion and we talked about how the Dominion Systems can absolutely be hacked. And HBO proved that beyond any shadow of a doubt, which we'll get to. But when it related to that election coverage, we specifically focused on things that we could prove and also provided you with the metrics and how that would have affected the outcome of the election. Because guess what? Before getting into something, you can't prove there's already enough that change the votes. Exactly. Just the Hunter Biden laptop story and. Speaker3: [00:29:47] Then certainly the mass mail in voting. Steven: [00:29:49] And then certainly if you just look at the states that had machines that didn't work that day, if you look at what happened in Georgia, the pipe that burst. Right. These were these things were enough. So here's a refresher in case you forgot. And you can go back and watch them all on Mudd Club. A lot of them are not available on YouTube. They were removed. Our coverage of the election interfere. Speaker3: [00:30:07] It's just right now we're going through like 20. Steven: [00:30:09] 30 of your votes being canceled if you. Speaker3: [00:30:12] Live in Nevada that cancel each one of these cancels out a legitimate vote. Steven: [00:30:15] Five, seven, nine, Jackson Avenue. Let's show the clip. This is where it is. That is 579 Jackson Avenue voted. Guess who? Speaker3: [00:30:28] Susan Ray Emery, 1732, Yale Street. Steven: [00:30:33] Apartment 409, right about now. Speaker3: [00:30:38] Wait on a second, but there's nothing there. Steven: [00:30:40] Michael Travis Carman voted from 215 South Casino Center Boulevard. And that's I know you're. Speaker3: [00:30:47] Thinking, oh, he. Steven: [00:30:47] Voted for one of those buildings. No, no, he's voting from the lawn, correct? Yeah, pretty much. Christina Joy Rajagopala. Speaker3: [00:30:54] Hopefully I'm getting. Steven: [00:30:55] That right. Voted from 353 West Bonneville Avenue. Now. Speaker3: [00:31:02] Charles Delgado voted from. Steven: [00:31:05] 5512 Doe Avenue. And that's just an empty lot. John Williams in the middle. So John this is will show a clip here. John Williams voted from 986 This is in Michigan Central Street here. Speaker16: [00:31:23] Okay. 986. Central Ave is apparently a median. And then over there is a restaurant. So it's weird. Steven: [00:31:36] I believe it was the parent company of Dominion. Not saying that it was the ghost of Hugo Chavez who came back and stole the election, but saying, hey, these machines are not secure in what we in the standards that we require for national election. Speaker3: [00:31:46] So and by the way. Steven: [00:31:48] Head on over to Rumble if you're on YouTube right now, this is the last I highly recommend you watch on mug club.com/mug club because these some of those segments just so you know were removed forever from YouTube. They didn't say it was wrong. They just said we're removing it because you weren't allowed to discuss election interference, just like at the time they removed episodes because we said that the virus, for some reason we had a hunch that it came from a lab. So the rules always change and so head on over to Rumble or Mug Club because this might be removed. Guess what? We don't care. We're supported by viewers like you. That's what allows us to discuss these issues. Changes to state election, state election procedures, mass mail in voting. Right. Absentee ballots. There were ballots. There were voter roll discrepancies. And of course, the biggest is the media interference. If everything else had been done by the book, the media decided to collude against you. The American people. The media at this point is the enemy of the American people, the traditional media, because they are lying to you in order to install the people they want in power. Right. Speaker3: [00:32:40] And then when we came to fact check and you kind of mentioned this, but when we came to fact check immediately, anything that came out about the. Speaker15: [00:32:47] Election, we could not say one word about it not being safe and secure, so much so that we actually joked around like safe and secure this. Speaker3: [00:32:53] Election we've ever had. Speaker15: [00:32:54] In our history. Never, ever, ever had anything happen. Nobody could fact check. Right. Because the media said, well, this is the truth. And YouTube said, well, they say that's the truth. You can't say anything different. Speaker3: [00:33:03] And it's easy to Monday morning quarterback. We're not saying the guys are wrong about the machines. They just couldn't prove it right. So you move on. There are other things. Well, some of the claims they made were. Steven: [00:33:10] Wrong about the machines. Speaker3: [00:33:11] Yeah. So. Speaker15: [00:33:12] But Democrats could prove that those machines weren't necessarily trustworthy. No, this. Speaker3: [00:33:15] Is exactly right. Steven: [00:33:16] A lot of you. I don't even know if they still have it on HBO. They might have gotten rid of it. Surprised. But we talked about this a while ago. They did prove Democrats. There was a man who created a documentary on HBO to prove that Abrams was the rightful governor of Georgia in this film called Kill Chain. In this documentary on HBO, he specifically procures. Speaker3: [00:33:36] Dominion voting machines. Steven: [00:33:37] Calls them. Speaker3: [00:33:38] Out by name, hacks. Steven: [00:33:39] Them outside of a voting precinct, and then breaks through the security threshold while the actual election is going on. This is a documentary that existed before the 2020 election. Here are some clips. Speaker15: [00:33:51] We have a variety of voting machines available here. One of the reasons they're doing this is to broaden the community of people who are going to be experts in how voting machines work. If you want to say yes. Speaker17: [00:34:06] Every voting machine in this room is in use in next elections, every single one, every single model is a model still in use. We are actually asking your help because we don't know much about those devices. Basic idea here is all the machines are there to be tested, to be used. You can open it. Don't break all of them. But if something breaks, that's fine. They are bought from eBay and they do have the previous election in. If you see something, say something. Tell what you found. Every discovery, every information you have, please let them know so that we can inform people what you have discovered and what you have found. We are here to help so that you can have fun and explore and discover new things. Speaker18: [00:34:52] Windows XP. I can turn the machine off from here as well if I want to. Okay. Now I can exit the machine. And you know what's going to happen? I am turning off the machine for them. They're going to be very surprised. Do you want to exit the machine now? It's disconnected now. Let's see what their faces look like. Steven: [00:35:11] This was released to try. Speaker3: [00:35:12] To tell you that everybody. Speaker19: [00:35:13] That these machines are not hackable, that they are safe. Speaker17: [00:35:16] I don't know if you knew, but I hacked that machine which is used here. Speaker19: [00:35:20] Okay. Call this. Call the police. Speaker17: [00:35:22] No, that was a long time ago. 2006. I showed her that machine can be hacked. Speaker19: [00:35:27] And then here, too, they're telling us that 12 years later, it's not hackable. Speaker17: [00:35:32] 12 years later, that same machine is still in use and it's still hackable. Speaker3: [00:35:38] Wow. Steven: [00:35:38] Why didn't they sue HBO? Why didn't they sue that guy? Oh, by the way, just to be clear, that was released, You know, it was released preemptively before the 2020 election to try and say that Donald Trump might try and use these because he was suggesting that Kemp use those machines to screw Abrams, who has never conceded that governorship, just to be clear. Then afterwards, he said on Twitter, oh, actually. Speaker3: [00:35:54] It was from 2006 until 2020. It was still it was still. Steven: [00:35:58] Hackable to 2018. Speaker3: [00:36:00] But it seems. Steven: [00:36:01] Like they fixed it now. So the election is good. Speaker3: [00:36:03] Yeah, exactly. Speaker15: [00:36:04] And it had prominent Democrats in that in that film basically saying like, yeah, this is a problem. He actually went in and showed people he said, Here, vote for who you want to vote for and just write it down. He flipped every he flipped their votes and they had no idea like this was well known, He said Since 2006, we knew these machines were hackable. Speaker3: [00:36:22] Right? Still hackable. So that is provable. Steven: [00:36:25] And my point is, where's the lawsuit for them? Sure. Fox News screwed up because they went on tangents that, by the way, they knew weren't true. That is a problem. Just like when they did this with Kyle Rittenhouse, just like when they did it with Nick Sandmann. Right. They found CNN Washington Post. Speaker3: [00:36:39] They knew that it was false and they ran with it anyway. Steven: [00:36:42] That's why they had to pay out the ass. That's justice. That is, if you knowingly lie and destroy someone's life. Not saying Fox News knowingly destroyed someone's life, but they did knowingly mislead people because they did it for ratings. And you know what? It's tough for us to compete with that. It's tough for the truth to compete with a lie not only from right versus left, but if you're trying to be honest about what's happening with the election, then there's the double standard portion of this equation. Why no lawsuit with HBO? Why no lawsuit with that frumpy guy? Yeah. What were you about to say there, Hoodie guy? So, yeah. Speaker20: [00:37:12] To answer your question earlier, it still is available on HBO. Steven: [00:37:15] It still is available on HBO. Speaker3: [00:37:16] Watch it. Steven: [00:37:16] Yeah, yeah. Go and watch Kill Chain. But then afterwards, he tweeted, It's all good. No, they fixed everything we should use exclusively Dominion. Speaker3: [00:37:23] The one thing that is provable too, and I'll say 90, it's probably 100. Why did all of the empty lots vote for Democrats? Why do all dead people vote for Democrats? Yeah, well, I mean I mean, it's a demographic, say 90. It's a. Steven: [00:37:35] Demographic issue. It's like white suburban women that's. Speaker3: [00:37:38] Measurable and provable. Yeah, white suburban. Steven: [00:37:40] Women vote largely Democrat. And so do you know the deceased? Yeah. Speaker15: [00:37:43] Also the lazy who do mail in for no good reason. Speaker3: [00:37:46] All the empty lots we visited. Yep. Speaker15: [00:37:48] Well, something to note, too, by the way. Fox is not out of the woods yet. Excuse me. They have $2.4 billion lawsuit still pending with another machine company right now. Right. If they end up settling that Fox had about $4.1 billion in free cash before this settlement and this settlement. Darren, you came from finance world. This makes no sense to me. In 2018, this company was actually purchased by private equity for $80 million. Speaker3: [00:38:10] Their argument is they won't be used for elections. Steven: [00:38:13] In the next ten years with the government contracts, that they could lose that money. Speaker15: [00:38:16] But my argument would be, okay, so what are you using as a multiplier for this? You said $1.6 billion. They claim they lost like 100 and something million dollars using a ten X multiplier for your company. There's going to be hyper growth, not like a three, 4 or 5 times revenue purchase. Like the smartest thing for Fox to do would be just to buy them. Speaker3: [00:38:33] Do you need a squeaky? You need a. Steven: [00:38:34] Squeaky mallet there? Speaker3: [00:38:35] Jim Cramer I'm just saying. Speaker15: [00:38:36] It doesn't make any sense to me. Speaker3: [00:38:38] The money doesn't that stupid. Speaker15: [00:38:41] Do you know why they settled to Murdoch was going to be in person? He had to take the stand in person and testify. They did not want this. This was going to cost them way more than that, I think, in PR Yeah. Speaker3: [00:38:52] So but again. Steven: [00:38:53] This is the issue, right? This is the wonder of being independently supported by viewers like you. Please do consider I know that a lot of you have been taking advantage of this free month and mug club lateris cartalk.com slash mug club. We have Friday, of course, that you miss an additional hour to the show every single day and new shows. Nick DiPaolo we had Jim Breuer and Bryan Callen. Of course, we have more and more people coming in. We even have a treatment for that that animated series that you found. Yeah, we did. We