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20th Hour - What Is Your Favorite Market?

20th Hour - What Is Your Favorite Market?

Released Saturday, 23rd March 2024
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20th Hour - What Is Your Favorite Market?

20th Hour - What Is Your Favorite Market?

20th Hour - What Is Your Favorite Market?

20th Hour - What Is Your Favorite Market?

Saturday, 23rd March 2024
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Boston's News Radio. It's night time with Dan Ray. I'm telling you easy Boston's News Radio. All right, well, thank you very much. You know, earlier this week we spent two hours on Wednesday night talking about what I thought was a very interesting issue, and that is, when you go to the grocery store, do you wait in line to be waited on by a clerk or do you rush over to one of those self service checkout kiosks. I'm somebody who waits the line because I want to interact with a human being. And there was a fairly interesting split. We had Hiawatha bray On from the Boston Globe, who's a big kiosk guy, and we had some fun with that. By the way, just to give you some idea about some of the things we've done this week, and for those of you who who listen all the time, let me just be very quick and go through some of the subjects we've touched on this week. And I'll also like to tell you that on Monday night, we had Jeff Kosowski from Newton. His home his property was to face when somebody on Sunday morning of this week went over and ripped down posters of the hostages. We will replay that hour on what we call the Best of Night Side, which is on Sunday night at eleven o'clock. Okay, So we talked to Jeff. We talked to Anthony Moury about the thirty fourth anniversary of the Gardner Heist. We talked about Donald Trump's loose language. We had also talked earlier in the eight o'clock hour with Eric Slifka of Global Partners. We talked about our female heroes of the Revolutionary War. We talked about the potential danger of turf fields to kids. We talked about the US healthcare system. On Tuesday night, we talked with Bruce Parkman about the death of his son, which he believes was from contact sports and head injuries. I want to talk with him, I believe. On Monday night at nine o'clock, we talked with David Sitt about ADHD. We'll have a longer conversation with him some night night next week. We talked about magnet fishing with Nate de Matigny from the Cape Cod Crew. And we talked with Valerie Sokolowski, an etiquette expert. We'll have her back to talk with counselor ed Flynn about the problems with the Saint Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday. We talked then for a couple of hours about this crazy group of people who drive scooters and ATVs and bicycles who went out on the out onto the Southeast Expressway. It's amazing none of them were killed during the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. On Wednesday night, we talked about a couple of skaters from the Skating Club of Boston and nowhen who are competing in Montreal this weekend. We talked about the forgotten women of New Hampshire. We talked about Americans losing religion. We talked about corporate espionage as I mentioned. We talked with Hiawatha Bray of the Boston Globe and many of you about your preference for checkout lines or checkout kiosks. We talked about who would Robert F. Kennedy Junior picks his running mate. We'll find out that on Tuesday when he makes his announcement, makes his choice out in Oakland, California, was where that choice is going to be announced. We talked about Ouschwitz, a coming exhibit to Boston. On Thursday night, that will be at the Castle right in downtown Boston. We talked about Bamboo Nations interstate and they're now sending I believe it or not, Chinese food from some of the most popular Chinese restaurants here in Boston to people all over the country, particularly people who used to live here. We talked about a woman who competed in the Naked and Afraid series TV series named Megan Krueger. We talked with Michael Gross about the upcoming Boston Comedy Festival. Talked with last night with Mayor Seana O'Connell about the migrant crisis in Taunton, where there's a hotel down there that has now oversubscribed. We talked with Julie Sullivan last night of the Recovery Center at Brickland Women's Hospital about long COVID and we did talk last night about the death penalty for the Boston bomber, which is back in district court. We picked up on that tonight, as you know, and we also talked about this other guy who had killed two people and out of jail and has now been arrested for assaulting and robbing a woman in Rhode Island. And earlier tonight We talked about fast food prices skyrocketing. We talked to an Elton john A tribute which will happen in Boston on Saturday, April thirteenth at the Emerson Colonial Theater. We talked with a really interesting cybersecurity expert, David Mallicote earlier tonight