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The Mo Egger Show -- 4/25/24

The Mo Egger Show -- 4/25/24

Released Thursday, 25th April 2024
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The Mo Egger Show -- 4/25/24

The Mo Egger Show -- 4/25/24

The Mo Egger Show -- 4/25/24

The Mo Egger Show -- 4/25/24

Thursday, 25th April 2024
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No one covers the Bengals like ESPN fifteen to thirty, Cincinnati's sports station. All right, that's us, Good afternoon, I'm on legar. This is ESPN fifteen thirty. Happy Draft Day. Thank you so much for joining us. We are broadcasting today from Long Necks and Wilder. We're here for our fourth consecutive year on the afternoon of the draft until six o'clock. If you haven't been to Long Next there's three locations. We're at the Wilder location, which is right off believe it or not, the Wilder Exit two seventy five. Very easy to get to. I post it up and had the Wings for lunch, dude, Northern Kentucky's best wings, great beer selection, one dollar drafts. When the Bengals go on the clock tonight, we've got some really cool prizes thanks to our friends at bud Light. And so if you're getting off work or if you're maybe leaving the Reds game. The Reds are losing five nothing. In the bottom of the seventh inning, Bryce Harper came back and hit a home run in his first game from the paternity list. Come on out and hang out with us. We're here. Told six great plays to watch the draft. Not just that obviously, but all weekend long. They've got an outdoor patio and so if we ever get a warm night again, unlike last night when I took my dog to the ballpark and we both froze, the patio outside is terrific. They've got a TV out there. This is a great place to watch sports, great plays to watch the draft, great place to hang out, post up and get a cold one. We are here until six o'clock, I said to Tony and Austin. This is like getting my daughter on the show. At about nine o'clock on Christmas Eve. James Rapine from Bengals Talk dot Com. Let me make sure I have everything. Okay, how about that Bengals Talk dot Com. Yeah, which is under the SI umbrella. I've got Enter the Jungle. It's a show. How about that which is on YouTube Little shirt Swag Bally Sports as well. You have filled some raindelays, amen, you have filled some raindolays. Man. I know people are interested in the Reds when they're like, hey, I see you on tea. You know how it came up for me was one of the first games of the season on bally. I. You know, it ends, and I go downstairs and do stuff, and then the next day I turn on the TV and there's James how about that? So it's pretty cool. There's entered the jungle of the book. There's a Locked on Bengals podcast. I think you've Yeah, that's all of it filling in for you here and there here. Yeah, so there we could add that. I know you're gonna be very busy, but I also know you're excited. Yeah, and we're gonna talk about the draft. But then this Trey hendrick thing, Trey Hendrickson thing landed in our lap last night. You mentioned Bryce Harper hitting the home run. Yeah, I think he's gonna ask for a new contract. Oh wait, oh wait, we want to talk football today. Sorry? What what what is he doing? What are he and his agent doing? WHOA, it's a bold strategy and it's not gonna pay off, right, that's it. I mean, he just re upped his deal nine months ago. Right, he decided to go the safe route, which I totally get. YEA, he had two years left. He had a big cap hit year, and so he said, give me another year. I want to stay here. You had just drafted Miles Murphy I want to stay here. Yeah, and they're like, heck, yeah, we'll keep you for another year. You're one of the best pass rushers that we've ever had. And then he goes out and has seventeen and a half sacks. Heck, shows up for part of the offseason program last week, Yeah, and is unhappy about the money he's making. This is not going to work. No, it's not going to work. And I think the retirement angle is the one that's the most interesting because it doesn't compare to a certain number nine that threatened to retire yeah back in twenty ten. Well, those two situations are entirely different. Carson, whether you agreed with him, didn't want to allow him twenty eleven, yeah, he was. He viewed Cincinnati as not the best place he could win. He wasn't asking for more money, He wasn't asking for a longer term contract. He just didn't like it here because he didn't think he could win here. You might have not liked what he did, you might have been okay with what he did, but this wasn't him looking for more money. With Trey Hendrickson, this doesn't seem to be tied to winning or any other circumstance beyond he just wants more money in a longer contract. Those the two things are not that similar. His agent said, hey, I want to be here. I think he told Ben Baby of ESP talked to Ben and Kelsey, and look, I think if you're the Bengals, you look at this and say, all right, well, I get it, you want to make more sure, but you're under contract. Yeah nine months ago, And that's where it ends. Yes, yes, absolutely, And that's the dynamic here is nine months ago, he was going into year three of his contract. They had just drafted Miles Murphy, and he had a big cap hit coming into this year, and he was coming off of an eight sax season. So I get him wanting more money, Sure, I get it. Yeah, just more security. I get all of that. But to think you can get another bite of the apple now, it just doesn't make sense. Even with the season he had, even with seventeen and a half sacks, If this was the route he thought he might go, yeah, him and his agent should have both had the foresight to say, all right, go ball out this year. Yeah, it's your third year and a four year deal, and we will get you an extension next year. For much more money, and he probably would have cashed in and gotten much more money if he had done that. Well, this whole I'm gonna retire a thing, so I want more money, and if I don't get it, I'm not gonna take any Like, does he realize if he retires he doesn't get any that's the difference between Carson and Trey. If you're willing to completely walk away because you're unhappy, Well, man, that there is some leverage in that. Okay, there is, But is it really willing to do that? No, Carson was That's why Carson had some leverage. Yes, there is no leverage here because he said, oh, I want to be in Cincinnati. I just want one another you know, five million or whatever it is. Yeah, that's not how it works. Correct, It's just not how it works. I want another five million, and so do you. Yes, I have a feeling that that's not gonna work if we ask for it. Well, that's like I can't blame anybody for trying, right, Sure, Hey, let's let's ask. You can't get what you don't ask for. Okay, they said, no, what card you got? That's not retiring? So but this is just don't I put this on the agent, like, it's the agent's job to know how this works. It's the agent's job to figure out the best way to get what his client deserves and gets. It's his agent's job to say even last year, like, hey, dude, I get it, you want to sign a deal beyond twenty twenty four. You're gonna make more money. But hey, man, if you have a killer season, which Tray did, he was awesome. Great. If you have a killer season, you might go back and regret this, we have more leverage. Then yes, that's totally agreeing. What is his agent doing. I have no idea. I really, I have no idea. And then going public the timing of it, the fact that they did invest in him last year, an extra year, and you look at that contract. He's gonna make fourteen point eight this year, fifteen point eight next year. They're probably gonna payhim off. So he's gonna make thirty million over the next year's and I get it, that's low for the high end pass rushers. Yeah, then don't agree to the extension, right and understand that you're coming off of an eight SAX season. Believe in yourself, Yeah, and go out there and perform at a high level and then ask this year because he would have a ton of leverage if this was the final year of his deal, no doubt, coming off of a seventeen and a half sex season. Yeah, and they probably extend him. Yeah, they probably be like, yeah, we're gonna give you two years, spread this money out. They have the cap space to do it. But now it's like, all right, do you want to buy Trey Hendrickson past twenty twenty five? No? Not now? No, if the Vegles have no reason to do it, he will be by the end of his contract that exists right now, he'll be thirty two years old. What I'm getting in twenty twenty six from Trey Hendrickson ain't even close to what I just got from him in twenty twenty three. Sure, so why would I pay more? Like we love Trey Hendrickson. By then, he will be nine years into the league. What on earth would compel anybody to look at him and go, yeah, let's let's sign up for twenty two twenty six, Like that's right now, right now, that's the maybe the year, sure, but right now, what what team would just go you know, Okay, Trey let's do it again, give you another year, your age thirty two season, instead of going, look, let's just see how the next the next eight months playout what he should have done. And by the way, when the Bengals signed him before the twenty twenty one season, it was a risky move, no doubt. People criticize them. Trey was a product of the Saints defensive line. He pus no doubt. So he comes in signs a four year, sixty million dollars deal, outperforms that contract boom sure right away, and that that second year not as many sacks, but still really getting get good pressured, definitely making an impact. And so he should have either won thought, oh, I'm going to perform this contract, or two, I like it here, we can win. I'm and do what he did, which is fine, but understand and that you're not gonna get another bite of the apple the next offseason. Yeah, and that's I don't know where the breakdown is. What I think ends up happening is this has much to do about nothing. And Trey Hendrickson will be on the field in September. He might be on the field before that. He showed up to off season workouts last week, right, like what's different now? Like what do you? What are you doing? It just seemed like a shoot from the Hit Move, which is similar last year at this time the Joona Williams trade request, I said, add, the agent's on handling this right, right, And it didn't feel it just felt way more uncomfortable than it needed to. I feel the same way about this one because odds are he's in stripes in September. Yeah, I