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Mormon Truth Interviews!!

Samuel the Utahnite

Mormon Truth Interviews!!

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Mormon Truth Interviews!!

Samuel the Utahnite

Mormon Truth Interviews!!

Mormon Truth Interviews!!

Samuel the Utahnite

Mormon Truth Interviews!!

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Jan 17th, 2019
This is the opening statement from the MORMON First Presidency, regarding the new temple changes for 2019 that are about 188 years too late. What a joke! Mormon Jesus can't see the future and keeps changing his "unchangeable" temple ceremony(and many other things) due to societal pressures and in a desperate attemp...
Aug 9th, 2018
This was a great talk given by the legendary Utah historian Will Bagley at the October 2002 EXMO Conference. Will Bagley did his research and has finally proved that Brigham Young did indeed order the Mountain Meadows Massacre and provides the evidence and the "SMOKING GUN" leaving no doubt about the Mormon Prophet's g...
Mar 30th, 2018
Last week, MormonLeaks released a recording of a woman confronting an LDS missionary leader she said tried to rape her. We’re talking about what the Church is or isn’t doing to protect its own.Last week, the whistle-blowing group MormonLeaks released a recording of a woman confronting the man she said tried to rape h...
Mar 23rd, 2018
This is the story of Joseph L. Bishop, MTC President from 1983-1986 who had a secret room in the MTC where he would take sister missionaries, so he could see their breasts(his own words) and according to the woman interviewing him; to rape and sexually abuse women. He went undetected by the Prophet and their so-calle...
Feb 26th, 2018
This is audio from the newly crowned Mormon Prophet Russell M. Nelson in Las Vegas on Feb 18, 2018. This audio was never meant for public consumption, as Mormon Inc. only released small clips of what they wanted the public in general to hear. I wonder why? Why not release the entire audio to the world? Why cherry pic...
Feb 17th, 2018
I've combined both interviews into one audio file for everyone & I mention when the 1st one ends & the 2nd one begins, so there is no confusion.Please visit the page linked to in this post, to find the official Mormon Leaks page for the original links to the audio & to the Emails mentioned at the end of the descripti...
Jan 30th, 2018
On January 21, 2018, David Bednar, Apostle in the Mormon Church, visited three stakes in Houston, TX. He visited the Houston, Tomball and Kingwood Stakes.This is the talk he gave at one of those stakes. There is no one more arrogant than David A. Bednar, in the BIG 15..the arrogance drips from every word he speaks...
Jan 30th, 2018
Wednesday, we’re talking about new LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson, other changes in the First Presidency, and how the Church may meet the challenges of a global faith in the 21st century.Tuesday morning, the LDS Church announced the new leader of the faith. It was no surprise that Russell M. Nelson was calle...
Jan 30th, 2018
Thomas S. Monson, President of the LDS Church, has died at the age of 90. Thursday, we’re talking about his life, the course of the Church during his tenure, and what comes next for Mormonism.Thomas S. Monson, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, died Tuesday at 90 years old. President Monson...
Jan 3rd, 2018
Thomas S. Monson bragging about not signing the petition against a "little paperboy" who then tragically killed himself. He did NOTHING to help this "poor little paperboy" but considered himself and his wife to be heroes! It's a sick and tragic story and I hope he just made it up like most of his stories and that it wa...
Jul 20th, 2016
Utah Senator Steve Urquhart says the LDS Church “effectively snuffed out” his bill to strengthen the state’s hate crime laws. Last week, the Church criticized any legislation that would upset the “careful balance” Utah achieved between LGBT rights and religious liberty with last year’s anti-discrimination law. Wednes...
Jul 19th, 2016
A great show by Doug Fabrizio, on RadioWest, entitled "The Mormon Jesus", from July 14,2016.Did you know that in the 1850s some Mormons argued that Jesus was married and had children? Or that even today, there’s LDS theology around Jesus Christ that leads Evangelicals to say The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day S...
Jul 19th, 2016