in Bob Larson about a rainy Saturday and the whole weekend. So that's what we covered in twenty well nineteen hours. We cover a lot of topics here on Nightside. Marita, the producer of the program, puts the eight o'clock hour together, and we both we worked together on the nine to ten and the eleven, and I want more of you to participate in these issues and tell us issues that you want to see covered as well. Now, having said that, let me set up. This is the twentieth hour. We end the week Always we try to end it on a little bit of a friendly note, a fun note, something that you can talk about with friends over the weekend, and of course you always over the weekend. If you've missed any of those hours, you can find them on Night Side on demand if you would like. Now, I will go to phone calls. You got to take a break. Let me just explain what we're doing. This is a spin off from Wednesday. There were so many people who pledge their loyalty to Wegman's, or to Trader Joe's, or to Shaw's or Market Basket or Roach Brothers. So what I want you to do is tell me what is your favorite supermarket. If you have more than one, that's great. You can have a couple of votes if you have. If you happen to go, let us say to a smaller store that most of us would know, but you actually do your grocery shopping there, or most of your grocery store. There's a chance to give a plug to that store, maybe in your neighborhood. There are other people who might want to avail themselves as well. We're all we're always in favor of big a small business here on nights side, small business, not necessarily big business. Going to take a break. There's only one line open right now. Six one seven, nine, three, one ten thirty. We got Glenn, we got Joel, we got Neil, and we got room for you at six one, seven, nine three, one ten thirty. What happens on Friday nights is everybody calls in late and we end up rushing people. Uh. I'm going to try to be a little more balanced. Give people a couple of minutes to get going here. Uh. And then if you're going to call in late at five minutes of twelve, I think Rob would agree with me. We're not going to rush people. We will give everybody an equivalent amount of time on We're going to start that practice. So you've got to learn to call in earlier. It's as simple as that. Rob says his favorite is market Basket. So Rob is market Basket on the board. I split my time between Roach Brothers and Shaws, but I like market Basket. It's just a little too far from me geographically. We'll get to phone calls right after this. Let's have some fun with this. You can plug whatever grocery store and I'm going to ask you why. Maybe it's convenience, Maybe they have better prices, maybe you like the people better. It could be a million reasons. We'll be back on Nightside six one one line open. That's it. It's night Side with Dan Ray on w Boston's news radio. Okay, going right to the Phone's gonna start off with Glenn. Hey, Glenn, what's your favorite grocery store. Glenn. Yeah, I was waiting all week for this topic because I can kill several birds with one stone, opully, right, let it up. Go ahead, well, market Basket for a variety of reasons. Number one, I feel it I'm being waited on by human beings, not Automas Thoms. Yeah, like, oh, we have a policy. You know, I'll go take your partner in my mind. Absolutely, it's a family radio, So go ahead. I know, I know, but you can sense my my frustration and my anger. My church thinks I'm negative, but that's another story. I'll save that for an US call. Uh. You know, the the it made national and Rob and I were talking about this, like fourteen that strike they had, even though they're not union, that was like a union. I mean, it made the whole country aware of you know. And I supported that strike. I used to hang on the picket ly and wallsham, you know. I supported the people on the picket line. My girlfriend and I did to sue my late loved one. We were very sympathetic to the market Basket employees. Oh and also yeah, I am not a higher walls a Kiosk person. I have have I never will be. You know to check out. Oh my god, sure, and it's worth for me, I know. And it's like, I'm like, hello, people with children have mouths to feed the Let's not take away their jobs. Let me call me a curmudgeon or simple that. I know that's my problem. But no, I And then of course, you know, like I live next to a shore is and the only reason why I use it is because my homemaker doesn't have a car and she takes the T three steps. But I wish to God there was a market basket near Cleveland Circle or somewhere, you know. Good luck with that. I don't think so anytime soon, but you never know, I know it just hope springs eternal. So it's you're you're in one hundred percent of the market basket. Yeah. If I was to you know, if someone said to me, you've only got six weeks, so if you can shop, I'll pay for your groceries, your transportation, you know, but you're gonna go to market basket, I'd