think the Joonah Williams thing, though, I don't want to say we saw that coming, but it wasn't surprising when I saw that Adam Schefter tweet yesterday. For sure. That's one of the few things that I've seen that I was genuinely like, what, like, we just I even had to ask myself on the air, we just did this last summer, Like I didn't. I didn't the imagine that that wasn't Sam Harbard, like we we just did this and gave him the twenty five year. Does the Pratt breaking news Jermaine Pratt only two years left on his deal? Once an extent, you see how dumb it sounds? Yes, correct, Does this have any impact when we talk about what the Bengals are going to do starting tonight. Does it impact their draft strategy at all? Zero? Now should it zero? I don't think they've tweaked their board, changed their board. I don't know if they have any intention of trading Trey Hendrickson. I think they think that part is funny. Now here's what I will say. T's being laughed at it, right, I would imagine he's being laughed at inside and outside. You don't, I mean, I think it's I just think it's barking up the wrong tree. And to pretend you're going to return you were at offseason workouts last week like that would be like saying me going to my boss, hey, I'm done writing. Yeah, and they look and I wrote an hour ago. Ain't done. You might be mad right now, but you're not done. Mo goes to commercial. I'm done being done. If it doesn't make sense, So what do they do tonight? I think there are scenarios where they take a defensive end. I don't think it's likely, and it was always unlikely. There's a chance though, maybe trade down scenario. Maybe the right guys there at eighteen. I think they like Jared Verse, by the way, But if they end up with Jared Verse or any of these other defensive ends. I think it has more to do with that player and where their board is, and has little to nothing to do with Trey Hendrick, somebody they would have taken in regards, no doubt, And I think that's still pretty unlikely, but it's possible, And so I'll mention it because who knows, Maybe Jared versus a Bengal tonight. Yeah, well, that'd give us something interesting to talk of. Oh my gosh. And then if Trey thought he had any leverage, see you sure, Tray. I'm not sure what leverage he's imagining, but if he thought he had any, and they take a defensive end for the second consecutive man on one And what's what's so weird about his contract? Like it lines up with Sam Hubbard. Him and him Hubbard are great friends. So when he added that year, I'm like, oh, this is great, Like you get the rest of their prime, both guys, and now you get that. This is just it's gonna be one of those things six months from now you're like, can't remember that, Yes, trades like third in the league in sacks, Remember when he wanted out? We're all gonna laugh as I did last night. Yeah, I mean, there's just no unless they get offered like a crazy deal, and is anyone doing that. They're trying to win the title this year, right, I agree? That's why you know, that's why Te's here. That's why I want them to keep Tea, and it's why Te's here. They're trying to win the title. So in a year where they're going to try to win the title, they're gonna trade away one of the best edge rushers in the sport who's on a value contract and under contract for two years and coming off with seventeen and a half sacks? What would it take you think? Like I tweeted the if the Bears offered number nine, knowing the Bears wouldn't last night, who would say no? I don't know that. The Bengals say yes, I really don't. They might, but to your point, it does that make them better? Right now? Are trying to win the title this year? They think is a championship ready team? Really hard to get rid of your best defensive player. We just spent like months talking about how they're not going to trade Tea and then suddenly faced with this goofball agent saying trade our guy or he may retire. They're gonna go yeah, okay, cool and trades more valuable and Tea yes he is, yes, and he's under value. Deal. It's just and if he's great those two years, guess what they're gonna say, Hey, Tray, right, guess what we're run it back? We might running back fine. I again, like that came down at like five thirty five yesterday. Oh, I know, I was. I thought I was done with everything right pre draft and had to scramble. And then so I talked about it for ten minutes and I get in the car and I'm like that that actually happened. Like there are very few things that really surprise me. That was one of them. It's minutes after three o'clock. We're here at Long Necks and Wilder. The draft is tonight, great plays to watch it. We've got a cool giveaway thanks to a bud light A cooler. That cooler suitet A cooler is pretty cool. No pun intended. He's James Orpene, Bengals Talk dot Com, Enter the Jungle, locked on Bengals at James Orpene. Anything else you have, like a newsletter or something, No substock, No no, no news that Bengals Talk dot com. It is twenty minutes after three o'clock. We will actually discuss the draft when we come back on ESPN fifteen thirty. By the way, today's show is a service of a zimmer tractor. We are here until six on ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati Sports Station. Since fifteen thirty. It's a Draft Day twenty twenty four. We're at Long Necks and Wilder broadcasting until six o'clock tonight. ESPN's coverage of the NFL Draft starts at six. On ESPN fifteen thirty, James Orpene will be covering the draft. Will you even sleep between now and like next Tuesday? Not much so the and it's a great problem to have, but no, I'll be you know, I'll be busy tonight, right and then you already you start to look to tomorrow and you got to have that stuff ready for when people wake up. And then you still waking up pretty early. So no, no, won't won't sleep much in the harder turn around it's Friday to Saturday because the draft starts earlier. Yeah, yeah, tough, we'll be good. No, no, not tough, good fun, It's good it's good. If I wasn't like that would be twelve different outlets to provide content for. That's what I mean. You have like all these picks, all these storylines, college free agents, and then I'm not just one place. How many mocks do you think? I've done? Ten? Written? Just to be clear written written? Five? Wow? Yeah? Wow? Five? So I did mock one point two point oh three point oh? All right, hey what I would do? Yeah this week, and what I think they'll do? Yeah, five, you nailed it. Read the site. Look at that. I read the site and then you did. You did the mega mak with Daner and Butcher all of the virtual ones. Hard to count those, yeah, which which I think Jay got right. So I won't sneak into why he got it right right, We'll get to that. Yeah. For me, everything pivots around Byron Murphy's availability, should it. I think the Bengals really like Byron Murphy. I think their top offensive tackles you just look at their history will be ahead of Byron Murphy, even if they think he's awesome on their board, on their board, Okay, And I don't blame him, I don't. I think it's really really hard where is that cutoff the guy the tackle who's ahead of Murphy, Yes, and the one who's just behind them but behind Murphy. I think that's the that's the question of the draft. Yeah, I mean that that's what dictates tonight because there's there are scenarios and people will hate it where Byron Murphy is there and they don't pick him. I think Joel obviously would be ahead of him. Offensive tach wise, he's gone. He's already picked ye Olufshanu out of Penn State. I think J. C. Latham would be ahead of him. So there's three and the question is Telisi Fuanga will he be ahead of him? Will Amarus Mims be ahead of him? And I think there's your line. Fuanga probably Mims too many question marks. Fautanu is more of a guard I think I think he's probably lower than all of these guys that I just mentioned. And so I think that's your line, and it'll be interesting to see if I'm right. I don't know, just speculating looking at their history what they do, and and if Murphy isn't there, then Johnny Newton comes into the play too, and that's that's what where it gets really interesting. Hold that thought Murphy specifically, if you had to wager an amount of money that mattered to you on whether or not he's there at eighteen, were you putting your your bet on if he there or not him not being there? I think it's similar to brock Bauers, similar to Quinnon Mitchell. I think Mitchell of the three has the highest odds of being there. But of these, like top prospects that aren't offensive tackles that could fall to you at eighteen, I think Bowers is the least likely, but Murphy isn't far behind that. Okay, where he could go eight to Atlanta. Everyone talks about Ed Rusher at Atlanta. If they're the team that picked Grady Jarrett, yes or no? Yeah, all right, that worked out for them. Looking at Byron Murphy, I don't know why they wouldn't say, oh, well, Grady Jarrett worked out for us. Why not get the young version of Grady Jarrett? So I do wonder, but yeah, I think that's where he could start to go off the boarders right there at eight Would they would there be a scenario with Murphy specifically where they would trade up to get them with Newton there, I would say probably not. I think a lot of people want them to. And I think that's the key is how far apart are they between Murphy? How big is that gap between Murphy and Newton? Because Newton's gonna be there, I'd be pretty surprised if he's not there. They brought him in for a visit. He has the foot issue, didn't run the forty or anything like that at his pro day, So maybe he's far enough down on their board where they say, hey, let's give up a third. We have two thirds. Let's give up a third and go to thirteen or fourteen and get our guy. And I will not knock them for that. If they go, if they trade up for their guy, that's fine, that's what you should do. If they take neither Murphy or Newton in round one, can they legitimately make that position, which was a weakness last year and now doesn't have DJ reader, Can they legitimately make that group better? Absolutely? And that's why in my perfect scenario, it's offensive tackle at eighteen. It isn't Murphy. It's because you can find defensive tackles round two, round three that can contribute right away. Chris Jenkins out of Michigan, but can tackle Derrick Henry like him a lot. Well. Byron Murphy's gonna struggle with that too. He's not DJ reader. Let's start right, correct. None of these Yeah, none of these guys are DJ reader