Hello and thank you for joining me today on Loyal World Info. I am a world traveler and teacher who has always been interested in global world news ever since I was a child. Another day of the globe spinning, another day of global news to digest. I offer a sane rational voice for an insane rational time. I will be your host, but first let me share a little bit about me,I look forward to waking up to the international news like a child opening a Christmas present. I never know how I will act or activities I will do until after I unwrap my present. In the news case, what will I learn, what will it cause me to think about, what will I reflect back on, and what will I share with others? Stay with me and let’s open presents together. Now, let’s get into today’s topics!If you like to comment or take part in any discussion you can find me on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGhMobyS8AJiNaDCdFdeWVg/You can follow me on Twitter at: Loyalworldinfo
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