be like, I'm already in heaven, you know. I really that's a pretty good endorsement. And I hope market Basket heard that one. Yeah, they have great fruits. Souad watermelon, and you know they have these big containers like they're like eight bucks, but they're you know, they it's like, you know, they have peanut butter chip ice cream which is lacked days there's no milk in it. So we're good. We're good. I got you down for market basket. You and Robert Glynn. Yeah, I hope was closer to me. I would be. I would be a fan as well. I know you would stay out of the rain tomorrow. Okay, the rain doesn't bother me. It's just sew in the ice. I can live with rain. Well, you're gonna have a lot of it to live with tomorrow. That's fine. I don't mind. Keep the bound a day. Talk to you soon, all right, Connect. Let me go to Joel in Natick. Joel, you are next on Nice. I go ahead, Joel, Yeah, stand so, I have I have something to tell you. Dan. There's a market basket in Waldam, Yeah, about fifteen minutes fifteen minutes from your house. I'm there, I have been there, but but I got a Shawls, which is closer, and I got a Roach Brothers, which is closer. But what I do is every once in a while, but once a month I make the trek over there. It's it's in an awkward place to get to, by the way, it's it's not such right off. I know exactly which one you're talking about. Okay, you got to get off here and you got to turn around and all of that. It's it's it's this, this is there's a little more. It takes it. It takes a while. It takes a while. What's your favorite do you go there? I go. I don't go to the one in Waltham. I go to the one in Ashland, and I lived out in your neck of the woods. I used to go to Ashland. Yeah, it was. It was really had an older field. Did they ever like primp it up in recent times times? What market basket are saws? No? No? No, the market basket in Ashland which I used to go to, I don't think. I don't think it's changed. I don't think it's changed. Okay, well it was pretty dang, I thought back then. I used to go to shaws uh In uh In in Ashland, and and also Roach Brothers in Nannick. I liked Roach Brothers. Was a little expensive, but I liked it. Yeah, I go to what it depends on the flyers for the leak yep. And then you decide where you're going to go first. Yep. So if I go shopping, it's usually Ashland hit Shaws in market Basket. At the same time, absolutely, I get it. You want to be smart, you want to plan it out, that's for sure, and stopping shopping, stopping shopping, you buy your groceries there, and then you can use the money to get a discount on gasoline itself. Yeah, well there's yeah, there's different deals and stuff like that. I've never quite figured that one out because I tend to get my my guess at on Root nine, at Gary's Victory Station there right across on Root nine heading westbound, just after you'd cross over Route one twenty eight, he's the he's on the right hand side. And then that's a that's a mobile station. It's a mobile has deals too, I mean, no, no, no, no, no. It simply says it's not a mobile station. It says Victory. Yes, it's it's it's you know, it's an independent. But the first of all, Gary is a great guy, and it's also it's convenient for me. That's fine. And the price you can't beat the price. I think last Sunday I filled up and I think it was three h three or something like that. I mean, so well, when is convenience saving gas, that's the best place to go. You bet it, you bet you? Hey, thank you in the note, I enjoyed seeing you a couple of weeks ago and finally meeting you, and I hope you're enjoying the coffee mug. I haven't tried it out yet, but it's great. It's the great color. I enjoying very much. Excellent. I'm so great. I'm so glad you're able to. I'm you're able to well. I enjoyed it. Thank you for the for the invitation, my friend, and please say ahead everybody who was there for me. Okay, okay, you take care by shoe, got you soon, all right, So we're giving everybody a good shot. Here. Let's keep rolling. Going to go to Neil in Watertown. Hey, Neil, welcome back. How are you, sir Dan? I misheard the instructions, but it's could I have a little latitude. It's not a it's not an absolutely absolutely, this is this is we're we're free and easy here of these all right? No, oh, go ahead, just misheard it. But anyway, from around nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty four, I would go to Bailey's in Harvard Square, and on the hottest days, it was freezing in there. But I like that because I could bring us so I always had a sweater wrapped around me. That's the old you're talking about, the old ice cream Bailey's, right, Yes, the one they great ice cream. There was one in downtown Boston, at least one in downtown Boston too, right, and what and I would get a hot fudg Sunday and then I would on the residue with this moon I would stir it into coffee. I get the coffee afterwards sand water. But what I really liked about it was they had