where they're gonna be three twenty five and just eat up double teams and drop to a knee and throw guys around entirely different. Yeah, but they're gonna get pressure. And that's the beauty of Johnny Newton and Byron Murphy. And they are good against the run. They're just not that type of player, right, So the Bengals, they're gonna have to double dip at defensive tackles. That's a guarantee. Fine, good, you have to guarantee. Yeah, And it's probably gonna be either tonight or early tomorrow. And then with one or two picks on Day three because of the different options they have there where there are some nose tackle options on day three that I think they can get in get one hundred and fifty snaps out of in those key goal line situations where you need that big defensive tackle because you don't there aren't many DJ readers around. A lot of teams go without them, but you still need big bodies at times. I told you off air I didn't want mims. You tried to talk me out of that. We'll have that conversation on air. We'll talk about brock Bauers and so much more. James or Peene Bengals talk sounds good Enter the Jungle. Are you gonna be on after this Reds game? I don't know. That's usually like I watched. I don't know. We have to check the guide. I don't watch draft day. You think I'm looking at that when I'm on, I don't know. I would right. I watched Reds live and that day sudden. Sometimes it's people playing cards. One time it was like people playing kick volleyball, like sand volleyball with their feet, and then one day it was you. I would suck at that. I would be so bad, bad at real volleyball with my hands. I'm better at lleyt and I'm not good at volleyball, but i'd be better at that. Those options. I'm rooting for you. It'd be fun to be talking to you as you're on over your left shoulder. Sign me up. I'll see if it happens. Reds is it's still five nothing getting beat by the Phillies. It's twenty five away from four o'clock. He's James Orbeanengals Talk dot com on Moegor. We're here at Long Necks and Wilder. It's a Draft Day twenty twenty four. By the way, show preview video is available on x at Moeggar thanks to Emery Federal Credit Union, your credit union with heart since nineteen thirty nine. Go to EMORYFCU dot org. This is ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati Sports Station. No one covers the Bengals like ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati's sports station. Sports Headlines quickly service at Kelsey Chevrolet, home of lifetime powertrain protection and guarantee credit approval from their family to yours for life kelseyshev dot Com. Red's need a bit of a miracle. They're down five nothing facing Jeff Hoffman. Remember we had Jeff Hoffman and he was kind of a punchline. And now he's with the Phillies and he's like awesome. He is on the hill bottom nine Reds Trail five zip Cincinnati with just two hits on the day. Zach Wheeler started for Philly and gave up one. Nick Martinez six innings in a fill in role. I guess for Frankie Montas so to speak. Gave up five runs on eleven hits, but he hey pitched six innings. That's important. Twenty twenty four NFL Draft starts the night with Round one coverage on ESPN fifteen thirty starts at six. Bengals will have the eighteenth overall pick and uh college basketball The Big twelve Big East Battle this season will feature you see taking on Villanova road game for the Bearcats on Tuesday, December the third. Xavier will be on the road against TCU on Friday, December the sixth. James Rapine is here. Bengals Talk dot Com Enter the Jungle locked on Bengals brock Bowers. I watched you and and Paul Danner Junior. I thought for a second your friendship was crumbling to an end. Yeah, you love brock Bowers. He doesn't like brock Bowers. Yeah, I know why. Brock Bower sent him some hate mail down voting in the Athletic. He gave him a one star clicked on the frownie face. Yea, the frownie face. I liked this article. He's like, oh Brocke show. Yeah, For me, it was like watching parents fight. And by the end of it, I said this on the air, I go, I don't know, because here's two people whose opinions I really value and they're opposite. When it comes to brock Bowers. Do we think he's there? Probably not. I think of like the one of all the weapons that you would consider at eighteen, he has the best chance because the big three receivers aren't going to be there. But it's pretty close to Byron Murphy, like everyone spending all this time on Byron Murphy. And it might be ten percent, Yeah, Brock might be seven, or might be a little higher than that for both guys, but there's a chance that he's there. So you wanted to start with that, I'm sure. Is there another question? Well then why shouldn't they take them? Well, they should take him. That's what's dumb about this. Last year they were in on Dalton Kincaid at twenty eight. I'm confident in saying that, all right, brock Bowers is head shoulders at least one of his knees above Dalton Kincaid. They were in on Sam Laporta, they passed on him. I just think it makes a ton of sense, especially because you know what happens when you give Joe Burrow elite playmakers elite weapons and they have a void wide receiver becomes much less if a need of a need, if you have brock Bowers. Sure, and so you don't have to take one on day two. Right now, I think they're pretty much guaranteed to take one on day two. Maybe not, but probably, And so an elite playmaker with Jamar Chase and Joe Burrow for the next five years. Yeah, it's pick eighteen, it's not picked four, right, absolutely, dude. Yeah, that to me is like people talk about the positional value and I say the same thing. It's it is the second half of round one. We're not talking about them in the Jamar Chase spot at five. Right. Yeah, it's it's a middle of the first round pick. It's a valuable pick, and it's a pick. You know, you've got a nail. But could could I get eighteenth overall production from this tight end and this offense? I think so. Solomon Wilcott mentioned this point, and it's a good one. If it was a receiver that was the brock Bowers level receiver, no one would blink how much are receiver is making right a ton right, And so yeah, there's not as much value on the rookie deal if you'd get a receiver at eighteen versus Brock. But it's going to be much easier to have Jamar Chase and brock Bauers if you have that, or an elite receiver in Brock Bowers and Burrow under contract, Like he's going to give you a receiver level production. And I think he could be your number two maybe this year, but certainly next year. And that's really really valuable in this offense of the tackles, the offensive tackles who are likely to be there at eighteen. Yeah, who's the guy you like the most? Amarius Smims? Now the guy you hate? I don't hate him, that guy you hate? He's played eight games? Sure, now, I could certainly understand Trent Brown was signed to start at right tackle for the Bengals, But with the eighteenth overall pick, I want to feel good about that guy being able to play. Can a guy who has played eight college football games play Week one? If need be? People hear that and assume that he's been hurt for three years and he hasn't he brought bying some pros at Georgia. Right, he's played in big games, college football game, a college football playoff games, not just college football games and national championship games. I think he could if you wanted him to be a day one starter. I think he is ready to go. That doesn't mean he doesn't need some work. You know who else needs work. JC Latham gonna need some work too. It's it's not just plug and play, and he's just ready to hit the ground running. And the reason why I like mems. Everyone talks about the floor him being a bust or the high ceiling, and that's the discussion a six seven, three hundred and forty pound athletic freak. There is a middle ground where he's just like a really good player. And can he be Johonna Williams. I think he's gonna be far better than Jonah Like I think he can he be Joona Williams year one if they needed it, sure, Okay, think so, Especially from a past protection stamp. I think he'd be better because so much more physically imposing right than Jonah, And in this division, that's what you need. He doesn't have the short arms. He doesn't have short arms. I mean he's he's lean somehow, not in a bad way, but he's three hundred and forty pounds right, Like that's crazy. I mean he weighs with Orlando Brown junior weighs. They just carry it differently. And so yeah, if you could get that guy, I would get him. I think Frank Pollack would be in on him. And the question is are the Bengals as an entire group in on him consensus wise? Well, it's just because a position coach likes a guy, and I know it for sure, But just because a position coach likes him doesn't know. They kind of walk me through the dynamic and a Zach talked about it with you guys on Monday. Voices in the room and who we go to when it's time to address a certain position. So how much sway? If Frank Pollack says Amarusmims he's available, That's why I want how much sway does that carry? I think it should carry some, especially because this is the franchise. And I was on board with Jamar right likewise, but looked at Frank, yeah and staid, we're not picking Penney Suel, We're taking Jamar Chase. Huh. And then said, we're gonna get you Jackson Carmen. Yeah, I mean, and again I would have taken Jamar every time. Yes hindsight, even though we know now, Yes, the whole time we were here that year. Yeah, and I was all in on team Chase, like absolutely always so. But he's the offensive line coach. He's the one that's getting crushed because the offensive the quarterbacks hurt again, and the offensive line hasn't lived up to all of those things. And so it's that's the part where it's like, all right, this seems to be the year. Maybe just get a guy for him. I thought on the thing Monday where Zach was asked about positional versatility and offensive lineman came up, and he kind of pointed out, like it's really not that big of a deal. I'm paraphrasing him here, if a guy can only play tackle or only play guard? Was that revealing it all? As we talk about their strategy tonight on the offensive line, but all week and long, I think they like versatility, but it's not going to be what decides eighteen. They want an offensive tackle if they take an offensive lineman at eighteen, but not taking him to play guard. They're not taking play tax Center, yeah, or play tight ends. Well, he wants to be that. They want an offensive tackle. And I think