found it. We found it. Two more or two it'll take. That'll cost millions to produce to get done a 12 episode season. And it is also why we can discuss issues like this next subject. So look, I hate to I hate to be that guy I hate, but it does hit like share whatever, smash the rumble button, anything you can do, because this is the kind of subject that forces certainly YouTube to go dark. Yeah. And if ever you don't see us on YouTube and we haven't told you Monday through Friday, 10 a.m., just head on over to Rumble or Mug Club. Okay. So first, my question in setting this up, I know all of us are just coughing. Speaker3: [00:39:48] And Mike, did I keep it off the mic? Speaker4: [00:39:51] You're good, Darren. You did a good job. Speaker15: [00:39:53] Then you talked about it. Steven: [00:39:54] How many of you. Speaker3: [00:39:55] I don't have a puke bucket right now. Yeah. Steven: [00:39:59] He's throwing shade. Does that make you gag? Shade? Speaker4: [00:40:04] No. Speaker3: [00:40:05] See, Peter, man. Steven: [00:40:06] Peter Pan, when he sees his shadow and you're. Speaker3: [00:40:07] Like Julie Andrews, stop. Oh. Steven: [00:40:11] So here's my question to you before I move on with this segment, are you aware of just how prolific the problem of sex crimes within the UN, within the organization and the cover ups are all the references are available at with Credit.com, We put the link in the description so that you can read this for yourself. We have a bunch of documents, a bunch of briefings there. This is not something just to be clear, this is not something that anyone debates. Speaker3: [00:40:37] Including those at the UN. The degree to which it occurs. Steven: [00:40:41] Is where the debate is taking place. And it's very hard to prove something when you have an organisation that is unaccountable and is funded by neverending international taxpayer dollars. So let me set this up first so you can see where the priorities are. On Monday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres lectured the Assembly on. Speaker3: [00:41:00] Keep in mind they have a pedophile. Steven: [00:41:01] Problem on indigenous rights and the climate. Speaker17: [00:41:04] Indigenous peoples have done nothing to cause the climate crisis, but often face the worst and most immediate impacts. Oh boy. That is why. Speaker3: [00:41:14] The podium like. Speaker17: [00:41:14] Police academy, climate justice and scale up finance and capacities for adaptation and loss and damage. Speaker3: [00:41:22] Yeah. Yeah, that's. Steven: [00:41:24] That's a. Speaker3: [00:41:24] Priority. What about the fact that your. Steven: [00:41:26] Organization just supported pedophilia here? I have the reference for you. On March 8th, the International Committee of Jurists, the ICJ and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV AIDS. The the the acronym is UNAIDS. Speaker8: [00:41:43] Are you UNAIDS? Speaker3: [00:41:44] Unaids, You don't. Unaids. Steven: [00:41:47] That's with you for life. Now. Speaker3: [00:41:50] You can maybe there should be an acronym. Steven: [00:41:51] Like PRI circumvent. Speaker3: [00:41:54] Aids. Steven: [00:41:54] And that just don't have unprotected anal sex with strange men. Speaker3: [00:41:59] Side benefit. Steven: [00:42:00] You also don't get monkeypox. Speaker4: [00:42:02] Oh, nice. Steven: [00:42:03] That's what it was a side benefit for me. Speaker3: [00:42:05] But I also don't get monkeypox. But you don't get to go to some cool raves. Steven: [00:42:09] That's an infomercial. Speaker3: [00:42:10] Of it's the AIDS avoiding device. Do you find it hard to avoid AIDS? There's got to be a better way. Put your penis. And literally anywhere else, it's not a universal remote, so you can't get a handle on the joint United Nations programme. Steven: [00:42:32] Okay. This was their proposal proposing. Remember, we were saying, Hey, this is moving towards sex with minors. You should have seen it with maps. You should have seen it with Drag Queen story hour. It really goes back to same sex marriage, by the way. But this is what you and we'll talk about adoption more in the future. I don't think we did that segment yet, did we? On adoption? I don't think now they've refused to adopt gay couples too. Sorry. They refuse to adopt children to Christian couples in certain states if they don't recognize their gender. Remember, gays just want to adopt. Yeah. Okay. So this is where we are now with the UN. I also don't think we should be a part of the UN. No principles. This is this is the, the, the, the headline, I guess the header, the title Principles for a human rights based approach to criminal law prescribing, conduct associated with sex reproduction, drug use. Speaker3: [00:43:16] Hiv, homelessness and. Steven: [00:43:18] Poverty. Geez, By the way. Speaker3: [00:43:20] Do you know how. Steven: [00:43:21] To recognize when a supplement doesn't work is when they say that it fix everything. It fixes everything. You ever get that like in your in your Instagram, it's like think more clearly, be stronger, sleep better at night, grow a bigger dick. You know, it's like everything. Speaker3: [00:43:35] I don't think one pill can do all that. What is it? Magnesium? Come on. Speaker4: [00:43:40] You had me. Speaker3: [00:43:42] So it's the same thing here when they just throw everything you're going to. So let me. Let me. You're going to hear. Steven: [00:43:46] Let's dig this off. You're going to solve. Okay. Criminal law prescribing, conduct associated with sex, reproduction. Speaker3: [00:43:53] Drug use, HIV, homelessness and poverty. That's six items that. Steven: [00:43:58] This one briefing is going to cover. This memo, I guess it's more of a mission statement. Yeah. Speaker15: [00:44:02] By the way, in Africa, you're doing a bang up job with HIV poverty as well. Speaker3: [00:44:06] Yes. So buried in. Steven: [00:44:08] The report that many people may not have seen because it's boring and it comes from the UN and no one actually cares. We give them money and then we don't have any oversight. Was specific guidelines aimed at decriminalizing sex with minors? Now they don't specify the age exactly, but here's me making an inference, considering that I believe the lowest age of consent in certain countries in Europe is 14, it would be younger than that. Yeah. So here's a quote from the ICJ sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual. In fact, if not in law, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct. Wow. So I guess like if they bang their social studies teacher for a better grade. Speaker15: [00:45:01] Unbelievable. I even asked when we when we went through this, I said, okay. So they had to put like a floor in there, Right? They had to put like, I didn't put a floor. Of course, we don't mean under this age. Yeah. No floor. Speaker3: [00:45:10] Whatsoever. And to be. Steven: [00:45:11] Clear, I also understand and I've said this in the past, I do not think, for example, if a guy who is 19 sleeps with his 17 year old girlfriend or a guy who is 18, sleeps with a 16 year old girlfriend, that man is not a pedophile and should not be put on the same list. I understand that. Or I understand if 216 year. Speaker3: [00:45:27] Olds sleep together. Steven: [00:45:28] I understand that we have a problem with promiscuity and people sleeping, having sex at younger and younger ages because the left has said that it's inconsequential. I understand that. Okay. So I'm not putting them all in the same category. This is not specific enough. And if you are not going to provide specificity as it deals with sex with minors, that has to be by design. It's not by an accident. So here's the thing. This shouldn't come as a surprise. If you understand that the UN has a at least a decades old problem with sexual assault. And being involved with sex trafficking, particularly minors. So don't take my word for it here. And this is blood curdling. Remember, you had a friend who would talk about this and you're like, get off of it. Are you going off the deep end? And I was telling, No, it's absolutely true. Ahead of the. Speaker3: [00:46:12] Curve on it. Steven: [00:46:13] We didn't know what this was. Sort of the last piece of the puzzle where now we see that they are advocating for this globally, where you need to know about what they've been up to. So former Obama deputy secretary of Homeland security. Speaker3: [00:46:26] Sorry. Steven: [00:46:28] Current UN envoy to Cyprus. Let's call her Jane, because I don't know how to pronounce her last. Jane Holl Lute admitted this. We're going to lay out the case. There's a bunch of people, but this is the first one. Speaker13: [00:46:39] The problem of sexual exploitation and abuse is not new to the UN, nor is it unique. But the UN has become uniquely associated with this issue. It happens in every single part of our system. It happens in every society around the world. It's not just exclusive to militaries. In fact, one of the things that we know is that humanitarian operations, humanitarian assistance operations creates a higher risk because of the close, continuing and deep involvement with highly vulnerable populations. Steven: [00:47:11] Okay. Even as recently as 2017, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley was acknowledged that this was a serious problem and said, What are we going to do about it? There were international calls for transparency and accountability, she said. What do we say to these kids? Did these peacekeepers keep them safe? Now we have a few other instances, and we do have some estimates that have been made as far as how many people have been sexually abused. We don't know the exact number, just to be clear. But I'll tell you why. We tend to believe the numbers that we do. Full disclosure. The most damning thing to me in doing research on this and all the references are available, and I highly recommend that you you look this up because a lot of people still think it's virtuous to be a part of the UN or to be a peacekeeper. It says peace. Speaker3: [00:47:53] In the. Steven: [00:47:53] Name. Wait, what is that? They scratched out. Oh, it used to be rape. So in 1996, this to me is what is most damning. In 1996, there was a report compiled for the UN by, I believe it's Graca machel, Graca. I don't know how to pronounce it, only read it. Just to be clear, she was the former first lady of Mozambique and South Africa. This was in 1996. And this was a warning because it had already been so widespread that it was cause for concern. Here's a quote In six out of 12 country studies on sexual exploitation, the arrival of peacekeeping troops has been associated with a rapid rise in child prostitution. Jeez. In other words, this wasn't just someone posting it on a message board because there were no message boards. Maybe there technically were in 1996, but very few people go back and watch the movie Hackers. It looked like that. The point is, in 1996, this was circulated and printed as a warning, saying, hey, if peacekeepers are coming into your area, understand what we've had to deal with. You need to protect yourself. They were actually advising measures for people in these countries to protect themselves against sexual exploitation and child prostitution. Speaker3: [00:49:00] 2017 Former senior UN. Steven: [00:49:03] Official Andrew McLeod. Just to be clear, he had a dossier that estimated, and I'll explain this, estimated over 60,000 sexual assaults over a ten year period. He also estimated that the UN employed up to 3300 pedophiles. Now, according to him, there are tens of thousands of aid workers around the world with pedophile tendencies. But if you were a UNICEF T-shirt, nobody will ask you what you're up to. And he did this estimate because he talked about how many pedophiles actually get caught versus how many sex crimes go underreported. And then he extrapolated that. So, yes, there has to be an estimate. But the reason there has to be an estimate is because nothing is ever done about this. Speaker15: [00:49:36] So the reason nothing is ever done about this is the way that the UN sets this up, right? The very people that are supposed to go and protect and be responsible for making sure that peace is kept in these places. There's no accountability with the UN because they're soldiers or people from other countries. And so all they literally contractors do is send them home. Right. The punishment for these crimes, they say, well, the home country has to take care of that. We can't do it in home country. Almost never does a thing. Steven: [00:50:01] And this is it's just like public schools. Throwing more money at it doesn't help. We'll get to the money your taxpayer dollars are funding. Speaker3: [00:50:09] Funding the support of child prostitution. Steven: [00:50:10] Just to be. Speaker3: [00:50:11] Clear, we're not involved much in the peacekeeping missions of the UN. I know Canada throws in in a big way. Where's the blue helmet goes in and. Steven: [00:50:17] Right. Yeah. Because they claim that they're peacekeepers loaded guns. You know who does more peacekeeping? The United States military. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker3: [00:50:23] But I don't know if we're involved in that much. Are we? Steven: [00:50:26] Give a lot of money to the UN and then it's all fungible, which we'll get to in a We forgive. Speaker3: [00:50:29] Those parking tickets. Yes. Steven: [00:50:31] Yes, exactly. Forgive their parking tickets. Speaker3: [00:50:32] Exactly. Steven: [00:50:33] On the east side, I used to spend some time there. There was actually. Speaker3: [00:50:35] Not a boot for you. Steven: [00:50:37] There was a decent pub. Speaker3: [00:50:38] But I saw a lot. Steven: [00:50:38] Of UN officials with, you know, kids dressed up like Corey Haim, which I thought was weird. Speaker3: [00:50:42] That is weird. Yeah. So these people now advising. Steven: [00:50:45] Internationally, hey, sex with minors should be okay, needs to be acceptable. These people have been unsurprisingly, they have been involved or certainly no involved directly involved with child prostitution. And of course, The New York Times ran cover for them. By the way, The New York Times, if you look at where they are in New York, not too far from the UN district, not too far from where these ambassadors would live, they all go to the same parties. I've been to a lot of these parties when I worked at Fox News. They all hang out with each other. And this is not some kind of crazy conspiracy or cabal. It's about people who. You ever heard of the term of networking? What do you think happens when you're networking with horrible people? Speaker3: [00:51:19] You get. Jeffrey Epstein. Steven: [00:51:20] Yep. Speaker3: [00:51:21] Okay. Steven: [00:51:21] So The New York Times tried to run interference and discredit the dossier, writing an article called Lies Damn Lies, and one very misleading statistic. Now, whether that 60,000 number is completely accurate or not, there is a laundry list. There is a long history of the UN having a huge problem with this. So I cannot tell you the 60,000 number is right. I would actually guess it's probably higher, just to be clear. But I cannot prove that just like we talked about with Fox News and Dominion, everything else that I've told you I can prove and I have more that I can prove. Let me you just had the empirical you just had the warnings that came from ambassadors. Now, let me give you some case studies in Haiti. Un peacekeepers were accused and again, I did this in the cold open. If you have children, they should not be here some. We're not going to be showing you anything that's like rape on camera. But there are some disturbing videos that I think you need to know because it's always presented right. The devil always shows up as a friend. Un peacekeepers in Haiti were accused and then there was proof. But first accused of a multitude of sexual crimes. Speaker9: [00:52:19] Any Haitian can tell you about UN peacekeeper, sexual acts from Haitian women and children with almost no consequences. Peacekeepers were abusing women and girls and traded food or cash for sexual favors. Speaker19: [00:52:37] United Nations peacekeepers there to help are accused of adding to the harm. A study claims they fathered hundreds of babies, then abandoned the young mothers, some only children themselves. Speaker13: [00:52:51] We had plenty of stories of peacekeepers engaging with with young young girls and young women under the age of 18, which is, of course, as we all know. Speaker19: [00:53:04] Statutory rape. Steven: [00:53:05] Yeah, I mean, it's just rape. Well, but. Speaker15: [00:53:07] But hold on. Not according to what the UN is now saying. They are changing the rules on this. Exactly. You know, it's not rape the goalpost. Steven: [00:53:14] If it's like asking murderers to vote on the laws of murder, the UN. Speaker3: [00:53:19] Should have. Steven: [00:53:20] No say in the normalizing of pedophilia because they've committed these crimes against humanity. That term is thrown around. These are crimes against humanity. Let me give you some more numbers here that are irrefutable. You can go and check these for yourself. Least 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers exploited nine Haitian children in a sex. Speaker3: [00:53:36] Ring, children. Steven: [00:53:37] Children in a sex ring. That's why they don't put a floor to it. A basement level. We don't know how low they're willing to go. It's like pedophile limbo for assholes at the UN. Here's another thing. Again, this is a disturbing video. You're not going to see any actual sexual assault, but you will see the lead up to it. Peacekeepers from Uruguay filmed their sexual assault of a Haitian man. Speaker17: [00:54:01] Well. Speaker19: [00:54:02] Go to this is part of the mobile phone footage showing an 18 year old Haitian man allegedly being assaulted by Uruguayan peacekeepers in uniform. Speaker3: [00:54:13] And then I'll read you, the responders. Speaker19: [00:54:14] Are heard laughing throughout the one minute clip. Two of them hold down the victim. And another one who we see with his shirt off then appears to engage in some kind of sexual assault. The rest of this footage is too graphic to air. Steven: [00:54:29] Now, here's the thing. I don't know that those men were, you know, burned alive. Speaker3: [00:54:35] Uh. Steven: [00:54:35] I'm guessing not. That would be my preference. Can we burn alive any pedophiles who sexually assault children? You know. Yes. You know we're not them. Okay. Speaker3: [00:54:43] Yeah. Speaker15: [00:54:43] Listen to the. Speaker3: [00:54:44] Laughter. Yeah, Listen. Steven: [00:54:45] To the laughter. You know, these. Speaker3: [00:54:46] Pearl clutching believers that say, how could you kill someone, shoot them in the face and have breakfast? Yeah. With Tabasco. I am that comfortable. You walk into that room having breakfast with a calm stomach. Yeah. No remorse. I mean, I'm serious. Yeah. Mighty men of valor have to protect the children. You're responsible to do that. It's a call to do that. You know what would have stopped that. Steven: [00:55:06] Good guy with a gun? That's right. That's the only thing. How are you going to stop these criminals who are raping someone underage, who are sexually exploiting, who are laughing about it? How are you going to stop them? Yeah, good men need to be willing to do violent things. And yep, don't care if YouTube wants. Speaker3: [00:55:20] To remove us. That's why I ask you head on over to rumble right now. Pedophiles, people. Steven: [00:55:24] Like that deserve to die. Yeah, they deserve. I don't mean forfeited the right to live. They deserve to die. Now, I don't know if those men were arrested. I certainly don't think they were burned alive. I don't even know if they're arrested. I can't tell you that they weren't arrested. There's no record of it. I wasn't able to find it. But I did find the UN's head of field support around that time, told the AP the the international body was aware of shortcomings in the system. That is not a. Speaker3: [00:55:49] Mundane detail, Michael. Steven: [00:55:50] That's not enough of a response. When you combine that with the fact that you were advocating for. Speaker3: [00:55:54] Pedophilia across the globe, it makes me think you kind of like the pedophilia. It makes me think you kind of like the underage sex trafficking. No justice for the victims. As far as. Steven: [00:56:02] I know, no arrests. No one went to jail. But 114 peacekeepers were sent home. And the 21 year old rape victim in this case was not a minor but still a gang rape victim. So it's relevant. Speaker3: [00:56:17] As far as the UN goes. Steven: [00:56:19] They came here to protect us, but all they've brought is destruction. Now, the. Speaker3: [00:56:24] Un has no moral foundation at all. Not at all. And you go into these countries that are voodoo nations, like a lot of Haiti, you have to go in there with some kind of moral standing. You can't send a hodgepodge of folks from different countries. There's got to be a basis of of basic human conduct in power. Speaker15: [00:56:39] So, look, the easy solution to this is empower whoever is in charge of the troops in that country. You treat them just like they should be treated. Your soldiers, you walk into that room and there's a gun laying on the nightstand and they're laughing and raping a boy. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Justice is meted out. Let's all go out and have some lunch. And this won't happen again. If they just get sent home, that's the punishment. Nothing will. Speaker3: [00:57:04] Ever, by the way, also tells you that they. Steven: [00:57:05] Live in shitholes. Yes. Speaker3: [00:57:07] It's like, what? What is my. Steven: [00:57:08] Punishment? We have to go back to your house. Speaker3: [00:57:10] Oh, no. Can I have my smartphone, please? There's footage on it. I'd like to. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Unbelievable. We don't. I don't know how to work the cloud. I just need my SIM card. Speaker15: [00:57:21] I'm sorry. This. This. This is one of the. Speaker3: [00:57:23] I have an easier solution. We've done no money to the UN ever. None whatsoever. None whatsoever. Until the UN has a statement that says. Steven: [00:57:29] We will kill all pedophiles in our. Speaker3: [00:57:31] Midst and we will not give any. Steven: [00:57:33] Money to countries that engage in this or have been found guilty of this outside of them showing a very swift. Speaker3: [00:57:40] Violent solution. No more money. That's what the. Steven: [00:57:42] Un needs to do. To be clear. Speaker3: [00:57:44] To be clear, come to New York and Playhouse play ambassador. Like the real countries. Yeah, yeah. And by the way. Speaker15: [00:57:49] We will no longer advocate for underage sex consent for minors. No longer say ten year olds can consent to sex. We'll stop being. Well, here's the. Steven: [00:57:58] Problem, too. It's the idea of, like, with public schools, just throw more money at it. Yeah, we give plenty of money to the UN. There's no moral backbone. And you can't just give money to these countries, by the way, you're trying to help these countries that are corrupt and violent and they commit rape and massive numbers. And you say, well, well, let's contract to those to those folks. Speaker3: [00:58:14] No, no, no. Steven: [00:58:15] That's why you you. Speaker3: [00:58:16] Either don't go. Steven: [00:58:17] In and you are a non-interventionist and you let them descend back into the third world or descend deeper into the. Speaker3: [00:58:23] Third world. Steven: [00:58:24] Or you go in like missionaries where you kill all of their corrupt leaders and you convert them to Christianity. Speaker3: [00:58:29] You don't say, Hey, all cultures. Steven: [00:58:31] Are equal and let's come in and let's them like, Oh, you raped a couple of kids. But we understand. Speaker3: [00:58:36] That that's how you believe. You get rid of AIDS. Steven: [00:58:37] No, no, it's bang, bang. Speaker3: [00:58:38] Bang, bang, bang. Steven: [00:58:39] Bang. You don't get a dime until you know, you come back and you have reverend in your name. Okay. Speaker3: [00:58:43] We'll see you later. Yeah, exactly. Speaker15: [00:58:45] By the way, we wore these shirts for a reason today. Speaker3: [00:58:47] Yes, Yes. Yeah, we are very. Speaker15: [00:58:49] Much pro gun. I guarantee you, every one of these guys that was raped in this 100, I couldn't believe it. 100 and something people involved in this ring. That's not a small secret. Speaker3: [00:58:59] That's not a small secret. Speaker15: [00:59:00] People trafficking kids, 150 people. Steven: [00:59:03] And these combined is what led to the 60,000 estimate, which. You know what? Okay, let's say it's half that. All right. Well, then let's go through the money and the funding that we provide to the UN. Let me give you another case study. Africa, I mean, the continent, cause there are so many different countries there. But the Central African Republic has been an absolute hotbed for abuse. Here's a clip. Speaker19: [00:59:22] In the same month as the secretary general's visit to the Central African Republic, the UN received a report of a new rape case in Bambari. A young woman was found half naked and barely conscious right here at the foot of these