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What's So Funny? - with Mike Fotis

What's So Funny? - with Mike Fotis

Released Wednesday, 8th October 2014
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What's So Funny? - with Mike Fotis

What's So Funny? - with Mike Fotis

What's So Funny? - with Mike Fotis

What's So Funny? - with Mike Fotis

Wednesday, 8th October 2014
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“After I did that show, this is the least anxious I’ve felt in a really long time.”

Comedy writer and performer Mike Fotis talks about working in multiple comedy platforms. He talks about the differences and similarities amongst improv, sketch, story telling, and writing for the radio. Mike also talks about the experience of sharing very personal stories on stage and trying to do things that aren’t comedic after building an audience that expects only comedy things from him. Plus, he shares stories of writing for the Brave New Workshop and the radio show Wits.

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