"Woven into the story, the history will be some of the issues that sometimes rise associated with church history and our doctrine. We try to cover those with some essays which are linked to lds.org under Gospel Topics. The Brethren two years ago gave us twelve questions to answer. They included 'œRace and the Priesthoo...
Jun 25th, 2016
This song was available until July 31, 2016 for free & is now just a sample. Please visit iTunes or CDBaby(linked at the bottom) to purchase the full,high quality version & help Lori to pursue her dream of singing & helping others with her amazing voice & talent. Thanks!"I've Had to Learn". My gift to the LGBT commun...
Jun 17th, 2016
The Day of the Lamanites-Spencer W. KimballOf the Council of the Twelve ApostlesConference Report October 1960, pp. 32-37This talk was originally given in General Conference, in October, 1960 & is therefore considered OFFICIAL scripture!One of the most horrific, racist talks given in General Conference, in modern...
Jun 17th, 2016
This was a meeting held Saturday, June 11, 2016 in Lethbridge, Canada, with Mormon Apostle Russell M. Nelson. Here is a summary of Nelson's comments. Others also speak after he is done. This meeting also included seventies, a mission president, temple president, stake presidents & bishops.The question is, who in th...
Jun 4th, 2016
This show was originally broadcast By DOUG FABRIZIO on JUN 16, 2014.Tuesday, we're continuing our conversation on discipline and excommunication in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Doug's guest for the hour is Ally Isom, Senior Manager of Public Affairs with the LDS Church. Two high-profile, progressi...
Jun 4th, 2016
This show was originally broadcast By DOUG FABRIZIO on JUN 15, 2014.Last week, two prominent voices in the progressive Mormon community were notified they face possible excommunication from the LDS Church. John Dehlin is creator of a popular podcast discussing Mormon issues and an advocate for LGBT rights. Kate Kelly...
May 24th, 2016
This is the Doug Fabrizio show from May 16, 2016:Joseph Smith claimed that God and Jesus appeared to him in 1820 to tell him all churches were wrong, which led him to found the Mormon faith. Late LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley once said the Church’s “whole strength rests on the validity of that vision.” Smith told ...
May 2nd, 2016
This is the Doug Fabrizio show from April 26, 2016:This month, The Salt Lake Tribune has been following the story of BYU students who say they’ve been punished under the school’s honor code because they reported sexual assaults. Some of the questions these women are facing have been experienced around the country: ...
Apr 20th, 2016
This is audio of Jeremy Runnells' kangaroo "court of love" with Stake President Mark Ivins(a disgrace of a man!). This was held in American Fork, Utah, on Sunday, April 17, 2016. Jeremy takes 20-25 minutes(of the 45 minutes they give him) to tell them the way it is, take control of the room and then hand them his let...
Apr 18th, 2016
This is audio of Jeremy Runnells' court of hate, or Kangaroo court, in American Fork, Utah, on April 17, 2016, where he resigned before his Stake President, Mark Ivins and his 14 goons could excommunicate him. In other words, he took back and took away their power and excommunicated the church, as Jeremy said in his ...
Mar 1st, 2016
Mormon Apostle David A. Bednar: ‘We are not bigots’ because ‘there are no homosexual members of the church.’The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) Apostle and proud bigot/gay hater Elder David A. Bednar revealed to followers recently that there were “no homosexual members of the church.” Durin...
Feb 13th, 2016
This was the Mormon Apostle Dallin H. Oaks, embarrassing himself at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, responding to a great question from Andrew Evans, regarding the "gay Mormon suicide crisis."This took place on Tuesday, February 9, 2016Andrew’s Question: “Regarding social warfare, like you s...
Feb 11th, 2016
This was the "Press Conference" for Jeremy Runnells(of "CES LETTER" fame), held on February 10,2016, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the headquarters of the Mormon CULT or the Vatican of Mormonism. John Dehlin conducted the interview. The Mormon Cult leadership has a "court of love"(PURE HATE) planned for this coming Sunday...
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