stairs, she says she was walking home after a funeral and the last thing she clearly remembers is being offered a cup of tea by UN peacekeepers at this checkpoint here just behind me. Her family then wanted to know what had happened to the Mauritanian soldiers. Speaker17: [00:59:52] Who utilize un certain nombre de politique tolerance. Zero. The lowest levels of degradation sexual are ask the person lacked the contagion. The person asks the source to be in suspense. And again. Speaker3: [01:00:11] It's not that system. Steven: [01:00:12] Sometimes, right? There are errors. It's that this system has not worked the way that they farm this out and their policies. Of course, with the UN, it hasn't worked. It's led to sexual assault over the course of decades. You saw that document I showed you from 1996, and they still keep doing it the same way. Nothing changes. These peacekeepers have been coming from quote unquote, rogue nations for a very long time, but they don't change it. Speaker13: [01:00:35] Annual contract from the United Nations to Burundi to provide peacekeepers sustains this government's military. Burundi, which is a rogue country that has been accused of all kinds of human rights abuses, silly marches, sends those same soldiers then to the Central African Republic as peacekeepers and expects them to to behave. They end up raping and sexually exploiting the local population. And the government of Burundi does nothing. It doesn't conduct investigations. It doesn't do its job. Speaker3: [01:01:10] And we're going. Steven: [01:01:11] To continue on with the problem with foreign aid, because the problem with foreign aid is this idea that this is why I've said there's no common. Ground. There's no purpose in finding common ground where there is no common ground. Are we going to act like we share the same values as the Congo? Are we going to act like we even share the same values as the French government? Then why would we link arms? Would you link arms with a pedophile? Would you link arms with someone who thinks it's okay to have sex with a 12 year old? No, that's what we're doing. And we're doing it to the tune of billions of dollars. This is why globalism is evil. It's why it has to fail, because all it does is elevate. When you here's the thing. The United States is far from perfect. But when the United States is the world's only superpower and we take part in elevating other nations, guess what? The only value that we get is nothing. The value they get is potentially elevating themselves close to the level of the United States. And a lot of these countries are evil as a matter of policy. So they benefit from it. And we all we serve to do here is elevate and increase the profile and the power of evil. We don't need to do it as Americans. We should keep doing it. The American way, not. Speaker3: [01:02:17] The UN way. So I'm going to go on here and. Steven: [01:02:19] Talk about France. And I don't know if you know this open borders. They support a lot of underage a lot of underage sex slaves trafficked across the open borders. But because we've been doing this, you know, for this this month, this show is supposed to be an hour on YouTube and on Rumble. So you can still watch for free. It's the end of Free Mug Club week. We're going to continue this segment, but we're going to continue this and the conclusion, a lot more to discuss regarding the UN, but exclusively on Rumble and Mug Club. So you have an idea as to what you'll be getting. So YouTube, we love you. We thank you. We don't love. Speaker3: [01:02:47] You. Why did I say that? Steven: [01:02:49] That's instinct. Speaker3: [01:02:50] We're going to continue with N but right now YouTube. Steven: [01:02:51] Piss off only on Rumble. All right. Okay. You're watching here on Rumble. If you came over from YouTube, welcome. Please do consider joining my club. Smash that rumble button. All right, Do it. Hit the rumble Smash. Speaker15: [01:03:20] There we go. Yeah, Yeah. Steven: [01:03:24] Okay. Smash it. Like I want to smash a French soldier. By the way, I don't mean it's often been turned into a sexual term. I mean, beat mercilessly. Speaker3: [01:03:33] So with their silly beret. Steven: [01:03:34] Yes, exactly. Well, the beret would be more of like a black jack. I would fill it with lead, just. Speaker3: [01:03:40] Oh, that kind of blue. Okay. Steven: [01:03:43] So a UN internal report also, there was a report that French soldiers were involved in child sexual abuse in the Central African Republic. 98 girls in one province reported being sexually assaulted. Yeah. Speaker15: [01:03:57] By the way, in then in that same report, I believe it was this one, I think four of the girls were actually tied up and forced to have sex with a dog. Yeah. Speaker4: [01:04:04] Yeah. Speaker15: [01:04:05] The level of perversion here. Speaker3: [01:04:08] You know what it is? Steven: [01:04:08] It's. It's like the evil version of lottery winners. And let me explain. It's people who have done nothing to earn. Speaker3: [01:04:15] That favor. Steven: [01:04:16] To earn that power. Right? These people, they're in countries whose military has been irrelevant. They haven't actually won a war in a very long time. They've benefited the world at large 0% for a very long amount of time. And now it's here's a bunch of money to be a peacekeeper. So now you have evil. Speaker3: [01:04:30] People with a bunch of unearned resources and power. Steven: [01:04:34] And so what do they do? They do. Speaker3: [01:04:36] Evil things. Steven: [01:04:37] With greater power. Yeah. Speaker15: [01:04:39] And they also know that there's no accountability for it, Right? This is this is the whole thing about no charges. Speaker3: [01:04:43] No charges were brought by. Steven: [01:04:44] A panel of French judges. Oh. Speaker3: [01:04:47] Now, of course, leave. Steven: [01:04:48] It to the French to suck this close. Now, in the Congo, not the film with the crappy white gorillas and laser guns. Oh, that was disappointing there. Speaker3: [01:04:57] Pedophiles. Yeah, maybe they were. I don't know. It could have been. Steven: [01:05:02] A pedophile ring in a volcano of white gorillas. Speaker3: [01:05:04] There. Steven: [01:05:05] So they were they were all played by Ron Perlman. So in. Speaker3: [01:05:10] In the. Steven: [01:05:10] Well, he did he did no makeup in the Congo since the early 2000, there have been more than 700 reports of sexual abuse from UN peacekeepers. This is coming from from alternative press, not a single reference I've provided to you is conservative today. Just to be clear, not one. They're either all original or coming from place like New York Times. Maybe you would say the sun is somewhat more neutral. But just to be clear, Alternative Press Vice New York Times. I highly recommend you go and read this information. This is a very excited press, right? Speaker3: [01:05:42] Yeah. What did I say? You said. Speaker15: [01:05:43] Alternative. Oh, Associated Press. Overall, we're using. Speaker3: [01:05:45] Alternative AP, Associated Press. I get. Steven: [01:05:47] Names wrong. I'm horrible with that. Somebody else does it. You're right. You're absolutely right. I should be ashamed of myself, of a friend. I think I said Associated Press the first time. Speaker15: [01:05:55] No, you said it wrong both times. I was just waiting to come in. I had my mind on hot topic. Speaker3: [01:06:03] Yeah, I was. Steven: [01:06:04] Thinking of, you know, the magazines that write up about, like, Arcade Fire and shit. So. Speaker3: [01:06:09] Sure. Speaker4: [01:06:10] A good magazine back in the day. Speaker3: [01:06:11] Was an alternative press. A magazine? Yeah. Old press. Oh, okay. Yeah, old press. That's a thing. Yeah, it is. All right. Yeah. Steven: [01:06:16] And we used to call it AP for short. Like, hey, you catch the newest issue of AP and like, no, I've moved on from that. I'm into hybridize American folk fusion. You're like, I don't want you at my party. So here's another one. The United States findings support all of this. We started with that 60,000 number. We let you know that we can't necessarily prove that went through the anecdotal to the tune. Speaker3: [01:06:35] Of many, many, many, many thousands. And again, no. Steven: [01:06:37] Charges brought no justice. Now we go to the United States has also investigated this, and they have found that this is true. We told you about Nikki Haley. But more importantly than just having investigated this, the United States is also when I say us, you, you're funding this. Speaker3: [01:06:52] Did everything you just here. Comment below. We'll be taking. Steven: [01:06:54] Your chat to you. I hate to use the term outrage because people are like, I'm outraged that they said something offensive, right? No, I'm outraged at child rape. I think that's appropriate to be outraged. I don't think hate is wrong. If you hate evil, I. Speaker3: [01:07:07] Hate child rape. I think you should die for child rape. As a matter of fact, I not only say I think the punishment should be more. Steven: [01:07:13] Severe than death if you rape a child. Speaker3: [01:07:15] So if you agree with me, if you. Steven: [01:07:16] Feel that way, just know that you on tax day funded this, you funded it. The United. Speaker3: [01:07:24] States is. Steven: [01:07:24] The top financial backer for the UN peacekeeping operations. Wow. Of the $6.5 billion in the peacekeeping budget, top contributors United States 26%. China, 18%. Japan 8%. Speaker3: [01:07:38] Shouldn't that tell you. Steven: [01:07:39] What you need to know? You think that. Speaker3: [01:07:41] China's. Steven: [01:07:42] Interested in peacekeeping? Speaker3: [01:07:43] Nope. Number one is us. Number two is China. How could we possibly be. Steven: [01:07:47] On the same page as it relates to humanitarianism? Speaker3: [01:07:51] Usa is like, well, what do we think? Well, we think that people. Steven: [01:07:53] Should be free to make their in China. Speaker3: [01:07:54] They all should give to me. They should bow to me. You know, people will not buy a Bud Light these days, but they won't, you know, take umbrage to their tax dollars going to this kind of thing. A lot of you've got to have dollars because by by proxy, you're doing it like you're funding. Speaker15: [01:08:08] $5 billion or so is going to this for the peacekeeping. Steven: [01:08:12] Just in 2009, $892 million your tax dollars to develop African peacekeeping capacity just for Africa. And this is the problem with like one from. Bono. Oh, we're going to fix it. And they go and they give money to their leaders. And that's the thing. Bono is like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaker3: [01:08:28] Give money to County. County. County. County. And you think it works. But they say you're racist if you say no. Steven: [01:08:33] I don't believe in any foreign aid. You don't care about Africa? No, I don't want them to be raped. Speaker3: [01:08:37] I don't want them to be. Steven: [01:08:37] Raped by organizations that have no accountability. I think there are better ways to do it. And I don't think giving money to the corrupt governments actually work. And I certainly don't think that my taxpayer dollars should go to it. I also don't think that my taxpayer dollars should even go to good organizations that support Africa because we need support here in the United States. Speaker3: [01:08:48] How about that? How about you don't take any of the money, let alone take so much of my money, and use it to help fund. Steven: [01:08:55] What has been verifiable rape of. Speaker3: [01:08:57] Children and. Steven: [01:08:57] Also to an organization that is now advocating for pederasty. Let's be clear about that. Speaker15: [01:09:01] Let's. Absolutely. And by the way, we went back I'm going to go back to that report on Bahrain when she talked about those soldiers, Bahrain, Bahrain, I think that's what it was. She said this funding takes care of their entire military budget. Do you think that military is used for good? Do you think that military is there to serve the people to make sure that they are safe and that they can walk the streets at night, that they can make sure everybody is just hunky dory? No, those countries, those leaders use the military to keep their populations suppressed. Bullying. They are there as a terror to the people. And our funding makes sure it continues. Well, not. Steven: [01:09:31] Only are funding the United States trained and equipped, more than a quarter million African troops, oh, boy, a quarter million Africans. So put those numbers in perspective. Now, here's also why this. When people say, oh, it's a conspiracy, these are things that