unobtrusive music. I guess what some people would call pejoratively elevated music. But I liked it because it's because I went there to read and they had good tables, and they had and it was very cold, and the guys who worked there, they worked in their shirtsleeves. But I guess they must have got acclimated to it. Sure, well, I don't consider and again, you're not breaking any rules here, but what we're talking about more is sort of like your favorite grocery store, Bailey's. Are they now out of business? By the way, long ago, there's a there's a rule of the universe. If I like something, they go out of business. I'm in the same way with you. My other rule is never get in line behind me at a supermarket, because that will be the place where the cash register finally seize us up or it's someone. Yeah, I al would say, never get behind me in line at a at a grocery show. What about a grocery store. What's your favorite grocery store? Well, I'm I don't mean this majoratively, but I'm indifferent. I go to Stop and Shopping because I live near it. I wasn't If people like to talk that, that's fine, But I I go to and I think it's very plausible when they say people are going to shop live, because I can see how that could happen. Oh so you're you're a Kiosk guy. Okay, yeah, but it's not because I just have my own I kind of have my own thoughts. I'm not unfriendly, but I don't. Yeah, well, what happens for me? I go to a couple that are well the one I go to most regularly is shaw Is because it's it's close and it has everything I need. But there's also they have some really nice women who are who are you? Who are on the registers And there's as barber and there's a carinne uh and Donna and I to know those people, and you know they they greet me, I greet them. I feel comfortable and this it's a I I you know again, it's it's it's not the fanciest place, not Wegman's or anything like that, but hey, it works works for me. So wherever you're comfortable, it's a comfort thing, right all right, Well, Neil, I got you down. You got to plug in for Bailey's. But but I'm it was like a good place to read a book and nothing wrong. It was a good place to get ice cream. I remember it well. Yes. As a matter of fact, I will tell you that my Dave Powers once told me. Dave Powers, who was President Kennedy's longtime aid that whenever that Bailey's was the I remember talking with him about it, that Bailey's was the favorite ice cream shop of Senator and then President John Kennedy and whenever came to Boston. He would he had always want to stop. He was a bit of an ice cream guy, according to Dave Powers. So you're in good company, Neil. Thank you much for your call. Thank you very much. Thank you for leaving Leminis. Thank you appreciate it. Here's Laurie and Idaho check it in. Oh, she's gonna tell me. I'm gonna guess you're gonna tell me Albertson's I'm calling to shake up your ink blots. Dude, I'm ready, go ahead, Laurie, Hannaford, I loved Hanniford. Well, market basket, Well, I'm so old, and I the Moules market basket, yeah, before the split and the family whole thing there. And the thing is my grocery trips. I can never get everything at one sport whatever. So my two were market Basket, Hanneford market baskets. Everyone well, three out of four people have mentioned market basket, and I also robbed it, So market basket is uh is doing real well? Here I threw I mentioned market Basket, but I go often to a Shawge because of its geographic convenience, and I like roach brothers. If if I have to buy, it's a good store. Yeah, well, Roach Brothers is high end quality. You pay a little bit more, but it's better selection. It's a bigger store. And if you want to get in my opinion, fish or you know, whether it's scallops or a haddock meat market, actually buy it. Yeah. Yeah, So isn't Albertson a big, big chain out there in Idaho or not? Oh it's huge. I think it's actually centered in Boise. So I'm I'm surrounded here with a safe Way. I don't think. I don't know if we've an Albertson but safe Way and but Albertson, Shaws, you know all these? Would you know that Alberson now owns Shaws? I do yep, Albert and Shaws and Star I believe, yes, I think. And so we have a Safeway here, I don't. I don't shop at it. I never and I you know, I guess I didn't have Shaws or anything close up because I was out in Chelmsford there there was a great Handifford in Chelmsford. Hanniford bought out some of the Purity Supremes, but not all of them there. I don't think there were any Purity Supremes left. No, no, they're gone. They're gone. But before I left, but there was the Hanniffers out of Maine. They were in lower southern Maine. They they bought out some of it, but they had They went went to congres. They were in Chelmsford. It is where I always used to shop, and I like them. It was it was both of them, I would say equally, because what I couldn't get it one, I could get it the other. And that kind. I also think that there was a Hanniffer's