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Nightmare Society

Creepy Voice Guy

Nightmare Society

A weekly Society, Culture and Documentary podcast

 3 people rated this podcast
Nightmare Society

Creepy Voice Guy

Nightmare Society

Nightmare Society

Creepy Voice Guy

Nightmare Society

A weekly Society, Culture and Documentary podcast
 3 people rated this podcast
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I LOVE THIS.I am a senior at a really crappy school, this podcast has gotten me through all of my assignments and the annoying freshman. So, I want to say thank you to the person who is narrating these stories and P.S. you're amazing. Keep what you're doing. I don't know if you read these but if you do hi and thank you so much for helping me get through my senior year, also I am obsessed with this podcast so much :)Have a wonderful summer, enjoy the sun.
One of my favorites podcasts! I'm reviewing it on Podchaser and not in iTunes because I couldn't find a way to do so on Android. I'm from Brazil and really love your podcast! You seem like a really nice guy, even though I don't know you lol... I'm a survivalist (prepper) and I train krav maga, and I feel podcasts like yours are not only entertaining, but also help raise situational awareness in people, something really emphasized in krav maga and which importance proved itself many times in my own life. I might be a little biased as I'm from Brazil, but I lived in Boston for one year and honestly experienced quite a few scary moments there, even being a really careful person and not really wandering into the most sketchy parts of town. My impression is that many americans don't value their safety enough and overrate their neighborhood's and house's security, when they could benefit from simple things like low profile, security cameras, good locks, window bars (that can be on the indoor side so it's not so ugly), and so on... If you have a gun, that's cool, but make sure you train regularly and invest in other security layers. Your gun might be useless if you're surprised by a burglar when sleeping for instance. At least for me, no matter the cost, if I could save my life or the life of my loved ones, it's worth it. Also, many cases of violence (or worse) that happened on the streets could've been avoided if people were more alert and aware of their surroundings. It's not about being paranoid, but staying alert and being wise... If you're not sure, it's best to run and to trust your gut feeling. Well, sorry for the long text. I think that's all I had to say...All the best!
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