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Profit with Law: Profitable Law Firm Growth

Moshe Amsel

Profit with Law: Profitable Law Firm Growth

A weekly Business, Marketing and Entrepreneur podcast

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Profit with Law: Profitable Law Firm Growth

Moshe Amsel

Profit with Law: Profitable Law Firm Growth

Profit with Law: Profitable Law Firm Growth

Moshe Amsel

Profit with Law: Profitable Law Firm Growth

A weekly Business, Marketing and Entrepreneur podcast
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Small Law Firms often start from the practice of law and not as a business venture. This ends up causing the growth of the firm to be much longer and more painful than it needs to be. If you started a Law Firm with the intention of increasing your impact, freeing up your time and having all the money you will ever need then the strategies we discuss will be priceless for you. Profit with Law is a show focused on the business of running a law firm as a profitable venture. Packaging and pricing your services, getting clients consistently, growing your staff in a way that feels good to you and implementing systems and technology to set yourself up for success are all discussions you will find here on the show. Moshe Amsel the host of the Profit with Law podcast is not an attorney. He has spent 20 years as an executive in the IT industry before becoming an accountant and business advisor for small businesses. As the owner of a successful accounting firm DreamBuilder Financial and Law Firm Growth coaching organization Profit with Law, Moshe has proven that there are better and different ways for a law firm to do business and be successful. Our mission is to empower all people with wealth creation so that this and future generations can lead a better life. We’d love nothing more than to do this by helping law firm owners on their journey. A law firm is not for practice it’s for profit! 

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Podcast Details

Created by
Moshe Amsel
Podcast Status
Mar 23rd, 2019
Latest Episode
Dec 12th, 2024
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
About 1 hour

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