right, and if I'm not mistaken, but I might be and never shopped there, but there might have been beca that one. When are we going to get you to come back home? Or right? Come on? I know you love Idaho. Yes I do, well, I have to. I am just coming up in April one year from my first hip replacement, and so then the second was in July. So traveling a whole lot. I don't think until I get doctors say so, because the biggest thing is in the first year. If you get an infection, anytime of infection or a blood infection in your body, there's something about a hip that if you get an infection in the hip, your your new hip is gone and you have no hips and it's betty great. I've had no trouble with it, none whatsoever. But my first, my first, the annual follow up is the end of April. April. But I think that was that was an insane That was an insane story out of Boise the other day with the two Oh my god, yes, how close are you have got thankfully eight to ten hours by car, And so I'm thinking, all right, if you're gonna do your idiotic thing and and shot cops, I mean what And so I'm thinking, all right, I hear the Mexican border is really porous. Maybe it goes both ways. Go that way, don't head for the Canadian border, because I'm an hour from the Canadian border. Well, they now say, but they did, They now think that, they now think there were two murders that these these scumbags committed. Uh wheah. They were on the loose for thirty six hours, yep. And they headed from Boise to Twin Falls, which fortunately is south what is is a long state north. Yeah, so they fortunately they went south from Boise and they went down that way. But yeah, that was definitely a lock the doors locked the cars situation. So you were, you were on alert at that point. I mean, there's that was a huge story we heard. We heard all about it back here. So what town do you they came in? What town do you win? Pardon? I'm in Santa Point Standpoint and that we're up just we're an hour just south of the Canadian border Standpoint, Lake Condera. I asked you that once before. Yeah, why would they call it a town in Idaho Sandpoint because I got to assume there's not a lot of beaches, and I mean, I know you're landlocked right the bane of my existence. I vowed from the time I was a teenager, I would never live in a landlocked state. But we won't go there. Lake Condere, huge lake, big lake, one of the top ten in the United States, not man made. They are so deep to the southern part of the lake. And we're standpoints about an hour from the Canadian border. So if you go down south Farragut State Park, I think if you if you look at that, they used to do submarine testing and training down in the lower part of the lake. It was so deep because they could wow, I know, right, quick question asked you asked? I got I get a quick question if you go over, if you go north to go into Canada. You were in Western Canada. First of all, do you just that there's not a border crossing. I assume you just drive in. I've not gone that far. I'm hoping there, but it's kind of like New Hampshire. It's a really short one. And I don't think our governor is anything like mister you know, my friend, my love of my life, God Chris new I don't think they're it's a pretty narrow border, but we're calgo. No. I know the shape of the state is up there. It looks like it's about ten miles across or something. But when you get into Canada, I assume there's not much up there. It's it's wilderness. No, it's it's kind of wilderness. You come down to your border boundary county. You've been down into Bonner County and yeah, we're yeah, all right, Well I will let you go get healthy, stay healthy. And I got you down for Hannifit and market basket. Okay, thank you, Thanks Lorie, talk to you soon. Good night. We're gonna take quick break six one, seven, two, five, four to ten thirty. Those lines are full. There is one line open at six one, seven, nine, three, one ten thirty. Good response to this. Let's keep it going. Who's next? We got Kelly and Danvers. She's coming up next. I haven't talked to Kelly in a while. Matthew and Pembroke, Dennis and Everett, Katherine in Somerville one. There's a little room for you if you want to sneak in right now. Six one, seven, nine, ten thirty keeps night size with Boston's News Radio. Thank you very much, Alt Grif. Let's go to Kelly and Danvers. Kelly, we haven't talked in a while. How are you tonight? Hi? Dan? How are you great? Mischief? Where you been everything? Okay? How do you remember me? I only called you once before. I remember people. I got a good memory. Kelly, go right ahead. And I was living in Salem at the time. Okay, yeh is not There's not a lot of people out there who's calling named Kelly. But go right ahead with Kelly. You love to hear with all right, So yeah, Trader Joe's is my favorite favorite. Okay. But I'll buy certain things, like you know, water, like twenty four packs of poland spring from market Basket because they usually