There are billions of people in the world all with varying thoughts, opinions and experiences. In this episode we discuss some differences we have between us and our fellow humans on this planet, some minor and some major. We focus on ways we can minimize those differences or at a minimum understand and respect them.
In life there are times when we are super motivated and there are times when we get complacent, slow down or simply stop advancing. We encourage our listeners to keep things moving daily. No matter how small the progress, take steps to constantly better yourself on a daily basis. Keep your body moving, keep your min... more
We've been away for a while, but we are back and ready to 'chop it up' with America. The start of a new year allows us to reflect on our past and contemplate the prospects for our future. We're excited to be doing things a little differently with the show. It might be scary, it might be uncomfortable, but in order t... more
What's the difference between ambition and greed? We should all want to live up to our fullest potential and attain our personal goals. However, when we cross the line and begin to allow possessions and materialistic items to drive our actions, we descend into the pit of greed. We end up hurting ourselves and... more
In this episode we discussed whether or not you can do All things great All the time. Striking a good balance is what we feel is the winning formula. You must know when to go hard and when to pull back. Endeavor to do great at what you do, but just know that it is ok to say NO to somethings to make sure you aren't miss... more
Too often we take our physical health for granted until it's too late. Make sure you go to medical professionals not just when your health fails, but regularly for preventative maintenance. Your health is your responsibility!
When we are young, we are told what to learn and how. As we get older, we often develop an adverse reaction toward learning and resist it. We should always seek knowledge and strive to learn something new every day of our lives be it for a specific reason or to just keep expanding our horizons.
In this episode we discuss Being a Great Role Model and preparing our young Kings for life. Leading by example and showing our Young Kings Love and preparing them for the future..
It’s not easy discussing racial issues in this country. The topic evokes passions, fear and even anger by merely mentioning issues that touch us personally. We can’t run away from this topic, rather we should be brave enough to engage in open, honest discussions with those unlike ourselves. If we do that and even attem... more
In this episode we are going to discussed the fact that we must learn to Agree to Disagree.. There are so many areas of life of which this can be applied. You do not always have to be right, prove your point, change others opinion. There are times when you MUST, Agree to Disagree.
Music is personal. It may reach millions, but everyone feels it in their own specific way. In this episode we talk about the impact of music in our lives and how it has the ability to transform us to times in our lives that we cherished, adored, mourned or loved. Let the music play and fill you with its intended passio... more
Let the goals begin in the New Year! Be sure to set attainable goals this year. Most Importantly, complete those that you have been working on. If goals are measurable, actionable and attainable they are achievable.. Make it a Great Year.
If you are able to help others, and choose to do so, what kind of ‘giver’ will you be? When you give, you should do so cheerfully. You can’t over analyze the motives of the people you are helping. If you aren’t comfortable with the people you are helping or feel you have been taken advantage of, it’s okay to say no to ... more
The Holiday season is upon us. We are speaking about Happy Times and Holiday Traditions. It is such a wonderful time of the Year. Have Fun and Make Memories!
At some point in our lives, we will all experience some form of loss. It is healthy to grieve and cry and be sad. If, however, you find that the grieving process is prolonged or leading to depression, don’t be afraid to seek help. You don’t have to deal with it alone.
Don't go along with things that you know are not right... If you see something, say something! Stand for what is right and don't support people doing wrong , even when it's someone you normally support.. You are doing an individual a disservice if you are complicit with their wrong doing!
Set a goal and strive to achieve it. Start something new and if need be start over. Work toward something bigger than yourself or toward something that benefits others. Whatever the case may be, try to live your life with a purpose each and every day. You will end up enriching your own life and possibly the lives of ot... more