that's why six seven three forty is gonna be mighty mighty intrigument. Are you uh? Do you have to go? Heck? No, you just ordered food. We're hanging out now. You got me? You time that out. You were like, hey, it's right, we're gonna go to break early. Have this server as for your order. Do a segment th right. I gotta know what I'm doing. Yep, all right. We're here at Long Necks and Wilder. It's a ten away from four o'clock. We today are a service of Zimmer Tractor. NFL Draft twenty twenty four. Coverage starts at six. When we're done, come on out Long Necks and Wilder on ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati Sports Station. Foods here the Independent Electrical Contractors of Greater Cincinnati is looking for journeyman electricians. Feel it's up six out for ESPN fifteen thirty. Good afternoon Outballlekor broadcasting today from Long Necks in Wilder. Our fourth consecutive year. Three locations Long Next, each one of them awesome for watching the twenty twenty four NFL Draft tonight tomorrow and on Saturday. It's a Reds weekend. Red's loss of the Phillies Today five nothing Reds are on the road in Texas. Great place to watch the Reds the NBA and NHL playoffs. By the way, tonight when the Bengals go on the clock with the eighteenth overall pick, assuming they don't trade it when they're on the clock, one dollar drafts, you've got to get the wings at long next. We also have some very cool That bud light cooler is walking out of here with somebody unless I buy it off them once they win it. We're here till six. Very easy to get to the Wilder exit two seventy five. Today show is a service of Zimmer Tractor. James or Penis is still here? What bye bye cooler and my trunk. What you're talking about? It's the hot comeoutity, no come out come down in and so to win it? Would you get the ruben? The ruben was good. It was where do we where do we leave off? We left off with big big guys that need to protect Joe Burrow. All right, so you've tried to sell me on you've tried to sell me on a Marius. I mean I could sell you more than that. But yeah, you know, if I didn't want to give you the full court, who's the guy you don't want at that position? Who's the guy that if he's there, you're like, you know what, past take anybody else? This is why it's it's kind of easy because it's a guy that they shouldn't consider at eighteen, right, Tyler Geydon, Okay, don't want him? Why he played one? He is just as inexperienced as man. He's a converted tight end and that's why he didn't play. Mims didn't play because he's behind Georgia. Yeah, like, oh shocker, right, Like it's Georgia. They've they've been really good spoiler alers. But Tyler Geyden was a tight end three years ago. Like he made us start at Oklahoma at tight end. And he's got the size. He's athletic. Of course he played tight end, right, he's the project. Yeah, and at eighteen, No, I don't feel great. If he was at forty nine, sure, yeah, run it in. He won't be Yeah. You love wide receivers, of course, most valuable position in sports, not named quarterbacks. Have has there been a wide receiver that you've felt compelled to make the argument for at eighteen in Louisville. If you think, okay, they're taking a wide receiver early, which everybody believes is gonna happen, sure, have you succumbed to the temptation to say, well, look, if you're gonna take one early, it would take one the first day only if one of the big three fell. There isn't a lineman Marvin Harrison thirty. No, but let Roma Dune day. Let's say Roma Dunesey somehow fell. There's not another player that we've discussed offensive tackle that'll be there, Rock Bowers, maybe both defensive tackles are there, they wouldn't be in this scenario. I would still take Rome. Yeah, because they value receiver and he's awesome, right he with the league values receiver a ton, no doubt, and they use three every play? Right So yeah, of course, yeah, he's awesome. So no, the answer is no. Now, if they trade it down, it changes things. If they're picking twenty six, then yeah, is Brian Thomas Junior an okay? Pick? There? Fine? It is eighty mitche out of Texas. If you like him a good pick there, fine, if they're picking eighteen, No, I think there'll be better players there. With every draft guide or a big board that I have consumed, where I have driven myself nuts the most is trying to decipher which day two wide receivers I want from this large collection of guys. Yeah, I mean it is looking. It's like looking at the long next menu. There's so many that you're like, man, that would work, that would work, that would work, that would work. Yeah, but you know there's only a handful that would make sense. And of those handful, maybe only one or two that you would take. Give me the day two wide receivers you're interested in. Well, it's almost like a round by Roun. It really is, because round two. I love Troy Franklin out of Oregon six ' one. I think he's slender, like one seventy six. I think he'll play at one eighty five and be fine. He never had any injury history, nothing, never got nicked up, miss games, nothing, So I think he'll be fine there. He'll get in the gym kind of like t Higgins, where like T Higgins is just much thicker now than he was a few years ago. And he won't get to that because he's not six four. But no, I think he's a deep threat that would add a dynamic to this offense this year and could be your number two, your future number two. Roman Wilson is someone that a lot of people like. I think he's more of a slot only and so I wonder would they take slot only at forty nine or do you bump him down? Do you bump some of these guys down and look at eighty where in round three you're talking. Brendan Rice could be there. Jalen McMillan, Jalen Polk is someone I've seen him going round two. Maybe he falls to round three because there's so many receivers. So I think those are some names to know as well. And then my favorite Day three, at least early Day three guy would be Luke McCaffrey. If they haven't if they haven't found a true slot, let's say they took Franklin. I'd be in on a Luke McCaffrey on Day three, someone like that that can go in the slot and play right now. Does has Charlie Jones fallen out of disfavor to the extent that I think he has and if so, wid No, I don't think so. I think I think Charlie Jones could make a lot of big plays for them this year. They just don't want to bank on him being their only slot option. And right now, Trenton Own's more of an outside guy. Jamar Chase is going to play the slot some t Higgins doesn't really. He runs a slot fade and that's it. That's it. Yeah, And so Andre Joseavash could do it a little probably, but he's not going to be your slot receiver, and so that's a need. And ideally they would get someone that could do that and play outside. And Troy Franklin, by the way, did it a little bit. So, Hey, Zach, I know you're listening. Yeah, Troy Franklin at forty nine, I would imagine that twelve minuts after four o'clock on day one of the draft, Zach is sitting there. He's just listening but taking notes. He saw our picture. I tweet and I gotta pop those guys on. Hey call the other coaches in so we could see what these guys have to say. The internet, we get the high Heart radio app. You know, there was a time where at what used to be Paul Brown Stadium. If you said, hey, we need the Internet, it was dicey as to whether or not they could get it. Not that's not so much the case anymore. Uh. I was listening to Lewis Riddick with Tony and Austin yesterday. He brings up cornerback. Yeah, that's an interesting position. Right. First of all, Dak sails gonna play cornerback, right, Yeah, yeah, that's gonna happen. I'm so mad at the Bengal Right, I'm mad they just botched that whole They ruined him. Yeah, and not that he's not still a good player. I'm not saying that. I think there's a clear issue, but between I don't even know if the issue disagreement between the front office and how they viewed Ax and the coaching staff and how they viewed X. Right. I don't know how there's anyway around. Kind of a problem though, right, big problem. I mean, you need alignment, you need everybody on the same page. Doesn't that that's the one guy that feels like they're they're not on the same page about right, doesn't make sense to him? No, I thought he was better than the perception of him last year. I think there's some validity to that, the perception of him, and he was bad down the stretch. Yeah, everyone remembers that we talked more about how bad he was once the season was over than he did while the season was going on, which tells me we have overstated how bad he was since we didn't talk about it during the season. Yep. And if the plan was to play him at deep safety, well then maybe when he's a rookie and you have Jesse Bates, you give Jesse Bates five snaps off a game five five, Yeah, just to get him some experience back there. He had none. They put him back there in Shocker. It was a roller coaster. Yeah, That's That's where I'm at with that. Yeah, I don't think that rules out corner. I think cornerback is very much in play tonight. I'll be very very much in play, I think. And there are two guys that they could take at eighteen, all right, go ahead, Terry and Arnold, not in that order, though. Quin Jon Mitchell I think is the top corner on their board. I don't think he's going to be there, but if he is there, he's probably going to be the top player. I think of all of the positions that we have talked about as being a possibility for round one, that's the one we've talked about the least, and that's the so it's offensive tackle, defensive tackle. Their third most likely position to draft to night is corner. Okay, it's ahead of defensive end. It's well ahead of receiver. You think they're taking a guard at eighteen. No, it's corner, but they are taking a guard at some point. They're better. Yeah. I need that versatile, that versatile center guard. No, that's not really adversatile. I just need a guy who could play center and guard, right. Yeah. Well that's the thing. Like the off they didn't have to use them last year. Their offensive line backups are very uninspiring. That's a way to describe it. But I mean it is, I mean something, thankfully, but nobody had to play. It's insane. Yeah, we know as much about some of those dudes today as we did before the season started, no doubt. So I need some depth there. Trey Hill is your backup center today. It was Max Sharping last year about out there, right, So Max Sharping isn't signed anywhere? No, Okay, Uh, corner is in play