maybe some people may not connect, but okay, we started with the UN is advocating for pedophilia openly. Now, just to be clear openly, how long before the United States takes their cues from them? I don't think we should be in the UN. If you say we shouldn't be in the UN, Donald Trump said we shouldn't be in the UN at all. He was accused of being racist. I just think he doesn't want African children to be raped. But you know what? Tomato, you're a rapist supporter. So the UN condemns the United States as well for our border policy. What do they have a problem with? They believe, of course, the UN, they believe in open borders. Here's a December 2023 report from the UN High Commissioner. Some people refer to him as low Commissioner. Speaker4: [01:10:21] That's what I say. High. Speaker3: [01:10:24] High Commissioner. Yes. No saying. Steven: [01:10:27] High Commissioner. That's me. So the High Commissioner from the UN for Refugees said US border measures are not in line with international standards. Good, good. Speaker3: [01:10:37] That's exactly where I want. Speaker15: [01:10:38] Exactly. Not in line with international standards. Speaker3: [01:10:40] I want I. Steven: [01:10:41] Want to, as a general rule, look at what the UN does and do the opposite. Not always. It's not a hard and fast rule. It's more of a generalized precaution. Yeah. Speaker3: [01:10:50] So everybody be able to come to the US, stay in nice Manhattan hotels, not get parking tickets and yeah. Get paid. I mean shouldn't that be just opened? But more importantly. Steven: [01:10:58] Shouldn't they be able to sex traffic across the border with no accountability, kind of like they do in all of these other countries and the UN supports the UN doesn't do anything. Yeah. So in 2016, the Department of Homeland Security estimated that there were 57,000 victims. Who are trafficked in the United States annually. In June 2022 alone, 752 unaccompanied. Speaker3: [01:11:16] Minors. Steven: [01:11:16] Were apprehended by Border Patrol. Speaker3: [01:11:18] Every single day. Now, I can't tell you how many of them were meant to be prostitutes, but they were unaccompanied minors still. Steven: [01:11:26] And we don't have the data on all of this. Guess why? There are too busy spending money supporting the supporting the troops in the Congo. They're too busy supporting troops who rape children who gang raped people. So we don't really have accurate reporting on how many of these unaccompanied minors could be. It could be as simple as a questionnaire. What were you going to do? Who sent you over here? 752 unaccompanied minors. The Border Patrol every day. And by the way, the UN says that's not enough. The child rapists. Not everyone in the UN, the organization, I should say, that runs cover for child rapists. 60% is the estimate, though, that the estimate of unaccompanied minors are likely trafficked by the cartel. That's the estimate. I want to be clear. I cannot prove that because they're not very good at keeping these numbers. And just to keep in mind, when we bitch about the evil of slavery and they want to teach you that in school, there are more slaves today on Earth than ever in recorded history, there are 40 point something million. I believe it's 40.3. It's probably higher than that. 40.3 million people enslaved or enslaved right now. I think we have a side by side of UN peacekeeping operations with a map of modern day slavery. Look at that. Look at that. So here's the thing. What is the UN's goal? Right. The UN's goal, peacekeeping missions. Okay. So if you're going into these countries, as you just saw with that map, where they engage in slavery and a lot of that is sex trafficking. And the UN has billions of dollars of resources that are being spent to stop it. And it's it's not working. It's not working. It's made it worse. And the leaders of these countries, people who have spoken out, whistleblowers, have said that it has gotten worse. The UN has said it has gotten worse because they've acknowledged there are gaps in the system and they have. Speaker3: [01:13:03] Done nothing. Steven: [01:13:03] To fix it. There is no accountability. You know what's worse than a lone rapist? You know what's worse than that? A troop of rapists who are funded by an international governing body, who have a vested interest in a system of open borders that continues gang rape. That's what's worse if you are in one of these countries and you see UN peacekeepers coming in, guess what? Speaker3: [01:13:25] Protect your kids because. Steven: [01:13:27] They have all of the authority and they have none of the accountability. So let's run through this in conclusion here. The UN, okay, we started with they say that minors can consent to sex. They didn't give a floor. So I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. They have thousands of pedophiles in their ranks. Un peacekeepers have been sexually assaulting thousands across continents. This is all verifiable. They're almost never punished. Your tax, your taxpayer dollars, you on tax day are supporting it. But the UN is more concerned with condemning the United States for not closing the borders, which, by the way, also lends itself to more underage sex trafficking. Speaker3: [01:13:58] Congratulations, you. Steven: [01:13:59] And what a great scam. Speaker8: [01:14:02] Believable. Now I'll give you a confetti. Here you go. Yeah. Speaker4: [01:14:04] There we go. Steven: [01:14:05] Only president that I know of who said. Speaker3: [01:14:07] No more un was Donald Trump. Yeah, you may not like him, but hey. Steven: [01:14:11] That's that policy is okay by me. When you tell people I don't think we should be in the UN, they go. Speaker3: [01:14:15] What, you don't believe in international. Steven: [01:14:17] Peacekeeping. Speaker3: [01:14:17] Now? You know. Steven: [01:14:18] Now you can send them this now you can be educated and please do go and read these references. It is it's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking. And it's really tough to even, you know, find some levity in a segment like this. There's nothing that makes me more sick than pedophiles. I mean, like it's like Casey with bananas. Speaker15: [01:14:35] So there was there was so many other things that they were talking about this. And one of them was that in one case, they brought cholera to the region and killed 10,000 people. Oh, yeah, I call her. So that was one of the things that we just saw. And there's just so much of this information in there. The other thing is, I. Steven: [01:14:49] Because all cultures are equal. In other words, you can't condemn. Wait, hold on a second. Are coming from a third world nation. What does that mean? It means they're inferior technologically. It means they're inferior medically. So they have diseases like, for example, bringing polio that we should stop. Oh, hold on a second. That sounds a lot like colonialism. That sounds a lot like white privilege. Hey, hold on a second. Let me ask you this. If you're going to compare I'm sorry, Gerald, I want you to go white privilege. Yeah, You know what? There's I would say Western civilization privilege in that outside of the Democrat Party, we generally recognize rape of minors as bad. Yes. Speaker3: [01:15:18] Yeah. It doesn't seem. Steven: [01:15:19] To be that way in many African nations. Certainly not in practice. That's today. Now they still engage in slavery in Africa. We did engage in slavery. We ended it. But we also to this day don't tolerate here in the United States largely not everyone in our government, child rapists, they do in Africa. So if you're going to play the white black thing, if that's what you're going to do. Speaker3: [01:15:38] I'll go with the white people on that issue. Speaker15: [01:15:41] Yeah, exactly. One of the other points that a congressman made, he said, look, if I found out that the UN was going to show up to my hometown of Charlotte, I would be on the next plane down to protect my family from them. That shouldn't be the case. Steven: [01:15:54] Charlotte Did you say Chattanooga or Chattanooga? Speaker3: [01:15:56] Chattanooga. One of those CC names? Speaker15: [01:15:58] I have no idea. I would. That's the whole point of this, is that these people are supposed to be the ones coming in. Like, isn't there a better vetting process? Don't we need to not take troops from places that are crap hole country? Trees that have no morals like we talked about earlier. Don't we need something better? Otherwise the UN has no legitimacy. Hey, I think I got to the point. They have no legitimacy. Speaker3: [01:16:16] They have no legitimacy. They don't do anything better. Speaker15: [01:16:18] So, hey, they don't. And by the way, I do need to admonish myself really quickly because I. Because you like it. I'm correcting myself because I remembered it's not Bahrain. It was Burundi. Oh. Speaker3: [01:16:28] Mentioning there another nation. Don't comment on it. Another people giving me credit. Steven: [01:16:32] By the way, did you see the. Speaker3: [01:16:33] Burundi troops marching in? Speaker15: [01:16:35] No, that's the guy was like silly, silly. Speaker3: [01:16:36] Yeah, we saw them marching. They're all marching in head to toe military garb. One guy in beige khakis. Yeah. I say we start with that guy. Yeah, that's probably our that's our first. That was the most. Speaker15: [01:16:46] Offensive thing about. Oh, no, I know. Speaker3: [01:16:48] I should have gone with the chinos. He's the outlier. He's not military, but J.Crew lied to me. To your point, all cultures aren't equal. No. And guess what? Steven: [01:16:57] No, that's okay. Speaker3: [01:16:57] And I don't know. Someone can check me. What are there? 80 countries of Africa. Half English, Half French? Yeah. Think of a contribution from any of them. Oh, Darren, come on. In Society. Speaker15: [01:17:06] We stole all of their. Steven: [01:17:08] Yes, yes, we stole them and then kept the resources. Speaker3: [01:17:10] Yeah. Think of a contribution and contribution. And by the way, I would say the same thing. How about my check? How about you give me a check? Yeah. How about. Speaker4: [01:17:16] No. Speaker3: [01:17:18] Never happened. They helped nobody. They're always. They're always rattling the tin cup. Yep. And this is. This is what we do. And by the way, you can say the same thing. Steven: [01:17:26] About a lot of white. Hey, how about Dagestan? What have they contributed aside from, you know, executing people? Speaker3: [01:17:32] Western Europe contributed in the last 300 years since the American experiment? Yeah, we. Steven: [01:17:35] Kind of took the ball and we ran with it. We said like, okay. Speaker3: [01:17:38] We appreciate that. The Enlightenment museums. Wait a minute, The most recent here is right around the time that that little thing on the other side of the pond got started. Steven: [01:17:45] Yeah, exactly. People go to Europe to see the beautiful things that were people come to the United States to be a part of the beautiful thing that is. And that, yeah. Is absolutely at stake. And the only reason it's at stake is because you have leaders who want us to be more like the nations of ruins that are advocating our policy. Speaker3: [01:18:03] Why? Why would the number one guy decide that they. Steven: [01:18:06] Need to act more like the number. Speaker3: [01:18:08] Four, six eight team 142nd. Steven: [01:18:12] Guy? It's silly. It's because. Speaker3: [01:18:14] Guess what? Steven: [01:18:15] In those countries, the government has an overwhelming amount of control. We're not supposed to have that here, but we're getting to more of that. This is really it's it's an issue that it's almost impossible to get your head around. But you have to you have to cut the head off the beast. And that starts with taxation. That starts with the United States government. Speaker15: [01:18:34] I think we can do something with the billions of dollars that we send to the UN every year and maybe do something a little bit more productive. But by the way, they were quick to respond about like burn it. Yes, they were quick to respond about a cholera outbreak. They said, our bad. Speaker3: [01:18:48] Oh. Speaker15: [01:18:48] Whoops. Speaker20: [01:18:50] You went admits role in the cholera outbreak because they were defecating in the water. Yeah. Steven: [01:18:55] Oh hey by the way, let's also take into account that these people that in Europe and of course the UN and of course Democrats in the United States want to revoke the tax exempt status of American Christian churches who do far more for charity than anyone in the UN. Speaker15: [01:19:05] Yes. Why would you do that, by the way? The open borders