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Jincy Willett - Critically Acclaimed (seriously fantastic!) Writer & Novelist

Jincy Willett - Critically Acclaimed (seriously fantastic!) Writer & Novelist

Released Thursday, 30th January 2020
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Jincy Willett - Critically Acclaimed (seriously fantastic!) Writer & Novelist

Jincy Willett - Critically Acclaimed (seriously fantastic!) Writer & Novelist

Jincy Willett - Critically Acclaimed (seriously fantastic!) Writer & Novelist

Jincy Willett - Critically Acclaimed (seriously fantastic!) Writer & Novelist

Thursday, 30th January 2020
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Jincy Willett has been called the "high priestess of dark comedy", Her humor, it's been said,  displays and unfailing perfect sense of timing. Comedian David Sedaris has said that he would be willing to wear a sandwich-board with Jincy's name on it if that would help draw people to her work - her writing is that good. Jincy Willett's work will make you laugh, yes, but it will also surprise you., catch you off guard, make you think. Jincy invests in her readers, delights them, and she was kind enough to invest some of her time with me recently as we discussed her creative process and approach to her work. I hope you'll truly enjoy this conversation with the uniquely talented author, Jincy Willett

Learn More about Jincy Willett

Check out Jincy's books on Amazon

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Podcast transcripts coming soon at: ManageTheMoment.net

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Music by Brad Buxer

The Pretenders "Brass in Pocket" Source 

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