tonight if they're most likely positioned. So if it's in play tonight, why are we not talking about that coming off the board for them tomorrow? Because I think the way it's been portrayed, at least from the stuff that I've consumed, is defensive tackle, offensive linemen, maybe two within the first two days, wide receiver. Oh and then by the way, brock Powers might be there. There's hasn't been a ton of corner chatter, but yet many will say you can't have enough cover corners and there has been transition at that position. Yeah, there's This draft is unique. So the past two years the Bengals have taken a corner in the second round, right with Taylor Brett DJ Turner. Tomorrow, Let's say they don't get a corner tonight tomorrow. I think the board, just the way the value is, it pushes it down to round three through five right where you can find good value. And I don't know when it'll be, but it'll be in that range. So between pick eighty and pick one for nine, that's where the range is where I think that they could add a corner. Heck, they may double dip a corner in this draft. It wouldn't shock me if they took one in the first round of the third round and then took one on late day three. That would not surprise me at all. So I think it's a priority. I do think there's a gap there where round two. It's hard to predict, but I would imagine that one of these trench players is going to be there. One of these receivers is going to be there tight end. It's a bit early. Maybe they trade down and go the corner, but I don't think that corner is really the value lines up at forty nine as of now. That might change tonight after the first round. Yeah, can I get you for one more? Let's go, because I want to extend the conversation beyond the Bengals, because I mean, it is a like a four hour TV show we're all going to watch the night. All I know is is I went and touch brock Bauers in the first seventeen and the Bengals got to run from the Bengals. Real estate is a tiny sliver, and so I want your take on some of the other storylines. Tiny unless they get a big man like a Marius Mims. Just think Georgia tonight Georgia on Georgia, George's on your mind, Brock Marius Mims all right, Lad McConkie, do like him? Yeah? I don't think the Bengals will like him? No, I like him? What's that? The like? Don't what don't they like? He's had some injuries and stuff. I don't know. That's the thing that's really hard to predict. You don't know the medical grades on any of these, right, But yeah, I'm in on him. I think he has that versatility to play outside. I think he can win downfield and obviously he could play slot. Do you think Trey Hendrickson and his agents will make any news during the draft tonight? I'll be so mad. Trey go's live eating Chips take it all back. Hey, Carlo has done lap? Was carl Us like instagramming? Yeah, made me watch his instagram Live eating Chips said nothing. It was like eight pm on a Tuesday during camp or no, it was during the season season, during the season and when they were terrible, like come on, man, like we have come on, it's downtime, Uh chips, he's James Rapaine. You know what. I hate hearing people eat ship like that is not a fun sound just a lot of validity to that. I don't need to hear you and I have both spent a large chunk of our lives wearing headphones remote broadcasts like this, and I have worked with people who during breaks will eat, but they don't take like they they slightly move the microphone out of the way. And if you're, you know, listening nothing, you want me to hate you, let me make make me listen to that. The nightmare scenario draft wise, tonight, Taylor and the coordinator for whatever whatever position group gets pick comes in and they're just eating chips into the mic. There's my nightmare. Nothing nothing worse. We have a new sponsor. Oh my goodness, it's nineteen minutes after four o'clock today. We are brought to you by Zimmer Tractor. NFL Draft coverage on ESPN Radio starts at six o'clock. As soon as we're done, we are here at Long Necks and Wilder till six o'clock. My name is Moegar. Glad that you are with us today on ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati Sports Station Cincinnati's or ESPN fifteen thirty. Moeger broadcasting from Long Necks and Wilder where it's pinte night tonight. What uh oh, pinte night for me one Anheuser Busch products and tonight one dollar drafts. When the Bengals go on the clock, that's ten minutes now, yeah, that's ten minutes. Now. You know what we could do if we were here, I would order I'll be at the stadium ten one dollar beers. I would drink ten in order ten more in that ten minute. That's smart strategy. That's the way. It's a veterans drink right draft strategy. Absolutely, James or Pine is here. Maybe that's why they don't let me drink the draft. There have been plenty of Bengals drafts where the only thing that got me through it was drinking. So Bengals Talk dot Com Achille Smith, Enter, Enter the Jungle. This was the twenty fifth anniversary of the Bengals turning down the Saints trade. Yeah, I remember that. I have a take for you. Go ahead. I get the logic. Yeah. Hate the player, yeah, hate that they didn't do their research. One hit. Wonder would you would you have done that a whole draft for Burrow? No? No, no, you know why? Because the logic it sounded, it was just the wrong player. Did that show? Were you working with me when we had Achilles Smith on the air? Probably he was maybe, I don't know, maybe not he was. I forget why we got him on, uh for quarterback evaluation? No, like just kidding, just like talk about his his time in Cincinnati. Yeah, and all the mistakes he made, and he could not have been more forthcoming about like what a knucklehead he was. I think that was right before we started working again. Okay, well it was really good. I mean, I like, we got him on and he answered a lot of legit questions and he was he was awesome. So good for him. I do think he did move into coaching for real. I think so. Yeah, But twenty five years ago, I remember that draft and I was similarly not opposed to it, but like, we need to we need a quarterback. This Achilles Smith guy decade without one. Yeah, Like I totally get it. It was just the evaluation was poor because I think if they had asked anyone didn't really would have said, Achille Smith is the only person I've heard Jim Scott, the legendary Jim Scott admonish on the air. Really yeah, he was doing like they signs his rookie contract, and he was doing like one of those like once a week five minute radio shows, this in the morning when I was producing Jim Show, and Achille would all in half awake, and that's if he would call in at all. So after like six seven weeks sometimes he wouldn't call any When he would, he was awful. Like Jim on the air, mister nice like reads him the riot Act and it's basically like, you know, I've been doing this a long time. You know, there's a level of professionalism, and if you want to be a star, here's what you could do. Not sleep through your interview. And then basically it's like I refuse to talk to this Achille Smith guy. Ever again, it was awesome. Wow, great first person that was entirely out on Achille Smith, Jim of all people. Yes, yes, all right, we've we've talked about the Bengals and the draft from every conceivable Cincinnati angle. Give me beyond the Bengals, the three or four most interesting things to you tonight round one. As a whole, I think we know the first four picks. Barring some unforeseen trade that I don't see happening, New England would be stupid, by the way to not take the quarterback, right unless they just think Drake May stinks, right, and then maybe you trade down and you to get fancy with it. I think he's got a pretty high ceiling. I don't think Drake I would roll the dice on those physical traits because it could be Josh Allen light right, it's still really darn good and that's better than what you've had. So Josh Allen, all anybody did was say, well, his completion percentage was low. Yeah, well, like to have him not here maybe, but like to have him in a lot of cities you would take, yeah for sure. And so yeah, I think May's third, Marvin Harrison Junior fourth, even though there is some split within the league, I think on who the top receiver in this class, and then after that do the charger stick and pick. There's been some JC Latham buzz there. If you're taking Latham, just moved down. How you doing so? I think they could move down. The thing is all the guys that Herbert threw to his first couple of years are gone. Mike Williams isn't there, Keenan Allen is still in the league. Not there, loost Eckler's not there, who's gonna throw to I agree with you, right, I love receivers. I would take Malik Neighbors if he's there at five, and that would just be my pick. I think what they might do is move down to eleven. Maybe with Minnesota they move up for Jjarings have made it known they want a quarterback, move up for JJ McCarthy, and then you take your offensive lineman at eleven. You have a pick at twenty three. You get both of those picks potentially if you're the Chargers, and then you get one of your receivers there. But you're right, they need to add weapons. But I wonder about our buddy Brian Callahan at seven. The Titans are there at seven, everyone says Joe Al, all right, Well, maybe Joe Al's not there, maybe he goes five, or maybe you go receiver. We saw Brian Callahan do it right, and he was one of those guys leading the charge. He's got his dad. Even with Hopkins a thousand years old, one year, one year left, so compare it to here. Higgins was young, they had one year of AJ and they still went and got jamar Aj was done. Then he was a f everyone elsewhere. But so it's not perfect, it's pretty close, it's pretty similar. I don't know that after five there's been a team that I've seen in all the mock drafts have the same pick more often than Tennessee. And that's why I think it's wrong. Right with all? Yeah, I think it's wrong. Just is it really that obvious? Usually if it feels that obvious, it's not right. And and who knows, maybe I'm dead wrong on that. I don't know, but I think maybe they go Olufashanu instead of All. I don't know, maybe ELT's already gone, like you said, I think that that's interesting. Other things the Jets do they go brock Powers. Obviously that impacts what we're talking about here. Do they do that? That's what Aaron Rodgers apparently wants. Yeah, I mean that's that entire football operation feels like their job is as on the line in this draft as any in the league. Right, they