have the best price on that. But you know, uh, Trader Joe's. In fact, a month and a half after we spoke at the end of September last time, the first time I spoke to you, I took off on a nine thousand mile trip and weeks across country and then back here, and I would stop at a lot of the Trader Joe's across the country, like New Mexico, and I spent quite a bit of time in La Joya, the Trader Joe's in La Joya. Yeah, I know, La Joya, California. They got a great beach out there called Black's Beach. Okay, yeah, specific beach was really cool, I thought. But yeah, I spent quite a bit in the trader in the La Joya area, at that Trader Joe's for a while. And then I mean, I did you know a sort of a midlife adventure. Now, did you travel alone or did you go with something with a friend? Yeah, no, it was really I look back and I can't believe I did that, but yeah it was. It was just a spontaneous emotional journey. And how long how long were you away? How many days? How many weeks? It was nine thousand miles in five weeks that I actually did. There was a lot of driving. Yeah, that's okay. So you did how many states did you? Did you visit? How many states? I was At one point I was going through the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. That was I have like different memories. I wish I had documented it better, but I just I it was sort of a just a spiritual emotional thing I did. So. Yeah, I went through you know, I shaded a night in West Virginia when I was coming home. You know, I went for you. Yeah, I did a lot. But I spent some quite a bit of time in San Diego. I was looking for a place up there. Maybe I was going to stay out there, but Trader Joe, Yeah, I remember the New Mexico one I hit over there. Yeah. But you know something, I admire your spirit of adventure, Kelly. Welcome home, and I'm going to look for I'm going to look for another call from me. Maybe will some night. We'll talk about travel tips, okay. Yeah, And you know, if anybody's looking to do cash over, it's called jaws and stop and shop and Traded Joe's at the three grocery stores that you can do that. It's not cash back, it's cash over. What does cash over mean? I don't know what that means. That's with your Discover caide instead of going into an ATM or something. You can do it like a it's you know, no fees involved. You can get a certain amount of money back. You know. Good to know. That's good to know. Kelly, Kelly, thank you much, so great to hear you your voice. And some night we're going to talk about road trips and you're going to call in on that, okay, some twentieth hour. Yeah, I get a chuckle. I listen, and I haven't listened to you in a while, but I get a chuckle. I love hearing all the different callers and the different avenues that people take in them. Well too, you took a unique one, that's for sure. We'll talk to and I got to get a whole bunch of other folks before then. Yeah. Absolutely, thanks for taking my call. And you have a good week, nice weekend, you too, is stay dry? Okay, stay dry. Let's go next to Matthew and Pembrokekay, Matt, welcome next on night Side. Hey Dan, I just want to say thank you first of all for having a nice ride home at eleven o'clock every night. Its avenue to listen to. But my favorite place is market Basket, you know the feta cheese. I go there, it's five bucks. I go to stop and shop right down the street from my house and it's nine dollars. Everything is just more reasonable. It's a little further away from me, Yeah, but it's worth the trip. So market Basket. Market Basket is running away with this tonight with my listeners. Yeah. So I was there six months ago with my fourteen year old son and this guy's got to tie on. He's pushing a cat and he's someone you know. He's looking at the packages, he's putting stuff in his cot and he comes over. He says, how are you? I said good. He says, what your name? I said, Matthew Charlice. He says, and this is my son, Anthony. I said, what's your name? He's I think it is first name, but it's mister Jim. And we started talking for about ten minutes and I just really enjoyed his company. He was fun to talk with and it's just an average what a great story. So he's the owner. Yeah, yeah, so I got to the register. I said, do you guys even know that you know, mister Demolis is here, and they're all like, no, he was just shopping, you know. So And if I can get off the subject for one second, I couldn't. I didn't have time to call in. So in Pembroke here my son's friends and they drive dirt bikes and his friend bought a seven thousand dollars dirt bike and they got stolen. Well they found out. They got one of the bikes back and it's the crowd you were talking about. The other bike they weren't able to retrieve. But the reason they don't want to go to their house is because they carry guns. So this is the group of people and they go to the suburbs and they steal the bikes to give you an edge up, and they got a phone. The parents got a phone