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On Being Muslim: Wisdom from The Risale-i Nur

Zeyneb Sayilgan, PhD

On Being Muslim: Wisdom from The Risale-i Nur

A weekly Religion, Spirituality and Islam podcast

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On Being Muslim: Wisdom from The Risale-i Nur

Zeyneb Sayilgan, PhD

On Being Muslim: Wisdom from The Risale-i Nur

On Being Muslim: Wisdom from The Risale-i Nur

Zeyneb Sayilgan, PhD

On Being Muslim: Wisdom from The Risale-i Nur

A weekly Religion, Spirituality and Islam podcast
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Study Islam through the wisdom of the Risale-i Nur- a Qur'an commentary by Bediüzzaman Said Nursi. His work offers rich insights on God, life, and the human condition. 

A podcast hosted by Dr. Zeyneb Sayilgan

Bediüzzaman Said Nursi (1876-1960) was an outstanding Muslim scholar. He was born in the village of Nurs near the city of Bitlis in the Kurdish region of the Ottoman Empire (modern Türkiye). Said Nursi dedicated his entire life to learning and teaching the message of the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s example (God's peace and blessings be upon him). His life work the Risale-i Nur - The Message of Light - aims to cultivate knowledge, certainty, and love of God. Said Nursi’s vision was to bring back awareness of God into the center of human life. During a time in which religion was banned from all areas of public and private life, he showed how the Book of the Universe or nature can open windows to the Divine. His lifelong struggle was committed to saving and strengthening belief (iman) in God and the afterlife. 

To prove God's existence, Said Nursi followed the dual Qur'anic model as stated in Chapter 51 verses 20-21. Both the outward world (macrocosmos) and the inward human world (microcosmos) testify to the existence of an All-Wise, All-Powerful, and Compassionate Creator. 

In terms of the macro world, he was keen to stress that religion and science complement each other. As evident throughout Islamic history, scientific inquiry was a means to come closer to God and seek sacred knowledge about the Divine. His 6000-page Risale is full of reference to various branches of knowledge: from astronomy, biology, and geography to physics and chemistry - Said Nursi regarded the sciences as a window to God or as a manifestation of the beautiful Divine Names (asma al-husna). In terms of introspection - the micro world - he wrote extensively about how the human condition of existential weakness and spiritual poverty revealed the Creator. 

With God’s guidance, Said Nursi was able to speak to people from all walks of life. They were able to benefit from the Risale and its vast knowledge about God.

Until the very end of his life, he was perceived as a threat and enemy to the state. Public authorities regarded his Risale as an attempt to undermine their aggressive secularization project. Its aim was to eradicate all traces and expressions of religion. Said Nursi spent most of his life in exile or prison. Despite all injustices and attempts to silence him, he succeeded in his non-violent struggle and set an example of positive action for many generations to come. His legacy continues through the writings and teachings of his Risale-i Nur which has been translated into more than 50 languages and gained a worldwide readership.

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For an excellent introduction read Exploring Islam: Theology and Spiritual Practice in America by Salih Sayilgan

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Podcast Details

Created by
Zeyneb Sayilgan, PhD
Podcast Status
Mar 6th, 2022
Latest Episode
Jan 23rd, 2025
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
38 minutes

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