have to get it turned around and see, you know what I would do. I trade up and I get one of these receivers. That's what I would do. Right, who cares out the picks? Right? Move up with the Giants? Right? The Giants, won't they move up with the Titans. If I they need is Joe Douglas the GM they need market improvement now. Yeah, so we saw what did Jamar Chase do. And I'm not saying there's a market improvement. I'm not saying there's a Jamar Chase from four wins to ten. But yeah, like, if you get that dude, he changes things. Yeah. Well, the whole thing for years with Rogers in Green Bay was he's got no one to throw to. Now they still have Garrett Wilson, and then it's Alan Lazard who stinks it's bad. It's not good that Jets called me last week for a workout. I was busy. Really, they're desperate at receiver. You. I mean, with all the website Jurney contributing to I could I can understand one pretty tough that the Jets are interesting. Run for forty yard dash. I gotta write this article that the Jets are just interesting to me because it feels like the day the season ends, the most likely outcome is if you want a job in pro football, New York's gonna have one. Yeah, they are gonna have one. And what I think the guy lingering over all these coaches, it's Bill Belichick. He wants in and he's going to get in next off season. Right, That's what's interesting too. Back with the Jets, that would be wild. I doubt that. But yeah, right with Rogers, Oh god, yeah, that's a unique group. I think Dallas Philly. I mean there's options, options, but I mean it's sort of coming full circle back to the team that he quit right in his resignation, comes back plays the Patriots twice a year, ignites that rivalry, Like, that's the storyline that I'm Buffalo that I'm rooting for. Could be But did did Buffalo? Buffalo didn't hit the reset button? But what if they're bad? Are they going to be bad? But but does them? It's not the them retooling? Did that? Did that buy the regime another year? We'll see what they do tonight. Yeah, if they stick and pick? Do they trade up? Do they try to trade up? I think that's interesting too. I think another trade up candidate. And when I wrote about this today, the Eagles. Do they try to move up to eighteen or maybe earlier, but moved up to eighteen from twenty two? Some teams like that? Who knows? I think that that's that's interesting. If I had to guess that the Chargers trade down, that would be my guess. I just you know, Hardball when he got the job at his press conference, talked openly about the offensive line. But they have since lost all their their past catchers and so is it by design? And he's like, we took Malik Neighbors. You idiots like I don't. But if I'm justin Herbert, I'm going, look, man, I'm I measured against all these other qbs. We have guys to throw to. Keenan Allen was a nice player but was kind of putting out on sixteen when they moved on. They move on from like Williams, like, I give me somebody, give me a dude, even if Rock Powers, give me a dude to throw to. They drafted a first round of last year, right guy. I wasn't in on No, so get out of TCU. But I every offseason we hear about how good the Chargers are gonna be because of Herbert. So now they have their coach, Jim Harballsey say what you want about him, a terrific coach. If I'm that young man, I'm going, look, man, I'm drafted Burrow has been to a Super Bowl to it despite his health issues. Is the guy in Miami? Like I need a guy? Maybe they trade down and take brock Tua, got Tyreek Kildethrow too, Do you do that? Yeah? I if I'm if I'm the Chargers and if I'm the Jets, I want up and get a receiver. Get a receiver, yes, to pair with Garrett Wilson and Aaron Rodgers. Hopefully stays upright. And now you're cooking right because that defense is real and you have two legit flats. I'm not a Chargers fan, but I want to see Justin Herbert be given a chance to do something besides lose games twenty eight to twenty seven. And I want to see so many challenge Kansas City in that division. And it ain't gonna be Denver, right, and we're gonna trade down. Apparently I'm one of them, the many like team needs pieces, the people right with you know, it's like corners wide receivers. Denver was good players like the Knicks, my beloved Nicks. A few years ago in the NBA draft, team needs everything. With the Broncos, it was good players, geese pets. That's rough. Good players and they don't have as many picks because of trading the Peyton and Wilson trades. Yeah, Russell Wilson, that's rough. Uh oh yeah, I am the Peyton trade right, So yeah, do you think Russell Wilson works in Pittsburgh. I had someone in Pittsburgh. I was on a for Bleacher Report. I was doing a video yesterday and it was this live mock draft and this guy said, we have it's clearly a huge Steelers owner, right, we have a top ten quarterback. And I said, who are you drafted? Top ten one? It beats me. I have no idea. So no, I think there's some confidence there and he's good value. But no, he's not scary. I have a I have a Steelers fan in my life who feels that way. No, who will say, like, well, you know, in the AFC North, we have the one quarterback who's a Super Bowl champion, Like awesome man, cool bank that put that in your pocket. Talk to twenty twelve. Talk to me in December. Peyton Manning was like, at the height of his Denver day, I want that to fail. They want in the worst way, because you talk about a quarterback whose personality doesn't mesh with the town that he's playing in. Russell Wilson in Pittsburgh, did you see the video? All the videos. I'm like Russell Wilson in Pittsburgh is destined. There are certain marriages you could just tell like that ain't gonna work. Even if it works in the short term, here's how it's gonna unravel. Is he gonna do the whole like Steelers country, Let's go like that stuff yins our country? Or do the interview with the football under his arm? I don't know. He needs to be looking over his shoulder. At least the guy behind him is athletic and can run. Still. Yeah, and I would love to see Justin Fields. I like him like Steelers. I still don't think he's good. No, but I I think I think he handled a tough situation in Chicago. Doubt that really, really well. That's the example of landing spot matters. Yeah, no, doubt, because I think he could have worked out in some situations. Would you not draft Caleb Williams because he cries and wears fingernail? Pope? No, I'm still drafted, Okay, I would just stud throws off platform. I don't care if he's don't care about that stuff. You know who else painted his nails? Chad Johnson. Correct, I'm just saying, uh, I know you have a lot going on. I cannot thank you enough. Of course. Yeah, you're you're you're like surprised at me right now. Yeah, of course every year, same time, next year, same time next week. I mean, you got a lot going on. So like I get to go. Uh, I'll be watching and reading and listening. I'm actually probably gonna bother you tomorrow. I'm not gonna lie to you, No, dude, I can need your thoughts on Are you back in studio tomorrow? I'm at another location? Wow? Okay, all right. Also, I want to thank our sales team, which had a big day at the ball park. They did, went and saw the Reds play and then entertaining game. Wanted to see a winner, so they came and watched us right. Thanked them for not only coming out, but all the hard work they put into making our draft coverage on ESPN fifteen thirty and seven hundred WLW such a success. We are insanely late Brendanman and Jones on Baseball is coming up in about fifteen minutes. We're here at Long Necks and Wilder. Today's show is a service of zimber Tractor on Moeger Thanks again to James Repeam. Checkout Bengals Talk dot Com. Entered the Jungle, the show and the book Yes YouTube on Tuesdays, right yes, and they turned off the non Bally Sports weekly and also one of the hosts of the Locked On Bengals podcast. Now it's on right now, you're on Bally right now, there we go, it's on now. Wow. They saw that and they turned the channel quick. Let's get that draft coverage all right. We are late twenty one away from five o'clock on ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati Sports Station broadcasting from Long Necks and Wilder Sports Headlines or a service of Kelsey Chevrolet home of lifetime powerstrame protection and a guaranteed credit approval from their family to yours for life kelseyshev dot Com. Twenty twenty four NFL Draft is tonight. It's officially taking place in Detroit for the first time ever. Bengals will have the eighteenth overall pick. We are we're estimating right around maybe like ten forty tonight with pick eighteen, maybe a little bit earlier ten thirty, ten forty, somewhere in that range. Bengals with four picks over the first two days, excuse me of the draft. Trey Hendrickson has reportedly requested a trade. Not reportedly, his agent has confirmed it he's requested a trade. I got a lot of things to say about this. I'm I'm amused. I'm amused because I can't imagine that Trey Hendrickson's agent is as dumb as he seems to be. But he seems really dumb. More on that coming up in the five o'clock hour. Reds do not win their series with the Philadelphia Phillies. Zach Wheeler stuck it to him today Cincinnati with just three hits in a five nothing loss. They split the set. Reds are on the road this weekend for three with the defending World Series champion Texas Rangers. College basketball, the Big twelve Big East Battle will feature you see Bearcats on the road against Villanova. That game will be on Tuesday, December third. Meanwhile, Xavier will be in Fort Worth to battle TCU. That game on Friday, December sixth. We have been loaded with draft content. Anything you might have missed any of our draft analysts go to the iHeartRadio app. Could also find him on the podcast page of ESPN fifteen to thirty dot com podcast of our show a service of Long Neck Sports Grille, which is where we are right now and we'll be until six o'clock on ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati Sports station. No one covers the Bengals like ESPN fifteen to thirty, Cincinnati's sports station. What's up, Good afternoon, molegor ESPN fifteen thirty Hope you're having an awesome Thursday afternoon. We are broadcasting on day one of the Draft from Long Necks in Wilder. Our show today is a service of Zimmer Tractor. The five o'clock Happy Hour is brought to you by our friends at michelob Ultra. I've got one right now, Brood for active living, Brood for active people. Michelob Ultra, They've got it here at Long