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New Books in Philosophy

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New Books in Philosophy

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New Books in Philosophy

New Books Network

New Books in Philosophy

New Books in Philosophy

New Books Network

New Books in Philosophy

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New Books in Philosophy Creators & Guests

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Caleb Zakarin is an Assistant Editor at the New Books Network. ...More
Robert Talisse is a left-handed American philosopher and political theorist. ...More
Carrie Figdor is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Iowa. Her research focuses on the philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and ethics. Before pursuing a career in philosophy, Figdor was a journalist with the Associated Press for eleven years. ...More
Michael Huemer is a professor of philosophy at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He has defended ethical intuitionism, direct realism, libertarianism, veganism, and philosophical anarchism. ...More
Sokthan Yeng is an author, and Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Adelphi University. ...More
Kieran Setiya is a philosopher whose work focuses on ethics, epistemology, and the philosophy of mind. Currently, he is a Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Setiya is the author of "Practical Knowledge, Reasons without Rationalism," and "Knowing Right From Wrong," which defend a cognitive theory of intention, a form of virtue ethics, and an account of ethical knowledge that draws on Aristotle and Hume. He has also written about love, regret, and rights. Most recently, he is the author of a self-help book, "Midlife: A Philosophical Guide," and a number of essays in public philosophy. ...More
Collin Rice is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department. ...More
Thomas Crocker is a writer and author of the book, Overcoming Necessity: Emergency, Constraint, and the Meanings of American Constitutionalism. ...More
Sherri Irvin is an author and Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate College at the University of Oklahoma. ...More
Alexander Guerrero is the author of the book: "Lottocracy: Democracy Without Elections" (Oxford UP, 2024). ...More
Brian Earp is an interdisciplinary researcher with training in cognitive science, experimental psychology, philosophy, history and sociology medicine, and ethics. ...More
Samantha Matherne is an assistant professor of philosophy at Harvard University, and author of the book Cassirer. ...More
Helena de Bres is a philosopher and writer. ...More
Arindam Chakrabarti is an author, visiting Professor of Philosophy at Ashoka University, and Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University. ...More
Regina Rini is a writer, researcher, and author of the book The Ethics of Microaggression. ...More
Fanny Söderbäck is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at DePaul University. She is the coeditor of Undutiful Daughters: New Directions in Feminist Thought and Practice and the editor of Feminist Readings of Antigone. ...More
Herman Cappelen is a Chair Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. ...More
Eric Schwitzgebel is a philosopher and Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Riverside. He uses empirical psychology to study the philosophy of mind and the nature of belief.Schwitzgebel studies whether ethicists behave more ethically than others. He is known for having found that more ethics books were missing from academic libraries than other philosophy books.Schwitzgebel received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. ...More
Zahi Zalloua is a professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures (French) at Whitman College, editor of The Comparatist, former guest editor for issues of L'Esprit Créateur, and author of ​Žižek on Race: Towards an Anti-Racist Future. ...More
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