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Three Dimensions of 9 - A

Three Dimensions of 9 - A

Released Wednesday, 10th January 2018
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Three Dimensions of 9 - A

Three Dimensions of 9 - A

Three Dimensions of 9 - A

Three Dimensions of 9 - A

Wednesday, 10th January 2018
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Cinepoem, combined teaser of 3 works:

Every fragment in this universe contains the whole.

Three realities of 9:

New Vague City is a tv show in the US: a micro-reality.

Corpus Enigma is a film-myth in Roma: the meta-reality.

A is the macro exploration of human civilisation
and its evolution, distortion and amnesia.

All three works are interconnected, they hold and feed into each other through the missions I undertake in 3 different geographies and timelines. I am poised on, stripping off the estrangement, abstractions nailed on the core faculty that is present in every human being, yet, which also remains distorted or even unrecognised: the spirit.. true manifestation of the individual.

The spirit, I speak of is not a given. It’s not a religious contract. It must be formed and nurtured in the cauldron of life with resistance. My life is a film, yes, the camera is my pen and cinematographic medium is where I unite all my powers of the image, sound and words. Moreover, the film is the very plate upon which I form my spirit in the immediacy and simultaneous complexity of its meta-language, in the speed of life as we experience and open endless footnotes of insights...



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