saying I just wanted to go back to it. Have you been to Europe since they've had open borders? Speaker3: [01:19:12] Nope. Steven: [01:19:12] I went to Ireland once. Okay. Speaker15: [01:19:14] So yeah, the strangest experience of my life was on my honeymoon in 2019. By the way, it's my anniversary today. Happy anniversary. Yay! Speaker3: [01:19:20] Was congratulations. Steven: [01:19:21] To. Speaker3: [01:19:22] You. Gerald's wife? Yes. We're sorry. There you go. Admonish his beautiful wife lottery. Speaker15: [01:19:29] So. Speaker4: [01:19:29] Yeah, exactly. Speaker15: [01:19:30] You get some confetti. She is great. Steven: [01:19:31] We didn't think it was going to happen for you for a while. Well. Speaker3: [01:19:34] For good reason. Remember, we had that conversation. Steven: [01:19:35] I was like, I don't know if Gerald, you know, he's getting up there. And then. Speaker3: [01:19:38] I met him. Steven: [01:19:39] Coldplay. And after I immediately met her, Dynamite, I said, I turn to you. I was like, Oh, wow, you're really Gerald. Marry her. You're not going to get the shot. No, no, no, no. Speaker4: [01:19:46] No, no, no. Speaker3: [01:19:48] Run like a thief. Steven: [01:19:49] She's cute. I'm trying because she's a beautiful woman. She is. She's funny. She's sharp, she's accomplished, and for some reason, she tolerates you. That's a fair. Speaker3: [01:19:57] Point. No, no. She loves you. You're a great husband. You really are to me. Speaker15: [01:20:00] When she handed the phone back, she was answering a question for you. You go, Don't screw this up. Is that what I said? Speaker3: [01:20:05] The first. Speaker15: [01:20:06] Words you said back to. Speaker3: [01:20:06] Me? Well, you wanted me to meet her. I remember. And I was in the. Steven: [01:20:09] I was in the ranger panties at the house. Oh, yeah. And I don't think she had met them, but I had a shirt that was too long. Speaker3: [01:20:15] Yeah. So because it was summertime. It was summertime. She was at the front door, so it looked like I was wearing no pants. But then I realized I made it worse. And I said, Just so you know, Gerald's new girlfriend, I am wearing pants. And I lifted them up to show the ranger pants. Honey, I'm sorry. I'm like, I just. Steven: [01:20:30] Committed sexual. Speaker3: [01:20:30] Assault. You did? I didn't mean to. And you guys do produce gorgeous children. Oh, they're. Speaker15: [01:20:35] Fantastic. Speaker3: [01:20:36] Look, largest baby I'd ever. Steven: [01:20:38] Seen in my life. Speaker3: [01:20:38] Luke, remember when you brought him over? He was, like, 14 months. Steven: [01:20:40] I said he looks like he's three. Speaker15: [01:20:42] I know he's a giant human being right now. Speaker3: [01:20:44] Okay, Sorry I got off the point. Speaker15: [01:20:45] No, but we were driving, and it was the strangest experience because I had heard like, okay, there's no borders. And I'm like, Well, of course that doesn't mean there's like no borders. Like, maybe that's just like some way of saying it. Driving from Belgium to France. Yeah, it's just it's like going from Texas to Oklahoma. There was a sign. Yeah. It's the strangest experience that I've had. And now when I look back and I'm like, Oh, that's why everybody just takes a boat and gets in through Turkey or comes in through Italy. Because once they're on the soil, you can't stop them. The migrants come in and the problems that they're having, it's just there is no checkpoint ever. Speaker3: [01:21:16] That's the magic of this. We have 50 sovereign states united together under one constitution. Right. But you're moving from different sovereigns. Different. Different. They're these are separate countries. Yes. Without borders at all that have. Speaker15: [01:21:28] Vast, vastly different approaches. Speaker3: [01:21:30] To things. Yes, to everything. Speaker15: [01:21:31] Don't do things nearly the same at all. And I'm like, oh, my God, I wouldn't go to Europe. Speaker3: [01:21:35] They're so pissed off about it. Steven: [01:21:36] They've asked me to do shows like in London, and I said, No, I'm not going to do it. Gay William was like, Seriously, I have a theater here. It's 2500 seats in London. I was like, I know that I could, but I just don't want to have my I don't want to end up on an ISIS home. Video How about Wembley? Speaker3: [01:21:46] Would you do Wembley? We'd fill it, I tell you, we'd fill you to fill Wembley. Steven: [01:21:49] It's like, Yeah. Speaker4: [01:21:49] But then. Steven: [01:21:50] They'd saw. Speaker3: [01:21:51] My head on the show. We'd fill it. Speaker15: [01:21:52] They would literally do it at center field. Steven: [01:21:54] Yeah, well you can go back and watch. We broadcast from Ireland that one time in a pub. Sorry William, I know you're listening. And the Scot, the one Scotsman, was of course, drunk and supported Donald Trump. This was one crowd. Yeah. He goes. Speaker3: [01:22:04] He goes we. Steven: [01:22:05] Hear off camera talking with with these Irish were like, Well, you know, I don't think I really like Donald Trump because he's bombastic. And then I here off camera. Speaker3: [01:22:12] Sekulov with Donald Trump and just like that and I. Steven: [01:22:16] Go, What was that? Speaker3: [01:22:16] Hey, sir, What? He goes, I love him. I love him. I said, Why do you love him? [01:22:21] Cause he's a real fucking man. Speaker3: [01:22:27] And he was drinking Budweiser. Speaker15: [01:22:28] Oh, not anymore. Speaker3: [01:22:30] Yeah. Steven: [01:22:31] But so I went to Ireland and that's about it. I have no interest in going. It's a. Speaker15: [01:22:36] Surreal experience. And when you hear about the problems that they're having and you read I read a book I think, last year about just the crazy amount of issues that they're having with this and the funding. Literally, it turns Italy into a place that has to support almost all of the traffic coming across. They don't have the infrastructure for it at all. So what Italy does is they ship them to another country and it just keeps shipping them to the next country. And then they get somewhere and they're like, well, now this entire rural area of town we're going to take and put, I don't know, refugees, 15,000 of you from Syria there. It's like good luck. Steven: [01:23:06] And by the time they got to Finland, they were like, I don't think this is a good deal. Maybe ISIS had a. Speaker3: [01:23:10] Point, This is cold. Speaker15: [01:23:11] I can't do. Speaker3: [01:23:12] This. Let me go. Hey, let's see what the chat. Steven: [01:23:14] Do we have a game? Today, Trump released his new nfts We have Photoshop or not, which we were going to play. Or we can take some chats. So let's hear from the let's see what the chat says. I have to go to the bathroom because pops created. So if you handle this for like two minutes and then we'll figure out we can play Photoshop or not, or we can take some chat. It depends on what they want. Sometimes people want, you know, I don't know whatever they want to do. Speaker3: [01:23:33] Let's hear. Speaker15: [01:23:34] You know what I'll give him. I'll give him some advice for the mug club members. A lot of you have have let us know about some of the maybe the sinking issues or tech issues that they have had there. And look, they are doing a great job of getting those things solved. They're actually very well on it. Like I had some conversations yesterday. They said, we know exactly what's going on, so just give them a little bit of time. They will definitely get that stuff taken care of. Just wanted to let you know that we know about those issues. Another thing I wanted to let you know, too, is as we kind of move into this network of different creators that we're bringing on, there's a couple of ways for you to stay in touch with those shows. On the left hand side of Mug Club, there's a tab that's for content. If you click there and organize it by playlist, I'm going to try to have that set as your default, but that will give you all of Nick DiPaolo shows in one place all of louder with Crowder in one place, all of the Friday shows in one place. That's a great way to do it. The other way is on the main feed there. There actually is a way, if you set it to just the team members as the filter, you'll see logos with Steven's face up there. You'll see Nick de Paolo's face up there. Speaker15: [01:24:30] There's a couple of ways to make sure that you're staying in touch with all of the different shows so you don't have to scroll and look for shows. Playlists are a great way to do that. On content. I know it's a new kind of thing that we're doing, but I wanted to make sure in the process, moving to something that's a little bit more like a network where you see live and the previous shows and the content creators there. That's a great way to do it. So just let us know what you guys think about that. I think the Friday shows, we just put that playlist together yesterday. Yesterday, Yes. That's a new ad there. So you can go there and watch those Friday shows. And then we're doing a really fun show this Friday, kind of as our last send off. I think we're going to do some scrap yard stuff. The stories that don't make it in sometimes have some pretty silly jokes associated with them that sometimes we don't think will necessarily fly, but we're like, Yeah, we'll give it a whirl and see what happens. But I know one of the stories that was moved to Scrap Yard has a pretty a pretty hearty seven plus one that we're all going to. Yes. Oh yeah. It got moved this morning. It almost made it into the show today. But you're like, no, no, let's put that in the scrap yard show for Friday. Speaker3: [01:25:27] That's going to be that'll be a lot of fun. Going to be hard to top the Dalai Lama. Seven plus one. No, that's. That's pretty good. That was good. Yeah, was good. Steven: [01:25:32] It's it's one of those things where sorry, I had to wash my face at that point where everything, you know, everything is clearing out. It feels so good when you rub your nose. I didn't want to do it anywhere near Casey. No, thanks. This is, you know, we don't get to take a sick day, but, yeah, we have the scrap yard show is just kind of stuff that couldn't fit in with the show. Just so you know, maybe like 30% of what you see is the actual stuff that makes air. There's so much that we're like, Oh, it doesn't work or the timing isn't right. Or you know what? That one's kind of insensitive because that guy drowned just last week, and you're not supposed to revel in the death of someone, even if he's a pedophile. So. And sorry there, guys, in the edit. Speaker3: [01:26:08] Quotes. Revel in the death. That's what YouTube said when. Steven: [01:26:11] We reveled in the death of, you know, the Mackay Bryant thing, because I said, that's mighty good shooting. Speaker3: [01:26:17] And you were right. Yes, it was a quick draw and good shot. If you can't shoot, if. Steven: [01:26:22] You're responding to a 911 call because someone's saying, hey, I need cops. Why? She's trying. Speaker3: [01:26:27] To stab me, though. Steven: [01:26:28] Okay? And then you show up and you go, what's going on here? And you see the bitch going, I'm a stab a bitch. And you're like, I guess I have to shoot her so she doesn't stab her. If that's not a justified shooting, then nothing ever is. So I say, that was like duck hunt. Yeah, we're doing chat. We want to play Photoshop or not. Yeah, chat. Speaker20: [01:26:45] Would want Photoshop or not. Speaker3: [01:26:46] All right. They want. Well, then I have to. Steven: [01:26:48] Bring back up the iPad. Speaker3: [01:26:49] Do I need my iPad for this? Yeah. I don't. Speaker15: [01:26:51] Just a little setup there for you. Speaker8: [01:26:52] A little setup. Yeah. All right. Hold on a second. Speaker15: [01:26:54] I thought it was a joke, by the way, that Donald Trump has. Steven: [01:26:57] No, he has a bunch, so. All right, let me set this up for you. Donald Trump released his second series of NFT trading cards. I have a quote from Truth social. Oh, this is why they put it in. I don't know if I can do it. May I? Speaker3: [01:27:08] Please should inform you that due to the great. Steven: [01:27:10] Success of my previously. Speaker3: [01:27:12] Launched digital trading cards. Steven: [01:27:14] The great success everyone tells me, I said I don't think it was. Speaker3: [01:27:17] They say it's the most successful. That's okay. Speaker4: [01:27:21] It's okay. Okay. Speaker3: [01:27:22] We're doing it again. Series two available right now, folks. So that brings us to our game here. Steven: [01:27:31] Which never could be played on YouTube. It is time for Photoshop or not. By the way, a lot