We've been on a hiatus, we talk about why we've been away and also about that time Jin got a DM from one of the biggest streamers in the world, iShowspeed
In tis episode, we speak to Cabi, known for her videos and lifestyle content on Tiktok. We reminisce our recent company trip to Japan and talk about the different types of travellers we encountered during this trip.
We all have friends, and some of the best friends are made from our younger days. But just how hard is it to maintain that friendship? We talk about low vs high maintenance friends, and also some other stuff revolving around horoscopes
You've heard about the viral sensation Dododots. They sell uniquely designed pimple patches and it was just a simple idea suggested by one of its founders. We hear them tell their story about how they were laughed at, to how they're shipping hundreds and thousands of products worldwide
You've heard about the viral sensation Dododots. They sell uniquely designed pimple patches and it was just a simple idea suggested by one of its founders. We hear them tell their story about how they were laughed at, to how they're shipping hundreds and thousands of products worldwide
We know him as a renowned Film Director, Quek Shio, known for his award winning commercials and movies that has been watched by the world. Not mention he was the first Malaysian film director to be given a Netflix Special to direct.5 Years later, we speak to him about his explosive rise to the social media space, crea... more
We spoke to CJ, better known online as isawkwardguy telling us how he started making videos about his workplace, to being one of the fastest rising online personalities we laugh with.
Recently a mobile phone released a brand new phone which uses A.I for a few things. We go through them and kinda test our the features to see if it really lives up to the hype
In this episode we talk about friends who gaslight you to make you think you should help them, but they end up causing you a whole load of trouble instead.
Vinh Giang, Otherwise known as @askvinh on the social media world, has taken the world by storm by teaching people how to overcome their fears of public speaking, and teaching people how to communicate better with their peers. In this episode we learn about the man behind the magic, on how he started and built his empi... more
The band Tilly Birds came into the studio to have a chat about their tour, and how their music reached millions at a time where everyone was at their most vulnerable, aka the pandemic.
This is our first ever live show! With IKEA! Thank you so much for making this happen! We got some friends for a sleepover at IKEA and decided to talk about the weirdest sleeping habits. Caution, not for the OCD type :P
We speak to the heroes of Klang, Cavan, Kevin and Danny of 3P, to understand just how much goes into the production of their music videos and how life has been after blowing up on youtube.
We spoke to William Seng, huge on social media for his cooking videos and amazing video edits. We dove deep to what got him started in video editing, his answers might surprise you.
We got celebrity Alif Satar joning us on the show today telling us about his journey in the entertainment showbiz, completing his Ironman journey and partying on a multi million dollar yatch.
Jared Lee, known Youtuber/Filmaker recently made headlines for his film Horologist which won best animation at the Comic Con Festival in San Diego. What was the road to that win like? We talk about his journey and his struggles
Our Asian Parents have their ways of ensuring we remain on top and competitive. We talk about the rise of Deadpudds and how she grew up with a competitive nature.
Inside scoop, is a local brand out of Malaysia that has grown to become one of Malaysia's own household ice cream brands.They recently got acquired by Farm Fresh, and we speak to the Co Founder of Inside Scoop, Edmund, about how he gave up his banking career to pursue something completely different.
Really nice to have YB Syed Saddiq back on the show again to talk about life after the GE, and the progress moving up to towards the State Elections. We played some games too :)