call about a month ago. I don't know what's going on yet, but the state police was supposed to get the numbers off the bike and then call the whoever the owner of the bike was, and they would have been able to get the bike. Well, it's eight months it's been in storage and now storage wants six thousand dollars. That's where it's at now. So, but it's a bad group of people doing this, and they're carrying guns too, and they're stealing bikes, just folks you want in your neighborhood. Well, I would suggest if anyone out there who has one of those bikes, make sure it's on the lock and key, make sure that it's in the garage, it's not stored outside. Uh And and you got to protect it because obviously it has value to those folks and if if they've done it to you, they'll do it to someone else. Great, great suggestion, man, that's very helpful. And I know you have plenty of other people you want to get online. Thanks for the call, Matt, Thanks very much. And I got to buy you a radio so you can not only can you listen to the car, but you can listen at home. Well, my good friend Ed who you talk to, we get the radio going at work sometimes excellent, excellent. All right, thanks, thank you much, talk to you soon. Good bye, bye bye, take quick breaking and everybody in Dennis, Captain, Karen and Cheryl. You were all set. We only have one line open, op it's just filled up. Coming back on night side you're on night Side with Ray on Wston's news radio. We're going to try to get five people in real quickly. Let us keep, let's grow, let's roll here with Dennis and ever. Dennis, you're gonna leave the parade for us here, wrapping it up. Go ahead, Dennis, all right, damn, we're going with Market Basket number reagion. You know they get good food. The employees are good. Everything's good. Everything's good there. The prices are good. But I must admit I don't get all my stuffs there because you know, when I just need a couple of items, I don't run the market Basket. That's okay. You know you are. You were with the pack here tonight. Market Basket is running away with this traded. Joe's been mentioned, I mentioned, someone mentioned Shaw's Stop and Shop. But Market Basket is the leader of the pack. Dennis, this is interesting. It is the most popular grocery store a month's nightside is. But I got a few more. Let's see if anybody can even come close. How can you beat him? All right, Dennis, have a great weekend and stay dry tomorrow. Okay, it's gonna be a rough day tomorrow. Thanks Pal, appreciate it. Next up Catherine in Somerville. Hello Catherine, welcome next on Nightside. How are you good? Hi? Dan? Market basket is my number one store. Wow, this is like almost a clean sweeper. No, you can't beat them, just like the guy before me said. And I can't go to the store myself now physically I'm house bound because of surgery. And my daughter orders my food to me online. So did they deliver? They don't deliver. It has to be done through instacot. Oh right, yeah, my daughter uses that. My daughter is that she's up in Maine, if you can believe it. She doesn't have a market basket pick stuff up for you. So Instacart picks your stuff up. They have somebody to win as my apartment and they bring it to your apartment. And what do they charge you? Do they charge you? I have my daughter won't tell me. I know it must be expensive. Loves you very much in order to do that, Thank God, because I don't know what I would do. I would have no food. Well, good for you, Good for you, Catherine, and good for good for having raised that's your good daughter. Yes, she's my only child. I miss her so much. I may end up living up in Maine. I'm not sure. I'm thinking if if you move to me and and want to keep listening to Night Side, okay, oh, I'll never give up nights Side. I listened to you every night and just quick before I know, you have to get to someone else. I have some ideas for your first hour. Who do I get in touch with? How do I do that? I don't have a computer armist. No, no, I'm going to give you his stay in the line. Rob will give you my direct line. Okay. I have called Tuesday. If I don't pick the phone up, I'll call you back, okay, okay, all right, and be advised that when I call people back sometimes it's going to show private or no, nothing shows them. I'm on an old fashioned William line. That's fine. Then they tell you get that I will get back. All you have to do is you you give your phone to Rob. But Rob will also give my phone to you. Okay, uh, and you give me a call Monday Tuesday, and I'll call you back and we'll see what we come up with. Okay. So will I talk to Rob now? Or yeah, don't hang up. I'm not going to cut you off. I'm just going to put you on hold and Rob is going to take over and he'll talk to you and he'll give you my direct line. Okay, okay, thank you so much, Dan, I appreciate that. Can look forward to talking to next week. Let me go next to Cheryl down in Florida. Hi, Sheryl, welcome back. How are you