of you always wonder that one is not Photoshopped. It is. Nope. That's Brian Stelter. Speaker3: [01:27:47] No, his at Webcon. Missed him? Yep. Steven: [01:27:51] In his basement. He hosts the Con in his basement. It's just be called Brian's basement. Speaker8: [01:27:54] Con total weeb. Yeah. Steven: [01:27:56] All right, so explain it to us, Tool Man, who's usually the game for people who are new to this. We used to do it more often. We haven't done it in a while, but this is the perfect. Speaker8: [01:28:04] It's been a while. We have five images that I'm going to show you and you have to guess if they are an actual Trump NFT card or if it was created here in the office. Yakuza. Steven: [01:28:13] You bought the NFT card when he released them. Did you sell it? Speaker3: [01:28:15] I did. How much you. Speaker15: [01:28:16] Make? About 800. Speaker4: [01:28:17] Bucks. Speaker3: [01:28:17] Wow. Yeah. See, that's what I'm fantastic. Speaker4: [01:28:22] That's. Speaker3: [01:28:22] And you buy pictures of me. Non-fungible tokens. You can make a lot of money, folks. Speaker8: [01:28:28] The one he bought was terrible. It was. Speaker4: [01:28:30] I was very upset. Steven: [01:28:31] Yeah, because you didn't know what it was. Speaker4: [01:28:33] Well, then I finally saw it. It was just him, like, standing with a just a Was it like a hunting cap in his suit? That was it. There wasn't like an eagle or anything else. It was just. It was. I was very upset. Speaker3: [01:28:42] Hunted for. Speaker8: [01:28:43] Cash. Is it like 80 bucks? I think. Speaker15: [01:28:46] Can you buy him right now? Hey, log on right now and see if you can buy him. Speaker4: [01:28:48] Log on. I might buy another. Speaker15: [01:28:49] See if he buys 110 times. Speaker3: [01:28:52] That's pretty good. No, that's Yakuza. Might buy another one. A lifetime of bad decisions. Folks can't eat a banana, but has some money for trading cards. I love. Speaker4: [01:29:01] It. Speaker15: [01:29:01] Hey, researchers, let us know what the most expensive one went for. Because digital cards. I traded Digital cards. Gosh, in 2003, Topps came out with those. No, you just buy them. And literally it's the stupidest thing in the world. And I was like, Well, if people are going to pay me three times what I pay for them, I'll do this all day. Steven: [01:29:16] Well, and a lot of people, like people always ask like, why isn't so-and-so? They're like, smooth man, you know, is still a great friend. He he left because he developed a video game based on an NFT on it, too. He I mean. Speaker3: [01:29:26] He made way more. Steven: [01:29:27] Money than I make. Yes. Speaker3: [01:29:28] And I was like he was like, hey. Steven: [01:29:30] Short period of time. He was like, I don't want to be. I was like, You're not being disloyal. Speaker3: [01:29:32] My God, this is more money than God. Steven: [01:29:34] I'm like, Yeah, take it. And he just made his fortune and now is living, living the dream. Speaker4: [01:29:39] So he calls you from his student loans. Steven: [01:29:41] All student loans bought a house. Loans the right time. He came back out when we did that show in in at the Dallas Majestic. Speaker3: [01:29:49] Oh majestic. Oh yeah. Steven: [01:29:50] Hopefully you know if he comes back to Texas we definitely he said he would like to or I think he did do the racist police sketch artist again that was one of my favorite and he's. Speaker8: [01:29:58] Got a jet according to Manny. Steven: [01:30:00] Oh yeah. The truth according. Yeah. That would be a lot of fun. Yeah, I miss. I miss that little Colombian racist. All right. Speaker3: [01:30:05] But, Gerald, to your point of just anything that people will pay more for. Oh, yeah. Than you paid for that. I was doing it. That is how the. Speaker15: [01:30:13] Stuff gets started. And this was right after college. And so I was doing a start up business in Cleveland and literally we had a folding table in an office and I was dirt poor and I was like, Well, yes, I'll just make free money every Friday. Speaker3: [01:30:24] I can't hear you. My ears just popped because of the sickness. Steven: [01:30:27] You sound like you're underwater. Speaker3: [01:30:30] I said, Like now. Steven: [01:30:30] Everything sounds muffled. Speaker3: [01:30:31] All right. Oh. Speaker15: [01:30:32] Series two is sold out of the trump cards. Speaker3: [01:30:34] Already sold out. Speaker4: [01:30:35] Oh, missed it. Speaker3: [01:30:36] Thank you. All right, so Photoshop or not, we're going to show you when you play along in the chat. Steven: [01:30:41] If it's a real. Speaker3: [01:30:43] Trump NFT or if it's a Photoshop. All right. Give us ding number one. Speaker8: [01:30:48] Image number one. Speaker3: [01:30:50] Oh, that's so fantastic. I'd buy that. Well, here's the thing. Steven: [01:30:53] It's tough to say Photoshop or not because I assume some of the nfts are Photoshopped, right? Speaker8: [01:30:59] Yeah, they are photoshopped. But is it an actual NFT or is it. Steven: [01:31:04] Or is it or is it a. Speaker4: [01:31:04] Photoshop that we. Speaker8: [01:31:05] We may or not. Steven: [01:31:06] Right? Is it NFT or not? So it's a little bit of a play on. Yeah it's, it's not quite. Speaker3: [01:31:10] We tweaked the game we tweaked the game a little bit. Love to tweak love it, tweak, tweak. I can take it. Uh oh no, keep doing it. Oh, no, that's not the safe. Steven: [01:31:22] What I say. No, I like it. Speaker3: [01:31:23] No. Yes. Uh, that seems like it would be a. Steven: [01:31:29] Real trading card. That seems like something he would have liked. What do you think? Speaker15: [01:31:32] I say no, but just barely. And so if you. If you look at the tie, there's this weird thing. He would never. Steven: [01:31:39] He would never wear a tie clip. Speaker15: [01:31:40] That's right. He would never allow that to happen. Speaker3: [01:31:42] I changed mine. Dang it. Here's the thing. Steven: [01:31:44] Don't give your. Speaker3: [01:31:45] Justification until after. Well, that's fair. Speaker15: [01:31:47] Well, you already made your decision. Speaker3: [01:31:48] Okay, fine. Steven: [01:31:49] So I said yes. I said. I said it's real. And Gerald is clearly right. Well, Darren, you're. You're null and void. You can't do it because Gerald already. Speaker3: [01:31:55] Yeah, well, I just think the symbolism is all wrong for anything patriotic. But. And the tie bar. You don't do it. Don't do it guys don't do tie bars. Yeah. Don't do too busy. I don't care what the Mod Squad says. Those guys are fakes. All right, let us know. Drum roll. Is it a real NFT or a Photoshop? Speaker8: [01:32:14] All right. It is not a real NFT. Speaker3: [01:32:17] Oh, but it was a real dinosaur. It's a Photoshop. Steven: [01:32:22] Don't we usually have an image that says not? Speaker3: [01:32:24] No. Well, all right. Something. Steven: [01:32:26] No, we definitely do. I was just being nice. Speaker8: [01:32:28] Yeah, probably. We have an overlay. Don't. Do we have an overlay for it or. No. No. Okay. This was an AI generated, I think. Oh, okay. All right. Speaker3: [01:32:36] I couldn't generate. All right. So Gerald won me nothing. Steven: [01:32:39] And it's a draw. We can't. We won't consider it. Darren in that talent pool. That's true. So let's do it. Fine. Then our justification after that way the chat doesn't have their game spoiled. I apologize. You're the kind of guy who throws over the Candyland board when you're not winning. I do, all right? I'm a backgammon guy. I'm not. I don't play board games. Speaker3: [01:32:57] I like 13. Steven: [01:32:58] Dead end drive. Speaker3: [01:32:59] I love dropping the chandelier on that cat. All right, next one. Steven: [01:33:05] Next one. Is it a real NFT card? And this is number two. Okay. All right. Uh, all right. We'll just give our answer. I'm going to say no, not real Photoshop. Yeah. Speaker3: [01:33:19] Pop songwriter. I say no. It's. There's too much symbolism there. He'd be crucified for that. I say yes. All right. Okay. Steven: [01:33:27] And then we'll give our justification. Drum roll. Is it a. Speaker3: [01:33:30] Real NFT. Steven: [01:33:31] Or not? Speaker8: [01:33:32] I actually don't know. Speaker4: [01:33:34] What's a. Speaker20: [01:33:35] Real NFT. That is real. Speaker8: [01:33:38] Darius does okay. It's real. Yeah. They didn't give me the answers. I just knew the first one because I saw them making it. Oh, okay. So, Darius, do you. All right, Darius is giving the answers. Speaker3: [01:33:48] All right, So. Steven: [01:33:49] That is a real NFT. Speaker8: [01:33:50] That is real. Okay, Can you show it to us. Steven: [01:33:52] And you show it to us? Yeah. Don't just tell us. Show it to George Washington. Speaker3: [01:33:54] No, that's. Steven: [01:33:55] Not my previous NFT. Speaker3: [01:33:56] We apologize, guys. Steven: [01:33:57] We're usually. Speaker3: [01:33:58] There you go. Can we? That is a real NFT. Steven: [01:34:00] Donald Trump NFT. Speaker3: [01:34:02] I've got the whole world in my gold hand. Speaker15: [01:34:07] So it had 45 like it was just narcissistic enough with T down the middle and it had 45 on the checkers and the white in the background there. Speaker3: [01:34:15] Soccer T love pro wrestling. That's a. Speaker15: [01:34:17] Trump thing. Speaker3: [01:34:18] Yep. Wow. You thought it was too much symbolism. Way too much and George Washington wouldn't have gone that far. He, of course, denied the kingship. George Washington was a pussy. It wasn't 6463 at best. Who has teeth made of wood? Steven: [01:34:34] Gross gingivitis. Speaker3: [01:34:37] Plaque. Speaker4: [01:34:38] Plaque. He must have been poor. Speaker3: [01:34:40] All right, let's bring up. Steven: [01:34:41] The next one. Is this an. Speaker3: [01:34:44] Nft or a photo shop number three? Oh, my. Speaker15: [01:34:47] Gosh. I'm just saying. All right. In the lead. Okay. Speaker3: [01:34:49] Two to nothing. Steven: [01:34:50] I'm going to say no. Gerald. Gerald, don't give me a justification. I have my justification. Speaker15: [01:34:58] I agree. No. Speaker3: [01:34:59] Pops, I'm going to say yes. Really? Yeah. You must love losing this game. It's a fun photo. He's a glutton for punishment. I could take it. All right, I'm going to say this. Okay. Let's give us drum roll. Is that a real. Steven: [01:35:13] Nft or a. Speaker8: [01:35:13] Photoshop? All right, This one is real. Speaker4: [01:35:16] What? Yep. That's. Speaker3: [01:35:17] I'm bad at this. Even though I'm going to win the lab with the handkerchief is just a great. Steven: [01:35:22] I didn't think he would have put himself in an apron, so. Speaker15: [01:35:24] I thought the apron would have been an American flag. Speaker3: [01:35:27] It is, Is it? Speaker15: [01:35:28] Yeah. Speaker8: [01:35:29] Bring it back up. Bring it back up. Speaker3: [01:35:30] Where is it? It looks like it's. Yeah, yeah, that's stripes. Speaker15: [01:35:33] It's not an American flag just because it has stripes. Speaker3: [01:35:36] Just assume there's scars. Speaker8: [01:35:37] On the head. Is the stars. Yeah, His. Steven: [01:35:38] Head is the star. Speaker4: [01:35:39] No, it's not. Speaker3: [01:35:41] The pants are blue and the background is when you have a star this big, you don't need any. Oh, good. Orbit. That's. This is a star. These are the stripes. Speaker4: [01:35:51] What? Speaker3: [01:35:52] You've heard of Old Glory and new Glory. Oh, boy. Speaker15: [01:35:55] He might actually say these things, though. I don't know. Speaker4: [01:35:58] I don't know. It's hard to tell. Speaker3: [01:36:01] Glory, glory, glory. May. All right, let's grab you. Yeah. All right. Is this the final one? Speaker8: [01:36:08] Two more. Speaker3: [01:36:08] All right. Photoshop or real NFT? This is number four space. Speaker4: [01:36:16] Okay. No, Space force. Speaker3: [01:36:17] Space force. Steven: [01:36:18] Yeah, Space Force. What do you say there, Pops? Speaker3: [01:36:19] Grutter? I say. Steven: [01:36:20] No. You say no. What do you say, Gerald? Speaker15: [01:36:22] I say no because that's Halo. That's. I say, Why? Speaker4: [01:36:27] Yes. Cheese. Gerald. Speaker3: [01:36:28] I guess at this point. Steven: [01:36:29] We should all go. I was going to say that I was also going to say, because it's poorly Photoshopped the head on there, that's not a very good Photoshop. Not that the last one was great. Speaker3: [01:36:37] But the real one wasn't great either. I think. Steven: [01:36:43] No. So we all say no. Speaker3: [01:36:45] Okay, drum roll. Is it a real Is it a Photoshop? Speaker8: [01:36:48] Of course it's not. Gerald ruined. Speaker3: [01:36:49] Ruined everything. You ruined that. Just like