Next. It's Pine Night here at Long Next specials on all Anheuser Busch products and tonight during the draft when the Bengals are on the clock. One dollar drafts. You cannot beat that. Here at Long Necks and Wilder, very easy to get to, a great plays to watch the draft tonight Tomorrow Saturday. Red's in action this weekend. Reds did lose today five nothing to the Philadelphia Phillies. They're in Texas this weekend. NBA and NHL Stanley Cup playoffs. Whatever you're watching, you can watch him here at long next four k TV's awesome menu Ice Cold, michelob Ultra available as well awesome stuff on today's show from our buddy James Rapine. We are gonna call him back tomorrow to talk about what the Bengals do in round one tonight and obviously look ahead to rounds two and three tomorrow. The draft for the Bengals is occurring against the backdrop of something. It is rare that I see something that is genuinely surprising, but you know, we're doing the show yesterday afternoon and it's I was chatting with doctor Mark Juhas from Ortho Sinci, our weekly Ortho Sincy Injury Report, and I see the tweet from Adam Schefter that Trey Hendrickson is requesting the trade because he wants more long term security from the Cincinnati Bengals. I just I don't know anything about Trey Hendrickson's agent, but first of all, I can't blame him for trying. I can't blame anybody for trying to get a raise, get what they think is a better deal, get more security, especially when they're coming off the season that Trey Hendrickson had. Trey Hendrickson was awesome last year. I mean as good as he was his first season in Cincinnati. Trey was even better last season, seventeen and a half sacks and really the only consistently disruptive force on the defensive line, at least when it comes to getting after the quarterback. I can't blame him or his agent for trying to use that season as a means of getting more money. When it doesn't happen, don't you just kind of shrug your shoulders and go, well, we gave it an effort, we tried. What's next? Like did did? Did his agent? And I'll put this more on the agent than I will on Trey. Did his agent really believe that they are going to strong arm the Cincinnati Bengals. I mean, there's the stubbornness angle, right, There's Well, they famously don't react when you put a gun to their head. They famously don't react to ultimatums. They haven't traded t Higgins even though he's requested one. They didn't trade Jonah Williams even though he requested one. They rather famously so didn't trade Carson Palmer for eleven months, even though he said I'll never play for you again. Like they don't do these things because someone is requesting a trade. It's a request, not a demand. But above it, beyond that is he number one is the agent not paying attention to how the Bengals have recently done things where they're not that interested in players over the age of thirty, Like right or wrong, Look at Tyler Boyd. I think Tyler Boyd can still play in this league. I'm guessing Tyler Boyd is still going to play in this league even though he is unsigned. Bengals just let him go, like just let him go, understandably. So they are like a lot of teams in this day and age that they're they're not that interested in locking in guys to long term deals when they're thirty or when they're about to hit thirty. Trey Hendrickson will be thirty before this year ends. He turns thirty in December when this year ends. When this season ends, they still have him under contract for twenty twenty five. Did Trey's agent and did Trey himself believe that the Bengals were gonna go Okay, you know what, we don't cave when players make trade requests, and we're not that interested in players over the age of thirty. But you know what we're gonna do. We're gonna go ahead and give more years to a guy who's under contract for two more years who's about to turn thirty. Like this is something they looked at each other and hatched the plan and thought this would work. I put this on social media last night, like, are they aware? Look, Trey is, by all accounts a good dude. He's been a terrific player. There's no reason to root against him. He's gonna play for the Bengals this coming season. Do they know, though, how much they're being laughed at? Like I'm laughing at him? Most people who follow the league are they're laughing at Trey Hendrickson and his agent. Bengals fans, I think you're laughing at Trey Hendrickson. I'm gonna be willing to bet that the people working inside the venue formerly known as Paul Brown Stadium also laughing at Trey Hendrickson. Look, Trey's awesome. Here's the reality. We're we're not talking about what kind of player he's going to be in twenty twenty four. We think he's going to be a good player in twenty twenty four. We're not talking about the kind of player he's going to be in twenty twenty five. Trey's looking for a deal for twenty twenty six. Think about how far off into the distance that is. When the twenty twenty six season begins, we will have gone through tonight's draft, this weekend's draft, next year's draft, and the draft after that, and then the twenty twenty six season is going to begin. Trey is under contract to play in thirty four more games for the Bengals in the regular season between now and the start of the twenty twenty six season. At the end of the twenty twenty six season, Tray's going to be thirty two years old. What did they did? They really think this was going to work? And look, man, if Trey Hendrickson is a Bengal in twenty twenty six, that's not a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, because that tells me he still showed he had a lot in the tank in twenty twenty four and still showed he had a lot in the tank perhaps in twenty twenty five. But I'm not giving Tray twenty two. That's what this is about. It's about twenty twenty six. I'm not giving Trey twenty twenty six based on what he did in twenty twenty three. Who in their right mind would do that, especially when he's under a value contract, Like we always talk about, the really good teams in the league are the ones that have guys under value contracts. The Bengals have Trey Hendrickson, an elite edge rusher under a value contract, and so A they're gonna trade him. B they're just gonna give them more money when they agreed to a contract with him nine months ago, and C when he has no leverage like he may decide to go retire. And what I would tell Trey is, look, man, if if the choice comes down two, you playing this year and next year making close to thirty million dollars, or you retiring and making none of that money. If that's what you want to go, do fine. We drafted an edge rusher last year. We've got ten picks in this year's draft. We have next year's draft. Like we like to have you, we kind of need you. But if you're gonna say, look, I'm gonna retire and not make thirty million bucks over the next couple of seasons because you're looking for a contract when you're going to be close to thirty two years old in twenty twenty six, Hey man, thanks for everything, but I'll see you. There's two more things about this one that I'm gonna get to in the next segment. Obviously, we have the actual draft itself that we have to talk about. I want Byron Murphy. I don't think he's going to be there. I'm intrigued to see if Johnny Newton is there, the other defensive tackle that a lot of people have given her first round grade to if they would draft him. The Carson Palmer comparison that many have made. So Carson in twenty eleven says trade me or I'm gonna retire, and by the way, he delivered on that promise. He didn't come to training camp, he didn't join the team when the season started, he left. They ultimately did trade him when opportunity met desperation, and they sent him to the Oakland Raiders. Whether you agreed with what Carson did, whether you detest to this day what Carson did. What Carson did and what Trey is doing, they're not the same. I, by the way, was kind of on board with what Carson did, because Carson was upset about how the organization is run and was upset about the structure of basically the football operations, and he viewed Cincinnati as as it was at the time in twenty eleven, as not where he can win. What he did was not about getting more money. It wasn't about getting a new contract. It was about I don't think I can win here, and so I want to be here. You might not have liked it, it might still bother you to this day, but what Carson did was about winning. What Trey is doing is got nothing to do with winning. What Tray is doing is about him. And by the way, I had no issue at all with people putting themselves first, especially in business. None. But he did just sign a contract nine months ago. He had to have thought, or at least his agent had to have thought and communicated to him, hey, man, you're gonna get the security of another year on your current deal. That's great. But if you have a bang up twenty twenty three, which he did, it's a pretty good chance the Bengals are just gonna say, yeah, cool, you still have two more years left on your deal that we just extended. If you come to them and say now I want to be paid even more or now I want more years left on my deal, and if his agent didn't communicate that to him, to Trey Hendrickson, then Trey has the worst agent ever legitimately. But what Trey is looking for is more security, more money. You might not blame him for that, but what Trey wants, what he's trying to do, what he's trying to accomplish, has nothing to do with winning. How the franchise is run, how the front office is structured, who's on the coaching staff. These two situations are very dissimilar. You may have hated what Carson did. You might be okay with what Traye did. You may hate what a Trey is doing, and we're totally on board with what Carson did. You may hate both, it doesn't matter, but the comparison to me, I was always on board with what Carson did because what Carson did was a statement about the franchise being ill equipped to win, and by the way the wins and losses would tell you that he was right. And there were a lot of people at that time re examining their relationship with Mike Brown and the Bengals. Trey Hendrickson, what he's trying to accomplish has nothing to do with his ability to win here versus somewhere else. None, none, So you can't acquise eight to two. The other thing you can't do is hold this against the Bengals, because there is something that a lot of people default to. Anytime the Bengals are at a personnel crossroads there, any time there's some sort of key decision they've