idea? How are you glad you got through? Yeah? Well, you know, I lived in Bilrica for twenty two years and I had three market baskets to choose from the market basket capital of the world. Right, Oh my god. Yeah, but they're the best store now in Florida, obviously, I shot and Whole Foods. No, I don't do Win Dixie, and I've never been to all these either, so I don't know it's good. But yeah, so so so down there you're doing which did you say public public? Oh yeah, that's a big one down there too. Yeah, that's a big Whole Foods. Yeah, they're really good, especially with the buy wouldn't get one? Oh my gosh, it's amazing what you can say. But when I'm up in Massachusetts, we do market best and Whole Foods. All right, we got we got you down here. We got you down here. Show great to hear your voice. Are you have you relocated now to Florida? Is that where you live? In the h I live down here now, I'm down and I was in winter Park for seven years. And yeah I'm in Boca. I've had this condo for twenty eight years. But oh, you've got We're going to have a rainy day tomorrow up here. It's going to just spa well. I think I think we're gonna have it worse than you guys. I think it's coming up from your direction. Okay, yeah, oh my god. Today all day we just had thunder come through. It is horrible. Okay, all right, get it tomorrow. Thanks joy, great to your voice, Colonny time have a great one. That bye bye. Okay, So we're gonna try here. We get two in. Gary. You got to help me out because they want to get Christine in as well. Go ahead, Gary, I give you three items up bread Julie two fifty four loaf compared to the other staws bout two bucks more macaroni and cheese. It's something with your feed up brought to your kids. Adults sixty sus for a box for seven ounces. Last one the bakery. And I'll tell you how it's not just buying a bakery products at full price, it's when they go one day old. This that I was at McDonald's earlier tonight. I dropped off a big, giant layer cake. Got it for ten dollars. The price was twenty five dollars. It was reduced. I said, guys, have a ball in joy. They give me all my diet cokes on the house and I said, oh my god, it's very generous. Ten bucks and it was like a day or two days old. The cake. What do you thick? Oh sounds to me like you're making friends wherever you go. Gary, great suggestion. Again, Market Basket is the overwhelming favorite of nightside listeners. It's as simple as that. Thanks Gary, Nope, thanks Bell'll have a good weekend, stay dry. Christine and Debt and we're gonna wrap it with Christine. One of my favorite calls. Christ I mean, who is it in Denham that that you loyal to? We are always shot at Roach Brothers. I lived right up behind them on Rockbury on Tenna Street. The Roach Brothers. Yeah, I go over there quite a bit. That's really I mentioned Roach Brothers. But and Roach Brothers is great, but I'll tell you that the old one when street right across from the fire station right now, they have a new They just moved it down Center Street, so there's but was ten years ago. The parking lot's a little bit better. I think the old one now is a CVS or something like that, if I'm not mistaken, right right, Yeah, So I think that even though you voted for Roach Brothers, the vast majority of my call is went market Basket tonight, so we're in the minority. I threw a voting for Roach Brothers and Shaws, so I lost as well. But yes, it was a fun conversation, Christine. Great to hear your voice stayed dry and more. It's going to be a miserable day. But guess what mart showers will bring? Mayflowers they say, or something like that. Okay, that's right, Thanks Christine, have a great weekend. All right, Thank you so much. We had a pretty good week this week on Nightside. I want to thank everyone who called. Calls are just so important to a talk show. Believe me, your point of view is what I want to hear. I can always tell you what I think I want to hear, what you think. I want to thank Rob for a good week, want to thank Marita. I want to thank callers and listeners. Please tell your friends about Nightside this weekend. If you want to catch up on any past Nightsides, go to Nightside on demand on your computer and you can listen. Just roll them back and you'll see what your favorite hour is. I am done for the night. We will be having our best of Nightside on Sunday night at eleven o'clock. We'll be talking about the family whose posters, whose hostage posters were destroyed last weekend. My name is Dan RAYEO Dogs, all cats, all pets go to heaven. That's my pal Charlie Rays who passed in February fourteen years ago. That's why your pets are past. They loved you and you love them. I do believe you're gonna see them again. I hope see again tomorrow, Well not tomorrow night, I hope see again on Monday night and nights that. Have a great weekend, everyone, Everyone, stay dry and stay safe. Dan right, love you guys.

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