you ruined the jokes. Speaker4: [01:36:55] Oh, sorry. Speaker15: [01:36:56] Sorry, Master Chief. I called it. Speaker3: [01:36:57] Space X, so I don't know what I'm doing. Where's the blow up doll? Let's bring out the blow up doll. That's why people prefer X. Speaker15: [01:37:03] I had to correct your dad. Speaker3: [01:37:06] That's true. Steven: [01:37:07] It's not space X. All right, final one. Is this real. Speaker3: [01:37:09] Or is. Steven: [01:37:10] It a Photoshop? Is this an NFT? It's really hard to tell. All right, number five. Speaker3: [01:37:14] Wow. He's into the royalty. Yeah, I'm. Steven: [01:37:18] Going to say that one's real. Huh? Gerald? Speaker15: [01:37:22] No. Speaker8: [01:37:22] No, no. Speaker3: [01:37:24] No. Steven: [01:37:25] You say no. Why do you say no? All right, well, hold on. Let's do it. Speaker3: [01:37:28] It's been too regal, too much, so. All right. Okay. All right, Let's go. Is it real or is it not? Drum roll. Speaker4: [01:37:36] It is real. Whoa. That's real. Speaker15: [01:37:38] Wow. I never thought Trump would ever be caught in his life doing this. And that's why making the heart hands. Speaker3: [01:37:46] Yeah, but he's a king. I understand. Hail to the mea big Avenged Sevenfold fan. Speaker4: [01:37:51] Oh, yeah. They all voted for Trump. No way. Speaker3: [01:37:55] Fake news? No. So that was So I guess. Yeah. Steven: [01:37:58] I thought because it's a king that he would like that one. Of course he's king. King Trump. I got that. And he's the king of hearts because the ladies like him. They like him a lot. Speaker15: [01:38:07] The hearts usually for the other people. And I thought Trump was more focused on. Speaker8: [01:38:10] The other people. Well, Donald. Steven: [01:38:12] Trump certainly has a heart for the victims of child rape by wanting to pull us out of the UN. That's fair. So you know what? Yeah, I get it. Look, Donald Trump has. But you know what? I still I still enjoy the guy. If he runs for president, it's going to be a lot of fun. I don't know what's going to happen. Speaker3: [01:38:26] I think King of Spades would have been a real problem for him. Speaker4: [01:38:28] Yes. Speaker15: [01:38:29] Hey, he does dominate the black vote. Speaker3: [01:38:31] I got more of the spades than any Republican ever. Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is the two of spades. Only two spades voted. How do you get only two spades? All right. This has been Photoshopped or not. All right, let's grab. Steven: [01:38:53] Two chats and then we go. Speaker3: [01:38:54] To. Speaker20: [01:38:56] All right. From Ray Ray 1776. Question When the government is pushing evils, how can you continue to pay taxes to support the things you don't believe in? What do you do? Steven: [01:39:05] You know, we discussed this on one of I guess it was on Ash Wednesday, a long time ago, before it was Gerald's apologetics about when you obey the laws of the land versus when you obey the laws of God. And it's when they conflict. We may be getting to that point. Yeah, pay your. Speaker15: [01:39:18] Taxes, pay your taxes, and then try to affect change. You pay your taxes first and then affect change. Pay your taxes because they will literally lock you up. It's the stupidest thing in the world to go, Well, I just won't pay. Well, they will lock you up, right? Well, that's the whole unto Caesar thing. Exactly. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. It doesn't mean Caesar is righteous. That's right. It just means that you need to work within the system and do what you're supposed to. If you don't like it, try to change it. Steven: [01:39:40] And you don't. And we do say, right, obviously you do not follow the laws of they fly in the face of, you know, if they're antithetical to God's law. So, for example, if the law says you have to allow your child to transition, that's different from paying taxes, you say no, but paying taxes is the law of the land. And I understand that there's, you know, by degree of separation, they're doing things that you believe to be reprehensible. And certainly I do as well when we're not only funding the US government, but we're funding international governments. But you can't be effective from a jail cell, right? Unfortunately. And if you're ever going to get to a period where you protest and you don't pay taxes, certainly don't do it when a Democrat is in office because you will be locked up very, very quickly. Yeah, they still owe me a lot of money. The government, I'm sure they'll get right on that. They won't. I know. All right. Final chat and then we will see you tomorrow with Nick DiPaolo. Yeah. Speaker20: [01:40:24] From the gears. Why do you think they're so focused on normalizing sex with minors? Spell check. Yeah. Speaker8: [01:40:32] They're not guys with the lights. They don't want. Speaker4: [01:40:35] Those minors that work on the ground. Speaker3: [01:40:36] It's not the black lung. Maybe he meant. But minors, they mind the butts like they're from Chile. But no rescue mission. You made your butt bed. You lie in it. Speaker4: [01:40:47] All right. Speaker20: [01:40:48] But what's the end game? Steven: [01:40:50] Well, I think you answered your own question. I think you answered your own question, and I understand it. I think maybe you're looking for words of comfort, and I don't really have many to give. I think that there are a lot of people in positions of power. This is not new who are interested in normalizing sex with minors because they want to have sex with minors. Look, I'm not saying that it's a this this group of people who drink the blood of six. That's not what I'm saying. But you know what? Here's the thing. No matter what it is that I could come up with, no matter what conspiracy I could create if it was unsubstantiated. Everything that we discussed today is substantiated. There's a record of it. There is nothing that I could think to fabricate. Let's remove all moral shackles. Okay. Let's remove me feeling as though me being required to be truthful to you doesn't mean I get everything right. But we always try to ensure that's why we make all of the references publicly available. But let's say in some parallel universe, we didn't care. We just wanted ratings. Okay, I don't believe that I could have fabricated something. More outlandish and unbelievable than what happened with Jeffrey Epstein. And I think that if I did that and that was, let's say, just went crazy and it was successful, this crazy conspiracy and it made us a bunch of money through clicks. I don't know that I would have had the foresight to make a blockbuster sequel. And by the way, nothing came of it and no one else has been put behind bars aside from his one accomplice. We still don't know. I don't think that I could have fabricated a conspiracy of a sex island with some of the world's most powerful politicians, royalty, entertainers flying on this jet, going to a sex island where there is a specific shower. Speaker3: [01:42:25] Created right across the. Steven: [01:42:27] Portrait of Bill Clinton in a dress where they have sex with minors because it's what they're into. And this guy has this has this likely kill switch, which would obviously be catastrophic for the reputations of those involved. Hangs himself in a way that is physically impossible because cameras in the prison go out for a few seconds, in which case during which time he would have tied ropes from bedsheets and killed himself in a cell that wouldn't have allowed for it. And there's no follow up. I don't think I could have ever created something that outlandish that happened. And the reason that I point that out is, is it really crazy to say I think there are far more pedophiles and far more deviants in our midst when since Jeffrey Epstein, just think about it. We didn't really have Drag Queen story hour. Epstein We didn't really have the idea that children would be taken away from their parents if you didn't perform underage sex surgery before. Jeffrey Epstein We did not have former Vice President Biden saying that it was evil to not support your child transitioning before Jeffrey Epstein. So all of this is transpired since Jeffrey Epstein. Speaker3: [01:43:36] Does does it make you believe that there are more. Steven: [01:43:39] Or less does. Speaker3: [01:43:40] It make you believe that Jeffrey Epstein, who we all know. Steven: [01:43:43] Now. Right. And this was something that was people who brought it up were accused of being conspiracy theorists. Well, now we know yesterday's conspiracy theorists are today's news broadcasters. And we've taken steps since then that would indicate there are far more Jeffrey Epstein's in our midst and at the very least irrefutably Jeffrey Epstein types in the UN. So why I'll tell you exactly why. I think there are a lot of people out there who are evil who want to normalize sex with minors, who want to. And this all stems from, by the way, it all stems from taking children out of the home. Right. It takes a village public school drag queen story hours. They don't believe in parental rights so that they can raise your children as they see fit and create an entire generation of lackeys of people who will follow the government at will. And an easy way to do that is remove them from the parents and sexualize them young. You sexualize children, young and you can control them. Think about that for a while. It's grooming for a reason. You've heard of Stockholm Syndrome. The moment you add sex into that equation or sexualized language or interaction, guess what? You now have a hold on that child that is very difficult to break. It can take decades of therapy to break. So people who are interested in control and achieve positions of control want to continue exerting control, want to continue to amass power. And a very, very effective way to do that is to stigmatize the family and normalize pedophilia. And we are living with that right now. And I just hope that you remember when people were saying this was coming down the pike. Speaker3: [01:45:13] A decade ago. Steven: [01:45:14] Two decades ago, everyone said, That's absurd. No one's talking about it. We're just talking about same sex marriage, even though we have the exact same thing in civil unions. We're just talking about gay adoption, even though, of course, we're eventually going to force out Christians who can't adopt even though they adopt at a rate that's twice those of secular couples, let alone gay couples. We're just talking we're just. Speaker3: [01:45:31] Talking about the. Steven: [01:45:32] U.n. and peacekeeping, even though it really is. We're talking about sex trafficking. We're just talking. Speaker3: [01:45:35] About the slap on the wrist for Jeffrey Epstein. We're just talking about sniffing kids. Do you if you see a president, former. Steven: [01:45:44] Vice president, sniffing. Speaker3: [01:45:46] Children. Steven: [01:45:47] And groping them and he has a son who had sexual interactions with his niece. Speaker3: [01:45:52] But by the. Steven: [01:45:53] Way, you're not allowed to not allowed to discuss that because it's just being memory hold. Are if you were to make an inference, okay, you were to take the Biden family. Let me use this as an example. The goal is pedophilia being normalized. Okay. But the media wants to memory hole. The media wants to gaslight you with all of these stories. Let's just take the Biden family. Let's just take what we know, okay? Joe Biden sniffs kids. Joe Biden sniffs kids when they don't want to be sniffed. He goes back for a second sniff. Joe Biden grabs children. Joe Biden is uncomfortable around children for you and for the child, not for him. He's very comfortable. Hunter Biden engaged in sexual relations. I don't remember if she was underage at the time, but certainly young niece. Right. Sexting with his niece. You can find that on the laptop. Okay. Ashley Biden's diary. You're not hearing anyone say that. That's not true. Now, that's why they tried to arrest James O'Keefe saying that he stole it. Why? Because it matters. It's consequential. It is true, said my father, certainly showered with me beyond what was age appropriate and talked about likely being sexually assaulted when she was young. So you've got Joe Biden, what you've seen, you've got Hunter Biden, what you've seen, and you've got Ashley Biden, what she wrote. Speaker3: [01:47:02] Don't let anyone make you feel like. Steven: [01:47:05] A conspiracy theorist if you say, You know what? So that's how it is in their family. And that's the most powerful office in the land. You're living it. Eyes open. We'll see you tomorrow with Nick DiPaolo.

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