got to make, or a player might hold out or he's dissatisfied with his contract, we do the same thing every time, and we shouldn't do it. We'll get to that coming up in just a few minutes. We're here at Long Necks and Wilder till six o'clock twenty twenty four NFL Draft broadcasting Here in Wilder. We still have a really cool giveaway thanks to our friends at bud Light. We've got a lot to get to. Our show today is a service of Zimber tractor. It's the Mike culture of five o'clock Happy Hour're here at Long Necks on ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati Sports Station. Cincinnati's then radios coverage of the twenty twenty four NFL Draft starts as soon as our show ends six o'clock. Here at Long Necks in Wilder, it's the five o'clock happy hour. Thanks to michelob Ultra, it's pint night here. You can get a Mick Ultra for two bucks. How about that? And during the draft, during the draft tonight, Bengals around the clock one dollar draft beers. You cannot you cannot beat that here at Long Necks in Wilder. Just one more thing quickly here on Andrey Hendrickson. The Bengals have earned a lot of criticism, a lot of well deserved criticism over the years. I've been hosting this show for fifteen years. I've levied my fair share of fair criticism at the Bengals. When they earn it, we give it to them when they earn it. Usually the people who work with the team and in many cases run the team would tell you we have earned that criticism. But this is this is what frustrates me and I'm not carrying any water for the Bengals, but you'll have a situation like this and folks will default to see this is just the Bengals being cheap again. Somebody give me an example of in recent history where the Bengals have been cheap. DJ Reader for a few minutes, was the highest paid player at his position ever. Even when the Bengals weren't good for a while, Geno Atkins was the highest paid player at his position. So is aj Green. Joe Burrow is currently the highest paid player in the history of the sport. They've paid for their offensive line to be better. In free agency, they paid Trey Hendrickson a pretty hefty sum for a guy who was largely unproven. The cheap ownership thing, I'm not gonna say it's never been valid. I'm not gonna say that every decision they've made based on finances has turned out to be the right one, even Andrew Whitworth, which blew up in their face. That wasn't so much based on what they were gonna pay him. It was based on his age and them betting that he wasn't gonna be able to keep playing at a high level as he crossed over into his late thirties. They got that wrong. A lot of teams would have made that wager. This isn't the Bengals being cheap, it's the Bengals being smart. Like again, I blame nobody for wanting more money and more security. I do not blame Trey Hendrickson at all for trying to parlay his excellent season last year into a new deal. This is not about them being cheap. It's about them. We've got a player under contract for two years right now. That's all we want him for. Things could change based on how things unfold this year. If he has a season in twenty twenty four that looks like last year, I'd be willing to bet the Bengals will at least take a look at the feasibility of keeping here, keeping him here in twenty twenty six. This isn't the Bengals being cheap. Don't confuse cheap with smart, don't confuse cheap with prudent. And by the way, the finances are gonna change as we move into the second half of the decade because of Joe Burrow's contract. That's just the reality. I don't really think Joe Burrow's contract is affecting what Trey's trying to get done here. And you know, again, like his agent tells Ben Baby, he wants to be in Cincinnati. He was at the facility last week for offseason workouts. You may think Trey deserves more from the Bengals, you may want them to sign him for the remainder of his career. But this isn't them being cheap, like the cheap ownership. I saw this a lot on Twitter. John Ledyard's NFL draft analyst out of Pittsburgh, tweeted about cheap ownership. That's not even just being unfair, it's being lazy. It's being wilfully lazy and ignorant. Again, give me an example. Just because they've allowed certain players to walk out the door, it doesn't mean they've been cheap. Usually it's based on an evaluation of the player versus what that players looking for. It's everybody has to make those decisions, right, what's the value of this player versus what they're looking to be paid, versus what we can maybe get that's a cheaper replacement. And there's also this man like the likelihood of Trey Hendrickson being as good a player in twenty twenty six as he was in twenty one and twenty three. He wasn't quite as good in twenty twenty two. Aren't great, But you're gonna know more about the kind of player he's gonna be in twenty twenty six based on his output in twenty four and twenty five, and the Bengals have them under contract for those years. This is not them being cheap. This is not a franchise that deserves the way it's run right now. I'll criticize them for all sorts of stuff. Nothing about how they've opted rated for a while now would suggest they're cheap. Look at the players they have had, look at the players they have kept, look at the players they have acquired. Where's the frugality by the way, Yeah, they let Jesse Bates walk. You're seeing what's happening around the NFL. Teams aren't paying big money. Safeties not being cheap either. I just you want to have a discussion about what Trey is looking for and what the Bengals should do. Like that legitimate man, Maybe you can make the argument Trey in twenty six is going to be worth investing him. Go ahead and do that now. But the reason he's upset. He agreed to a contract nine months ago. Agreed to a contract. If he suddenly hates the circumstances around him, what's changed. And again I put this on the agent. Your job as an agent is to present scenarios. Hey signs the one year contract extension for twenty five. I would like to think his agent went to him and said, buddy, if you have a big year this season and suddenly you have one year left on your contract, you're gonna be in a much better bargaining position than if you sign this contract right now. Now. If you sign this contract right now and you have a crappy season in twenty twenty three, well you've got some security. We hear it all the time. Bet on yourself. Trey chose not to. The Bengals are not in the wrong here by any stretch. Every time a player requests a trade, it's not reflective of the team doing something wrong, and its sure as hell ain't reflective of the team being cheap. Twenty three away from six o'clock Michel Ultra five o'clock Happy Hour Here at Long Necks and Wilder ESPN fifteen thirty, we are presented today by Zimmer Tracker ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati sports station. He's seventeen away from six. This is ESPN fifteen thirty. Excuse me, bo Wager broadcasting from a long neckt in on free locations long neck sas they got Hebrin, they got rich Wood, they got here in Wilder, each one of them, four KTVs all over the joint, each one of them, and extensive menu. I got the wings before I went on the air. They were terrific. It's pint night one dollar pints or I'm sorry, one dollar drafts. Also on top of pint Night when the Bengals go on the clock. If you can't get here tonight, make plans this weekend to a post up at Long next. The five o'clock Happy Hour is a service of Michelobultra and our show today is also brought to you by zimmer Track or NFL Draft Tonight on ESPN fifteen thirty. I talked about this yesterday. When it comes to having a draft preference, I tend to form one much later in the process than many because I like getting the information. I like getting people on the air and talking with people and listening to people who I think are really plugged in whose viewpoint I value, whose perspective I enjoy, whose expertise I put stock in. I am going to guess Byron Murphy is not there. That's the player that I want. I will take Johnny Newton, I think for me, no matter what that the biggest question for this team this year is can they take a position that last year was not that much of a strength and turn it into one this year, both in terms of slowing down the run and putting pressure on the quarterbacks up the middle. James was trying to talk me into Amarius Mims. I will say this, I haven't I haven't seen anybody who who doesn't view him as a guy that has the potential to be a very, very good NFL starting tackle. The eight games of experience does concern me from the perspective of I'd like the guy who I'm drafting at eighteen in a season where on trying to win the whole thing, to be a guy that I'm comfortable putting on the field week one. Maybe for Amarus Mems the answer is yes, he could play Week one, but there's just not an overwhelming body of work. The body of work that he does have people absolutely love. I do think it was interesting when Zach Taylor talked earlier this week about positional versatility and he kind of shot down the notion that, well, we're looking for offensive lineman who could play multiple positions. It's obviously nice, but they're looking for a right tackle to play a right tackle. And when they look for interior offensive lineman, my guess is they're looking for guards who play guard, centers who play center. I cannot wait to talk about this in great detail tomorrow. We do have the NFL Draft Show tonight on seven hundred WLW from six to midnight. Tony Pike and I will be anchoring the eight to ten portion of that show, and that's always a lot of fun. It's also a lot of fun to come out to Long Necks. These folks could not be more hospitable. We love coming here. Long Necks is obviously a host of the Roundtable Show with Lance and Rocky during the season, and this always gives me an opportunity to come on out and do what they get a chance to do. On the Thursday of the NFL Draft. Thanks to Rodney Simpson for producing on site, Drew Wester Heidi and Tarren Bland for producing back in Kenwood. We return tomorrow at three to five. Want to thank Zimmer Tractor for sponsoring today's show and our friends at mid Culture for sponsoring the five o'clock Happy Hour. As always, we'll talk to you tomorrow at three five, talk to you tonight at eight on seven hundred WLW. Have a great night and enjoy the draft. Thank you for listening. This is ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati sports station. The Independent


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