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Millionairess Mentor

Amanda Jane Clarkson

Millionairess Mentor

A weekly Education, Health and Fitness podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
Millionairess Mentor

Amanda Jane Clarkson

Millionairess Mentor

Millionairess Mentor

Amanda Jane Clarkson

Millionairess Mentor

A weekly Education, Health and Fitness podcast
 1 person rated this podcast
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Hello Gorgeous!

My name is Amanda Jane Clarkson and welcome to my podcast for entrepreneurial women…that enriches lives for generations to come.

I am excited about this podcast show and hope you will get great value from listening in.

I can promise you this podcast is raw, real and very relatable as its based on my personal life experiences….of over 30 years in business.

Let me quickly share the reason i’m excited to amplify this message creating the ‘butterfly effect of change’ and to get this message to as many women globally as possible….

In this first episode I share my reasons why I began the podcast and share my story, my background and then my second epiphany in life. I am certain that as a woman you will relate in so many ways.

It is true that most people feel that they are alone when it comes to the challenges we face day to day, and I aim to bring those challenges to light, share stories of how myself and others have overcome some of those challenges in all 7 areas of life, and the valuable lessons we can learn from to move forward together.

In this introduction podcast, I talk about how having left school and moved out of home at 16, has set me on a path unlike many people have travelled.

I’ve had 33 different jobs, I’ve started 14 businesses, some of them spectacular failures, some very successful, allowing me the option to retire at 51 with a lifestyle that many people aspire to have. (I am happy to say that I did not retire and you will discover why soon enough ;)

Now, I share this with you not to impress you...but to impress upon you, that I have walked thousands of steps in your shoes in some form or another as one woman to another.

I’ve had the challenges many of us face in life and I’ve been able to figure out a way to share that hard won knowledge and wisdom with others, like minded women who dare to live their dreams and want to achieve a level of wealth, balance and success in all areas of their life.

I’ve made millions, I’ve lost millions. I’ve lost a multi-million dollar business overnight, to a natural disaster, and then made it back again financially, emotionally and mentally. I’ve worked on myself harder than anything else and as a result...

I’ve been able to go on to inspire, empower, educate and mentor people from all over the globe since 2007 and now share my empowering LIVE NOW Formula™, which is the basis of my mentoring, video training, wealth & lifestyle coaching.

In my newly released book “From Frustrated To Fabulous” each chapter shares a story, it shares the experiences I went through during that time, and then I share the lessons learned, that have helped me create true success in the 7 areas of life I teach every day.

Each week I will share a story of my journey, occasionally I will have a guest who can also share their story, and can’t wait to get to know you better, along the path of this new journey we are going to take together.

Make sure you Subscribe to my Youtube channel and please also download the podcast where ever you get your podcast and I would be forever grateful, if you could leave me a favourable review if you like my message and lessons.

Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Fabulous!”

With Love & GratitudeAmanda Jane 😘🦋💝

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Podcast Details

Created by
Amanda Jane Clarkson
Podcast Status
Jun 15th, 2019
Latest Episode
Dec 7th, 2020
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
43 minutes

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